I Can Wait for You
It has been a week since Ash's victory at the Indigo Plateau and Misty was lying in bed bored out of her mind. Ash was currently distracted in the kitchen, most likely by food, and Pikachu was curled up in his makeshift bed next to door asleep. Ash was supposed to back ages ago and she was tired of waiting, so Misty decided to turn on the tv. After she pressed the power button, the same woman that interviewed Ash after his victory popped up on the screen.
"Good Evening! My name is Britney White of Delphox News and I'm here to talk about the now Indigo Plateau Champion and aspiring Pokémon Master, Ash Ketchum." Suddenly, Misty could hear footsteps rapidly ascend the staircase, and eventually, Ash came crashing through the bedroom door.
"What do you think your..."
"SHUUUUSH! I'm trying to listen." Ash rudely interrupted Misty as he flopped down beside her on the bed. Misty rolled her eyes in response and curled up closer next to him.
"Ash has been wandering the Pokémon world since he was 10 and is closer to achieving his childhood dream then he has ever before. When I asked him if he would be competing for the title of Pokémon Master, this is what the young man had to say."
A video caught by the woman's cameraman showed up on the screen and began to replay the events from the previous day.
"I didn't come all this way and travel this long to end my journey here. I'm going all the way!" The Ash on-screen exclaimed as he brought his girlfriend into a kiss. The woman then returned to the screen after the video ended and continued on.
"Well, there you have it, folks. Ash Ketchum has been looking forward to this moment since he started his Pokémon journey and his fans couldn't be happier for him. In fact, he has such a massive following that they have dubbed him the People's Master and with Ash's first battle only a few weeks away, I know I'm looking forward to it." The woman then smiled directly into the camera.
"Ash, if you're listening, just know that we're rooting for you. This is Britney White signing off." The news channel then took a break for commercials.
Misty reached over and turned off the tv. After she laid the remote back down, she looked over to Ash who was now staring at her with the biggest grin on his face.
"Did you hear that? They call me the People's Master." Ash stated giddily.
"The People's Moron more like it." Misty smirked as a small giggle escaped her lips.
Ash wanted to laugh but instead pretended to be offended. "Woooooow! I didn't think Misty Waterflower had it in her to be jealous."
Ash loved to tease Misty this way and watch her become riled up. To him, it was worth it, despite the fact that he would have to do deal with the explosion that would soon follow.
"I'm not jealous!" Misty exclaimed. She knew what Ash was doing and she hated the fact that it worked every single time he did it.
"Are too."
"Are not."
"Are too!"
"Are not!"
"Are too!"
"ARE..." Misty stopped herself, took a deep breath, and the pair began to laugh together.
"Can you believe we're both 25 years old and we still do this?"
"Honestly... no." Ash chuckled as he leaned in closer. "And I wouldn't have it any other way." The raven-haired man then slowly brought Misty into a quick kiss.
"Yeah right." Misty giggled once the kiss was over.
"No, I'm serious. It's just a part of our charm. I'm as dense as a rock and you have the temper of an active volcano!" Ash exclaimed as he started to die of laughter.
Misty growled at Ash playfully and punched him in the shoulder while she laughed along with him. "That's not funny!"
"Then why are you laughing?" Ash asked as he wiped a tear from his eye.
Misty started to retort but could only sigh. She knew that she had been beaten. "Touché." Misty smirked as she grabbed Ash by his shirt collar and yanked him into another kiss.
It was soft and sensual at first, but the kiss soon built up speed and intensity and turned into a full-on make-out session.
Ash tightly held the back of Misty's head with his left hand while he had his right wrapped around her waist. Misty, however, had both of her arms wrapped around his neck and was busy running her hands through Ash's hair and up and down his back. Soon enough, their tongues entered each other's mouths and began to explore the area's they had already seen many times before. They loved it. They craved it.
Ash slowly lowered Misty onto the bed and started to make his way from her mouth down to her neck. Misty was just about to let out a moan when her eyes shot wide open and she jumped out of bed.
"Ash you know that's off limits!" Misty exclaimed angrily as she covered her lower region. "I told you I want to wait!"
"I-I'm sorry." Ash rubbed his neck and bowed his head in shame. "I just got carried away."
"Well don't let the shit happen again! It's hard enough without you doing things like that." Misty pouted.
Ash looked up and stared at Misty before he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed. Ash then reached forward and pulled Misty closer to him. As she sat down next to him, Ash wrapped his arms around her while she rested her head in the crook of his neck.
They sat like that for a while just thinking. 'Should I say something?' They both asked themselves. Eventually, Misty let out a sigh before breaking the silence.
"What made you do that? You haven't ever before."
Ash looked Misty in the eyes nervously and took in a deep breath. He kept it in for a while before he finally gave in and exhaled. He then began. "I just... I just wish that I could... you know." Misty started to giggle at his nervousness.
"Ash you shouldn't be ashamed to talk about sex, especially with me. We've been dating for 3 years and you obviously aren't against the idea." Misty teased playfully.
Ash blushed at this and hesitantly nodded in agreement. "Look... I know that you want to wait and I'm completely okay with that..." Ash paused for a second and took another deep breath before exhaling once more. "but I can't help but feel bad that I can't... that I can't please you it that way... and show you just how much I love you."
Ash let out another sigh, this time deeper. "The only reason I haven't proposed to you is because of all the traveling and training. It's just not the right time and I don't know if it ever will be."
Misty looked up and stared into Ash's eyes while she rubbed his back soothingly. "Ash, first of all, I know how much you love me. You don't have to prove anything to me when it comes to that. Second of all, if I've waited 25 years then I can wait a little while longer. I mean, it is my choice to wait after all." They both let out a small chuckle after that.
Misty then let out a small sigh. "Just pleeeeeease don't feel bad, Ash. I'm okay with this. What we have... is perfect. For now, just the thought of what we will have after we are finally married is enough for me." After she said this, a mischievous grin crossed the redhead's face as she ran her hand down Ash's chest and down to his stomach. "However, if that changes... I promise to let you know."
Ash continued to stare into Misty's eyes as a blush shot across his face. "I love you, Mist."
"I love you too, Ash." As tears began to form in the corners of both of their eyes, the two came together for a hug. They embraced each other in pure silence and passion before Misty remembered something Ash had said.
She pulled away and wiped away some tears before lightly slapping Ash across the face. "What the hell was that for?" Ash exclaimed in shock.
"That was for doubting your ability's as a Pokémon Trainer. Ash, I have known you since the age of 10 and you have grown so much since then as both a person and a trainer. I know you can do this."
Ash looked down at the ground. "And what if I don't? What if I fail just like I always have? What then?"
Misty reached down, grasped Ash by the cheeks, and forced him to look at her. "Then you will come back, train some more, and then kick their asses the next go around. I have not gone this long waiting for you to finally accomplish your dream for you to just throw it away.
"And if I try?" Ash folded his arms.
Misty gave Ash a glare of pure death. "Let's just say it won't be pretty."
The two then broke out into a fit of giggles. After calming down, Misty looked into Ash's eyes, once again, and edged forward a little bit.
"I know you can do it, Ash." She whispered. "And when you do just know I will be right there by your side. I always have been and I sure as hell always will be." The two grinned at each other before closing the gap and getting caught in another kiss. No matter how many times they kissed, it never ceased to please. After the liplock ended, Misty had an idea.
"Why don't I go and cook supper. It's been like 15 minutes since you last ate right? I'm sure your starving." She kidded playfully.
"Hey!" Ash exclaimed as she rushed from the bed to the bedroom door, giggling the entire time.
Ash grabbed a pillow and threw it at the redhead. Misty yelped when it hit her in the back and they both couldn't help but laugh as she made her way down the staircase and into the kitchen.
After Ash calmed down, he jumped back onto the bed and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. He got to thinking and couldn't help but smile.
Ash then got back up and walked to the closet. He reached up and pulled out a shoebox that was in the top corner of the closet. He then opened it and pulled out a small velvet box.
"Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer." Ash whispered as he opened the small box and revealed a small diamond ring.
If everything went right and he finally won then he knew what his plan was... but at least he also knew that everything would be okay if things went south and he lost.
And that's a wrap! I hope y'all enjoyed it and feel free to leave y'alls critique on this chapter. Peace!
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