A New Beginning
As the sun was setting in a spectacular collage of reds and oranges and the waves were crashing against the beach he was standing on, Ash couldn't help but be distracted by a certain redhead whose beauty couldn't be rivaled by the showcase behind him.
Beside Ash stood his best man, Brock, and his groomsmen, Tracey and Gary, while to his other side stood Misty's sisters who were all watching as Misty slowly made her way to her soon-to-be husband's side. Once in her place, Ash reached forward and grasped her hands in his own, leaning in throughout the process.
"You look absolutely stunning." He whispered.
A blush made its way to Misty's face as Ash pulled away, but before she could say anything in return, the Priest began.
"Dearly beloved," He began. "we are gathered here today under the sight of Arceus to witness the joining of this man and woman in holy matrimony. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his..."
"Oh, get on with it!" Brock exclaimed.
"Like anyone would want to get in the way of Ashy-boy and Red here!" Gary snickered.
The audience broke out into a fit of giggles as Misty glared at the duo and stomped over to them so she could beat them over the head. Before she could, however, Ash stopped her and gave her a grin.
"Leave it be, Mist." Ash chuckled.
"But they're ruining our wedding!" Misty screeched.
Ash placed both hands on her shoulders and gave her a warming smile. "Nothing could ruin this moment."
The entire audience cooed at this and the blush on Misty's face became even more apparent as Ash looked over at the Priest and nodded, signaling him to continue.
"If there are no more interruptions," The Priest began with a chuckle. "I require..."
Suddenly, a hot air balloon could be seen coming over the horizon. It looked to be in the shape of... oh no.
"Prepare for trouble!" Jessie started.
"And prepare for..." Suddenly, James was interrupted by Ash's laughter and Misty's screaming
"It's about time you guys showed up! I sent the invite months ago!" Ash chuckled.
"YOU INVITED THEM!" Mist screamed. "TO MY WEDDING!?"
Ash placed a hand over his heart and gave a pouty face. "I thought it was our wedding."
Misty stared at Ash's face for a few seconds before finally breaking down and smacking Ash on the arm. Ash could really get on her nerves sometimes, but she could never stay mad at him for long. His childish personality, loving nature, and good qualities always clouded over the flaws.
"It is you goofball..." She then pointed at the hot air balloon that was currently landing. "UNLESS YOU INVITE PEOPLE LIKE THAT!"
Ash snickered at this. "You do remember that Team Rocket is not a thing anymore right?"
Misty snarled at the trio as they got out of the hot air balloon and proceeded to sit down. "That doesn't mean I trust them."
"Oh, come on, Mist. What have they ever hurt before? I always saw them as comedic relief more than anything."
"HEY!" James, Jessie, and Meowth yelled in unison.
"Really? I saw them more of a nuisance than anything." Misty hissed as she glared at the trio.
Ash rolled his eyes and grasped the redhead by the cheeks. He then directed her vision to his eyes. "It doesn't matter who is or isn't here. All that matters is that we are getting married."
Misty made one last glance in Team Rocket's direction before sighing. "Your right... I'm sorry."
Ash gasped at this. "Misty Waterflower, did you just agree with me!?"
Misty playfully smacked Ash on the shoulder while Ash snickered at her. "Yes I did, and that's Misty Ketchum to you, Mr. Pokemon Master."
"You do realize that you can't use that sarcastically anymore right?" Ash questioned.
Misty giggled for a second before giving Ash a grin. "I wasn't trying to."
They both stared into each other's eyes while warming smiles were plastered on their faces. However, the moment was soon ruined by the Priest coughing into his hand. The couple looked at him with questioning eyes.
"Are we okay to continue?" He asked.
Ash rubbed the back of his head nervously as he chuckled. "Sorry about that sir."
The Priest smiled at Ash. "That's alright young man." He was then ready to continue.
"I REQUIRE and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you knows any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now..."
"Do you really think that..." Suddenly, Gary was silenced by Brock's hand. The audience giggled as Misty worded an inaudible "Thank you" to Brock.
"As I was saying," The Priest began as he rolled his eyes. "ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that if any persons are joined together other than as Arceus' word doth allow, their marriage is not lawful."
Ash and Misty then looked at each other with heartwarming smiles. "We have nothing to confess..." Ash began.
"Except our love for each other." Misty finished.
The priest grinned at the couple, knowing that neither was lying. "Then before we begin, have either of you prepared any vows?"
Ash looked down and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. He then looked into Misty's eyes as he crumpled it up and threw it to the side. "What are you doing, Ash?" Misty questioned him.
"I don't need a piece of paper to tell you how I feel." Though Ash hadn't even started yet, Misty already felt tears building up in her eyes after this statement. Ash looked at the ground and took a deep breath before closing his eyes and beginning.
"Mist... when I first laid eyes on you the first thought I had was "Am I looking at an angel?"... then I torched your bike." Misty chuckled at this as she wiped the tears from her face. "After you started following me we didn't get along well, but we eventually warmed up to each other and you immediately became my best friend. Even then, I never thought of another person in the same way as I thought of you. Everything was just... different when I was around you. It was like life became colorful and exciting when we were together. I look back now and I realize that I was wrong when I called you my best friend... because... it was more than that. I loved you and I was too young and stupid to realize it. Misty, you have helped me so much over the years, and I honestly believe that I would be nowhere without you. You complete me... and life simply wouldn't be worth living if I couldn't spend the rest of it with you. We've already completed the outside of the puzzle. Now I want nothing more than to fill in the center with you by my side all the way until the end. So in that case, I promise you this Misty. One simple thing. I will stand by your side, through the thick and the thin, for all eternity."
After Ash finished, he opened his eyes and looked up into Misty's cerulean eyes. She couldn't stop herself from crying at these beautiful words and smiling from ear to ear. She quickly wiped as many tears away as she could while she chuckled to herself.
"You set the bar pretty damn high with that one, Ketchum. I'm not gonna lie." The audience broke out into laughter as Ash reached up and wiped a lone tear from Misty's cheek. He left his hand there for a second before bringing it back down and wrapping it in Misty's hand.
"Ash, I don't know what I could say that I haven't a million times before. The days I spent traveling with you were some of the best of my life, but... compared to now... they come nowhere near. The day we split up in Johto hurt me more than I care to admit... but I always had hope that we would see each other again. I have always been aware of my feelings for you and I used to have dreams about having something like this with you every night, but just seeing you again would have been good enough for me... or so I thought. At that point and time in my life, hope was the only thing keeping me going. Then, suddenly, one day you show up at my front door and, without saying anything... you pull me into a kiss. At that exact moment, that hope turned into knowledge... the knowledge that I wasn't just okay with seeing you again. I wanted more... no... I needed more." The tears were now streaming down her face like a raging river. She tried to wipe them away, but they would just be immediately replaced by more.
"Uhhhh, I told myself I wouldn't do this." Ash and Misty giggled for a second before she continued. "People ask me all the time "What is the most important moment in your life?" Do you know what I tell them? I tell them it was when you stole my bike. If you wouldn't have done that..." Suddenly, Misty broke down and began to cry even harder than before. Ash came forward and wrapped his arms around her as she lightly sobbed into his shoulder for a second.
When she got ahold of herself, she pulled away and sniffled as she gave Ash a warming smile. "We wouldn't have had the chance to make all those memories while traveling. We wouldn't have found out about our love for each other. And most importantly, we wouldn't be here today celebrating it and taking the next step in our relationship. You didn't just steal my bike that day, Ash. You stole my heart. So I promise you this one simple thing, Ash. I will never take it back."
As Misty stared into Ash's chocolate brown eyes, she noticed that tears were beginning to build up in his eyes and they eventually started to fall. To return the favor, Misty reached up and wiped them away. As she did this, Ash reached up and grasped her by the wrist as he smiled at her.
"And you said that I set the bar high." Ash sniffled.
As the crowd chuckled lightly, Ash and Misty got ahold of themselves and gave the Priest the go-ahead to continue.
"Ash, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after Arceus' ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" The Priest asked.
Ash never faltered and said the honest truth. "I do."
"Misty, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together after Arceus' ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"
Ash stared into Misty's eyes and could see no hint of doubt or falsehood within them as she spoke. "I do."
The Priest smiled at the sight along with everyone else before speaking. "Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?"
Suddenly, unannounced to Ash, Brock stepped forward and grasped Misty by her left hand. "I do, sir."
"Brock... you..."
Brock chuckled at this. "She asked me to do it since she had no one else to do so. I hope your not..." Before he could finish, Ash placed his hand on Brock's shoulder and pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you, bro."
"No problem." He whispered into Ash's ear.
Brock then pulled away and looked over at Misty with a grin on his face. "I told you he wouldn't mind."
"Thank you, Brock." Misty whispered with tears in her eyes.
"Hey, don't mention it. You would do the same for me in a heartbeat." Brock gave Misty a quick wink before Ash proceeded to grasp Misty by her right hand with his own.
"Ash, please repeat after me." The Priest began. "I, Ash, take thee Misty to be my wedded wife."
"I, Ash, take thee Misty to be my wedded wife." He repeated.
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." Ash repeated.
"According to Arceus' holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth." The Priest ended.
"According to Arceus' holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth." Ash couldn't help but smile after finishing. At least he didn't mess up like he thought he would.
They then let go of each other's hands and grasped each other by their other hands before the Priest looked over at Misty and began.
"Repeat after me." He said. "I, Misty, take thee Ash to be my wedded husband."
"I, Misty, take thee Ash to be my wedded husband." She repeated.
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." The Preist continued on.
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." Misty repeated once again.
"According to Arceus's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth."
"According to Arceus's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth." Misty finished with the biggest grin on her face.
They both let go of each other's hands as Pikachu made his way down the aisle with a pillow on his back. Ash bent down and took both rings that laid on the pillow before petting Pikachu lightly on the head. He then stood back up and handed Misty one of them.
"Please, exchange rings." The Priest said.
Ash slipped his ring on the fourth finger of Misty's left hand, while she slipped her ring onto the fourth finger of Ash's right hand. Once finished, they looked up and stared into each other's eyes knowing what was about to happen next.
"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your..." Suddenly, Misty shot forward and planted her lips on Ash's with so much force they almost fell down.
"Groom." The priest concluded with a chuckle.
As the kiss deepened, all of their friends and family shot out of their seats and blew up into a fit of whistles and cheers. When they pulled away from each other, the newly wedded couple couldn't help but stare at each other and smile brightly.
"I love you, Misty."
"I love you too, Ash."
"THAT'S MY BOY!!!" They looked over and smiled as Delia wiped away the tears on her face as she jumped up and down happily.
As they made their way down the aisle to Charizard who was waiting for them, Ash and Misty couldn't help but grin from ear to ear at the sight of all the approving looks and smiles they were receiving.
Once they made it to the dragon's side, Ash turned around and lifted Misty onto Charizard's back before getting on himself. They looked down and waved at the crowd below them wishing them luck and saying their goodbyes.
Suddenly, Ash felt a hand tap him lightly on the shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and looked Misty in the eyes. "Where will we go?"
Ash smiled as he turned back around and looked up to the skies. He then looked back at Misty and gave her a quick kiss. "Wherever the wind takes us." Misty couldn't help but smile at this.
A blush made it's way to Misty's face as she buried her face into Ash's jacket. Ash chuckled as he patted Charizard on the neck. "Alright buddy, let take to the skies!"
Charizard roared into the air before opening his wings and taking off. All of their friends and family watched and cheered as the two got further and further away. One thing was for certain. Things weren't over yet. This was only the beginning.
Once Charizard, Ash, and Misty were out of sight, the crowd dispersed and proceeded to leave. However, one man farther down the beach continued to stand and stare where Ash and Misty once were.
Soon, a small smile made its way across his face as he looked up at the skies. "That's my boy." He whispered before turning around and walking away.
And that's a wrap! This has been such fun to write and I hope yall enjoyed it as well.
Now, for all those people who actually read these messages I leave at the end of these chapters, yall will know that I have an announcement to make, which I told yall about in the last chapter. That announcement is... drum roll, please... I SAID DRUM ROLE!!! XD Anyways, the announcement is that... THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!!! I've thought about this and this story was to fun for it to simply end like this. As always, I hope yall enjoyed it and I'll talk to yall in the next one. Peace!
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