A Gut Feeling
"That was such a good movie!" Misty squealed. When she and Ash made it back to his suite after their battle they decided to pile up on the couch and watch a movie. Misty was the one that chose and it turned out to be a romance film of course. Ash just rolled his eyes at this.
Misty noticed and glared at him. "I'm guessing you didn't think so, am I right?"
Ash looked over and grinned at his redheaded fiancé. "Can you blame me if I said I didn't? It was an absolute chick flick, Mist! I actually fell asleep during part of it!"
Misty huffed at this. "Pa-lease! If you were given the chance to choose then we would have been stuck watching some kind of shoot-em-up, bang-em-up action movie with no kind of plot in the slightest!" Ash grinned at this.
"At least then it would be guaranteed neither of us would fall asleep during the movie." Misty looked over at Ash and playfully hit him on the arm as they both laughed.
Misty then got up from her side of the couch and made her way into the kitchen. Ash looked over the back of the couch to see what she was up to. "What are you doing in there?" He called out.
Suddenly, Ash heard the sound of a cabinet slamming shut and Misty came back into the living room with a whiskey bottle in one hand and two shot glasses in the other. "Does this answer your question?" Misty tilted her head sideways and gave Ash a grin.
"Mazel Tov!" Ash jumped up from the couch, grabbed both of the shot glasses from Misty's hand, pulled her into the living room, and sat her down on the couch.
Ash sat down next to her and extended out a hand. "The alcohol my lady."
"Such a gentleman." Misty giggled as she handed the bottle to Ash. He then poured both glasses full of the intoxicating liquid.
Once he was finished, he picked up both glasses and held Misty's in front of her face, swishing around the alcohol inside to make it seem more enticing. Misty just chuckled as she snatched the glass out of Ash's hand. "Your such a tease!"
Ash laughed at this as he held his glass up in the air. "I think we should celebrate this with a little toast. To winning leagues and living life to the fullest with the one you love most!"
"Here, here!" They both clanked the glasses together and drank them down in one swallow. Ash came out of it choking and coughing while Misty just chuckled at his struggle.
"I'll never get used to that shit." Ash stated hoarsely. He slammed the glass down on the table and looked at Misty.
"Now, I've been wondering about something. How in the hell did you manage to get into the Elite 4 as quickly as you did? I thought something like that would take years." Misty just giggled at this.
"That's a secret I'm gonna die with." She grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured a second glass.
"Oh come on Misty! Please tell me!" Ash begged.
Misty rolled her eyes playfully and downed her second shot. "Damn that's good!"
Ash was already getting annoyed and the fact that he knew Misty was doing it intentionally was only making it worse. She always did this to him, and for some reason, he always fell into her trap.
Ash grasped Misty by the shoulders and shook her lightly. "Mist, just tell me already!"
They both laughed as Misty poured herself a third shot. "Alright fine, I'll tell you. It's honestly pretty obvious Ash, but I guess you were never too good with the obvious were you?"
Ash just rolled his eyes as Misty giggled to herself. She then downed the glass of alcohol. Once she was finished, she set the glass on the table. "When Lorelai retired, the League called me to a meeting at the Indigo Plateau. They told me that they were looking for possible replacements and that I was one of 21 other people they chose to tryout. I did as I was told and battled the Elite 4, including Lorelai, and the Pokémon Master. After I was finished, they were so impressed that they gave me the spot instantly. I was the first on that list Ash! Out of 21 people, I was given the spot after one go!"
As Misty continued to ramble on, Ash couldn't help but stare into Misty's eyes and smile. He always loved the way her eyes showed brightly when she was happy and since they got together he noticed it a lot more often. That couldn't be a coincidence could it?"
"I may have lost to the Pokémon Master, but that's...expected." Misty stopped and smiled when she noticed Ash staring. A small blush made its way to her face as she pushed some hair out of her eyes. "What are you staring at?"
Ash grinned. "What does it look like I'm staring at?" The blush on Misty's face only became more apparent and she tried her best to hide it. She never understood how Ash could make her feel this way.
Misty was always the Tomboyish Mermaid of Cerulean who never let anyone get in her way, but when it came to Ash there was something about him that stood out from everyone else. Maybe it was his kindness? Maybe it was his courage? Maybe it was the fact she loved him?
Whatever it was, he was definitely the only one that could evoke these kinds of feelings out of her and, even after 15 years of friendship and beyond, he still does to this day.
Suddenly, she felt a hand brush against her cheek, and something shuffle closer to her. She looked up and Ash was only a few inches away from her face. Ash then cupped her chin in his hand and gently placed a kiss on the redhead's lips.
It was quick, but it didn't fail to send a shiver of pure ecstasy running down her spine. Her eyes fluttered for second before she regained focus and stared into Ash's mocha-colored eyes.
Ash stared into her gorgeous oceanic eyes and sighed happily. "Have I ever told you that your eyes are the most beautiful things I've ever seen?"
The same blush from before returned to Misty's face and she began to giggle. "Have I ever told you how cheesy you are?"
Ash wrapped his arms around Misty's waist and slipped his hands up the back of her shirt. Misty gasped under her breath and bit her lip at the cold touch of Ash's fingers on her back.
Ash leaned in closer and rested his forehead on Misty's while grinning. "You know you love it."
Misty snorted at this and wrapped her arms around Ash's neck and whispered, "I never said I didn't."
Ash slowly pulled away and stared at Misty with the blankest expression on his face. For a few seconds, Misty debated whether or not to snap Ash out of his trance with a quick mallet to the head, but a smile quickly made its way to his face as he leaned in and planted another kiss on her lips.
Once again, it was quick but it didn't fail to evoke certain feelings inside Misty that she never wanted to end. Ash then pulled one of his hands out from behind Misty and gently stroked her cheek. "I love you, Mist. With all my heart."
Misty smiled warmly as a few tears built up in the corners of her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and giggled for a second. "I love you too, Ash. For now and forever."
Ash joined in on the giggle session and then planted yet another kiss on Misty's lips, only this time he wasn't planning on pulling away as quickly.
As the kiss intensified, Misty used one of her hands to pull the hat off of Ash's head and toss it across the living room before running it through his untamable locks of hair. She then pulled away for a second and proceeded to pull Ash's shirt off.
However, after she did this, Ash pushed Misty away and reached for his shirt. He was about to slip it back over his head when Misty grabbed it and threw it in the same direction as his hat.
"M-Mist... d-don't you think we're getting... you know... a little too out of hand?" Misty chuckled at this question as she shoved him down onto the couch and straddled his waist.
"Ash, unlike you, I have self-control. Now, are you going to shut it and lighten up, or are you seriously going to ruin the moment?"
Ash chuckled nervously for a second and rubbed the back of his head. "Good point."
Suddenly, Ash reached up and pulled Misty down on top of him. They both laughed for a second before Misty leaned in and planted her lips on Ash's. The kiss instantly increased in intensity and their tongues were soon begging for entrance.
Once permission was granted, their tongues clashed against each other and began to fight for dominance. Eventually, Misty came out on top and was soon exploring every inch of Ash's mouth. As they were making out, Misty brought her hand to Ash's stomach and slowly rubbed her hand up and down his abs.
Misty has always been fascinated by Ash's physique and how he has always been able to stay in good shape. She slowly pulled her tongue out of Ash's mouth and grinned. "Promise me you will keep these after we're married and have kids. I'll love you either way, but I just can't imagine you with a dad-bod."
Ash chuckled as he pushed some hair out of Misty's eyes. "Not even married yet and your already talking about kids? I thought you would want to... enjoy yourself for a little bit."
They both chuckled at this as Misty leaned in and whispered into Ash's ear. "Oh trust me... I will either way."
Ash grinned into Misty's neck as he began to lightly suck on it. Misty was surprised by this and let out a loud moan. She pulled away and smiled down at Ash. "Where the hell did that come from? You've never done that before!"
Ash just smirked mischievously at Misty. "Misty, unlike you, I have self-control. Now, are you going to shut it and lighten up, or are you seriously going to ruin the moment?"
Misty smirked back as she leaned in and began to place kisses on Ash's neck. "Using my own words against me are we? Well by all means, please continue. I wouldn't ruin this for anything."
Ash chuckled as he began to suck on her neck once more. For a few moments, they were in heaven. They were both in a competition to see who could leave the most amount of hickies on the other's neck when, suddenly, that was all ruined by something Ash chose to ignore.
Misty eyes shot wide open as she pushed herself off of Ash. Ash didn't understand what was going on at first, and when he opened his eyes he was even more confused.
Misty was blushing madly and had a grin on her face. Ash was about to ask what was wrong when Misty decided to speak first. "What is that bulge in your jeans?"
Ash chuckled at this. "Mist, what are you..." Then it hit him.
His entire face was instantly engulfed in a shade of crimson as he shoved Misty off of him and sat up straight. He took a second to gather himself before looking over at Misty.
"M-M-Misty... I..." Ash paused when he noticed she wasn't paying attention to him. In fact, she wasn't even looking at him. Well... his face at least.
Misty was biting her lip and the blush on her face became even more intense. Ash knew what she was staring at and he instantly covered the crotch area of his jeans. "WHY ARE YOU STARING!"
Misty looked up and rolled her eyes as she laughed to herself. "Ash, you are my fiancé. I think that gives me every right to stare."
Ash was completely caught off guard by this. He didn't know what to say in the slightest. "Mist... I... uhhh... I'm sorry that I... that I..." Misty just chuckled at his nervousness.
She placed a hand on Ash's cheek and forced him to look at her. "It's okay Ash. You don't have to be ashamed or nervous. In fact, I'm surprised it took this long for something like this to happen. I don't know if I should be happy about it or offended by it. Maybe both?"
Ash began to chuckle nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. Misty looked at him and studied his face. Suddenly, her eyes shot wide open and the biggest smirk made its way to her face.
"Oh my Arceus, this isn't the first time is it!?" Ash didn't want to answer, but the blush that made its way to his face soon after was enough to answer Misty's question. "How have I never noticed before!?"
"Well... I-I-I... uhhh... I..." Before he could come up with a logical sentence to fire back with, Misty had already figured it out and the smirk on her face turned into a full-blown smile.
"Wait a minute! Are you tell me that all those times you, quote on quote, had to use the bathroom when we were making out was really you trying to hide..." Misty pointed at his pants. "that?"
"Uhhhh... Yeah?"
Misty got up and sat down next to Ash. She then rested her head on Ash's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "Your not mad at me are you?" Ash asked. Misty giggled in response.
"No Ash, I'm not mad." She looked up and stared into Ash's eyes. "Why would I be?"
"I-I... I don't know." Ash tried to look at the floor, but Misty forced him to continue looking into her eyes.
"Ash, look at me. There is no reason you should be nervous. It seems like every time something like this happens you just tense up and do exactly what you're doing right now. I get that you're scared. Trust me, I am too. But when we finally do get married and we get the chance to finally take the next step, I wouldn't want to take that step with anyone else." Ash smiled at the kind words and leaned into Misty's hand.
"I wouldn't have it any other way either, Mist. And I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not a little bit frightened because I am... but... it's more than that." Misty gave Ash a warming smile before leaning in and bringing him into a hug.
"What is it then Ash? You know you can tell me." Ash took a second and sighed into Misty's shoulder.
"Do you remember when we were making out the night before we came to the Indigo Plateau. You know, the night..."
"You groped me? Yeah, I remember it fondly." Misty giggled.
"Yeah... that... well, you remember how I told you that I only wanted to please you?" Misty nodded in response. "Well... I'm just scared that... when the time finally comes for us to take that next step... I won't be able to."
Misty pulled away and broke out into a fit of laughter. Ash recoiled and didn't know whether he should feel attacked or join in. Before he could come up with an answer, Misty got ahold of herself and grabbed Ash by the shoulders.
"What is up with guys and worrying about stuff like that? I had to deal with Brock over that shit constantly!"
"Wait, what about Brock!?" Misty just rolled her eyes at this.
"It wasn't like that you moron. I was trying to help him get a girl a few months ago. How do you think he managed to get that blonde to go out with him? It wasn't by himself I can tell you that much." They both chuckled at this.
"Hell, he hadn't even asked her out yet and he was already worried about the same shit you are! Ash, I could care less about how good you are in bed or..."
"Can we stop talking about this please?" A blush made it's way to Ash's face and he tried to stand up and walk away, but Misty pulled him right back onto the couch.
"No, we most certainly can not! You're clearly not understanding anything and now I have to get this through that thick skull of yours! When you asked me to marry you, I said yes because I love you. NOT, because I wanted to have sex with you!"
"I know that Mist!" Suddenly, Ash thought of something. "Y-You don't think I proposed b-because all I wanted was s-sex do you?" Misty facepalmed and chuckled into her hand.
"Your such a dumbass, Ash. If I thought that then we would be having an entirely different conversation and you can trust me on that." Misty pulled Ash into a quick kiss and sighed.
"Ash, I don't want you to worry. I will NEVER judge you off of stuff like that. I'm in it for the romance. I thought the last 3 years we've been together would be enough proof of that, but I guess I was wrong." Misty let go of Ash's shoulders and grasped his hands in hers. "Even after we're married, that will never change. I love you, Ash Ketchum, because of the person you are, not because of something you could potentially give me and that will never change."
Ash pulled away and smiled at Misty. He started to lean in and kiss her, but stopped only a few inches from her mouth. "I'm sorry about being so nervous. It's always been a fear of mine to be rejected because of something like that. I'm just glad that I'm with someone who I don't have to worry about that with. Well... not anymore at least."
Misty placed her hand on Ash's cheek once again and gently rubbed it with her thumb. "And you never will. I got on this train with you a long time ago and I'm not getting off until it's my time to leave this Earth. And even then... if I go before you... I will wait for you by Arceus' side. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I will wait for you until the end of time and then some. And when it is your time... well... we'll just get right back on that train and ride it as if nothing ever happened."
Ash stared into Misty's eyes as tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. "I love you so much, Mist."
"I love you too, Ash."
Tears began to build up in both of their eyes. However, neither of them tried to hold it back. Ash finished leaning in and planted his lips on Misty's. Tears were running down both of their cheeks, but that didn't stop them from kissing. However, Misty starting to laugh did.
Ash pulled away and grinned. "What's so funny."
Misty just smirked at Ash mischievously "Plus, if what I felt earlier was real, you won't have to worry about pleasing me anyways."
Ash blushed at this but didn't feel as embarrassed as he thought he would be. Instead, he scooped Misty into his arms and lifted her up. "Ash, what are you doing!?"
"I'm taking you to bed. You're staying with me tonight."
Misty giggled as she cuddled into Ash's chest. "I like the sound of that."
"WOOOOOOOW! So now you want to stay the night with me aye?"
Misty looked up at Ash's face and smirked. "Well, I can leave if you want me to."
Ash stopped walking and looked down at the redhead in his arms. "I never said I wanted you to. I just don't understand why now you can stay the night with me but not before."
"Simple. It benefits you if I do tonight." Ash chuckled at this.
"Misty, any night with you is beneficial to me."
"First of all, the day you were late to Lance's fight because you were distracted by me the night before proves that is wrong, and second of all, there you go being cheesy again! You just can't help it can you?"
They both broke out into a fit of giggles as Misty opened the bedroom door so they could both go inside and get some sleep for Ash's battle the following day. It would be Ash's last battle and it would mark the end of an era.
The end of traveling across the world. The end of battling new trainers every day. The end of taking over leagues. The end of his journeys to become a Pokémon Master. However, it wouldn't be the end of his story.
This was only the first chapter. Now Ash was going to be looking forward to the next leg of the race that we call life. Settling down, getting married, raising a family, and spending the rest of your life with the love of your life. Ash was pretty much going in blind, but he knew one thing.
Misty was going to be apart of this chapter and every chapter afterward. How does he know this for certain? Well... I guess you can just call it a gut feeling.
And that's all I've got! I hope ya'll enjoyed it and please feel free to stick around for the next one. Talk to ya'll later. Peace!
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