Roadtrip (Part 2)
"Welcome to Paris Eren!" Squeaked Izzy, but Eren wasn't paying attention. His eyes were fixed on the beautiful city before him. He didn't even realize a limo arrived until Levi forced him into the lighted car.
"Oh, fancy!" Hanji smiled as she poured herself a glass of some wine Eren didn't know how to pronounce, since it was in French; as was everything, since they were in France.
We're in France!
By the time they got to the hotel they staying at, it was past dark. They all got out, Eren followed closely. The man stopped Levi before they walked in and asked something in French, and Levi answered, in French, and fuck if that wasn't the sexiest thing Eren heard.
"Most of the staff speak English Eren, so if you need anything, just ask." Hanji said beside him as they entered a elevator, Eren nodded. They stopped at three floors to let groups of the team of until it was only Hanji, Petra, Eren, and Levi left in the large, very expensive looking elevator.
"Ok Eren, you'll be staying with me and Petra, ok?" Eren nodded his head, then the elevator stopped.
"This is us, see you in a bit Levi, we'll help get Eren ready." Petra said, Eren stared at the room in amazement, missing the wink Petra threw towards Levi. The room was huge, bigger than Eren's entire apartment, maybe even bigger.
"This is, wow." Eren said as he gawked at the room, Petra giggled.
"Yeah, that's eyebrows for you; always had to be extravagant." Petra patted his back.
"Have you ever worn garter belts before?" It took a while for Eren to realize that Hanji's question was aimed at him, his eye's widened.
"Huh?" Hanji and Petra slowly walked towards him, like a predator stalks it's prey.
"Eren, I hope you don't mind us giving you a makeover, right?" Petra asked, eyes glistening with excitement.
"I-I don't k-know about-AH!" They picked him up and forced him into the bathroom.
Two hours later...
"I don't know, it seems like he's missing something, maybe he should take off the jacket?" Suggested Petra, Hanji shook her head.
"Nah, the jacket looks good. He needs, more glitter maybe?" Petra gasped, then nodded.
"Yeah, come here hun." Eren groaned, but listened; it wouldn't do any good to resist, he tried.
"Ok, perfect!" Said Petra happily after she dabbed a little glitter above his eyes.
"Don't I look a little, I don't know, slutty?" He pointed out. The first thing they did was force him into one of the tightest pair of leather pants he's ever seen. Then, it was a black button up that was just as tight as the pants. Lastly, they topped it off with a tan jacket that looked like it was worth at least 500 bucks; needless to say, Jean would be proud.
"Nah, Erwin likes twinks." Before he could ask who Erwin was, they were pushing him out the room and into the living room.
"We have to get ready now, be right there." Petra rushed out, then slammed the door. Almost an hour later the two came out, eye's eyes widened.
"Wow, you two look hot!" He said, Petra snorted.
"Sorry kid, we don't play for your team." Hanji patted him on the back, he blushed.
"Not like that, I'm..." What was he exactly, he still didn't really know.
"We're just messing with you hun." Petra giggled. The ginger was wearing a short, red, body-con dress. Hanji on the other hand was rocking a black pantsuit.
"Ok, we should get going, Levi isn't a very patient person." And with that they were back into the elevator. They went up five floors, almost to the top, until they finally stopped at the twentieth floor. The door opened and Eren was again amazed by the utter size of the suite. It was bigger than the others, and much more extravagant looking.
"It's about time you came, let's go." He didn't get a good look at the place before Levi and the others, who apparently were waiting on Levi's floor, joined them in the elevator.
"Don't shit your pants kids." Snorted Oluo, Eren looked down.
"He's not you Oluo. Besides, he's eighteen, he can go in the club as long as he doesn't drink." Eren was about to correct Petra until she glared, then he shut his mouth. Levi typed in a code on the keypad in the elevator, making them go up. Once the elevator stopped and opened, Eren curious eyes swept over the dark club. It was loud, dark, and there were people everywhere. A song, loud enough to make his ears rattle, was playing through the club, but Eren couldn't understand what it was about since it was in French; he should definitely take French lessons before coming back here!
"Welcome to the Survey Corps Eren." Levi said in his ear, just loud enough for him and no one else to hear.
"Levi!" A loud, a baritone voice called, then a tall, scary looking man with huge eyebrows was standing in front of the group; Eren thought he heard Petra scoff beside him.
"Erwin." Levi greeted calmly.
"Glad you could make it on such short notice, and your... posse." He smiled, then his eyes met Eren and filled with an emotion Eren wasn't familiar with.
"And who's this?" He asked seductively, Eren gulped. Sure, he was hot, and if he had like, a blindfold on he's totally fuck him, but he also looked really scary.
"This is Eren, he's new." Levi said as he put a protective hand on the small of Eren's back.
"Oh, I see. He seems kinda young." He commented.
"I'm eighteen." Eren said defensively, even though it was a lie.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Erwin laughs sarcastically. "How about you come sit, alone." He looked at Petra and the others behind them.
"Ok. Go...socialize." He ordered his team, and the stared to leave, until Erwin stopped them.
"Eren can come with us." He grinned darkly; Eren felt Levi tense.
"No, Petra, watch over him." Petra nodded and started to pull Eren away from the two, Erwin stopped them again.
"I said, he can come." He said, sternly this time. Levi was quiet for a minute until he took Eren by his arm lead him in the direction of the seats Erwin pointed to.
"So, you killed my guys." Erwin said as he sat down.
"You don't beat around the bush." Eren laughed awkwardly as he sat, they ignored him.
"They were watching us, and now they're not. Besides, it was stupid of you to put Nile Dok in charge." Levi said and crossed his arms.
"Touché. Well, I called you here to fix that problem. I'm waving my white flag, all you have to do is not kill my people or go on my territory, then the same applies for me. Deal?" He hold out his hand, Levi takes it with a sigh, like he's happy to end the dispute.
"Deal." A second later Petra shows up and whispers something in Levi's ear, making him curse.
"Come Eren, we have to go." He got up, and Eren followed, but then Erwin pushed him down; Levi missed the action.
"Why, you just got here, besides, the show is just about to begin." Levi was quiet for a second, contemplating whether he should go back to the hotel to finish his business, or leave his group here. He look to said people who were dancing on the dance floor, most likely drunk, and very much having fun, then sighed.
"I'll take care of it Petra, you look after Eren." She nodded, he hurried out the club.
"Petra!" Someone yelled, she looked to Izzy.
"What?" She asked, then looked down at the unconscious, possibly dead, person in Izzy hands, then cursed.
"God damnit. Eren, follow me." He was about to follow without argument when Erwin leaned in his ear, and whispered to him quietly.
"If you want ginger over there to live, you'll stay put." He wanted to scream, push him away, put he just cleared his throat, effectively getting the attention of Petra.
"I'll just stay here, with Erwin." He said, Petra frowned. "I'll be fine." He continued when she continued to stare.
"Are you sure?" She asked slowly, and maybe if it wasn't so dark she'd have seen the fear in his eyes.
"I'm sure." He swallowed loudly as a hand came up to his thigh. It was gonna be a long night.
Yes, I know, no stripping, trust me, I promise it's gonna be in the next chapter. This chapter is already close to two thousand words, I didn't want to make it too long. Next chapter, I promise. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you have a great day, bye!
P.S, yes, I have found Polyvore, and no, I don't really know how to use it yet, but I sure am having fun making outfits for Eren and Levi to wear.
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