Gambling 101 (Just Don't Do It)
Here's a pic of the different card hands when playing poker so you can understand some of what Levi and the other person are doing.
"Have you ever played poker, Eren?" Levi asked as hey walked through the dark warehouse; Eren looked around with wide eyes at the eerie place.
"N-No. Does it usually take place in such creepy places?" He asked, Levi shook his head.
"No, but this isn't usual poker." Eren's brows furrowed, then looked forward as a table finally came into view. Sitting at the table was one fat man, at his side three bodyguards the size of giants. Eren gulped, he didn't want to mess with those guys.
"The rules are simple, you'll learn quickly. Watch and observe, don't say anything, even if asked." Eren bit at his lip anxiously, then nodded. They walked up to a table, grabbing the man's attention; his guards stayed still at his side. The fat man smiled and said something in a unknown language to Levi, Eren guess it was Russian with his accent. Levi answered, in Russian. How many languages does this man know!? Levi said something else, then gestured to Eren, making him wave awkwardly; he mentally face-palmed.
"Take a seat." Levi whispered in his ear as a chair was dragged from across the room by one of the bodyguards, then put next to the one across the sitting Russian. Eren did so reluctantly, feeling more vulnerable sitting down than standing up. Levi sat next, and took out a deck of cards. They looked expensive, how do they make cards look expensive?
The man pointed to Eren, said something in a teasing tone, then let out a loud chuckle; Levi forced a smile, but Eren saw his jaw clench. One of the guards, the smallest one of the trio, took the deck and started shuffling the cards; Eren could barely see his hands he was doing it so fast. He then gave both people two cards, they kept them on the table, but peeled them back a little to see. Eren got a look at Levi's cards, an ace of hearts and an ace of spades. Eren didn't know much about cards, but he knew aces were good, or at least he thinks there good. Maybe the best card is the kings, or does the queen have more power, like in chess? This was confusing.
"Ace is good, but he could still be in the lead." Levi whispered in his ear, only loud enough for Eren to hear and no one else. Eren nodded, but wondered how Levi knew what he was thinking. The guard then asked something in Russian, Eren tried to match words he knew in German, but found none. Levi answered, the man across from him smiled, then nodded. Chips were placed on the table, stacked. Levi moved first after that, placing two of the orange colored chips in the middle, then said something else in Russian. The man put four orange chips, then said the same thing. The man then laid down three cards on the table. It was a six of hearts, a nine of spades, and a king of hearts. Across the table, he saw the Russian visibly pale a little, but his face showed nothing but happiness.
Levi put in a whole stack this time of yellow chips, the man gulped. Again, Eren didn't know much about cards, but he came to the conclusion that this man wasn't very good at keeping a straight face, wasn't that the main thing about poker, having a 'poker face'? The man put in another orange chip, but nothing else. The guard-or maybe he would be considered the dealer or whatever the card passer-outer is called-put another card on the table, it was another ace, this time of diamonds. He looked at Levi, but his face was impassive. Levi put in another stack, the Russian smiled, then put in two stacks. The dealer said something to both players, they nodded. He added another card to the row, then flipped it over. It was a king of diamonds. The Russian man yelled in joy, and put down his cards. It was a king of spades and four of clubs. But when Levi put his cards down, it wiped the smile right off his face.
"Cheater!" The man yelled in English, but his accent was thick, making the word seem more like gibberish. It happened in seconds; he was sitting there was wide eyes as the man across from him yelled, then Eren gasped as he was thrown back by Levi. It took him a while to see that one of the guards launched himself at the pair, but Levi was faster as he pushed the larger man out the way. Eren backed into the corner and covered his ear as gunshots were heard throughout the large warehouse. He wasn't sure if the screaming was himself, or the others. He closed his eyes shut, so tight color started to spot behind his eyelids, but he didn't dare open them in fear of what he might see if he did. Even with his ears covered he could hear the yells shots; too many to just be the three guards from before and Levi himself.
"Come on, get up honey!" Eren didn't open his eyes as he was pulled up by soft arms and walked somewhere else. He didn't open them until the yells and bangs were distant and muffled by walls.
"Eren, baby, open your eyes." He listened this time and looked to Petra with tearful eyes.
"L-Levi!" He gasped when he realized the man was still in there, in the mass of gunshots and bloodshed.
"He'll be ok Eren." She attempted in a soft voice to calm him, but he still struggled against her strong grip.
"Levi..." He went limp against her, she cursed under her breath.
"You're gonna be the death of me kid." She grumbled as she threw him over her shoulder and started to walk to the van.
Believe it or not, this is a true story, I think. My uncle, the one who taught me poker, told me a story of how he almost got killed during a poker game, of course it wasn't as dramatic, and I think he's totally bullshitting me, but who knows🤷♀️, gotta love him anyway. Thanks for reading, have a marvelous day, bye!
P.S. had to add a least one FOB song in this fic because I'm emo like that✌️
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