Don't Mess With Crazy
"Are you ready Hanji?" Levi asked, Hanji giggled from behind him.
"Yes! But I still don't get where we're going; then again, who really cares, I'm not one to pass up a good beating." She shrugged, he nodded, then got the van. Hanji followed, in the passenger seat, then looked in the back to make sure all their usual 'instruments' were there.
"We're going to a friends house, he forgot something." Hanji furrowed her brows, but decided not to question his logic. She knew it wasn't just go pick something up for an old friend though, he had that look in his eye.
"Ok, but how far away is your old friend's house, because we need gas-" She started to babble.
"Close enough. Now shut the fuck up, Shitty Glasses." Hanji's mouth snapped shut, then she look out the window; someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. While driving, flashbacks of last night crossed Levi mind.
"Eren, Eren calm down, what happened?" Levi asked as Eren hyperventilated in his arms.
"I can't go back, please don't bring me back to him." He mumbled over and over, and suddenly it clicked; the gears in Levi's mind stopped, and his eyes widened, then narrowed. He always had an inkling that Grisha might be hurting Eren, but never dwelled on it too much. His behavior now just confirmed his suspicions. He should of went with his gut, he should of trusted that Eren's muffled screams at night said enough. Never again.
"Eren, please, tell me what happened." He tried again, then realized he had fallen asleep. He sighed, the pulled the boy in his arms as he stood, then carried him to his room. He laid him on the soft bed, then covered him with a blanket. His hand hovered over his sleeping face, then he leaned down and pressed his lips to the others, then parted just as quickly.
"Goodnight Eren." He quietly left the room, then went to his office to plan.
Levi got out his head when he realized that they had arrived.
"Bring the supplies, follow me." He ordered, Hanji skipped after him.
"Your friend lives in a fucked up place." She said and cringed as a rat squeaked beside her. Levi was silent as he walked up to the apartment 104, then didn't bother knocking as he kicked down the door.
"I don't think your friend will appreciate that. You know, I'm getting the feeling that this isn't a friend's house." Levi sighed and turned around.
"It's Eren's house." Hanji's eyes widened, then became confused.
"But I thought they lived in a big house, Grisha is some big shot surgeon." Levi's lips pressed into a thin line.
"Things changed. Now come on, I need to check something." He turned and started walking through the dump again. Trash and empty bottles littered the living room floor, leaving the smell of garbage and alcohol to linger. He found the hall way, where there were four doors, two were open. One was a bathroom, the other most likely Eren's room. Levi stepped over a bottle to get to the third room, then almost gagged at the smell. It was ten times worst than living room, only there was also the stench of urine and most likely dead rats.
"Holy fuck, poor kid, what the hell is going on in this apartment?" Hanji whispered, just loud enough for Levi to hear. They continued to the last door, opening it. What they saw made Hanji gasp and put a hand over her mouth, while Levi's eyes closed and his teeth clenched as he tried not to puke.
"Oh my god." Hanji whispered as tears filled her eyes.
The room was all white, or at least it would be if the walls weren't covered in layers of blood. A metal table stood in the middle, leather straps attached to it to keep limbs from struggling. Numerous tools were laid out on the counters surrounding the table, they were also caked with blood and unknown fluids. Drugs and used syringes accompanied the tools, used for god know what. The room was practically meant for torment, and Levi could take a good guess as who it was inflicted on.
"Oh Eren." Hanji cried, still not able to walk into the room.
"I'm going to kill him. No, I'm going to do the exact same thing he did to Eren, then I'll leave him here, alive and in complete agony." Levi growled just when there was a noise in the living room. Before Levi could do anything, Hanji was gone. He called after her, then followed her to the living room just in time to see her pounce on the man that caused his Bright Eyes so much pain. They fell down to the floor, and Hanji went crazy; punching and scratching at his face. Levi eventually pulled her off kicking and screaming.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOU DESERVE TO ROT IN HELL!!" The man seemed very confused and livid towards the brunette.
"Who the fuck are you, what are you doing my house!?" He said as he stumbled to his feet. Levi didn't answer, just pulled his fist back and squared him right in the jaw, the force pushing him back on his ass. Levi picked him back up by the collar, then dragged him all the way through the hall. He pushed him into the room and closed the door behind Hanji, who made sure Grisha didn't leave.
"Hop up." Levi patted the table and waited, Grisha didn't move.
"I said, hop, up, or I'll make you!" He yelled, Grisha stayed. Levi grabbed the mans hair while Hanji picked up his feet, they threw him on the table. They quickly strapped his arms and legs in, but not without him struggling.
"Leave me the fuck alone! Get off me! I'm gonna call the cops!" Levi laughed, and it was a sadistic, blood thirsty laugh.
"And tell them what, that these people have you locked up in your own torture room. Besides, We're just giving you a taste of your own medicine Doc." Levi went over to the bottles of liquid and syringes, and picked one of each. He poked the needled through and pulled back the plunger, filling the body with the clear substance.
"You know, when I was younger I wanted to be a doctor, maybe my dream can still come true. I wonder what this does, it doesn't have a label. Well, I guess we'll just have to figure it out." He plunged the needle in the mans thigh, making him scream out in pain as his skin started to blister and boil.
"Ooooh, I like that one Levi!" Hanji giggled. Both were completely lost to there darker selves, giving in to the darkness. Hours later, when Grisha couldn't even scream anymore, Levi decided it was time for the finishing piece.
"Hand me the brander." Levi said as he wiped his sweat covered forehead. Hanji went inside the bag and pulled out two things: a blow torch and a metal brander. Hanji handed him the tool, then turned on the blow torch. Levi held the tool above the hot fire, making the metal turn a bright red. Levi took the hot metal and pressed it to the man's forehead. He screamed, voice hoarse and scratchy from all the previous screaming. Levi pulled back, then admired his handy-work.
"Looks good to me. 'Bastard', sums him up perfectly. I think our work is done here." She said, Levi nodded.
"Don't come near Eren again, leave this country, better yet, the whole fucking continent. If I ever see your fucking face ever again, I'll blow your fucking brains out from that small little head of yours, k?" He patted the mans head exited the room with Hanji. It was in the car that he finally went back to his normal, stoic self and snapped out of his anger filled craze.
"That poor, poor kid." Hanji said again as she leaned her head on the window.
"You know he kissed me." Hanji eyes widened and a smile found it's way on her face.
"No shit, more ballsy than you. Did you kiss back?" She asked and wiggled her eyebrows.
"Yeah. But I don't even thing he'll remember it. He came last night, banging on the door like crazy in the fucking pouring rain, then when I finally answered, he kissed me. It was fucking unbelievable Hanji, I didn't even know it was possible to feel like that for someone. Then he started to go crazy, mumbling nonsense about his father and not wanting to go back, then he passed out. That's when I knew he was getting abused. Fuck, I don't know what to do Hanji." He sighed, she grinned at him. He looked at her, then furrowed his brows. "What?" He asked, she just giggled.
"You're in love Levi!"
One thing you don't do, fuck with Levi's love. Grisha got his ass handed to him on a silver platter, I don't want to be him, that's for sure. I don't know if you guys believe in true love or not, but I think I fell in love with a forty year old pharmaceutical lady. There I was, with my dad-who I haven't come out to btw-waiting for my medicine. She must've been so weirded out by my not-so-subtle staring, oh well, it's not like I'll ever see her again, lol. So that's what's happening in my life, tell me, what's up with yours, probably more exciting than crushing over a woman twice your age. Anyway, thanks for reading, and dealing with my blabbering, have a marvelous day, bye!
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