😏🤑Chapter 2:Hottest Club In Town😏🤑
Nagito's POV
Why the hell did I agree to do this? This suit is a bit itchy and now I have actually bunny features! "Look, I appreciate you girls for trying to get me out of the house but I don't know how I feel about this". "Koko dear, what is our policy of when you do stupid extreme things?" Junko asks.
I groan, "No backing out after you agree". "Exactly! So there is absolutely no backing out!" She says enthusiastically. "Why am I friends with you guys again?". "Because you suck at making friends and most people don't like you Nagi". I roll my eyes, "Thanks for the reminder of why I'm lonely most of the time".
"Dude you asked, I answered". Ichi glares at Miu, "Jesus Faist, all of you are hopeless". "I am for one certainly not hopeless!", "That's really an insult Ichi". She rolls her eyes, "Sometimes you are". I gasp, "I am not!". "How many years have I tried to get you to make more friends?" She asks. "Uh ten maybe twelve?". "Thirteen and you only made two".
"Technically four including Hinata~kun and Kamukura~kun", "Though I haven't seen them in a while". She giggles, "Coincidence that you mentioned them, they miss you I can tell you that". My eyes light up, "You've been talking to them and didn't tell me?" I whined.
"Obviously, they're my best friends so I would talk to them too" she says. I pout, "Strawberry, don't you work for our lovely Kamukura?". "Yes I do Junko, why?". "Isn't he very popular now, especially with the ladies" Junko stated, smirking. "Since when? I've never seen anything" I asked. "You were too busy crying, watching K-Dramas and American shows to notice", Miu answered.
I roll my eyes, "I heard he was looking for a sugar baby", "What's up with that Strawberry hoe?" Junko asked. "Stop fucking calling me that despair bitch, he wants to get over someone so he's looking for a sugar baby or someone who can be a pet" Ichi explains. "This is why I told him to make more friends" I grumbled.
"Yeah, you're still the only one who gets to see his emotions" she stated. "Really?" I asked. "Yes because you're his precious Sugar Bwuns" Ichi replied in a baby voice. I roll my eyes again, "Shut up Ichi". All of the girls laugh at me. "Where the fuck are we going again?" I whined. "The hottest gay bar in town" Miu replied, excitedly.
"They have the hottest guys there, but it's not like I care", Ichi stated. "Aren't you still single strawberry bitch?". "Junko shut the fuck up, despair bitch". "Who pissed in your cereal?" I asked. "Nobody, Junko is naturally annoying", she says with a smile. "That is so wrong strawberry bitch" Junko whined. "And yet you're still calling 'strawberry bitch".
"If they fight again, who do you think is going to win?" Miu whispered. "Ichi most likely" I whispered back. We both slid each other a 20, as the two girls kept arguing. "Hey dumbasses!", "Stop fucking arguing or we'll be late!" Miu yells. The two stop and look at each other. "Right" Ichi mumbles.
Ok now I'm fucking nervous. "W-what am I doing again?" I asked. "For the last time Koko, we're getting you a Sugar daddy", "Keep up with the damn program!" Junko yelled. "Why are there so many people here?". "Ko, this is a club", "What the fuck did you expect?" Ichi asks.
"I know that, but you would think there's too many for it to be a normal night" I tell her. "That's because the auction is today, Nagi", Miu tells me. "The auction where people get sold off to sugar daddy's?". "Yeah, sorry Ko, but I had to bring someone to get sold" Ichi replies with a mischievous smile.
"Wait what?!", "Ichigo what the actual fuck!" I yelled. "Ko, I'm doing this for you and me", "Mostly me because I have a job to do and don't want to get killed" she tells me. I sigh, running my fingers through my now long hair. "What exactly do I need to do to help?" I asked.
Sure I made it seem like I didn't want to do this, but a little part of me actually wanted too. To feel free and do something fun and reckless. "Hoe it up" she says, smirking. "And that's where you have me fucked up", "There's too many people around here" I say. "Are you seriously letting our pole lessons go to waste?" Miu asks.
"I'm not getting on the pole infront of thousands of people" I glared. "Koko, what does yolo stand for?" Junko asked. "You only live once". "Now yolo yo ass on that damn pole" she says pushing me towards the stage. "J-junko! There's too many people", "I still have stage fright" I yell quickly.
"Don't force him Junko, I'll be right back though", "My boss is here and he's kinda pissed" Ichi says annoyed. "I wanna see Izzy, Ichi" I whined. "Sounds like a great idea but no" she says walking away. I pouted, I wanted to see my best friend too.
"Nagi, ya being really lame right now" Miu tells me, annoyed. "You get up there then!" I yelled. "Fine, I will". She then proceeds to climb up on the stage and starts pole dancing. I knew I shouldn't have made friends with these people. The crowd was going wild as Miu does have a nice body.
Men start throwing money at her and screaming. Disgusting. Usually straight men use women for their bodies, not all but some or maybe most. Junko walks up to the stage and joins her.
"Come on Koko, come join us" Junko yelled. I look away from both of the girls, pretending I don't know them. Ice cream and soda sounds good right about now. At home crying, of how pathetic I am to end up here, getting sold off. There's noway someone would actually choose me, they'd be stupid if they did.
The two girls perform a little while longer, getting attention from both genders. Then, they both step off stage and walk over to me. "You missed out all the fun" Miu stated. "To hell with both of you", "I would but I don't like attention". "So come up with the both of us", "We brought you out to loosen up" Junko whined.
"And get sold apparently" I gritted. "You'll have to hoe it up either way, whether you like it or not" Junko tells me. "And why would that be?". She giggles, "You have to show off to the sugar daddies someway, plus everyone is already looking at you".
I look around and people are staring at me. "You two just got done dancing, if course they are!" I yelled. "Actually sweetheart, me and my friends have been looking at you ever since you walked in" a random guy tells me. "See, we told you, now you can move along sir" Junko says, swatting the guy away.
"Not yet, I wanted to get to know you better", "For a guy, you are very pretty" he tells me, trying to kiss my hand. "Sorry, no touching the merchandise" Ichi says, slapping the guy's hand away. "Ichigo, very nice to see you again". "You see me every night, today isn't different" she spat.
"Why are you being hostile? I haven't did anything wrong" he says. "Stay away from my friends, you're not his type anyways" she says, dragging all of us and walking away. "When is this auction starting? I want to go home" I whined. "In a couple of minutes, let me give you a rundown on how things are going to go" she says.
Somehow, Junko was right. I was going to end up hoeing it up whether I liked it or not. Why would I want to attract more attention? I run my finger through my hair, trying to relax is stressful. "Do you have a routine of what you're going to do?" Ichi asks me.
"Yes but no, I'm just gonna go with the flow" I tell her. She smiles, "Sorry I did this". "You aren't forgiven", "You don't sell your bestfriend". "I'm selling you to someone you know". "Hinata~kun?", "I don't think he has enough to buy me" I tell her.
She opens her mouth to say something, then laughs. "Sure we'll go with that", "Though I'm not sure if he'll buy you based on your body". "No shit". "Let's just hope he does or else this will go badly" she says. "I don't want to perform", I whined. "You kinda have too". "Fuck you and burn in hell".
"I love you too, Ko". "No you don't, you're the one making me do this" I spat. "At least it's someone you know instead of a stranger", "Don't you wanna hangout with your other best friends more?" she asks. I pause, she has a point, but a risky point.
"I do, but I can do it another way". "Izuru and Hajime are always busy", "Trust me they have tried to hangout with us and then something always 'comes up' and can't" she says. "So they're to busy to fucking give me one dime of their fucking time?!" I snapped.
"Look don't snap on me, I'm just telling you". "But that's bullshit, what could they possibly be busy with?" I asked, now pissed off. "You didn't hear this from me, there's this girl—". "I've heard enough, when do I start?". "A few minutes...". "Alright then".
After that embarrassment, I think I've had enough. I had finished the routine and everybody was looking at me, I'm surprised I'm not having a panic attack right now. "Let's get started with the auction shall we?". I lowly groan under my breath, I don't want it to be my turn anytime soon.
When I looked around the stage I noticed that there weren't many girls here. It's 5 pretty girls and then me, an feminine looking guy. I feel bad I took their spotlight, nobody called out any prices for them. I'll give them $500 off stage, that's what I can do for now.
I should've brought more money, or I can give them one of my cards. Nah, that's too nice, if I meet them again I'll give them $2,000. "And for our last contestant, we have a feisty bunny", Ichi says into the mic. I glare at her, I'm not a damn bunny nor am I feisty.
"We have $1,000 over here in the corner", "Will we get more?".
"We've got 5,000, come on people, where's the numbers?" She asks. I swear this girl will be the death of me.
"$9,000 in the right corner"
"Tehehe, it's over 9000". I am internally shocked. Will people actually pay this much for a person?
"$90,000", There was a pause within the crowd.
"Going once... twice?"
Someone then called out, "$100,000". Ichi got excited and everyone including me was shocked. "Going once, twice?". A pause, "Sold to Mr.Izuru Kamukura", "I'm glad you like him". Wait hold the fuck up. Izzy?!
Author's note: SURPRISEEEE this is your Christmas present from me to you so enjoy! And a special shout out to my baby, you can take this as an anniversary gift and Christmas gift.
Finished: 12/25/20
Published: 12/25/20
Re-published on: 03/06/21
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