Training days
(Normal POV)
"Umm...... guys" Ash said. "This is my friend Lucas"
Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie just stood there. They were....
Did Ash just said what they think he just said.
"Lucas?" Clemont said. "As in....."
"The guy you keep hearing about" Lucas finished. "The guy you never met, the guy who disappears all the time, the guy who is always around when you least expect it............ Yes that would me."
"............" everyone was like.
"Huh.....Ash? Are your friends ok" Lucas asked.
"Yeah...... it's just that they keep hearing about you and are just shocked that they finally met you." Ash said.
Everyone else still just stood there possessing what was going on. After about 5 minutes they snapped out of it.
"So..........." Bonnie started. "You're a spy too?"
"Of sorts" Lucas said.
"So........." she started again. "Does that mean you can.........."
"Look, not to be rude but I didn't come here to talk about myself" Lucas interrupted. "I came help you Ash."
"Me?" he explained. "I uh...... don't know what you are talking about."
"Ash don't act like you don't know. I saw your match against Korrina and how you were acted after the battle."
"What.... You where there?" Clemont asked. "How is that possible? We didn't even see you anywhere in the room."
"I'm a spy Clemont, no one knew I was there. Not even Aubrey and she can do the same thing as me." Lucas said.
"So wait..... what about......" Serena started.
"Again..... I didn't come to talk about myself; I came here to get Ash out of his slum."
"My slum?" he asked.
"You're acting like you lost everything after just one loses. Is that the Ash I battle back in Lumiose City? No!!!!" he yelled. "You can do better than that so stop acting like it's your fault and do what every trainer does when they lose a match."
"Which is......?" Ash said
"Do better the next time" Lucas finished. "It happens to all of us so just try again."
"I uh......" Ash started.
"Ash" Serena said. "He's right, you told me about the time you lost your very first gym battle. Did you give up then? No you didn't. You trained hard and tried again and even got the badge the second time around. Come on Ash you can do it."
Ash just stood there processing what Serena and Lucas. Can he really win? Do they really believe he can beat that Mega Lucario?
"Come on Ash. You know they have a point." Clemont said.
Ash just stood there for another minute until he finally did something.
He smiled.
"You right guys. I can't just give up" Ash said. "I'm going to train hard and rematch Korrina. And this time around I'm going to win. Thanks guys I need that."
"All I did was reminding you what you told me." Serena said. "But uh...... you're welcome."
"Alright, I heading straight to bed so I can get up tomorrow morning early to start training." Ash said. "I hope you can be up early to help me train Lucas."
"I will don't worry."
"Alright..... Good night." Ash said walking about into the Pokémon center. That left Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie on the balcony with Lucas who still standing in the same place.
"So........." Bonnie started. "You're Lucas"
"Uh..... Yes" he answered a bit confused. "I think that has already been established."
"We know it's just........." Clemont started. "We heard much about you and we haven't even met you before until now."
"Oh..... Right......" Lucas said. "Unless you count the Malamar incident I guess we haven't properly introduces ourselves each other."
"Yeah..... Anyways my name is Clemont and this is my sister Bonnie and my friend Serena." Clemont introduced.
"Nice you meet you" Lucas said.
"So....." Bonnie started..........again.
"Yes.....? What's on your mind?" Lucas asked.
"Since you're a spy...... can you do all kinds of spy moves and stunts?"
"Do you have all kinds of gadgets and a spy suit?" Bonnie interrupted.
"Well I.........."
"Have you ever been sky diving, escaped a burning building, jumped off a building to escape an explosion?" she kelp going on.
"Have you ever been a high speed chase, infuriated a secret lair, fight a bunch of bad guys, turn invisible, walk on wall, hack a computer, and............*ETC*"
Bonnie kelp rambling on and on about all kinds of stuff she saw spies do in movies while Clemont and Serena sweat dropped while Lucas just stood there
"This is going to be a long night." Lucas thought sweatdropping as he continued to listen to Bonnie rambling.
It was 6:30 the next morning and Ash was up on the beach with Pikachu on his shoulder as he was training his Charizard, Hawlucha, and Fletchinder. They were facing from Lucas's Gallade and Smeargle as they were going to help with their agility and speed.
"Ready Ash?" Lucas asked.
"Ready" he said.
"Ok Smeargle Gallade use Focus Blast" he commanded. The two Pokemon created a sphere of energy and shot them straight at Ash Pokemon.
"Dodge them!" Ash yelled.
All three of Ash's Pokémon jumped out of the way just and time before the attack could hit.
"Keep the presser on them" Lucas yelled. Gallade and Smeargle kelp firing their focus blast at Charizard, Hawlucha, and Fletchinder as they kelp dodging.
"Keep going guys" Ash said. "You're doing great"
For the past 10 minutes, Ash's Pokémon was still dodging every one of the focus blast that was being shot at them. Lucas thought Ash's Pokémon was doing good but thought they needed some more experience or some kind of twist to the training.
Then he thought of something.
"Smeargle use Metal Sound" Lucas yelled.
"What?" Ash said. Smeargle rubbed his paws together and imitated the motion Lucario did during his match against Ash. The sound waves spread so wide that both Hawlucha and Fletchinder was hit by it. Only Charizard was able to avoid the attack.
Then Hawlucha and Fletchinder got hit by the metal sound, they froze for a sec and suddenly got hit by two different focus blast from Gallade. Both of them got knocked back and fell on their back.
"Hawlucha! Fletchinder!" Ash yelled. They slowly got back up but took quit the hit from the attack as they clearly showed it since they struggled to stay on their feet and immediately fell over.
"Ok guys enough" Lucas said. Smeargle and Gallade stopped their attacks and went over to help Ash's pokemon. "Do your thing Smeargle"
Smeargle then used heal pulse on Hawlucha and Fletchinder as Gallade helped them up to their feet. The two Pokémon now feeling like nothing happened to them.
"Ok Ash you were doing well until your Pokémon got hit by that Metal Sound" Lucas said. "Keep that in mind when you face Korrina's Lucario."
"Will do" Ash said.
"Good by the way, can I see your Pokédex?" he asked.
"Why? Are you going to look at my trainer I.D?
"Is that a problem?"
"I guess not" he then took out his pokedex and handed it to Lucas.
"Thank, this will help me evaluate your pokemon's strength and weaknesses so we can train on that."
"Oh..... Good idea"
"Ready to continue?" he asked.
"You know it!"
From the edge of the beach there sat a girl and her Pokémon who was watching Ash and Lucas (mostly Ash) training their Pokémon. She was watching them about half an hour after they started training was seeing all the different strategies to train Pokémon.
That girl was Serena.
And the Pokémon was Fennekin.
"He works so hard to reach his goal" she said as she was admiring Ash's determination.
"He's impressive isn't he" some said from behind. Serena then turned her head to see who said that. She found Aubrey and her Flaaffy was right by her leg.
"Aubrey?" Serena asked.
"I was wondering where you were" she said. "Clemont told me that Lucas was here and I wanted talking to him about something but I see he is busy at the moment."
"Yeah.... They been training for about 2 hours now and are making really good progress." Serena said. "But what do you need to ask Lucas?"
"Oh nothing, it can wait" She said. "Anyways, can I ask you something?"
"Sure what is it?"
"It's probably not my business but....... Do you by chance have any feelings for Ash?"
"HUH???" Serena explained with her checks turning pink. "Why..... uhhhh...... what do you mean? Uh..... Why do you asked?"
"Sorry" she said. "I'm not trying to make you unconformable. I was just wondering because I noticed you act a little....... Different around him." she asked.
"Different? What kind of different?" Serena asked trying to acted like she had no idea.
"I saw how you acted when he was unconscious and you were spreading the pain jell on him" she said. "You seemed to ........ enjoyed doing it."
"What that?!?!" she said. "I was just doing what any friend would........."
"SERENA" Aubrey interrupted. "Why can't you just tell me?"
"I....... uhhh......" she sighed. "Ok ok......... I .......uh........ might have some feeling for him."
"OK OK, I was just wondering" Aubrey yelled. "You don't need to yell."
*Sigh*"Sorry, it's just that it's something I really don't feel conformable talking about" she said. "Why do you ask?......... Wait......... you don't have.........."
"Me?!?!" Aubrey exclaimed. "Oh no no, you don't have to worry about me. To tell the truth I don't have room for a relationship in my life."
"Oh...... ok" Serena said. "Also I was meaning to ask you, does your Flaaffy......."
"Like Ash's Pikachu" she finished. "Well............" That is when Fennekin started to glare at Flaaffy while she gave a little smirk. "Yah........... But like I said she likes just about every electric type she comes across. I wouldn't worry about it too much."
"Flaaffy flaa ffy fla" Flaaffy said. Saying she is not like that and she is absolutely is in love with Pikachu and nobody else.
"Isn't that what you said about that Elekid we met a month ago" Aubrey said.
"Fla........" she said sweat dropping. Fennekin just snickered from her response now knowing she is not as big of a threat as she first thought.
"Elekid?" Serena asked.
"Long story."
"Ok.......... Wait!...... you understood what your Flaaffy said?"
"I got the gist of it" she said. "Anyways while Ash is training with Lucas, why don't we do some training?"
"You...... you want me to battle you? Uh.....I don't know. I don't really have much battle experience with my Pokémon." Serena said.
"Don't worry, I didn't mean we battle" Aubrey said. "I was thinking I could help you train for your performance for the upcoming showcase. I mean, there is no reason for Ash to be the only one training."
"Really! You would do that for me?" she asked.
"Sure, I know a bit about preforming and I have a friend who is a professional that taught me a bunch of her moves. I would be glad to show you what I know."
"Wow thanks" Serena said. "Ready Fennekin?"
"Fen kin kin" she said nodding.
"Ok Let's do this."
Three days has passed from that day and both Ash and Serena were training hard. Ash's Pokémon has gotten a lot faster and more agile while training with Lucas. At the same time, Serena and her Pokémon learned a couple of new tricks from Aubrey and her Altaria.
Down at the beach, Ash and his Charizard was sparing against Lucas and his Gallade for nearly an hour.
"Charizard use Slash" Ash yelled. Charizard rushed towards Gallade as he was about to slash him with his claw.
"Wait for it" Lucas said. Gallade just stood there wait for the right time to make his move. Charizard kelp getting closer and closer to Gallade as he was still not moving.
"Almost there" Lucas said.
"What is he doing?" Ash thought. When Charizard was only 3 second away to strike, he gave the command.
"Now" Lucas yelled. Gallade suddenly used teleported just before Charizard could strike.
"What the......?!?!" Ash said.
"Get on top of him." Gallade suddenly reappeared on top of Charizard and grab ahold around his neck.
"Huh....... Charizard shake him off" Ash yelled.
"Don't let go" Lucas yelled. Charizard flew up and did his best to get Gallade off of him. But no matter how hard he tried Gallade had a firm grip on him.
"Psycho Cut!" Gallade then fired Psychic energy bit from the blades of his arms at Charizard's back as he kelp his hold on him.
"Gruuuuuee" he yelled in pain. Charizard was then starting to fall to the ground will Gallade still on him.
"Charizard!!!" Ash yelled.
"Teleport off" Lucas yelled. Gallade quickly teleported off of Charizard then reappeared right next to Lucas. "Now catch him."
Gallade's eyes glowed blue as he focused his sight on Charizard. He caught him just in time before he hit the ground and gently placed him down. Charizard laid flat on his back from the exhaustion.
"I think Charizard had enough training for today" Lucas said. He then reached into his back pack and took out two Oran berries. "Here, give these to Charizard."
Ash nodded as he took the Oran berries from his hand and walked over to Charizard. "Hear Charizard eat some of these berries, they will make you feel better."
Charizard got up slowly as Ash felt him the two barriers. He chewed them for a full minute before he swallowed.
"Charizard is improving, but I still think it will be a close match when you face Korrina" Lucas said. "I think it's about time you give her the rematch she been waiting for."
"You really think I'm ready?" Ash asked. "But I couldn't get the advantage even once against your Gallade and he isn't even in his mega form. How am I supposed to bet her mega Lucario if I can't even bet your Gallade?"
"My Gallade and her Lucario are two very different Pokémon." He said. " My Gallade is at a much higher level than her Lucario and if your Charizard could last as long as he did against my Gallade he will be fine against Lucario."
"You think so?" Ash asked.
"Yah I do?" Lucas said.
"But wait...... I will still have to face Lucario in its mega form. How am I supposed to win a mega evolve with the Pokémon I have?"
"It's not impossible Ash, it's just very difficult." Lucas said. "And besides, I heard how you beaten Kal's mega Pinser with Charizard so you have the potential to bet any mega evolve."
"Are you sure I can win? I mean it is a mega evolved Lucario I'm talking about."
"You already beaten one mega evolve, so there is no reason why you can't do it again." Lucas said. "Ash, you are the only one holding yourself back. Don't think about what if I lose, think about when I win."
Ash smiled. "Thanks Lucas I need to hear that. And you know what, I'm going to challenge Korrina first thing tomorrow and this time I will win."
"Pi Pikachu" Pikachu cheered.
"That's the spirit I know you will do great" Lucas said. "In fact, I want to give you something to help you in your battle tomorrow."
"Something for me? What is it?" he asked. Lucas then reached into his pocket and took out a small object, he showed it to Ash and his eyes widen. "Is...... is that.........."
"Yes it is." Lucas confirmed. "I know I can trust you with it."
"But I.... I can't use it." Ash said.
"Yes you can Ash. Didn't you get a gift from Aubrey back in Geosenge town before she left."
"Yah..... How did you know about that?"
"She told me, so use this along with what she gave you and you will do just fine."
"Thanks Lucas" Ash said as he took the object. "So uh..... I guess I will head in now, thanks for helping me train."
Ash then returned his Charizard and started to head back to the Pokémon Center.
"Wait Ash!" Lucas yelled. "I need to ask you something."
"I been wondering about something ever since I saw your Pokédex."
"Which is?"
"I just wanted to know............. How come you caught 30 Tauros in one day?"
Ash sweat dropped. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"
Again SOOOOOORRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY for the late update. I don't know what is wrong with me. So anyways next chapter with be the rematch and you can pretty much guess what Ash is going to do in his match against Korrina.
People in the comments want Ash to find out about the kiss and I want him to find out too. But I think it is too early in the story for him to find so........ sorry to disappoint. But that does not mean someone else will not find out.
So until next time....... like, comment, question, and so on.
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