Three VS Three Finale
(Normal POV)
It was been three days since Diantha had visited the camp and a lot had happen since then. Each team has gotten more points as the days gone by but only two team left who actually had a chance to win the whole thing.
Team Froakie was in the lead but team Squirtle are in a close second since they are only 2 points behind.
Team Chikorita, which is the team Miette is on, was in third place but gave up completely since they were 23 points behind team Squirtle and thought there was no point in trying anymore if they are that far ahead.
To Miette she was fine with that because she didn't really care about winning to begin with. Sure it was fun at first but thought there was other things she could focus more on. Like........... per say a certain raven haired guy and his friends. More specifically a certain girl with honey blonde hair who is easily annoyed, which she finds humorous, when it comes to Miette bringing up a certain subject that she would like to avoid talking about...........*Cough* Ash *Cough*.
Does the girl like the guy? Yes. Does the guy know? Not a Clue. Will Miette tell the guy that the girl likes him? Probably not...... but the girl does not know that.
But enough of the who likes who, lets get back to the present.
It's the last day of camp and the eight friends, if you consider Miette a friend at this point, was eating breakfast and was reflecting on the week they had.
"I can't believe it's the last day of camp already" Ash said.
"I can't believe you were able to climb that cliff so fast when we did the scavenger hunt" Miette said sounding impressed. "That was VERY......... impressive how you were able to do that."
She directed that last part towards Serena just to get on her nerves. Serena, once again, tried not to let her get to her and tried her best not to show it.
"Stay calm..... stay calm" she thought.
"Time sure does fly when you are having fun" Tierno said. "I can't believe my team is only a couple points behind yours."
"There is still the last event to decide this year's winner" Trevor said.
"May I ask what the event is" Clemont said.
"Don't know, it is different every year."
"Well whatever it is, I'm going to win it" Ash cheered.
"Pi Pikachu" he said cheered along with Ash.
"Well someone's eager" Serena giggled. "Why don't you save you energy until the event."
"Right" he said sheepishly.
After all the campers finished eating their breakfast they all gathered outside the mess hall at the very place they met on the first day as Professor Sycamore got up in front of the building and turned to address all the campers.
"I hope everyone enjoyed their time here at my annual Pokémon summer camp" he said. "And I also hope that everyone here as learned something that will help them further their goal as a Pokémon trainer, performer, breeder, coordinator, and so on."
"I hope Clemont learned the secret that makes it so his inventions won't blow up" Bonnie thought.
"I want all of the teams to know that every single one of you have done a great job with all the challenges you and your teams have faced this week and it was gotten you and your team closer to victory here as this year's camp champions. But most of all I hope it has gotten you closer to your friends and Pokémon.
"You bet" Ash said to himself.
"Pi pika pi" Pikachu agreed.
"It was a close competition between all of the teams. However, only two teams are left that has proven themselves to have the potential to become great trainers. So the last challenge will be held later today at the battle field and there we will decided who this year's champions will be. So now let's give a round of applause to our two team, team Froakie and team Squirtle."
All of the campers then clapped their hands for the both team while the teams waves at the other campers, even Ash and his team clapped for team Squirtle as they also did the same to team Froakie.
"The two teams have until then to prepare themselves for the last challenge. Until then, the rest of the day is a free day. Enjoy yourselves."
With that the crowd dispersed and the campers went to do their own thing until the finals happens.
The group was back at their cabin packing up some of their stuff so they will be ready when they leave tomorrow. They only had what they needed still out so they have easy access to it.
"Almost done packing Bonnie?" Clemont asked from the other room.
"Just about!!!" she yelled back. After she said that she went back to what she was doing before, which was playing hide and go seek with Dedenne. "Now where are you?........."
A couple more minutes past and Clemont has finally finish pack as he put his last invention back into his backpack.
"Done" he said. He then looked over at Ash's bunk and saw that he was just lying there with his hands behind his head looking up at the ceiling.
"You ok Ash? Are you even done packing?" he asked.
"Huh?" Ash said as he was shock out of his thoughts. "Sorry, did you say something?"
"Yeah, I asked of you are done packing." Clemont said.
"Oh uh....... No" he said. "Sorry but I was just thinking about some stuff that happened while we are here."
"Are you thinking about the last challenge?" Clemont asked. "It's nothing that we can't handle, it's probably just going to be a battle between us and........"
"It's not that" Ash said. "I was thinking what Diantha said to us about what happened between her and Lucas."
"Why are you thinking about that? It's probably just a sibling rivalry or something, Bonnie and I sure have our moments."
"True, but those don't separate you two for over a year right." he said. Clemont had to think about that for a moment. True they get on each other's nerves but that's normal. What ever happened between Diantha and Lucas must have been really bad.
"Good point" Clemont said. "Still, what got you thinking about it?"
"I really don't know" he answered. "I guess I really feel bad for Diantha not seeing her brother for such a long time. Even though I'm an only child, I bet I would miss seeing my brother or sister if I had one."
"I get it, you feel bad for them. Although I don't know Lucas as well as you do I get he's a good friend and he helped you out a lot. I guess that's enough reason to worry about him or Diantha."
"I guess you can put it like that" Ash said.
"Well don't worry, I'm sure things will work themselves out" Clemont said. "Now come on, I'll help you pack."
Ash nodded as he got up from his bunk and went over to his pile of cloths. As he went to pick up one of his shirts he nodded something moving there.
"Huh?" He then picked up the top shirt of the pile and saw Dedenne hiding in the pile.
"De ne...." it said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.
"Dedenne? What are you doing in my clothes?"
Not a moment later Bonnie walked into the room and spotted Dedenne in the pile. "Found you" she said.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was now the afternoon and everyone on team Froakie was finished with most of the packing. Well.... All except Bonnie who has some catching up to do after waiting time playing when she was supposed to be packing, but we will get to that later.
All of the campers and staff were now gathered at the very same camp arena where they saw Diantha and Gurkinn battled three days ago. All members of team Froakie and team Squirtle where in the middle of the area along with Professor Sycamore.
"The time has finally come" professor Sycamore said. "Again, I would like to thank all the teams for their hard work and effort they put into this week. I could stand here and talk about all the great fun all of you had at this camp, but I bet all of you are eager to get to the final event so without further delay let's get to the finale."
All the campers in the stands started cheering and clapping while both teams when to the opposite side of the field to take their place.
"So with one of us are battling first?" Ash said.
"It's not that kind of battle" professor Sycamore said.
"For the final event, the three of you are going to be battling the three members of team Squirtle at the same time on a three on three match."
"So..... All of us are battling together?" Serena asked.
"That is correct" He said. "Bonnie I'm going to have to ask you to come wait on the side lines with me while you team battle."
"Aww..... I want to battle" she wined.
"Don't worry Bonnie your time will come soon enough" Clemont said. "For now please just go wait with the professor and please don't argue anymore."
"Fine" she said as she walked to the side with the professor. Once she got to place the professor came back to the middle of the field and explained the rules to the campers.
"This will be a triple battle between team Froakie and team Squirtle. Each trainer can only use one Pokémon for their team. When all three pokemon from one side is unable to battle, the winners will be the ones with pokemon still standing. Understood?"
Both teams and all the campers nodded as they were eager to get the battle started.
"Very well, trainers send out your Pokémon."
"Chespin come on out" Clemont said releasing the Chespin from his Pokéball.
"Fennekin you come out too" Serena said throwing Fennekin's Pokéball to the field.
"Ok Froakie time to battle" Ash said as he threw Froakie's pokeball releasing the blue frog Pokémon.
"Huh? You're not using Pikachu?" Serena questioned.
"Since we are team Froakie, I thought it would be fitting to use Froakie to finish the final event."
"Fair enough" Clemont said.
"So we are battling against the Kalos starters" Trevor said. "So in that case....."
Both Shauna and Tierno nodded with Trevor to show they were thinking the same thing.
"Come out Charmander"
"Time to dance Squirtle"
"Let's do this Bulbasaur"
All three members of team Squirtle released their respective Pokémon as they got into a battle stance.
"Hmm....... It's basically a battle between Kanto and Kalos. This should be good" Miette said.
"Alright battle begin" professor Sycamore said signaling the start of the battle.
(Ash POV)
"Let's strike first, use Bubbles on Charmander"
"Fennekin, Flamethrower on Bulbasaur " Serena said.
"Chespin, Pin Missile on Squirle."
All three Pokémon released their respective attacks and their targets and it looks like it was going to make contact.
"Time to spin Squirtle, Water Gun" Tierno said. Squirtle jumped into the air and withdrew in his shell. A jet stream of water was released the from inside the shell as it was spinning midair so the water was not only colliding with the Pin Missile but also the Flamethrower and Bubbles in result was protecting him and his team mates.
"Looks like attacking all at once won't work" I said to my team."
"Then let's get rid of the problem." Clemont said. "Chespin, grab hold of Squirtle with Vine Whip"
Chespin then released its vines from his back as it went towards Squrtle while it was still spinning in its shell."
"Charmander, stop Chespin by using Flame Burst on the vines" Trevor yelled. Charmander was about to open its mouth to release its fire attack. But I was not going to let that happen.
"Froakie, throw your frubbles at Charmandor's face."
Not a second later, Froakie grabbed a hand full of its frubbles from his neck and threw it straight right into Charmandors face.
"Charmander!!!" Trevor yelled.
With Charmander's face covered by the frubbles he was unable to even open his mouth so the flame thrower failed. With nothing stopping Chespin the vine whip it continued until it reached Squirtle and grab him while it was still in its shell.
"Squir Squirtle" it said coming out of its shell
"Squirtle break free" Tierno yelled.
"Don't let it escape" Clemont said. Chespin was doing its best to keep Squirtle in it's vines, Squirtle kelp shaking and shaking to get free but all it was doing was getting even more tangled up.
"Guys, I could use some help here" Tierno said.
"On it, Bulbasaur use Razer Leaf on the vines and free Squirtle" Shaunna said. Bulbasaur unleashed a storm of leafed from its bulb and was heading towards the vines.
"Burn them this FlameThrower" Serena said.
"Oh no you don't, use Head Butt" Trevor said.
Fennekin was charging up the fire in its mouth to fire at the leafs, however Charmandor was not going to let that happen, even though it's mouth was closed shut it ran towards Fennekin full speed. He made contact towards Fennekin and knocked her off balance by the time she used flame thrower.
"Fennekin!!!" Serena yelled.
"Ouch.... That looked like it hurts"
Although the flame thrower went off it missed its target and flow passed the leaves and Bulbasaur.
The leafs then hit the vines causing it to weaken and Squirtle was able to slip right out.
"Thanks Bulbasaur, now Squirtle use Rapid Spin on Fennkin" Tierno said.
"Fennkin move out of the way" Serena yelled. However Fennekin was still down from the head butt and was to hurt move.
"Froakie protect Fennkin" Froakie then jumped in front of Fennkin while she was still down and held its hands in front of him. instead of the rapid spin hitting Fennekin is was being blocked Froakie.
"Keep going Squirtle, break through Froakie and hit them both" Tierno said.
"In the meantime, get those Frubbles off your face" Trevor yelled.
While Charmander was getting the frubbles of his face Squirtle continued using rapid spin while Froakie was holding him back.
"Keep it us Froakie, don't let him breakthrough"
Froakie kelp Squirtle back making sure he does not break through. Fennekin is just staring at Froakie in awe as he was protecting himself and Fennekin. I think that she is impressed that Froakie was able to keep a rapid spin from hitting them both.
"Chespin, help out Froakie by using Pin Missal on Squirtle" Clemont said.
Chespin then released a furry on missiles from its quills and shot them straight at the spinning Squirtle.
"Bulbasaur use Razer Leaf and intercepted the missals" Shauna said.
Bulbasaur shot out the leafs from his bulb and was heading towards the pin missal.
"I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. Use Flame thrower on the leaves" Serena said.
Fennekin got up and out behind Froakie and aimed her flame thrower towards the leafs. Since Charmander was still busy getting the Frubbles off his face he was not able to intercepted the attack. The flame thrower hit its mark and burned the leaves before it could hit the pin missal.
The pin missile hit its mark as Squirtle was knocked away from Froakie and out of its shell.
"Squirtle!!!" Tierno yelled. At that time Charmander got the last of the frubbles off of his face and then took a battle stance, when he did he saw that a lot had happened already while he was busy and sweatdropped.
"Finally that's done with" Trevor said. "Ok. Now use Flamethrower on Chespin."
Charmander then charged his flamethrower attack and shot it straight towards Chespin.
"Chespin dodge it" Chemont said.
"Oh no you don't, block his path with Petal Dance" Shauna said. Before Chespin could leap out of the way a storm of petals came from its bulb and blocked Chespins path.
"Find another way out" Clemont said. But it was too late, the flamethrower hit its mark and sent Chespin flying. "CHESPIN!!!"
Chespin landed on its back covered in scars struggling to get up.
"Finish him off with......." Trevor started.
"Froakie now" I yelled. Froakie knew what I meant when I said that and leaped into action. He got a wad of frubbles around his neck and threw it at not only Charmander's face, but also Bulbasaur's bulb and Squirtle's shell."
"OH, COME ON ASH, I JUST GOT THAT OFF!!!" Trevor said a little annoyed.
"Get that stuff off of you" Shauna said.
"You too Squirtle" Tierno said.
Miette just laughed from the stands. "That's hilarious."
"Quick Fennekin use Hidden Power on Bulbasaur" Serena said.
Fennekin jumped into the air while charging up her attack. When she was finished it shot straight towards Bulbasaur, since he was busy getting the frubbles off he didn't react in time and got hit straight on.
"Bulbasour!" Shauna shouted. By the time Bulbasaur recovered from the attack. Chespin also recovered from the flamethrower from Charmander.
"Let's try this again, Water Pulse"
"Pine Missal" Clemont said.
"Flamethrower" Serena said. All three of our attacks went off and it the respective Pokémon from the first time we tried to do it.
"Dodge it" they yelled. But it was too late, with Bulbasaur down, and Squirtle and Charmander still busy with the rubbles they were unable to react in time and got hit by the respective super effective attacks and caused a huge explosion.
"Bulbasaur" they shouted. Then the dust cleared it showed that all of the kanto starters where down and out.
"All three Pokémon from team Squirtle are unable to battle, the winner and this year camp victors are team Froakie" professor sycamore said.
"Alright" I cheered giving a fist pump into the air.
"We won" Serena cheered. I got out Froakie's Pokéball and returned him but not before Fennekin went up to Froakie and did what I thought was her telling him thanks for protecting her from the battle. Froakie rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment before getting returned to his Pokéball.
Everyone else soon returned their Pokémon and everyone from team Squirtle walked up to us.
"You guys battle really great" Shauna said.
"Yeah, you had some really great moves out there, I'll make sure to incorporate them in my dancing" Tierno said.
"It was great, but you should have done something other than using Frankie's frubbles in the battle it was very annoying" Trevor said.
"Hey if it works, it works."
(Normal POV)
After the battle both teams along with all the other campers been dismissed and spend the last hour for free time. The two teams healed their Pokémon and spend the last of their free time finishing pack. Mostly helping Bonnie pack because she did not get any of her stuff packed.
Hey..... she was busy with something when everyone else was packing. *cough* finding Dedenne *cough*
An hour later it is now dark outside, all of the campers are gathered back at the same arena where all the members of team Froakie where standing in the center along will professor sycamore.
"We are here tonight to congratulate team Froakie for their hard works and determination to make it as this year's camp victors" he said. "But that is not to say that the other teams and campers have not have done as much as team Froakie so please give yourself a round of applause."
All the campers, including team Froakie, started clapping for each other and some even cheered for each other.
"YEAH TEAM FROAKIE!!!" one campers cheered.
"Now as a simple of their accomplishment I will now present to each of them these four medals"
The professor then handed out four medals to Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie the camp metal that showed a Pokéball with the year in the center of it.
"In addition to the metal they will be recorded and placed in the camp's fall of fame".
Sophie then entered the arena and a camera in hand and got into photograph stance.
"Ok everyone, release your Pokémon and move close to each other" she said.
The gang released their Pokémon and moved close to one another. Particularly Fennekin who sat in between Pikachu and Froakie when she did her cheeks started too turned red just by sitting between the two. Serena also moved in closer to Ash as she felt very comparable being next to him.
"Alright now smile" she said. She took the picture then looked at the result from the screen on her camera. "Perfect, I'll make sure each of you will get a copy before you leave."
"Thanks" Ash said.
"Now that it had been recorded, let's give them one last round of applauses" Professor Sycamore said.
All the campers clapped once more as gang, as well as their Pokémon, started waving back to the campers as they put on the metals that was given to them.
"Now this is one of the best days I ever had" Ash said. Serena then looked up to Ash with a dazzle in her eye when seeing the warm smile on Ash face.
"Mine too" she thought.
It is now the next morning and all of the campers having finished packing and are now saying their last good byes before heading out. The gang is currently saying their goodbyes to Shauna, Trevor and Tierno.
"It's been a blast" Ash said.
"Right back at you" Tierno said.
"It was really nice to meet all of you" Trevor said.
"Same here" Clemont said as the two shook hands.
"Well we have to head out" Shauna said. "So Serena, I guess the next time we meet it will be at a showcase and I plan on winning."
"We'll see about that" Serena said. "But until then, keep in tough."
"Will do" she said.
"Well what are we waiting for? Onwards to Coumarine City" Ash cheered as he was about to take a step towards the road. But he was then suddenly stopped by someone else.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" someone said. the gang turned to see who it was and standing there in their path was none other than Miette with her hands behind her back. "Aren't you going to say goodbye to me before heading off?"
"Oh right sorry" Ash said scratching the back of his head. "I hope you do well on your journey."
"You too Ash" she said. "And Serena....."
Serena was a bit hesitant to answer when Miette said her name. "Yes?....."
"I hope you do well on your first showcase as well" she said as she offered a hand shake.
"Uh..... Yeah, ok thanks. Good luck to you too" she said accept the hand shake. As soon as they shook Miette then pulled Serena close and whispered in her ear.
"Don't think I forgot about Ash, you better move fast"
"HUH?!?!" she said with her face red.
"Anyways, go to go. See yeah" And with that she left running fulling speed towards the road without even see the reaction of the other people of the group.
"Uh..... Serena, are you alright? Your face is red" Ash asked.
"Uh.... Yeah.... I'm fine" she said.
"Oh........ that Miette" she thought.
I know XY and XY&Z are almost done but I still want to finish this story anyways and see if i can finish this story better than what XY&Z are planning on doing.
Like I said before I get lazy and I do have a life you know. So please bear with me and I will continue writing this story.
Until then like, comment, question and all that good stuff.
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