The Truth Comes Out
(Ash POV)
I am still climbing the Meowth robot as team rocket is still trying to shake me off. I'm still hanging on as hard as I can trying to get to the center where Blazekin and my Charizard is.
"How can this twerp will be able to hang on after all that shacking" James said.
"I'll never give up" I yelled at them still climbing. "I'll not stop in till I free the Pokémon you took."
After a little more climbing I finally got to the center were the Pokémon was being held. They are trying their best trying to break out of the container they were in but it was unbreakable from the inside. But... maybe not from the outside.
"Ok Pikachu break the container with Iron Tail." Pikachu got into position and slammed his glowing white tail at the container and sliced it down the middle. After a second the container split into two and both Blazekin and Charizard are free.
"WHY YOU!!!!!" Jessie screamed as she started to press a bunch of buttons. The Meowth robot started to shake even more then it was before. It was so strong this time I couldn't hold on anymore. My grip was slipping, I couldn't hold on any more. After what felt like forever I lost my grip and was falling.
"I'm coming" the Blazekin masked man said. He leaped forward and up to where I was and caught me before I hit the ground. As we landed both my Charizard and his Blazekin rushed towards us in tackle us to show that they were worried sick.
"I'm fine Charizard" I said trying to get him off of me. "It's all over now."
"Not yet it's not." Just then the Meowth Machine became even more intimidating as it changed its appearance and looked like it was getting bigger.
"What the...?!?!" the man said.
"Now that the Mega Meowth is at its capacity we'll get all your pokemon and make sure you will never get in our way again you twerp" Jessie roared.
Just then the man stepped forward with a determined look in his eye.
"So that's your machine at its best" he said as he took out a stone. "Let me show you mine."
"Wait... what are you....." before I could even finish he touched the stone in the center as it started to glow. It unleashed a bright beam of light as it made contact with the stone that was on his Blazekin.
"What the...." Meowth said. Blazekin started to glow a bright light as he started to change shape. After the glowing was done Blazekin looked completely different than before. There was fire like ribbons coming from its arms. His red and yellow pattern changed to red and black. He was slightly taller than before and he looked even more intimidating then before.
"Did you just...." I started to say.
"Yes Ash" he finishes for me. "I Mega Evolved my Blazekin."
The rocket troi's jaw dropped at what they just saw. They could not believe what they just saw. But after a second they shook their heads to snap themselves out of it and they got a devious look on their face.
"Mega Evolved or not you're no match for our Mega Meowth" Jessie said. "All you did was give us more reason to catch your Blazekin."
"The only thing you're going to get is a Flamethrower to the face, GO BLAZEKIN" he yelled.
"You to Charizard Flamethrower." And with that both the fire types shot a jet stream of flames from their mouth at the mega Meowth. The difference between my Charizard's flamethrower and Blazekin's was his was a lot bigger and was shooting out even faster than Charizard's. They both made contact to the mega Meowth in its center and pushed it back several yards. It looked like it did a lot of damage the robot went down. However it was not out.
"How come Blazekin's Flamethrower was a lot bigger than Charizard's?" I asked as the robot was getting back up.
"When a Pokémon Mega Evolves their power and skill increase drastically" he said amazed. Even my Charizard was amazed, we never seen a Pokémon use flamethrower as powerful as that one. That kind of power was increasable. Now I really want to learn how to use mega evolution.
"Impressive" James said as the robot got up.
"Now it's our turn." And with a push of a button (again a lot of buttons) the Mega Meowth shot out its arms and tried to grab both Charizard and Blazekin.
"Dragon Claw"
"Blaze Kick"
Both of our Pokémon came at the arms with their attacks and knocked them back. However my Charizard was also knocked backed as his dragon claw made contact with the left arm while the blaze kick knocked the right arm back without losing his balance.
"Ha... your Charizard is no match now that our Mega Meowth is at it full power" Meowth said. I hate to say it but Meowth has a point. It is going to take more than Charizard to bring that thing down. Even though I have the masked man and his Blazekin helping it is still going to be tough.
"Charizard Dragon Claw at the center" I yelled. Charizard then was flying full speed towards the center of the robot while the trio did nothing but grinned.
The man saw that and though something was up. After a second he realized it.
"No Ash wait" he yelled. But it was too late. The left arm quickly grab my Charizard in midair as it came towards the center and held it in a death grip. They wanted my Charizard to come at it like that.
"Now take this you over size lizard" James said as he pressed a button. The left hand got filled with electricity and shocked my Charizard with over 100 volts.
"Graaaaaarrrrrr........" it yelled in pain.
"Pika!!!!!" Pikachu yelled also worried. After about 10 seconds of team rocket shocking Charizard they stopped at they placed it back in the container from before. Charizard tried breaking out from the inside but it was no use.
"Now that we got Charizard back we'll get that Blazekin and that Pikachu of yours and be on our way" Jessie said as the robot turned and faced us.
"You'll never get my Pikachu."
"Blazekin Close Combat on the container" the man said. The Blazekin quickly rushed towards the center while advoiding all the attacks the robot was dealing out and the arms that tried to catch it.
Blazekin reached the container at held Charizard and started hacking at it with close combat. It was dealing a good amount of damage at it but unlike last time the container held firm and was not breaking, it was not even a dent being made.
"Now we got you" Meowth said pushing a button. Just then both arm quickly came up grabbed Blazekin and held it firm.
"Blazekin!!!" he yelled. It tried to break free but it was being held so tight he didn't even had any room to wiggle, let alone move.
"And now for my favorite part" Jessie said pushing a button. As soon as she did the arms shocked the Blazekin with over 100 volts as it yelled in pain. After another 10 seconds they stopped showing that Blazekin was knocked out.
"Hehehe......." Meowth said. "Now that were done with you will just put you with Charizard and then grab that twerps Pika......"
Just before he could finished talking something round and powerful came out of nowhere and hit the side of the mega Meowth arm. The blast was so powerful that it knocked Blazekin out of its arm as he landed on his feet.
"What the.....?" Jessie said.
"What just happened" James said.
"Remember me" a voice said. Wait.... That voice sounds familiar. Is that....?
"Good thing I made it just in time" it said. I looked over to were the voice came from. It came up in a tree not far from there the robot was.
As I got closer I could see someone standing on a branch with a Gallade and a Smeargle standing next to him. Wait..... Gallade? Smeargle? It that.........
The figure jumped down from the tree to reveal a guy with glasses, red shirt, green pants, and a green fedora. It is him. It's Lucas.
"Lucas!!!" I said again.
"Good to see you again Ash" he said.
"Lucas you made it just in time" the man with the Blazekin mask said.
"Wait you two know each other?"
"Ya but can that wait we are in the middle of something" the man said again. Team rocket got really mad when they saw Lucas. Last time they meet it did not end well for team rocket.
"You again!!!" Jessie scream. "I just had enough of you ruining our plans."
"Oh.... I ruined your plans? I thought you were just that bad and I happen to be around when your plans fail." He joked making run of team rocket.
"Grrrrrr...... you won't be joking after this" Meowth said as he pressed a button (what is with all the buttons?). The arms came at his Gallade while it just stood there not moving.
"Uh.... Lucas? It's coming" I warned him.
"I got this Ash" he said. "Don't worry." The arm came closer and closer. As they drew near Gallade got into a ready position waiting for what looks like a command from Lucas.
"Any second now...." He said. As soon as the arms were only a yard away he gave the word.
"NOW" and just like that Gallade vanished into thin air as the arm was about to make contact.
"Huh... were did it go?" James said.
"What kind of trick are you pulling here?" Jessie said
"It's a move called Teleport" Lucas said.
"And that was only a distraction."
"A distraction?" James said.
"Ya didn't you pay any attention to Blazekin during that time?" he said.
"Huh... what about hi......"
"NOW" the man said. Before Meowth could finish Blazekin came out of nowhere and blazed kicked the container that held Charizard causing the whole machine to shake.
"What the....." Jessie said shocked. "I thought he was knock out."
"All part of my plan" Lucas said. " While you were focus on Gallade my Smeargle was able to sneak pass your robot and heal Blazekin with Heal Pules. After that it used Helping Hand to give its Blaze Kick a little more..... well....Kick" he laughed a little at that last part.
"Wow good plan Lucas" I said impressed.
"Grrrrr.... Still that won't stop the Mega Meowth" Meowth said.
"Not even his Mega Evolve Pokémon could stop it."
"True" he said as his Gallade teleported back in front of him. "One can't but how about two."
"Two?" I said. He then revealed a his bracelet to team rocket. Why would he..... wait is that a....
"Is that a Key Stone?"
"Yes" Lucas said as he pressed it. "Yes it is". At that point a link that was made earlier between the masked man and his Blazekin was now being made between Lucas and his Gallade. Gallade was now glowing and the outline of his shape started to change. After the glowing stopped it revealed Gallade in a different form. Gallade is slightly taller than before, the blades on his arms are a lot larger with a red edge, and the blade on his head was now curved to a point and has a cape that runs down his back.
"Meet Mega Gallade" Lucas said proudly.
"Grrrrrr.... Mega evolved for not it's still not going to me enough." Jessie said.
"Will see ready Blaze?" Lucas said.
"Blaze?" I asked.
"It's what I call him"
"Ready" the man said. "Close Combat" they both said at the same time.
Both mega Evolved Pokémon rushed at the mega meowth with unbelievable speed and slammed their hands and feet at its center. And like that the container, that held Charizard, broke with what looks like little effort and continued using close combat on the rest of the robot.
"Meowth do something" Jessie roared in rage.
"I'm trying" he said pushing many buttons. But nothing worked; Charizard went back over to Ash as he was getting healed by Smeargle as Blazekin and Gallade bit by bit contained breaking the mega meowth until it was so damaged that it couldn't move any more.
"I don't like the look of this" James said.
"Ok Gallade finish it off with Psycho Cut" Lucas yelled. Gallade make one of the blades on its arms glow a bright pinkish purple and sliced the middle of mega meowth. After 2 seconds the whole thing just split in two pieces as the top part just fell of the bottom part. All that was left was the rocket trio sitting in the cockpit of what is left of the robot as they all sweat dropped on what just happened.
"Well that didn't work" Meowth said.
"I guess we'll just do this the old fashion way" Jessie said as she got out. Soon after James and Meowth followed her our as they released Pumpkaboo and Inkay.
"All right Blazekin lets fin......" the man said as Lucas stopped him by putting his hand in his way. "What... what are you doing?"
"Let Ash finish them" Lucas said.
"What? Are you crazy?" the man said.
"Relax its only two of them; I'm sure Ash can handle both of them no problem. Besides you're the one who wanted to see in in action" Lucas said.
The man wanted to protest but was curious of my abilities. True I can handle them I done it before, but why does he want to see me do it? No matter I'll finish them off.
"Ready Pikachu?"
"Pika" he said jumping off my shoulders getting in a battle position.
Just the Charizard stepped in, apparently he wanted to put an end to team rocket as well. He was not going to let Pikachu do it alone.
"You too... ok.... Use Quick attack and Steel Wing".
And with that both Pokémon rushed at them with their own attacks as they got closer and closer.
"Inkay use Foul Play"
"Pumpkaboo Shadow Ball"
Pumpkaboo shot a dark round shadow ball towards Pikachu as Inkay was ready to counter Charizard's attack. But I was not going to let that happen.
"Pikachu turn that Quick Attack into Iron tail and Charizard turn that Steel Wing into Dragon Rage"
Pikachu turned all of that speed it had into one heck of an iron tail as it sliced through that shadow ball and continued to hit Pumpkaboo.
Also Charizard used his steel wings to move behind Inkay as he passed by faking it out instead of attacking and unleashed a powerful dragon rage at Inkay as they both fell to the ground with swirly eyes
"Uh oh..." Meowth said.
"Ok finish them off with Thunderbolt and Flame thrower." Both Pikachu and Charizard unleashed their respective attacks at them as they fused together as they came closer and closer to them. It was one giant attack that came at them as they screamed. It made contact and cause a huge explosion as they flew to the sky.
"TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN" they yelled as they flew off into the sky in till they were out of site.
"Yes we did, great job you two" I said congratulating Pikachu and Charizard.
"Great job Ash that was amazing" Lucas said.
"Truly impressive" the man said. Just then both their Pokémon nodded at my Pokémon as they changed back to normal.
"Wow they just changed back to normal"
"Remember Ash Mega Evolution is temporary" Lucas said.
"So... how did you know I was here?"
"I Didn't" Lucas said. "I knew Blaze was going to be here so I just came to help him out. Turns out you were there to help out as well"
"Well......" the man said interrupting the two. "While you two catch up I will be on my way, tell Clemont and Bonnie I wish them well"
"Will do I'll make sure to.... Wait how do you know......" before I could finish he and his Blazekin were already sprinting off into the trees in till they were out of sight.
"Hey Lucas how come he knows Clemont and Bonnie?"
"Sorry Ash there are somethings that I can't tell you, besides that is not for me to answer" he said.
"Any ways lets head back to the city"
We were only a couple of blocks away from the research lab as Lucas and I got closer and closer. He were having small talk on the way there, but only because he refused to give me a straight answer when I asked him a question or just ignored me entirely.
"Well we are almost there" Lucas said. "As soon as you arrived I need to be on my way"
"I see, but before you go could you at least share some information about Mega Evolution to professor Sycamore. I'm sure he would appreciate it"
"Sorry Ash but I don't have the time" He said.
"Besides that is a topic I really shouldn't be talking about. So please don't tell him that me or Blaze can use it"
"Why not?" I asked.
"JUST DON'T" he said. "If he really wants to know tell him he should head to Shalour city that would be the best place to learn"
"Fine" I said. "Could you at least stay and meet my friends. I'm sure they would like to meet you"
"Like I said Ash I really need to get going" he said.
"I really don't have the time"
"Don't worry it will only take a second"
"Well......." He started to say but then we arrived at the doors to the lab as I was about to knock.
(Serena POV)
I just waited. It has been 2 hours since we left Ash to stop that giant robot with that man. I was sitting on the coach in the break room with Clemont and Bonnie.
"Uh.... Serena are you alright" Clemont asked.
"You look a little worried"
"How can I not be" I yelled. "We just left Ash to fight that giant robot all by himself. What is something bad happened to him?"
"Serena don't talk that way" Bonnie said. "I'm sure he is fine. Beside he is not alone he is with the masked Blazekin"
"I know but still. What if something bad happens to him, what is he got hurt what if......"
"Excuse me" Sophie said walking in the room interrupting Serena. "Someone is at the door, I believe it is Ash"
"ASH?!?!" I said a bit too loud. "I hope he is ok"
And with that we all went to the front door.
I was the first one at the door and the one to open it as the rest of the group just made it there.
"ASH" I yelled as soon as I saw him when I opened the door.
"You're ok"
"Uh.... Ya" he said in a calm tone.
"I was so worried"
"Me too" Bonnie said.
"I'm glad you're ok" Clemont said.
"Thanks guys" he said. "By the way I want to guys to meet Lucas"
"Lucas he's here" Clemont said exited. "Where is he?"
"Why he is right here........." he said looking next to him. But there was no one next to him, it was just an empty space next to him. "Huh where is he? He was here just a minute ago."
"Uh... Ash are you Ok" Bonnie said. "You didn't get hit in the head or anything while fighting that robot and are seeing things right?"
"BONNIE!!!!" I screamed "Don't say that."
"Say what" she asked.
"Ash getting hurt. Don't say things like that.
"I sewer he was just he I don't know where he went?" Ash said
"Don't worry I'm sure we'll meet him eventually" Clemont said. "By the way Ash look at what I got."
He then got out a pokeball and revealed that Chespin was inside
"Wow you got Chespin" Ash said.
"Ya... professor Sycamore saw that I was doing so well with him he decided that I would be a great trainer for him"
"I see, well congrats man" Ash said. "Thanks" Clemont said.
We were now at the pokemon Center in Lumiose city as we were in our own rooms. Ash and Clemont got their own room while Bonnie and I shared a room. We were getting ready for bed when Bonnie asked me something that I wish she did not bring up.
"Hey Serena I need to Ask you something" she said.
"Sure Bonnie what?"
"I was just wondering why do you act the way to do around Ash"
My face got really red when she said that. Is she really still bothering me about it? REALLY?
"I uh... don't know what you're talking about Bonnie" I lied.
"Oh come on, just today you were extremely worried about the situation he was in today. Before that you always complement him, your face gets red sometimes, and you always want to be around him. I know there is something to it so just tell me" she said.
"Bonnie can't you just leave it" I said hoping she just drop the subject.
"Serena I am not going to stop asking in till you give me an answer. I am probably going to find out sooner or later so there is no point in hiding it" she said.
"I may be small but I am not oblivious so just tell me now."
I sighed. For a 9 year old she is really smart (and annoying) to notice that. I knew I couldn't keep my feelings a secret forever so I might as well tell her. Hopefully that will get some weight off my shoulders if I tell someone.
"Ok Bonnie you're right" I said admittedly. "There is something you should know"
"What?" she asked.
"First promise me you will not tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE"
"Ya ya I promise so what is it?"
"Bonnie this is serious do you swear?"
"Yes I swear I will not tell anyone what you are about to tell me" she said putting her hand over her heart.
"Now tell me what is it?"
"Here I go" thought nervously.
"Bonnie........ I............. I like Ash"
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