The Shalour City Gym Battle
(Normal POV)
It was early the next morning in Geosenge town and everyone was still asleep. In the resident part of the Pokémon center was Clemont and Bonnie. Bonnie was still fast asleep while Clemont just got up. He was in the bathroom washing his face to help himself wake up. He noticed that Serena was not in the room and he was wondering where she is.
"She must have checked on Ash" he said to himself. He then went to wake Bonnie and changed into his daytime cloths.
In the medical part of the Pokémon Center lying on a medical bed was Ash still asleep from the night before. Next to the bed was Serena who was resting her head on the side of Ash's bed while the rest of her body was still sitting in the chair next to the bed. At the end of the bed was Pikachu curled up still fast asleep at Ash's feet. Next to Pikachu was Fennedkin who was also curled up in a ball, however her head was resting on Pikachu's back.
Moments later there was movement in Ash's eyes. He was slowly regaining conscious as he was leaving his 'little coma' state as he struggled to open his eyes. His eye slowly but surely were opening as the light from the room was all Ash could see right now.
"Uhhh.............." he moaned. "Uhhhhh...... my head."
He laid up from his bed slowly because he was still feeling a little dizzy so he didn't want to have a head rush. He was going to rub his head with his right hand but felt something holding it. He looked to his right and saw Serena leaning over the right side of the bed resting her head on the bed while she was still sitting in the chair. Her left hand was holding his while her right arm was used as a pillow.
He slowly moved his hand off of Serena's and slowly shook Serena trying to wake her up.
"Serena............ Serena wake up" he said in a very quiet voice.
Serena's head slowly moved to the sound of Ash's voice. She slowly lifted her head still half asleep as she started to rub her eyes to help her wake up.
"Uhhhh....... Ash?" she said. Her eyes then shot open when she realized that Ash was awake and she spent the whole night in the same room. "ASH!!! You're awake."
"Ahhh...." He ached. "Not so loud, my head hurts."
"Oh... sorry"
When Serena yelled his name, she accidently woke up Pikachu and Fennekin. Pikachu raised his head and noticed Fennekin was still half asleep next to him and her head was on his back.
"Chu?" he asked.
"Fen?......" she asked still drowsy. She then looked in the position she was in as her face went completely red. "FEN!!!!"
"Fennekin kin kin" she said apologizing.
"Chu... Pikachu........ Pika Pika?" he said. Saying it was no problem but asked how she ended up like that.
"Fenn kin fen" she said. Saying she was keeping Serena company and ended up falling asleep using Pikachu as a pillow.
"Pikachu?" he said nodding.
"So Serena? Mind telling me what happened." Ash said.
Serena then explained how he passes out after dinner and how he was taken to the medical part of the Pokémon center for exception. She also told him he was in a 'little coma' and she spent the whole night with him just to keep him company.
"So...... I passed out again?" he asked.
"Yep. I must say, I think all you do these days are eat, train, and SLEEP" she said giving empathies on the last part.
"Yah.... I guess so" he said scratching the back of his head nervously, but will a smile. "So...... did anything interesting happen while I was out?"
Serena face went red as she remembered what she did last night. "Uhhhh......... nnn....... No. Nothing at all." She lied.
"Really? Nothing?" he asked.
"Nothing" she confirmed. Ash was a little skeptical when she said nothing happened, but if Serena said nothing happened then it was probably nothing he should be worried about.
"Ok, if you say so" he said.
"Phew that was close." She thought to herself. "I can't tell him, or.............. Not now"
The group is now on the road heading to Ash's next gym battle in Shalour City. Clemont and Bonnie were glad to see Ash was up and ok but still concern for his health. After all, he was just in a coma.
"Ash? Are you sure you can still battle today?" Clemont asked. "I ask because you been through a lot recently."
"I think I will be ok" Ash said. "I'll try not to push myself if that will make you feel better."
"It will, thanks" Clemont said.
"Look! There it is" Bonnie yelled. They were standing on top of a hill and Bonnie was point in the distance. In the distance, they saw Shalour City at the bottom of the hill and saw that it was on the coast.
"Wow...... it looks amazing" Ash said. In the distance he was a tower that stood out from the rest of the buildings as it was on an island. "What is that?"
"I believe that is the tower of mastery" Clemont said. "I heard that is supposed to be the gym as well as where they keep the secrets of mega evolution."
"Really" Ash said. "Uh.... Now that you said it, I think Lucas did say something about that."
"Again with this Lucas guy" Bonnie said. "I believe that he exist and all but are we ever going to meet him?"
"I don't know, he just comes and goes at any time as he wants." Ash said. "Just be patient, you might meet him one day."
The group finally made it to the Pokémon center in Shalour City and was now resting in the lobby while their Pokémon was being checked on. Ash was taking it easy as he and Serena where sitting on one side of a booth while Clemont and Bonnie where on the other side. They were having lunch and after that they plan on going to the gym.
"So Ash, what Pokémon are you going to use?" Clemont asked.
"I would like to give Hawlucha a chance to battle" he said. "I also would like to give Fletchinder a shot ever since he evolved."
"What about your third Pokémon?" Serena asked.
"I'll see if I need to use Pikachu or Froakie when I get to that point?" Ash answered
"Why don't you use Charizard in your match, you could win easily with him." Bonnie said.
"I told you, I want to use my newer Pokémon for this. I wouldn't want to rely on Charizard to help me when I am in a jam" Ash said.
"I guess so" Bonnie said.
The group finished their lunch and picked up their Pokémon. They are now on their way to the tower of mastery and Ash was so pumped for his battle. When they arrived at the entrance where there was someone that looks like he was standing guard. The person standing guard appeared to be an old man.
"Stop!" he said. The group stopped abruptly from the man's words. "State your business."
"Uhhhh......" Ash start. "I came to request a gym battle with Korrina."
"Sorry but she is unavailable at the moment." the man said.
"What?... Why?" Ash said.
"She is........ Training right now" the man said. "And she is not accepting any challengers at the moment"
"Training? What kind of training?" Ash asked.
"I'm afraid that is classified" he said. "If you want to challenge her you will have to come back another time."
"What would be a good time?" Serena asked.
"I would say......... about a week or two" the man said.
"WHAT!!!" Ash yelled. "But I want to battle her now, I'm not waiting a week!!!"
"I said to come back another time!!!" The man yelled. "She must not be disturbed while she is training. Now leave!"
"But I......." Ash started.
"Let's just come back later" Serena said. "You still need to recover from what happened in Geosenge town, don't push yourself."
"Please........ I don't want you to get hurt."
*Sigh* "Ok Serena....." Ash sighed. "I guess we'll come back another time."
"Ok let's go Ash" Serena said. The group started to turn and head back to the Pokémon center, but before they even took two steps the man said something.
"Oh on........ what did you say your name was?" the man said.
"Me?....... my name is Ash. Why?" he asked.
"I.... I think I remembered Korrina mentioned you before" the man said.
"She did?"
"Yes, please follow me" the man said.
The group was now following the man inside the tower of mastery as they were being led to the battle field.
"I must apologize from before" the man said. "Korrina did say that you were coming and to let her know when you arrived."
"It's ok" Ash said. "But why were you keeping challengers from coming in?"
"As you know, Korrina just returned yesterday with her friend, Aubrey, and wanted to test her Lucario's new abilities. I didn't want people to find out until she has fully mastered it." the man said.
"I see" Clemont said.
"By the way, the names Gurkinn" he said. "Korrina's grandfather and ex gym leader of Shalour City."
"You're Korrina's grandfather!" Clemont exclaimed.
"Yes I am."
"That means you must know something about the history of mega evolution, right?" Clemont asked.
"I do, I would be glad to tell you all sometimes. But not now, I have a gym battle to referee."
The group as entered a large room with a large battle field in the middle of it. One side of the battle field was Korrina and she was battling with Lucario in its mega form. On the other side was Aubrey and she was battling with her Altaria in its mega form.
"WOW......"Bonnie said with stars in her eyes. "That looks so cool."
Both Korrina and Aubrey stopped their battle when they heard Bonnie's voice. They turned their head and saw Ash and the others standing at the entrance with Gurkinn. Both Lucario and Altaria then reverted back to their normal forms.
"Ash, you made it." Korrina said. "It's about time."
"Sorry to keep you waiting" Ash said. "But now that I'm here, let's get have our match right now."
"You're on" Korrina said. "But first, I need to let Lucario rest for a bit. It just finished training."
"Ok I understand" Ash said.
The group went to another part of the tower where there were chairs and a table and talked among themselves. During the conversation, Gurkinn had told the group about the origins of mega evolution and how his family was a decent of the man who was the first to mega evolve his Pokémon.
"Wow...... that's amazing" Clemont said. "I bet Professor Sycamore would love to hear this story."
"Actually I been contacted my Professor Sycamore and he said he is coming to Shalour City later this week to learn about mega evolution." Gurkinn said.
"Really..... Good for him." Clemont said.
"Not only that, I heard that he is going to host his annual Pokémon summer camp after his visit" Gurkkin said.
"Pokémon summer camp?" Ash asked.
"Oh..... I heard of that" Serena said. "It's kind of like the summer camp we been to as kids back in Pallet Town. The only difference is that Professor Sycamore's summer camp is only for a week instead of a whole summer like Professor Oak's."
"Oh..... that's awesome" Ash said.
"So.........." Korrina said. "Not to be rude or anything but I would like to have that battle with you now Ash. You ready?"
"You bet" Ash yelled. "And I'm going to win."
"Ash, are you sure you are ready to battle?" Serena said.
"I'm sure" Ash said. "My Pokemon and I have been training hard for this."
"It's not that, it's just that you got out of your coma this morning. What if something happens like that during your battle?"
"Wait..... You were in a coma?" Aubrey asked. "When did that happen?"
"It happened last night after you and Korrina left." Clemont said. "Ash was eating a little too fast and well.............. after what he been through, you can figure out the rest."
"I see" Aubrey said. "Ash..... are you sure you can battle after what happened?"
"I'm sure, don't worry I will take it easy" Ash said.
"Still....... I think we should be careful." Aubrey said.
"How about this, why don't we just do a one on one battle" Gurkkin suggested. "That way it shows the true strength between pokemon and trainer, not only that it would be shorter than a three on three so there would be less of a risk of Ash getting hurt."
"I'm ok with that" Korrina said. "How about you Ash?"
"I'm in" he said. "Let's do it."
(Ash POV)
I'm standing on one side of the battle field with Pikachu on my side while Korrina stood opposite of me. Gurkkin is stand on the side of the battle field to referee the match. Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, and Aubrey are in the stands so they can get a good view of the battle.
"Alright this will be a one on one battle between Ash the challenger VS Korrina the Shalour City gym leader. When the Pokémon from one side is unable to battle the other side will be declared the winner." Gurkkin said. "Trainers choose your pokemon."
"Ok Lucario, time to battle" Korrina said releasing her Lucario.
"I knew she would pick Lucario. I know the perfect Pokémon for him" I thought. I was about to reach for Hawlucha's pokeball until Korrina interrupted me.
"Wait Ash, I know you should be the one to choose who you are going to battle with but..........." she started. "Could you send out Charizard?"
Huh?...... she want to battle Charizard? Why?
"Korrina!!!" Gurkkin yelled. "You have no right to tell the challenger what Pokémon he or she can use. That is his decision."
"No it ok Gurkkin" I said to him. "Why do you want to battle my Charizard?"
"I heard how it was able to bet Kal's Pinser while it was in its mega form back in the cave" Korrina said. "I just want to know how Lucario would go against a Pokémon that already beaten a mega evolved already."
"Korrina!!! That is not your choice to make" Gurrkin yelled.
"Actually..........." I started. "I'm ok with that. Usually I wouldn't use Charizard in my gym battles, but since you asked for it I'm willing to make an acceptance."
I then pulled out Charizards Pokéball. "Charizard let's go"
Charizard came out of his pokaball as he gave a flamethrower into the air to so his power.
"Wow..... Charizard is so cool" Bonnie said. "I can't wait to see in it action."
"This should be interesting." Clemont said.
"Wait...... how did you know I had a Charizard?" I asked.
"Aubrey said you had one, she did look at your trainer ID remember." She said.
"Oh yah......"
"Alright..... let the battle begin" Gurkkin said.
"Lucario use Bone Rush" Korrina said. Lucario sprinted towards my Charizard with incredible speed while making a bone club in his hands.
"Into the air and use Flamethrower." Charizard flapped his giant wings as he jump up and launched himself into the air avoiding the bone rush. While he was air born he unleashed a jet stream of fire from his mouth and was heading straight for Lucario.
"Dodge it" she said.
"Don't let Lucario get away."
Lucario did a back flip to dodge the flamethrower while Charizard way still trying to hit it. Charizard unleashed a series of flamethrowers at Lucario as he just kelp dodging them with his back flips.
"This isn't working, I have to try something else."
"Get in close and use Wing Attack"
Charizard then flew towards Lucario while his wings glowed a bright white.
"Dodge it and use Sword Dance" Korrina said. Lucario jumped over Charizard this time to dodge and then started to use sword dance.
"Circle back around" I yelled. Charizard quickly did a U turn in the air and was heading straight back at Lucario. Lucario didn't react in time since he was still using sword dance and was hit from behind by one if Charizard's wings.
"Lucario are you alright?" Korrina asked. Lucario got onto his feet as he gave a nod to Korrina."Ok use Aura Sphere."
"Intercepted it with Flamethrower."
Both Lucario and Charizard unleashed their respective attacks and collided in midair. They both canceled each other out and caused a huge explosion.
"Use Metal Sound" she yelled. Lucario rubbed both of his paws togeather and unleashed a high pitch sound wave towards Charizard.
"Use Slash" I yelled. Charizard rushed right into the metal sound as his defense got weaker and continued towards Lucario. Since metal sound wouldn't do any damage Charizard, he got close enough and slashed Lucario right across his face.
"Lucario stay strong" Korrina yelled.
"Yes....." I said to myself. "I got this in the bag."
"Pika pi" Pikachu said agreeing.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that Ash" Korrina said confedently. "I think it's about time to shift the balance."
"What?....... Do you mean........"
"That's right" she said. "Lucario, it time for your true power. MEGA EVOLVE!"
She toughed the key stone on her glove as it gave off a light.
"Oh no...." I thought to myself. The light from the key stone interacted with the light from the mega stone that Lucario had. It have off a blinding light as it flashed and blinded everyone in the room. As it dimmed down, there we see standing is Lucario in its mega form.
It was slightly taller than before as it showed for spikes on his body and a difference pattern design is shown on his face and body.
"WOW...... That looks so amazing" Bonnie said.
"Now the real battle starts" Korrina said. "Use Power-Up Punch"
"Into the air" I yelled. Charizard flew straight up into the air in hopes to avoid the hit.
"Not going to work" Korrrina said. Lucario jumped up high into the air and was now eye level with my Charizard.
Lucario smashed his fist into Charizards stomach and knocked him down to the gound.
"Charizard!" I yelled.
"Quick use Bone Rush again" Korrina said. Lucario make another bone club and was about to hit Charizard.
"Block it with Steel Wing" I yelled.
Charizard wings glowed into a bright steel color and blocked the income bone rush. Lucario was now interlocked with my Charizard pushing on his bone clubs to try to break through the steel wing.
"Push him off and use Flamethrower." Charizard pushed Lucario a couple of yards back with his wings and unleashed another jet stream of fire. Lucario was hit dead on as he was engulfed in flames from the attack.
"I think Ash has this down" Serena said from the stands.
"Not quit" Aubrey said. Once the fames died down, it revealed Lucario was still standing and was even more motivated that ever to battle.
"What!!! It's still standing!"
"It's going to take more than that to beat my Mega Lucario. Finish him of with Aura Sphere." She said.
"Dodge it Charizard!" I yelled. But it was too late.
"Lucario somehow managed to create a ball of aura in to time flat and it shot like a bullet straight at Charizard causeing a huge explotion.
"Charizard!!!" I yelled.
"Pika!!!" When the smoke cleared, it revealed Charizard was lying on its back with swirly eyes.
"Charizard is unable to battle" Gurrkin said. "The winner is Korrina the gym leader.
(Normal POV)
"We did it, we won" Korrina said. She looked over at Ash as he returned his Charizard to his Pokéball as he was looking down to the ground. "Don't be discourage Ash that was a great battle. Come back for a rematch any time."
"..........Thanks......." he said flatly. "I'm......... going to the Pokémon Center."
He then turned around and started to walk off the battle field.
"Ash.......?" Serena said slightly concerned from the stands. Ash didn't even acknowledge that she said anything, he continued walking until he and Pikachu where off the battle field and out of the room.
"Ash doesn't look too good" Aubrey said.
"Come on, let's go find him" Clemont said.
The group, aside from Ash, was now in the lobby of the Pokémon Center as they went to see if Ash was there. Clemont Asked Nurse Joy if he saw a boy with a Pikachu on his shoulders and she said yes.
"He was here not too long" Nurse Joy said. "He dropped off his Charizard and I think he went to the balcony in the back.
"Ok thanks" Clemont said. "Come on lets go see him."
The group went to the balcony in the back to see if they can find Ash. Sure enough they find Ash leaning forwards on the rail looking at the sunset. Pikachu was at Ash's feet and was to talk to him.
"Pi pika pi....." it said to his trainer.
"Not now Pikachu" Ash said. "I just........... I just need to think."
"Ash there you are" Serena said. Ash turned around and saw Serena and the others were standing a couple of feet away from him. "Why did you walk off like that?"
"Oh..... Hay guys" he said. "I uh....... Need to get Charizard looked at as soon as possible."
"So you can battle Korrina again right?" Bonnie asked.
"I don't know....." Ash said.
"What???" Serena said slightly shocked. "What do you mean I don't know?"
"I mean....... I don't know if I'm going to challenge her again." Ash said.
"What!" Clemont said. "Why not? It was only one lose."
"Yes but it was again a mega evolved" Ash said. "How am I going to win against a mega evolved Pokémon."
He then turned back away from the group and look off into the balcony.
"I mean...... sure I was able to beat Kal's Pinser in its mega form, but Lucario is much stronger than Pinser."
"Ash, you just need a different strategy" Serena said. "Maybe if you use a different Pokémon next time you cou..........."
"Don't you get it?" My Pokémon is not the problem! Ash yelled. Serena stepped back a one-step as she was shocked and a little scared that Ash yelled at her. Ash realized what he done and quickly apologized.
"I'm sorry Serena for yelling, it's just......... I don't know if I can win. The problem is not my Pokémon, I think the problem is me."
"You?" Bonnie said. "How so......"
"I think he means that he blames himself for the loss and that he should have found a way to counter Lucario's moves." Clemont said.
"Yah...... what Clemont said." Ash said.
"Ash..... you just need to think of a plan" Serena said.
"But I don't know if I can" Ash said. "What if I can't think of anything, what if Charizard gets hurt again, what if..............."
The group was started as they turned around only to find a boy around Ash's age standing right behind them. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie gave a slightly confused expression on who the boy was as Ash had his eyes widen when he saw him.
"The Ash I know would not get discouraged after losing a gym battle." he said. "What happened to the trainer I battled back in Lumiose City, the one that would never give up?"
"I uh..........." Ash said.
"Ash? Who is this guy?" Serena asked.
"Umm........ guys" Ash said. "This is my friend Lucas"
So Lucas has returned. I thought Ash could lose this battle since he won his first gym battle. Why you may ask? I have my reasons.
So Lucas will help Ash with his rematch and you guess can pretty much guess how he is going to help. As for the Kiss Serena gave Ash last chapter, I don't know if I should have Ash will find out or not. Let me know in the comments.
Until then, Like, Comment, question, and........well you know the drill.
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