The Journey begins
(Normal POV)
Later that night; Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont was now heading back to professor Sycamore lab after the day they had. The three were offered the three to stay at the lab by professor Sycamore considering all that happened to them and would like to make it up to them. They arrived at the lab and Fennekin was waiting for her trainer to return. As soon Fennekin saw Serena coming the fire fox Pokémon ran straight towards her and jumped into her arms.
"Fen", It said happy to see her trainer back safe and sound.
"It's ok Fennekin I'm safe now", Serena said.
A little after that Sophie showed them two bed rooms they had in the lab. Clemont took one room while Serena and Bonnie took the other. Serena and Bonnie were getting ready for bed when Bonnie started talking to Serena.
" had quite the day today didn't you, being the first day as a trainer and all", Bonnie said.
"Ya it was, I'm just glade everything turned out ok", Serena said while making the bed.
"So tell me, how did Ash save you", Bonnie asked. This make Serena stop moving and just stood there thinking how Ash just showed up and saved her. She was thinking how kind and brave he was. She was just thinking about his raven black hair and his dark brown eyes. But most importantly when she was on the back of his Charizard with him and her arms around him. This made Serena blush thinking about it and thought he looked so cute when he was righting his Charizard and when he.......
"HELLOOOOOOOO", Bonnie yelled.
"Huh", this snapped Serena out of her thoughts with her face completely red. "Oh uhhh..... I rather not talk about that part of my day, anyways its getting late we should go to bed now good night Bonnie".
"Oh ok, but why is your face red? Are you thinking about......."
"GOOD NIGHT BONNIE!!!", Serena said trying to get her to stop talking. She just couldn't stop thinking about Ash. The boy he met a long time ago, and now he's here in Kalos and was starting a journey. She was just so happy to be able to see him again. Now she is just lying in her bed thinking what he is doing not
(Ash POV)
It was the next day after the whole Garchomp incident. I stayed at the Pokémon center to heal up Pikachu and Froakie. I was on my way back towards professor Sycamore lab to return Froakie and to see how Garchomp was doing. I arrived at the lab and was immediately greeted by professor Sycamore.
"Ash good to see you, I can't thank you enough for what you did last night", he said to me.
"Thanks, but it was not a big deal", I said trying to sound modest.
"NOT A BIG DEAL, what you did was incredible, you climbed to the top of prism tower, stopped Garchomp from destroying the city, stopped team rocket, and to top it all off you saved Serena", he explained.
"Ya... I guess I did, anyways I'm here to see how Garchomp is doing".
"He's fine, he is resting in the other room would you like to see him now", he asked me.
"Yes please".
He then showed me the way to the other room were Garchomp was resting.
(Serena POV)
I woke up and got out of bed. I saw that Bonnie was not in bed so I figured she is already up. I got up and changed into my regular cloths and released Fennekin from her pokeball.
"Morning Fennekin".
"Fen", it said happily.
We went out of the room to see that Clemont and Bonnie were sitting at a table drink some tea they got from Sophie who was also with them.
"Ah you're awake, did you sleep well", Sophie asked me.
"Yes I did thank you". The truth was I really did sleep well. I was dreaming about how Ash jumped of the top of prism tower just to same me. He was so brave, kind, caring, adventures, and most of all CUTE.
"Hey Sophie do you know were professor Sycamore is", Clemont asked.
"Right now I think he is checking on Garchomp with Ash".
"ASH", I said a bit louder than I met too. "He's here".
"Yes he arrived this morning just to check on Garchomp would you like to see him"
"YES... uh I mean sure", I said trying to sound natural.
"Me too I want to see him", Bonnie said.
"Me as well, he seems like a very interesting trainer", Clemont said.
"All right just follow me", Sophie said as we followed her down the hall. A minute later we came to the big green house room were we wet Garchomp before. In the room was Garchomp with professor and standing next to him was none other than Ash.
"Ah I see you all are finally awake", professor Sycamore said to us.
"Yup", said Bonnie.
"Indeed", said Clemont.
I didn't say anything; I was just staring at Ash. Now that it is was day time and things we're not in a dangerous situation I was able to get a really good look at him. He didn't notice that I was staring at him because he was taking care of Garchomp. I blushed a little bit as I was staring at him and was thinking about when we were.....
"Serena are you ok"?, Bonnie said.
That snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked at Bonnie with my face still a little red.
"Oh uhhh yes I fine"
Ash then turned to us and walked to us. He then stopped and looked over at Clemont and Bonnie.
"Wait, you two were at the tower yesterday", Ash said to them.
"Oh right we have not properly introduced ourselves yet I'm Clemont and this is my sister Bonnie", Clemont said.
"Nice to meet you", Ash said to them. Ash then turned towards me.
"Hi I'm Serena", I said to him.
"Right we met already at the tower", he said laughing a bit. "By the way are you ok from what happened last night"?
"Oh umm... ya I'm alright, thanks for saving me again", I said with my face turning a bit red.
"No problem I was happy I could help", he said.
"So Ash I heard you're from Kanto, so what brings you to Kalos"?, Clemon asked.
"Well in hear of the Kalos region from my friend Alexa, when I was traveling back to Kanto from the Unova I met Alexa who was a reporter here and told me about Kalos, so I decided to start my next journey here", Ash said.
"Wow you been to Unova", Bonnie said sounding amazed.
"Not just Unova I also went through Kanto, obviously, and Johto, Hoenn, and the Sinnoh region", Ash said trying to sound like a show off. Hear that Ash went to many regions already impressed me and made me realized how even more amazing he is.
"Incredible you must have seen and caught all kinds of Pokémon" , professor Sycamore said. "Would it be alright if you showed me the Pokémon you caught, I would love to see them".
"Well uh.... The thing is all I have with me are Pikachu and Charizard, the rest of my Pokémon are back in Kanto", he said to professor Sycamore. The professor nods his head to show that he understands.
"I see, can you at least show me Charizard, that's a Pokémon you don't get to see every day here in Kalos", Sycamore asked.
"Sure come on out Charizard", Ash yelled as he threw a pokeball into the air and released the fire dragon Pokémon.
"Amazing, seeing a Charizard in person is even incredible then reading a seeing one in the Pokédex", Sycamore said as he was staring at Charizard.
"Oh ya that reminds me, would it be alright if I get the new Pokédex from you, mine is outdated", Ash said.
"Of course, I will make sure you get one before you leave", Sycamore said. "Speaking of which have you thought were you will go from here".
"Ya I heard there is a gym in Santalune City I'm planning on going there today", Ash said.
"WHAT, you leaving already".
"Huh"?, he said.
"Errr.... Uh... I mean, you just got here why don't you challenge the Lumiose City first", I said not wanting Ash to leave yet.
"I tried to but it said I needed four gym badges first, when I went there all they did was shock me and sent me out through a trap door", Ash said.
"Really", Clemont said sweat dropping.
"What! Are you ok", I said worried about Ash.
"I'm fine now, that is a weird gym I'm going to go back to it when I get enough", He said. "Anyways I should be going", He said. But all of a sudden he turns and sees Froakie in front of Ash with a pokeball in front of it. "What's up Froakie", He asked
"Froak", he said as he pushed the pokeball towards Ash.
"I think Froakie wants to go with you", Sycamore said.
"Really"?, Ash said looking at Froakie.
"Froakie", is said nodding.
"Is that ok with you professor"?, he asked
"Of course, you see that Froakie always had a problem listening to people before but Froakie seems to trust you I'm sure you will be the perfect trainer to train him", Sycamore said.
"Ok then Froakie you're coming with me", Ash said as he picked up the pokeball and gently taped Froakie with it. The Pokémon then went inside the pokeball and it started to shake. After a couple of seconds it stopped shaking a gave a slight ding. "All right I just caught a Froakie".
(Still Serena POV)
Clemont, Bonnie, Professor Sycamore, Sophie, Garchomp, and I were all standing out front of the lab getting ready to say goodbye to Ash. The truth was, I still didn't want Ash to go. After all this time I finally get to see him again and there was something I want to tell him. But..... I just can't say it, or at least not yet.
"Well Ash take care of on your journey and take good care of Froakie", Sycamore said.
"I will don't you worry", Ash said.
"Oh I almost forgot", Sycamore said as he pulled out a Pokédex. "Here is the Pokédex you wanted, it has all the information you need about all the Pokémon you may encounter".
"Thanks", Ash said as he took the Pokédex. "Well I better get going take care", he said as he starting walking. There he go, he was about to leave me again. I haven't told him how I feel and I haven't spent any time with him. Out of impulse I started running towards him leaving everyone else behind and yelled.....
"Huh", he said as he turned around and looked at me in my eyes with his dark brown eyes.
"Well uhhhh........ Here's the thing. I just became a trainer yesterday do I don't know a lot about raising Pokémon, also I know my way around Kalos since I live here and all and if you're going to travel Kalos I would be happy to... I mean if you want me to... I can....."
"Serena, What are you trying to say"?, He asked me.
"Here I go I'm going to say it"
"I... I.... I want to travel with you", I said really nervously and said that last part fast.
"You do"!!!!, he said.
"Well.... Ya, I rather not travel alone after what happened to me yesterday and you seem like a guy that can handle himself. So uhhh would it be alright if I go with you"?
He just stood there for a moment but it felt like forever for me. Here I am standing in front of the person I have a crush on, waiting for an answer. After a minute but what felt like an hour to me he just smiled and said.
"Sure I would love for you to come with me", he said.
"REALLY", I said. I felt my heart jumping for joy. He said yes he wants me to come with him.
"Sure, It would be great to travel with someone that knows their way around Kalos, plus I understand why you don't want to travel alone, don't worry if anything bad happens to you I'll be there to help you", he said with a thumbs up.
"Great". That was all I could say. I can't believe I get to go on a journey alone with Ash. The bravest, kindest, strongest, and the most.....
"Wait up", I heard behind me. We turned around and he see Clemont and Bonnie catching up with us.
"We heard everything", Clemont said. "And that got us thinking, we been here in Lumiose city for most of our lives. Ash, you seem to be a great trainer with a lot of experience and traveling with you guys would be great for us so uh... Bonnie and I would like to travel with you guys as well.... Uh I mean if you'll have us".
"Ya it will be so much fun", Bonnie said.
"That's fine with me, what do you think Serena"?, Ash asked.
"Uh... sure they can come". Ok so I won't get to travel with Ash alone. But I couldn't deny Clemont and Bonnie; they were so nice to me when I got here. But now that I think of it traveling with more people could be fun. Clemont could be very helpful with his knowledge of Pokémon and science .Bonnie is like a little sister with me and I always wanted a little sister so how can I say no.
"Great now that everyone is here, off to Santalune city", Ash said.
The four of us was now walking any waving goodbye to Sycamore, Sophie, and Garchomp as we continued down the path to Santalune city. Clemont and Bonnie were walking ahead of us while I was walking next to Ash. I felt so happy yet nerves that I'm that I am walking so close to him. I decided to try to do something bold and try to hold Ash's hand. I reached my hand towards his, I was about to grab it when he then looked at my hand and said.
"Uh Serena, What are you doing".
I quickly pulled my hand away and said.
"Oh uh... Nothing". Ok so I'm not ready to hold his hand yet. But still, there is plenty of time for me to tell Ash how I feel and when the time is right I will tell him. I just hope he will feel the same way about me.
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