The Doctor is in
(Normal POV)
The group has finally made it to the Cyllage city and are looking around for the Gym and Pokémon Center. Ash was practically interested in finding the gym while Serena, Clemont and Bonnie were focus more on finding the Pokémon Center.
"I wonder where the Gym is?" Ash said.
"Don't you want to go the Pokémon Center first?" Clemont Asked.
"Yes but I want to find the Gym first so I now were I need to go after we go to the Pokémon Center"
"I see" Clemont said.
The group walked around for 10 more minutes looking for either the gym of Pokémon center but they had no luck. So that is when Bonnie came up with an idea.
"Hey guys I have an idea" Bonnie said.
"What is it?" Serena said.
"Why don't we split up" Bonnie suggested.
"Split up?" Clemont said with some confusion.
"Ya... that way we will see more of the city faster and find what we are looking for" Bonnie said.
"That's a great idea" Serena said. "Let's do it."
"Ok I'll go this way Ash you can head over there and Bonnie you go with Serena that way" Clemont said.
"Ok so will meet up here in an hour or two" Ash said.
"Ok see you then" Serena said as the group split up into 3 and headed their respective location. 15 minutes had passed since they separated and Serena and Bonnie were walking down a street with lots of shops. Serena and Bonnie stopped as one clothe store that caught their eyes.
"Wow look at this store" Bonnie said looking through the window. "Can we go in?"
"Aren't we suppose to look for the Pokémon center" Serena said.
"Oh pleasssssse" Bonnie begged. "Just for 5 minutes." Serena sighed knowing that Bonnie was not going to stop asking in till she gets what she wants. So she might as well go in to get her to stop. Also she wanted to go in as well a little bit.
"Ok Ok but for 5 minutes."
"Yay" Bonnie said joyfully as she grabbed Serena hand and ran into the store pulling Serena in the whole time, man for a 9 year old she is pretty strong. They started trying on some accessories like hats, sun glasses, bracelets, and so on. Serena then saw a hat that caught her eye that was really cute and wanted to try it on, so she did.
"So how do I look?" Serena asked modeling the hat she is wearing.
"It looks really pretty" Bonnie said admiring Serena. "Do you think Ash would like it?"
"Ya I think he wou......." Serena stopped mid-sentence not realizing what she was saying. "Uh.... Ash... uh sure, Why do you ask?" she said with her face a little red from embarrassment.
"Oh no reason" Bonnie said giggling a bit. Serena quickly figured b out what Bonnie was trying to do and she was not amused.
"You really shouldn't mess with me about that" Serena said. "You know that is a sensitive subject for me."
"I know, Sorry....." Bonnie said. "Still..... You really should tell him."
"I know it just...... I'm not ready to tell him" Serena said.
"I know I know, take all the time you need. Just not too much time"
"Come on, you know what I mean" she playful said with her sticking out her tongue. "Any ways let's keep searching for the Pokémon center."
And with that the two girls left the store and continued their search for the Pokémon center. After 10 minutes of searching they finally found the Pokémon center and they also found Clemont standing in front of the building.
"Hey Clemont" Bonnie yelled. That's when Clemont looked around and saw Serena and Bonnie heading towards them.
"Serena Bonnie there you are" he said. "I just got here and I was just going to find you guys."
"We just got here too" Bonnie said. "So... shall we go in?"
"Shouldn't we wait for Ash?" Serena said.
"We still have an hour before we have to meet up with him. Knowing him he is still looking for the gym, I'm sure we can get our Pokémon looked at before we have to meet up with him."
"Uh... ok. I guess we can" Serena said as the three walked into the Pokémon center.
As they walked in they noticed that there were a lot people with their Pokémon out looking very healthy. They saw some Mareeps out looking very happy and energized, a Shroomish looking very well and lively, and some Litleo being brushed by their trainer as the Pokémon looks very happy being with their trainer.
"Wow the Pokémon here looks great" Bonnie said.
"This Pokémon center must be very good if all the Pokémon here are very happy" Clemont said. The three walked up to the front desk to be greeted by Nurse Joy.
"Hello welcome to the Pokémon center how can I help you?" she asked.
"Hello could you take a look at our Pokémon?" Serena said as she and Clemont took out their pokeballs. Bonnie also took Dedenne out of her bag and placed him on the desk.
"Very well you're Pokémon will be in good condition in no time" Nurse Joy said as she took the pokeballs to the back to be treated. She then came back to the front desk to give them the news.
"We are a little backed up right now so you can just come back in an hour and your pokemon should be ready by then" she said.
"Ok thank you" Clemont said as they exit the Pokémon Center.
"We should probably go look for Ash now" Said Serena. The three of them went back to the spot where they last saw Ash. When they got there they saw Ash sitting on a park bench waiting for them with Pikachu sitting next to him.
"HEY ASH" Serena yelled to get his attention. He look over to where he heard that from and saw Serena and the others coming towards him.
"Hey guys" he said standing up and walked over to them. "Did you find the Pokémon center yet?"
"Ya we did. We already dropped off our Pokémon there" Clemont said. "Did you find the gym yet?"
"I did, but the gym leader wasn't there. The guy there said he won't be back till tomorrow. Also his Pokémon are at the Pokémon center being treated so I couldn't battle him anyways."
"I see. So anyways let's just go back to the Pokémon and drop off your Pokémon" Clemont said. The four was now heading to the Pokémon center and arrived in 10 minutes. When they walked in Ash noticed the Pokémon were in really good shape.
"Wow the Pokémon great looks great" Ash said.
"Ya... they were like that when we first came here" Bonnie said.
"I wonder why?" Clemont said.
"Why don't you ask Nurse Joy" Serena suggested pointing out that she is at the front desk and is not busy at the moment. Clemont then went over there and asked his question.
"Hey Nurse Joy excuses me from asking but the Pokémon her seem to be in really good condition. What does this Pokémon center special from the other Pokémon centers?" he asked.
"Oh... well to be honest we are not that much different. We just happen to have a student studying to be a doctor here and he has been taking care of the Pokémon you see here" she said.
"Really? One person took care of all of these Pokémon?" Clemont asked.
"Yes, in fact he is taking care of your Pokémon right now" she said.
"Really I want to meet him" Bonnie said. "Is that ok with you?"
"I would like to meet him too" Serena said.
"That is ok with me, just follow me to the back and you can see him. Nurse Joy lead them to a back room were the doctor was treating their Pokémon.
"Dr. Brock you have some visitors" Nurse Joy said. Ash and the others walked in and saw the man that they thought was the doctor.
"Wait... Brock" Ash thought
The doctor was a man that looked to be in his early 20's. He had brown spiky hair like Ash's but not as messy. He was slightly tan and was wearing a doctor coat. He was currently taking care of Serena's Fennekin. He got up to address the group.
"Well hello you must be the trai........" he started to say in till he noticed Ash. "ASH?"
"BROCK?" he said shocked.
"ASH!" he said again walking over to him giving him a firm hand shake. "It's great to see you."
"You too."
"Good you see you too Pikachu"
"Huh... you know him Ash?" Clemont asked.
"Yup... Clemont, Bonnie, Serena this is my old friend Brock. He used to travel with me when I first started off on my journey. Brock this is Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena we're traveling together here in Kalos." Ash introducing everyone to each other.
"Nice to meet you all" Brock said addressing everyone else.
"You too" Bonnie said.
"So I take it you three must be the trainers of the Pokémon I'm taking care of right know" Brock said turning back to the groups Pokémon.
"Yes we are" Serena said. After they introduced each other and whose Pokémon are who's they met up after Brock was done treating everyone Pokémon. Ash and Brock were catching on what they did after they spit from Sinnoh. Clemont and Bonnie were asking Brock about his experiences traveling with Ash and what all he had done that they don't know about while Serena was just listening to all the stories Brock told about his experiences traveling with Ash. At the same time she is admiring all the accomplishments Ash had done on his journey
"Wow... you're the frontier champion in Kanto how come you never told us" Bonnie asked.
"Uh... you didn't ask" he said sweat dropping.
"So you used to be a gym leader?" Clemont asked.
"Ya back in Pewter city, the gym leader now is my brother." Brock said.
"Ya Brock was actually the first gym leader I ever battled and got the boulder badge." Ash said.
"Really!!! You gave Ash his first gym badge." Bonnie said.
"Ya. Shortly after I started traveling along with Ash and Misty"
"Wait... who's Misty?" Serena asked.
"Oh she was also a traveling companion of mine when I started off. Now she is the gym leader in Cerulean city" Ash said.
"So... she's just a friend?"
"Ya... why?"
"Oh no reason" Serena said in a sigh of relief.
"So Brook you never told us what brings you to Kalos" Ash asked.
"Well ever since we parted ways I been traveling all over the world studying different kinds of Pokémon and healing techniques that I use when treating Pokémon."
"So that's why all the Pokémon here looks go happy. They been healed by what you learned" Bonnie said.
"That's right. But mostly I used my prior knowledge of when I wanted to be a Pokémon breeder and when I traveled with Ash."
"That's remarkable" Clemont said.
"Thanks. So Ash I'm guessing you're here to challenge Grant for the cliff badge" Brock asked.
"Yep I'm going to get my second badge tomorrow when I battle him."
"Well I wish you the best of luck. You'll need it his Pokémon are really tough. I should know I treated them."
"Really what Pokémon did he have?" Serena asked.
"Sorry but as a former gym leader I cannot give any secrets away about other gym leaders. Besides I'm sure Ash wouldn't want me to give him an edge in battle any ways right"
"Right! If I'm going to beat him I'm going to do it fair and square" Ash said sounding confident.
"That's the Ash I know" Brock said as Nurse Joy walked up to him.
"Excuses me Dr. Brock but you're need in the back. There is a room full of Pokémon that needs to be treated and I could really use some help."
"I see" Brock said. He then got down to one knee with one arm out to Nurse Joy and the other over his heart. "But also I need you to help me with my love for you"
"What?!?!" Nurse Joy said in confusion.
"Ash what is he doing?" Clemont asked. But Ash didn't answer.
"You see my heart needs to be treated and your love is the only thing that can....."
"Croaa!!!!!" just then a Croagunk can out of Brocks pokeball and used poison jab to gut.
"Uurrrrgggggg" he was able to say as he fell to the ground on his face as his Croagunk grabbed him by the legs and dragged him away.
" *Sigh* Same old Brock" Ash said while everyone else sweat dropped.
"Uh... Ash why did he......" Serena started.
"Don't ask."
"I think it's kind of brave of him to do" Bonnie said. "Hey Clemont why can't you be more outgoing like him?"
"Uhhh.... Because I don't want to be Poisoned Jabbed in the gut by a Croagunk" he said sweat dropping.
It was now 10 o clock and the group was now getting ready for bed. Clemont was tucking Bonnie into bed while Ash and Serena was still in the lobby with lots on their minds and waiting for their pokemon. Ash was thinking about his battle against Grant while Serena was thinking about her Pokémon performances. But most of all Serena was thinking about all the things Ash had done already on his journey and how he is still working forwards towards his dream. But other than that she was thinking about that Misty girl Ash used to travel with.
Ash and Brock already talked about they meet and how Ash and Misty been through Kanto, the Orange Islands, and Johto.
"There just friends right?" Serena thought. "Right.... They.... They have to be nothing more right?"
Just then Brock came out of the back their pokeballs.
"Here they are, sorry that it took longer than expected but they are in perfect health" Brock said handing them their pokeballs.
"Thanks Brock" Ash said as he and Serena took their pokeballs. "Well see you tomorrow."
With that Ash and Brock went there separate ways leaving Serena just standing in her thoughts.
"Hey Serena you coming"
"Oh... uh... you go ahead I'll catch up" she said as she went the same Brock went. Ash went back to the room while Serena caught up to Brock as he was still walking. "Hey Brock"
Brock stopped and looked at Serena "Yes?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure what is it?"
"I was..... uhhh.... Just wondering.... Is there anything else you didn't mention about Ash"
"What do you mean?" Brock asked.
"I mean like.... Was he always that determined, did he ever won a league, did he ever had a girlfriend, or......."
"Girlfriend?" Brock said with an eye brow raised.
"What... no... uh... I mean... did he ever..... you know.... And that Misty girl..... and....." she said very worried not knowing the right words to say.
"Misty.... Is this what is this is about?"
" *sigh* I guess" Serena said sheepishly. "I was just wondering if they were ever..... you know"
"No their just friends." Brock said. "Why do you..... wait.... Do you....."
"Shhhhh" she said. "Please don't say it."
"Alright alright" he said defensively. "But seriously do you?"
*sigh* "Yeah...... I do" she said scratching the back of her head like Ash does sometimes when he is a little embarrassed.
"I see, well you don't have to worry about Misty there just friends and nothing more."
"Are you sure? Are you sure they're not....."
"Serena if they were they would have done it by now and I would know about it." Brock said reassuringly. "But if you like Ash why don't you tell him?"
"I.... I'm just not ready" she said. "Also you said that he traveled with other girls named May and Dawn are you sure their....."
"Like I said they would have been a couple by now if they did have feeling for eachother" Brock said. "Just know Ash is not dating anyone or have a crush on anyone that I know of. Any ways it's getting late just don't think about it too much and just enjoy your time with Ash. I got to go goodbye" and with that Brock left Serena as she is just standing there deep in her thoughts.
"Ash......" she thought still wondering if she has a chance with him.
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