The Champion
(Normal POV)
"Were is he?" Bonnie asked as she, Serena, and Clemont was waiting in front of the battle area.
"He should be here by now" Serena said.
"Well it doesn't really matter, since tickets are sold out we can't really see the battle anyways" Clemont said. "Ash is going to be very disappointed"
Just then the group see's Ash and Pikachu running up to them like he was really excited. They thought he was eager to see the battle when they have to regretfully tell them that tickets are sold out. Little do they know they were going to be in for a bit of a surprise.
"Hey guys ready to see the battle?" Ash asked.
"Uh... Ash. I don't know how to tell you this but.... We can't" said Bonnie.
"Is it because you don't have any tickets" he asked.
"Uh yes....." said Bonnie. "How did you know?"
"I heard that they were sold out but don't worry I got it covered"
"Covered? How?" Asked Serena.
"Here take a look" Ash said handing the envelope to Serena.
She, Bonnie, and Clemont looked in the envelope to see what was inside. Once they identified what they were their eyes widen shocked that they have in their hands.
"These....... These are back stage passes" Serena exclaimed. "Were did you get these?"
"You're not going to believe this but...... I kind of met the champion" Ash said.
"WHAT!!!" all three of them said at the same time. "What..... YOU.....CHAMPION........ BACKSTAGE............ MET........... WHAT!!!!!!!!!"
"Yah I know...... hard to believe. I'll explain later come on I want to see the battle"
Ash started walking towards the area while the three just stood there dumbfounded on what just happened. Their friend from Kanto just met the champion of Kalos after hearing about her today. Not only that but he also got 4 backstage passes from her.................OK how come only interesting things happens when Ash is around.
"I don't know why..... but it seems that the interesting things happen only to Ash" Clemont said still dumbfounded. "How does he do it?"
"I...... don't........ know........" Serena said just staring at Ash.
"Here we go again with the staring" Bonnie thought as she looked up at Serena.
The four are now back stage being lead to Diantha's dressing room by a security guard they met at the front gate. As they got closer and closer the four, apart from Ash, are really excited.
"I can't believe we are actually going to meet Diantha" Serena said exited.
"I still can't believe that Ash got us back stage passes" Clemont said. "How did you manage to do that?"
"I uh..... just shared a piece of my cake" Ash said.
"I'll explain later"
"Well.... Here we are" the Security guard said. "Diantha is just through this door. I would wait a bit though she is currently in an interview."
"An interview? With who" Asked Clemont.
"I believe a reporter from the Lumiose press I don't know who exactly. Anyways I need to get back to my post, stay safe now" the security guard said as he walked off.
Ash and his friends waited for about 15 outside the door until Bonnie spoke up.
"CAN WE GO IN NOW?!?!" Bonnie yelled.
"Bonnie be patient, the champion is a very busy person you know" Clemont said.
"Actually Clemont I think it's ok to go in now" Ash said. "If she is still in the interview we can just leave and let her finish"
"See Ash agrees with me" Bonnie said.
*Sigh* "Ok you win we'll go in" Clemont said as he opened the door.
As he opened the door he, Bonnie, and Serena's eyes widen when they saw who was standing right in front of them. When the door opened all the way they saw none other than Diantha talking to the reporter.
The reporter and Diantha turned their heads to see who it was and one of them imminently recognize them.
"Ah.... Here is he now" Diantha said. Apparently Diantha was talking about the trainer she met earlier today today.
"Ash?" the reporter said. "Clemon, Bonnie, Serena!"
"You know them?" Diantha said.
"I sure do, one of them beat my sister in a gym battle"
"Alexa?" Ash said turning to the reporter.
"Hello Ash it's good to see you again" Alexa said. "How have you been doing?"
"I been doing great I got 2 badges and on my way to get my third" Ash said. He then turned to Diantha wearing her champions outfit. "Diantha nice to see you again, thanks again for the backstage passes"
"No problem Ash, it's the least I can do" she said.
Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena still were just standing there dumbfounded on what is happening right in front of them. Ash is just having a regular conversation with champion of Kalos, not only that she is also a famous movie star.
Diantha then turned her head to address them. "So you must be Ash's friends" she said. that shocked them out of their thoughts.
"Oh uh.... Yes, my name is Serena, by the way big fan" she said.
"Why thank you"
"I'm uh.... Clemont" he stammered. "And this is my sister Bonnie"
"Hi it's so cool being able to meet you" Bonnie said. "I just love all the movies you were in"
"Thank you again"
"So Ash.... can you tell us know how you met Diantha" Clemont said.
"Why don't you tell me tell you" Diantha insisted. She then told Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena on how she met Ash at the café, the conversation they had, and her giving Ash the backstage passes for him sharing his cake.
"Wow great story" Bonnie said.
"I see you are always helping other people" Alexa said. "That is one of you best quality's as a trainer"
"Thank you"
"Again Ash how come the interesting stuff always happens when your around" Clemont asked.
Ash shrugged. "I don't know. It just happens I guess"
"Hey Diantha?" Serena asked. "What you are wearing around your neck is so cute, were did you get that?"
Everyone was looking at the neckless around Diantha's neck in amazement. Everyone thought it look so amazing. However, Ash had recognized what it is.
"Oh this.... This is my...... uh......" Diantha started. "It's just a neckless"
"But.... Isn't that a key stone in it" Ash asked.
"KEY STONE" Everyone but Ash and Diantha exclaimed. Diantha was even more surprised that Ash knew what a key stone is since not many people know about it.
"You mean the stone trainers use to Mega Evolve?" Alexa said. "It's real"
"You have one!!! That is so amazing" Clemont exclaimed. "Were did you get one?"
"I uh...." Diantha started to say a bit nervous. She was not sure how to answer that question. "I'll uh........ I'll tell you later"
"Why not now?" Serena asked.
"Because I ......uh...... OH...... would you look at the time" Diantha said looking at her watch. "The battle would be starting soon I'm sure you don't want to miss it. I'll meet you back here after the battle" she then walked out.
"What was that all about?" Bonnie asked.
"I...... don't....... know......." Ash said as he and everyone else walked out.
Ash, Alexa, and everyone else were in the VIP area of the arena to watch the battle. Getting those back stage passes really has their perks. They had front row seats as there were excited to see the battle. Alexa had out her camera so she can take some action shots of Diantha for the Kalos press.
"Ladies and Gentlemen" the announcer said. "That battle between the champion of Kalos Diantha and the challenger Magnus from Brackish Town is about to get underway"
The crowd of people started to cheer as the announcer finished his sentince.
"This battle is going to be so great I can't wait" Ash said.
"Hey Ash?" Bonnie asked. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure Bonnie what is it?"
"I was wondering how did you know that Diantha's neckless was a key stone? I mean none of us as seen one before."
"Yah I was wondering the same thing" Clemont said. "How did you know?"
"Oh.... Uh..... I...... kind of .......seen one before" he said hesitantly.
"YOU HAVE?!?!" Clemont exclaimed. "Where I never saw one before"
"I.... tell you later" Ash said. (Ash is really a procrastinator, isn't he?)
"And we're back folks" the announcer said. "Without further ado let's bring out our challengers"
Walking in from both sides were the two trainers. From the left was Magnus from Brackish Town and last year's champion. Walking in from the right was none other than the champion and movie star Diantha. As Diantha entered the arena everyone started to cheer even louder than before.
"Wow the crowd is really exited" Serena said.
"This battle is going to look great in the paper" Alexa said taking some pictures of Diantha walking to the battle field. Finally the two made it onto the battle field
"Now that the two have made it to the battle field let the battle begain" the announcer said as the crowd cheered even more louder than when they walked in.
"Absol it's time to battle" Magnus yelled throwing his pokeball.
"Sol...." It yelled as it came out of his pokeball getting into its battle stance.
"Gardevoir I need your assistance" Diantha said releasing her Pokémon. Gardevoir appeared from its pokeball being graceful and come like her trainer. "You may make the first move"
"Very well use Bite" Magnus said. "Absol rushed over to Gardervoir with its fangs out getting ready to bit.
Diantha didn't say anything. Instead she nodded her head and Gardervoir moved out of the way just as soon as absol was just about to bite.
"Woe.... That's fast" Ash said.
"Diantha didn't even need to say anything" Clemont noticed. "She just.... Nodded.... And Gardervor moved"
"Grrrrr. Use Quick attack" Magnus said. Absol then rushed at Gardervor even faster than when he was using bite. Again Diantha didn't say anything and just tilted her head to the left and Gardervor dodged the attack again.
"What?!?!" Magnus "How is she doing that?"
"That's amazing" Serena said. "Gardervor doesn't even look scared of Absol"
"See if you can dodge this, Psycho Cut" he yelled. Absol unleashed a barrage of psychic looking cuts from its horn and shot them at Gardervor.
And again Dianth remained calm and motioned her head to the left. Gardervor then moved towards the attack and dodge each and every one of them as it came at her.
"Wow.... Diantha is so amazing" Ash said admiring her battle style. "How is she doing that?"
"Grrrrr this ends now, use Perish Song" he yelled. That was when he made his mistake.
Diantha smiled. "Checkmate, Use Moon Blast"
As Absol was charging his perish song Gardervor took the opportunity and shot a bright purplish pink beam straight at Absol. The beam hit him dead on as Absol cried in pain. When the dust cleared it revealed that Absol was lying on the ground unconscious.
"And that is it folks the battle between the champion Diantha and last year's champion Magnus had come to its conclusion.
"Wow that was a great battle" Ash said.
"I got some really good pics for the Lumiose press" Alexa said. "I can't wait to write the article"
There were about to head back stage to the dressing room to meet up with Diantha when Serena noticed something around Gardervor's neck. It resembles the neckless that Diantha was wearing but a slightly different color.
"What is that neckless?" she thought to herself as she left the VIP area.
Everyone but Diantha was back in the dressing room waiting for Diantha to return.
"Hey Alexa did you by any chance get a good picture of Gardervor when she was just standing still" Serena asked.
"Yes I did why do you ask?"
"Can I see it? I think I saw something around her neck" Alexa got out her camera and handed it to Serena. Serena was going through the pictures on the camerea looking for the picture of Gardervor standing still. When she found it she saw the neckless around Gardervor's neck. "Hey guys take a look at this"
Everyone gathered around Serena as she pointed out the neckless. "Why is Gardervor wearing a neckless at looks a lot like Diantha's" Clemont asked.
"I think that is Gardervor's mega stone" Ash said.
"MEGA STONE" everyone else said. Just then Diantha walked in and saw that everyone was gathered around Serena.
"Sorry I'm late I got stopped by the paparazzi, what are you all looking at" she asked.
"Is it true you can Mega Evolve your Gardervor?" Bonnie blurted out. "I see that she is wearing a neckless around her neck that is similar to yours"
"Uh.... What are you.....?"
"Diantha we know you can Mega Evolve why are you not wanting to tell us?" Ash asked.
*sigh* "Because...... I am trying to keep it a secret" she answered.
"Why are you trying doing to that?" Serena asked.
"Long story.... The point is I try to reframe from using it as much as possible. Why you may ask.... Well..... It is kind of a secret so please understand"
"Oh.... Ok" Bonnie said. "I guess I understand with you being champion and all"
"Thank you" Diantha said. "By the way Ash how did you know that my neckless was a key stone?"
"Oh because a friend of mine also has one and showed it to me" he answered. "And like you he tries to keep it a secret too"
"Wait.... You have a friend that can mega evolve" she asked intrigued.
"Uh yah.... Why do you ask?"
"It's just mega evolution is still pretty new in Kalos and not many people even know about it let alone can use it" she answered.
"Wait..... Ash you didn't tell us you knew someone that can mega evolve his Pokémon" Clemont said. "Who is it?"
"I'm.... uh..... not supposed to say" Ash said.
"Awww... why not" Bonnie said.
"Because Lucas told me not to tell anyone"
"LUCAS?!?!" Diantha said with her eyes widening. That is when Ash realized what he just did.
"Wait....darn it... I was not supposed to tell you that" he said.
"Oh.... Lucas" Bonnie said rolling her eyes. "Your made up friend"
"How many times do I have to yell you he is not made up he is real" Ash exclaimed.
"Wait.... Did you say Lucas?" Diantha Asked.
"Yes, do you know him?"
"Does he wear glasses?"
"A green Fedora?"
"Does he have a Smeargle?"
"And a Kirlia?"
"Uh.... No. But he does have a Gallade"
"A Gallade........ so he did find that Dawn Stone after all" she said to herself.
"So...... do you know him?" Asked Ash.
"Know him?!?!......... Ash........ He's my brother" Diantha exclaimed.
"BROTHER!!!!" Everyone said shocked
"I didn't know that the champion of Kalos has a brother" Alexa said.
"Wait....... So Lucas is real?" Bonnie asked.
"Yes Bonnie that was I was trying to tell you" Ash said.
"So..... you kids seen my brother" Diantha said a little shock but mostly surprised.
"Well..... Ash did. The rest of us had never even seen him before" Serena said.
"I see, by the way Ash you kind of remind me of him"
"I do?" Ash said.
"Ya with the way to care to pokemon and people"
"Oh.... Well thank you"
"Also does he still working at his job?" Diantha asked.
"Yes he is but I still don't know much about his job" Ash said. "Do you know by any change what his job is?"
"No I'm afraid not" Diantha said. "The reason I asked because he doesn't tell me much of anything anymore"
"So..... he is your older brother" Serena asked.
"Actually I'm a year older. We both started off our journey on the same day as we both got a Ralts from our parents as a gift" she said. "We both started off out journey together and we had a great time. After 3 months........ I guess we went our separate ways to active our goals"
"How come the rest of Kalos doesn't know you have a brother?" Alexa asked.
"Because....... I don't see or talk to him anymore. The last time I saw him was over a year ago"
"A YEAR!" Ash exclaimed. "How come?"
"Because he is always busy with his job." Diantha said. "And I.... I.... I miss him" Diantha said sitting down on her couch looking very sad. "I just wish I can see him more often."
"Wow....I'm really sorry to hear that. It must be terrible not being able to see your sibling as often as you use to" Clemont said look down at Bonnie.
"Thank you" Diantha said. she then and turned and face Ash. "Ash if you ever run into Lucas again could you tell him I miss him and I would like for him to visit me soon"
"Will do, you can count on it" Ash said.
"Thank you Ash. Anyways I'm about to leave for the next town. I have one more battle to do before I start my next movie; it was really nice meeting you all"
"I was a pleasure meeting you Diantha" Serena said.
"I hope we meet again" Clemont said.
"I'm sure we will" she said.
An hour as pasted since Ash and his friends parted ways from Diantha. They said their goodbyes to Alexa as she started back to Lumiose City and they were on their way to Shalour City. There was a lot on the gangs mind after parting ways. How long could Diantha use mega evolution, how come they didn't know that Diantha has a brother, why is mega evolution a secret? Right now Bonnie is leading the way while Clemont is trying to catch up. At the same time Ash and Serena are having their own conversation.
"So...... Ash" Serena said.
"I was just wondering what is Lucas like? Diantha said you remind her of him, what is he like?
"Well he is a strong trainer, very smart, and knows a lot about Pokémon. I haven't told you much about him just because he is very secretive" he said.
"So..... battled him right?" she asked.
"Ya.... You should have seen him it was amazing. He knows how to battle."
"So..... Who won that battle again?"
"We never actually finished because team rocket interrupted us" he said.
"Right.... But.... Who do you think would have won that battle" she asked.
"It could have gone either way but......... you know...... I don't know. I just wish that team rocket didn't interrupt so we could have finished."
"I see... well even though I never met Lucas but I'm sure that you would have beat him"
"Thanks Serena it's nice to know that you believe in me" Ash said.
Serena smiled and blushed a bit when Ash said that. If only Ash new how much he means to her it would make things between them so much easier.
"There she goes again with the blushing" Bonnie though looking behind her when they weren't looking as she continue to lead the group.
"Guy........ can........ we........ take...... a........ break please" Clemont said painting trying to keep up.
Hey guys thanks again for reading my story it really means a lot. Sorry for the late update I just been busy with school and work.
Also I don't know if Diantha has a brother or a sibling in the anime but in my story she does. and in retrospect it kind of makes since she has a Gardevoir and Lucas has a Gallade and they both can mega evolve.
It will be a while until Ash goes for his third gym battle so just keep that in mind. So again thanks and please leave a like, question, comment, and so on.
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