Thanks for the Cake
(Serena POV)
It was dark, But it didn't last very long. I realized that I was in a deep sleep after staring into that bright light from that Malamar and I was slowy waking up.
"Serena?" I heard someone said.
My eye slowly opens only to see a bright blur as they open. When my vision finally cleared I found myself on the ground with Ash looking right over me. I swear my checks were a bit pink when I saw him. Not that I'm complaining that the first thing I saw when I woke up was Ash, it's just I was not expecting it. Weird, The last thing I remember was staring into the bright light that was from the Malamar and now I'm here.
"Ash..........?" I said solfly. What happen? Did he beat that Malamar? Are we all rescued? What happened to team rocket? All of those thoughts were going through my head.
"Don't worry Serena I'm here" he said as he was helping me up "It ok the Malamar is gone, your safe now"
"It is?" I asked. Did he win? He did beat the Malamar?
"Well..... yes" Ash said. "But there is a lot more to the story"
He was about to tell me what happened until I notice that Clemont and Bonnie were starting to move as well regaining conscious as they slowly opened their eyes.
"Uhhhhhhh......... what happened?" Bonnie asked while moaning.
"Are we.......ok" Clemont asked. "Ash.... Did you win?"
"Ya" he said. "A lot happened while you were out, let me explain"
He then went through how Clemont got controlled by Malamar and how he freed us. He talked about how he tracked us, how he resisted his hypnotic powers, how Madame X was, and how he was able to stop him. He even mentioned that Lucas was there.
"WHAT!!!!" Clemont exclaimed. "Lucas was there and we missed him"
"Well...... you where there. You just don't remember"
"Aw man.... I really want to meet him....." Clemont said.
*sigh* "Ash.... sometimes I wonder if you're making up Lucas" Bonnie said.
"Hey....... I am not. It's just that........... he always leaves when something comes up" he said defensively.
"Right..... like he did back in Lumiose City when you tried to introduce us to him"
Ash sweat dropped. "Uh..... yah. Like he did back then"
"Alright Alright" Clemont said getting between Ash and Bonnie. " Let's just continue to Shalour City for Ash's next gym badge. There is a small town we need to go through in order to get there so let's get going."
(Normal POV)
The group make their way to the town that Clemont was talking about and found the Pokémon center. Ash and everyone else wanted to relax after what they been through with the Malamar business and just wanted to forget about it. It was the evening so they rented a room for the night and went so sleep.
It was the next morning and everyone just finished breakfast and was now chilling in the Pokémon center. After an hour of the group tending to their Pokémon and resting they saw that their where numerous thing going on in town that caught each of their attention.
"Wow, look at all on what happening" Serena said looking at the bulletin board.
"Ya there is scheduled to be a pokemon battle between the Champion and one of the elite four" Clemont said reading it closely.
"The Champion? Who is it?" Ash asked.
"Oh right, you're not from Kalos" Clemont said. "Her name is Diantha and she is the strongest trainer in all of Kalos"
"Not only that she is also a famous actress and model" Serena added. "Here is a picture of her." She then pulled up a picture of her on her pokenav and showed it to Ash.
"So..... that's the champion of Kalos" Ash said. "I wonder how strong her Pokémon are?"
"Anyways it's not scheualed to start for another 3 hours. We have time before then so why not look at what this town has to offer" Clemont said.
"Yah I saw some stores with some really cute cloths on the way to the Pokémon center" Serena said. "Care to join me?"
"I will" Bonnie said.
"Uh..... You go on ahead" Clemot said. "I'll just go and look around and see what there is and we can all meet back her before the battle" he then started to walk one direction while Serena and Bonnie went the other direction. "Are you coming Ash?"
"Actually Clemont I'm want to see the battle field that we're going to later today" he said. "I really want to see how amazing it is when it's empty rather then it is full"
"Oh ok see you then" and with that they went their separate ways. Ash was walking alone with Pikachu on his shoulders and trying to find the battle area. Although he shouldn't find the area he did find something else that his attention, a long line.
"Huh.... What with all these people in line for?" he asked himself. He then walked up to a man that was waiting in line to ask what's going on. "Excuses me sir, what is everyone in line for"
The man turned to him "Didn't you hear, the line is for a Café that is really popular here and they have their world famous chocolate cake being served and everyone in line is here to get a piece"
"Huh.... Must be really good" Ash said. "What do you say Pikachu we have time want to try it?"
"Pikachu!!!" he said very excited.
"Ok let's get in line."
Back in the clothing, store Serena and Bonnie were trying on different hats and outfits. Serena was in the changing room to try out a new skirt and top while Bonnie waited outside the dressing room to see how the cloths will look on Serena. after 2 minutes she came out and showed Bonnie the new cloths she is in.
"So..... how do I look?" she asked.
"Wow.... You look so pretty" Bonnie said with star eyes.
"Ded nee ne" Dedenne popping out of Bonnies back agreeing.
"Aw thanks I really like it too" Serena said.
"Yah.... I'm sure Ash will really like it to" she smirked.
"Yah I hope that he........." Serena started before she stopped herself after reliving what Bonnie is doing. "BONNIE! Would you stop that!"
"Sorry just had to do it" she giggled.
*sigh* "Now I'm starting to regret even telling you how I felt about Ash"
"Hey.... I said I was sorry" Bonnie said.
"Yah Yah......" Serena said rolling her eyes. "Anyways I'm going to go with this one let's pay and meet up with Ash and Clemont"
"Ok" Bonnie said heading to the register. "Hey...... Are you going to wear your new outfit to show Ash" she smirked.
"BONNIE!!!!!" Serena said with her face really red.
Ash was now in the front of the line after waiting 2 hours to get this 'famous' cake everyone was talking about.
"Next!!!" the guy at the register yelled. Finally it was Ash's turn.
"Finally" Ash said as he and Pikachu step to the register. "One slice of your chocolate cake please."
"Well..... Looks like you're in luck" he said. "You just ordered the last piece."
"Wow.... I guess that is lucky" Ash said as he paid for the cake.
"Thank you" the cashier said as he took the money. "You may seat yourself; we will bring out your cake momentarily"
Ash and Pikachu went and took a seat outside of the café as they waited for their cake. After 4 minutes of waiting the waiter came to their table and placed the chocolate cake in front of Ash.
"There you are sir, enjoy" he said as he turned and walked away.
"Wow... look at that cake" Ash said picking up a fork. "This is going to be good"
Before Ash could stab the cake with the fork he heard something that caught his attention from a woman at the entrance.
"Are you sure there is no more cake" she asked.
"I'm sorry mam but we are out for the day, the last piece was just bought to the trainer with the Pikachu" the waiter said
Ash turned his head to the direction were the conversation. The woman was wearing a black dress covered by a black jacket; she also wore a black hat and some shades to cover her face. Wow she must really like black.
"We won't have any more until tomorrow afternoon" the waiter said.
"What.... That won't do. I'm leaving later this evening" she said sounding disappointed.
"Again mam, I am very sorry for the trouble" the waiter said as he turned away and walked into the back.
*Sigh* "Well.... I guess I won't get any of their famous cake, and I came all this way" the woman said disappointed as she started to walk away.
Ash look down at his cake and then back at the woman. He couldn't help but to feel bad for the woman coming all this way just for a piece of cake. He this looked at Pikachu as though he had the same thoughts.
"What do you say Pikachu? Should we?" he aside.
"Pika pi" he said nodding. He then got up with the piece of cake and came towards the woman.
"Excess me mam" Ash said walking up to her as she turned around.
"I couldn't help but to hear that you came to get a piece of that café's famous chocolate cake, I feel bad that I took the last piece and you came all this way just to try some. If you want you can have a piece of mine"
"Ohhh......" the woman said a bit shocked, but above all very happy to see the boy's kind manners. "That is very kind of you but I wouldn't want to take a piece of cake that you ordered and pay for. That would be inconsiderate of me"
"I don't mind. I just came into town today not knowing about the cake until I got here, you deserve the cake more than I do" Ash then handed the plate with the whole piece of cake on it.
"You're...... You're giving me the whole piece?" she asked shocked.
"Like I said you deserve it more than me" Ash said.
"Oh.... Why thank you" the woman said as she went over to the table to eat the cake.
"You're welcome, anyways I need to go and meet with my friends, enjoy" Ash said as he started to walk away.
"Wait...." The woman said. Ash then turned around.
"You're a Pokémon trainer aren't you?" she asked.
"Why yes I am. How did you know?"
"You... you remind me of someone" she said. "Anyways please sit, I would like to ask you some things"
Ash then sat down at the table with the woman as she started to ask him some question. Also she did share some of the cake with Ash; after all it was his in the first place.
"So tell me young man what is your name?"
"My name is Ash Ketchum and this is my partner Pikachu" he said gesturing to Pikachu.
"Well it is very nice you meet you Ash. Tell me what are your goals as a trainer?"
"Well... I'm from the Kanto region and I came to Kalos to start my new journey"
"Kanto? My my... you came a long way" she said.
"Yah.... Oh I didn't get your name yet" Ash said. the woman then looked around to make sure no one will notice what she will about to say.
"Can you keep a secret?" she asked.
"Uh... Sure, why?" the woman then lowered her shades revealing her face to Ash.
"Hey.... You look familiar have we met befo........" he started until he realized who he was talking to. "YOUR..... Your dian....."
"SHHHHHHH" she said. "Not so loud, I'm trying to blend in" Ash couldn't believe it, he is talking to the strongest trainer in all of Kalos not only that she is also a famous movie star.
"I.... you.... Here......cake...... champion........ WOW!" Ash stammered out from complete shock. "Wow it is an honor to meet you"
"Why thank you" Diantha said. "It's nice you meet you too"
"So.... What is with the disguise?"
"I'm trying not to attract any attention to myself so I'm wearing this so no one will recognize me, so anyways what brings you here?"
"Well.... Me and my friends where actually planning on seeing you battle later today I can't wait"
"Really...... did you get tickets already?"
"Tickets?" Ash asked. "Uh..... no"
"Oh well I'm sorry to say but the match is sold out"
"What!!!!" Ash yelled.
"Ya.... It has been sold out for a week now and if you just came to town today I'm afraid you are out of luck" she explained.
"Oh man....." Ash said disappointedly. *sigh* "So much for that..... well..... it was nice talking to you I should really get back to my friends and tell them the bad news. I hope we meet again" he then got up and started walking back to the arena they are going to meet back up.
"Wait....." she said as Ash stopped. "I can tell you're a trainer that really cares about Pokémon and I can tell you were really looking forwards to the match so....... Take theses" she then handed Ash an envelope.
"What is it?" Ash asked.
"Oh..... Just my way of saying thanks for the cake. Anyways I should get going to the match, I'll see you there" she said as she got up and started to walk away.
"Wait... I don't have any tickets" he yelled.
"It's in your hand" she yelled back as she continued to walk away until she was out of sight. Ash then look in the envelope that she gave her and look out what was in it. When he looked at it he was shocked on what he just found.
"WOW......wait till I show the others.
Hey just want say again thanks for over the 2K reads and over 100 likes.
Also want to say I have been talking to another author here on wattpad and her story's are really good.
Many on you might already know who she is but if you don't her name is pika and she is a great writer.
Again leave a like but most importantly a comment so I will know how I'm doing.
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