Serena's Goal
(Normal POV)
As the four friends made their way into Santalune city they have stopped at the Pokémon center before to rest after the long road they took. Before Ash would challenge the Santalune gym, he was outside with his newly captured Fletchlng along with Froakie, Pikachu, and Charizard doing some training as Clemont and Bonnie were taking of Dedenne and Serena was watching Ash with her Fennekin training his Pokémon.
"OK lets work on your speed and dodging, Pikachu try to hit Froakie with Electro Ball and Charizard try to hit Fletchling with Flamethrower, Fletchling Froakie I want you two to try to dodge each attack, got it?", Ash said. All the Pokémon simultaneously nodded their head and got into their ready positions. "Alright, GO".
Pikachu unleashed one after another of Electro Ball towards Froakie, but the frog Pokémon dodged each and every one of them using its speed and agility. Meanwhile, both Charizard and Fletchling were in the air circling each other. Charizard was unleashing a jet of fire at Fletching trying to hit him, but using its small body and quick reflexes the bird Pokémon easily got out of the way of each and every flamethrower Charizard unleashed. This has gone on for about 10 minutes.
"Ok guys, it's time to switch parts, Froakie use Water Pules, Fletchling use Razor Wind, Pikachu and Charizard your turn to dodge." Ash said.
Both Froakie and Fletchling unleashed their respective attacks at Pikachu and Charizard while the two used their speed and skill to dodge each and every attack. After another 10 minutes Ash sees that the Pokémon are getting tired.
"Alright great work guy you can stop now", Ash said as Charizard and Fletchling landed on the ground in front of Ash while Pikachu and Froakie walked up to him. "You guys will be in good shape for the our first gym battle, there's no way we can lose".
"Wow Ash and his Pokémon are really something, don't you think Fennekin", Serena said to Fennekin while she was still watching Ash.
"Fen fen", the fox Pokémon said while she was watching Pikachu climb up on Ash's Shoulder. She saw how Pikachu and Ash was getting along very well made Fennekin smile. And when she saw Pikachu use his Electro Ball and how he was able to dodge Froakies water pules really impressed her.
Serena looked over at her Fennekin and saw a light shade of pink on her checks and looked at where she is staring at. When Serena looked she saw it was the same direction that Pikachu was. She then was thinking why her checks were pink but then it hit her.
"Fennekin, do you have a thing for Pikachu?", Serena whispered to Fennekin so Ash and Pikachu didn't hear.
"Fen!". That comment made Fennekins face more red then it already is (you know for being a fire type and all). She then looked at Serena and then back down trying to hide her face from Serena so she wouldn't see her face being red. But Serena already saw the red in her and already knows about her little crush on Pikachu.
"It's ok Fennekin you don't need to hide it from me, I guess like trainer like Pokémon", she said still making sure Ash and Pikachu didn't hear.
"Fennekin", the fox Pokémon said knowing about her trainers crush on Pikachu's trainer.
"Don't worry Fennekin your secret is safe with me". That made Fennekin feel better knowing she won't tell anyone and to have someone to relate with her on that matter. So two of them feel like they are in the same boat of each other.
"Hey guys", Clemont said while walking up to the Ash and Serena with Bonnie. "It's getting late; I think we should head in and get some dinner".
"Ya I think you're right, alright guy that's enough training for today lets head in", Ash said as he return Froakie, Fletchling , and Charizard, into their pokeballs. "Coming Serena?"
"Right I'm come", she said with Fennekin in her arms as they walked with everyone else into the Pokémon center.
After dinner, the group was in the lounge in the Pokémon center relaxing from traveling. They were sitting at a table with Pikachu, Fennekin, and Dedenne sitting on the table next to their respective trainers.
"So Ash, what pokemon do you plan on using in your gym battle?", Clemont asked trying to start a conversation.
"Well I heard that the gym leader here is Viola use bug types from Alexa so I'm definitely going to use Fletchling, but other than his I don't know who else I should use", Ash said.
"Why don't you use Charizard? It looks powerful enough; I bet you could use Charizard to bet all of her Pokémon with just him", Serena said.
"I sure he could, but Charizard might be a bit much to use on my first gym badge and I really want to use a Pokémon that isn't so..... I would I put this...... overpowered", Ash explained to Serena.
"Awwwww...... I want to see Charizard battle", Bonnie complained. "I Really want to see it in action, I bet he would look so cool".
"Maybe next time", Ash said trying to make Bonnie feel better.
"Bonnie don't you remember you already saw Charizard in action back in Prism Tower", Clemont explained. "You know when he saved Serena and stopped team rocket".
"Oh Ya I did", Bonnie said.
"By the way Ash I would like to know how you did it", Serena asked. "How did you bet team rocket all by yourself with just Charizard?"
Ash then stopped and just sat there with a blank face for a moment. He forgot about the Garchomp incident was caused by team rocket in the first place. Also there was something, or someone, they don't know about back at Prism Tower. Ash thought it was about time to tell them the story.
"Well.....", Ash started off. "The thing is I didn't use Charizard, I used Pikachu; and also I wasn't up there alone".
"Huh, you weren't?", Bonnie Said.
"No I wasn't", Ash said. "Hey uh...... have I told you guys about Lucas."
"Lucas?", Clemont said. "That names sounds familiar..... Wait, professor Sycamore told use us about him, you battle him didn't you?"
"Yes I did, he was the first person I battle here in Kalos. We didn't get to finish the match because team rocket showed up and interrupted us and tried to take my Pikachu", Ash explained.
"Team rocket was there too?", Clemont said.
"Ya and that's when I met Froakie", Ash said. "He and Lucas were the ones who helped me get my Pikachu back, but Froakie got hurt in the process and team rocket escaped. I then went and took Froakie to professor Sycamores lab while Lucas went after team rocket."
"What!!! Why would he do something so dangerous like that?", Serena asked.
"I don't know, but I looked like he can't stand people like team rocket so I think that is why he went after them." Ash said to the group.
"Anyways, After I dropped off Serena and got the collar off of Garchomp. That is when team rocket showed up again and tried to take Garchomp again. They then unleashed their Pokémon and tried to attack me but then it got intercepted by a Focus Blast. I then looked over to where it came from it came from and saw Lucas with his Gallade and Smeargle. He then have the two of them attack team rocket and I finished them off with Pikachu using thunderbolt."
"Really, wow that sounds incredible", Clemont said.
"It was, after team rocket was dealt with he went over to Garchomp and got his Smeargle to heal him completely", Ash said.
"Really, how did he do that", Bonnie asked.
"That what I asked him but he didn't give me a straight answer, but all he said was that he could do a lot of things. I also asked him why we went after team rocket but all he said was it was part of his job", Ash said.
"And... what job would that be", Serena Asked.
"I wish I knew but he wouldn't tell me, so after he healed Garchomp he told me that he had to go but we would meet again. So like that his Smeargle used teleport and both Lucas and his Pokémon just vanished and that was the last I saw him," Ash said to the group.
"Wow he sounds amazing, I would really like to meet him one day", Clemont said to Ash.
"I'm sure you will", Ash said. "So anyways Clemont, now that I told a story why don't you tell one."
"Me? Uh.... Sure like what", he asked.
"Why don't you tell us why you and Bonnie wanted to go on a journey with Ash in the first place", Serena said. "I know you said it would be a great experience but I think there is more to it."
"Ya.... You're right, there is more to it", Clemont said. "You see Bonnie and I have been in Lumiose city for almost our entire lives. Our dad, Meyer, used to be a trainer like you Ash and been all around the world traveling. He stopped traveling after he finished the Hoenn region and started teaching me and Bonnie all about pokemon, he was the one who gave me my first Pokémon which was a Helioptile."
"Really, where's your Helioptile now", Ash asked.
"It's a Heliolisk now and it's back at the gy..... uh I mean my house with the rest of my Pokémon", Clemont explained. "Anyways, Bonnie and I don't get to see our dad as often as he used too so I never got to become a great Pokemon trainer. I then heard about Mega Evolution and that professor Sycamore has been researching it for a long time".
"Mega Evolution?", Ash asked. "What that?"
"What, Professor Sycamore haven't told you", Clemont asked.
"No", he said.
"Well I get to that later, anyways Bonnie and I were on our way to his lab and we happened to run into Serena on the way", Clemont said looking at Serena. "So all three of us when to his lab together and that is when we heard about Mega Evolution and Serena got her Fennekin. The Professor then explained Mega Evolution to us, you see Mega Evolution allows a Pokémon to temperedly evolve further then it usually could and it allows the Pokémon to gain more power and abilities then its previous form".
"Really, so any Pokémon can Mega Evolve?", Ash asked.
"No he said only certain Pokémon can to it, also it requires two types of stones", Clemont explained. "They are called a key stone and a Mega stone, a key stone is used by the trainer and the Mega stone is being held by the Pokémon. It also requires both trainer and Pokémon to have a strong bond with each other. After he explained that to us.... Well.... You know the rest, team rocket came to the lab, Garchomp kidnapped Serena, you save Serena, you stopped Garchomp and team rocket, and we met you. So.... Ya everything caught up to speed. When I met you I thought you were an increasable trainer and I thought I go with you I can become as strong as you. And as for Bonnie.... she is gaining experience traveling and raising Pokémon so when she gets older she knows what to expect when she starts her journey."
"I see, so that's why you wanted to come with me", Ash said.
"Learning as much as you can before you start your journey, that's a good way to become a great Pokémon trainer", Serena said sounding impressed.
"Speaking of which Serena, why did you start your journey", Ash Asked.
"ME?", Serena said. "Yell uh... you see I don't really have a goal or motivation like you Ash".
"You don't", He said.
"Ya... you see my mom is a professional Rhyhorn racer and she been training me ever since I was little", Serena said. "Rhyhorn racing is a sport in Kalos that people race other people while on the back of a Rhyhorn."
"I see", Ash said.
"The only problem is... I HATE IT", she said sounding like wants nothing to do with it. "I keep falling of my Rhyhorn, I always get dirt in my hair, and the worst part is my mom doesn't even noticed I don't want to be a Rhyhorn racer. So then my mom said that I should go on a journey because she thinks it will help me with my Rhyhorn racing and that it will change my option about it. However, I don't like Rhyhorn racing and I never will."
"So you don't have a goal at all", Ash asked.
"Well.... I have something in mind", Serena started to say. "But I don't know if I'm cut out for it."
"Come on Serena, tell us", Bonnie said.
"Uh... I don't know", Serena said.
"PLEASEEEEEEE", said a very annoying Bonnie.
"Ok ok", Serena said trying to get Bonnie to stop talking. "I was considering to be a Pokémon Performer."
"Pokemon Performer?", Ash asked.
"Ya but.... I don't know... I'm still deciding what I want to do and I hope traveling with you Ash will help me decide what I want to do," Serena said to Ash.
"I see..... Well don't worry about it Serena too much Serena you have all the time you need to decide what you want to be", Ash said. "Whatever you chose I'm sure you will do great at it." That comment made Serena blush a bit, when she did Bonnie happened to notices it and was wondering why her face was red.
"And remember, you have us and your Fennekin to help and support you all the way", Ash said with a thumbs up.
"Right I do don't I, thank you Ash I needed that", Serena said. Serena was now admiring Ash even more now then she was before. He believed in him and made Serena feel good about herself, she now have another reason on why she likes Ash.
The group was now in their room getting ready for bed. Clemont and Ash were in the bath room brushing their teeth while Bonnie was lying on her bed while petting Dedenne and watching TV with Serena. Serena was flipping through the channels when she noticed a rerun of a Pokémon show case from last week.
"Hey Serena can we watch this I looks really good", Bonnie said.
"Sure, I'll like to see this too", Serena said as she put down the remote and watched the showcase with Bonnie. Ash and Clemont then walked into the room and saw that the girls were watching TV.
"Whatcha watching?", Ash asked.
"Oh just a Pokémon showcase", Serena said.
"A Pokémon Showcase huh... is that what a Pokémon Performer does", Ash asked.
"Ya, it looks nice but I don't know if I would be up to it," Serena said.
"Why not it looks like something you would be good at", Ash said.
"Sure, you like fashion right?", Ash said.
"Plus you and Fennekin would make a great preforming", Clemont added.
"Also you're so pretty Serena", Bonnie said. "You would be a great performer."
"Bonnie right you would be a great performer", Ash said.
"You... you think I'm pretty", Serena said blushing.
"There she goes again why is her face red", Bonnie thought
"Uh... ya.... I mean sure you look pretty and I'm sure you'll be great", Ash said. He felt a little weird saying that Serena was pretty. She never said anything like that before to anyone. Why did he feel so weird about it? "So... what do you say."
Serena was thinking for a moment. They really want her to do this, even Ash. He even said that she looked pretty. Maybe this is the goal she can do great at and maybe she will like it. Also this could get Ash to realize how she feels about him. After a minute she came to a decision.
"Ok I'll do, it I'll become a performer", Serena said.
"Good to hear Serena you will be the best there is I just know", Ash said. Serena blushed a bit when he said that.
"Wait, her face is only turning red when she is talking to Ash, could she be..."Bonnie was thinking.
"Well I think we should call it a night", Clemont said getting into bed.
"Ya I'm getting tired too, good night guys", Serena said getting into bed. Soon after 10 minutes the group was in bed. Everyone but Bonnie was fast asleep while she was still up thinking about Serena turn red when Ash is talking to her and when why she stares at Ash every time he gets the chance.
"Serena... do you... do you like Ash?", Bonnie thought to herself.
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