Reclaiming the Gym Part 1
(Ash POV)
We have made it to Lumiose city after spending the night at the Pokémon center back where I battled Serena's mom. We were walking down the street talking about what we should do while we are here.
"Hey guys can we go to this store, it looks like there is a bunch of cute stuff in here" Serena said. She and Bonnie were looking through a window outside of a store and staring at all the stuff they have.
"Awww..... that looks so cute. I'm sure Dedenne would love that" Bonnie said. Just then Dedenne popped out of Bonnie's bag and looked through the window.
"Ded nenne" it said looking amazed on what the shop has. Both Clemont and I sweat dropped knowing that what the shop has was nothing really interesting for either of us to buy.
"Uh...... you two go ahead. Clemont and I will meet up you later; I want to get some training in today".
"Ok where do you want to meet up?" Serena aked.
"How about Lumiose Park, I plan on helping Ash train there" Clemont said.
"Ok, see you then" Bonnie said as she and Serena went into the store looking at everything they had. Clemont and I started walking to the park and went to the battle field part of the park. We finally arrived and started to look at which battle field to train on.
"Clemont lets train on this one" I said pointing to a very specific battle field.
"Uh... sure, any reason why you chose that one?" he asked.
"That was the battle field I first used here in Kalos when I battled Lucas, I just thought it would be a great place to train."
"I see, very well lets battle" he said as he got to one side of the battle field and I got to the other.
"Ok, come on out Froakie" I said releasing Froakie from its pokeball.
"Bunnelby lets go" Clemont said releasing Bunnelby. "Ok Bunnelby use Double Slap."
Bunnelby stared to sprint towards Bunnelby as Froakie was about to counter.
"Use your frubbles to stop him." Froakie then threw its frubbles at Bunnelby as he came close. Bunnelby was too close to dodge the attack and got his ears covered in frubbles. With the frubbles on Bunnelby's ears they got stuck together and canceled out the double slab.
"No Bunnelby" Clemont said. "Quick break free from the frubbles."
"Use Cut before he can."
Froakie rushed towards Bunnelby and slashed him across the stomach making a critical hit, knocking him to the ground.
"Bunnelby can you still battle." Clemont asked. After impact Bunnelby's ears got free from the frubbles and struggled to get back up.
"Ok use Mud Shot." Bunnelby then shot spots of mud from his ears and came straight at Froakie.
"Double Team." Froakie made multiple copies of itself and surrounded Bunnelby.
"Hit all of them" Clemont said. Bunnelby shot one by one every single copy of the froakie dicoys. After he was done all the copies were gone and so was the real Froakie.
"Uh... were did he go?" Clemont asked.
"Why don't you look behind you." I said with a confident smile.
Bunnelby turned around and saw Froakie only inches from his face. He was surprised by that and fell backwards from the fright.
"Use Bubbles." Froakie then unleashed a barrage of bubbles at Bunnelby. It was hit and knocked to the ground but again he was able to get up after all of that damage.
"I have to say your Bunnelby sure can take a hit."
"Thanks your Froakie is quite skilled, I wasn't able to land a hit yet." Clemont said.
"Ready to continue?" He asked.
"You bet." And with that both Froakie and Bunnelby went at eachother.
(Normal POV)
Serena and Bonnie were now on their way to Lumiose Park after spending an hour in that one shop. Bonnie got a cute yellow bow for Dedenne while Serena got a pink ribbon for Fennekin which she was currently wearing.
"Hey Serena?" Bonnie said.
"Remember when I asked you about Ash." Serena then froze. She hoped that Bonnie forgot that when her mom interrupted them yesterday.
"Uh.... Ya, what about him?" Serena said a little hesitant.
"Well.... You never did tell me what you thought of him" Bonnie said. Serena didn't want to tell Bonnie yet, she thought it was too soon. So she thought of a way to answer the question without lying to her and not telling her how she really feels.
"It's just I uh..... think Ash is a really neat person. How he battled Viola, stopped Garchomp, battled my mom, saved me...." she stopped when she said that last part. She was remembering when her arms were around Ash as both of them were riding on Charizard, how she was blushing while looking at Ash while on Charizard, and how she could be in that position for ever, and how she could......
"Serena, you're doing it again."
"Huh?" Serena said as she was shocked back into reality. "Doing what?"
"You know, how you space out when you are talking about Ash" Bonnie said. She then put her hands on her hips and looked at Serena with a serious look. "Mind telling me why."
"I uh... it's just...... hey look there's Ash and Clemont." Serena said point to the two boys who were still battling on the battle field. Serena then ran other to them while they were still battling while Bonnie followed a little annoyed that she was ignored again.
"Phew that was close" Serena thought.
Both Serena and Bonnie were now watching the battle on the side line while Ash gave the final command.
"Finish it off with Water Pules." Froakie then charged a sphere of water in its hand and shot it straight a Bunnelby knocking it down. After the dust cleared Bunnelby was laying on its back with swirly eyes.
"All right we did it Froakie" Ash yelled a Froakie ran to its trainer and gave a big hug.
"Bunnelby return" Clemont said as he returned Bunnelby back to his pokeball. "You did great" he said to the pokeball.
"Wow that was a great battle" Bonnie said as Clemont and Ash looked over and saw that they were standing there watching the battle.
"Hey you made it just in time, how long were you standing there?" Ash asked.
"Just long enough to see you win" Serena said giggling a bit. "Also take a look at what I got Fennekin." Serena then let out her Fennekin and showed everyone the pink ribbon it was wearing.
"Wow, the ribbon looks great on her" Ash said.
"Chu Pika Pika" Pikachu said complimenting Fennekin that she looks nice which made Fennekin blush a little.
"Anyways... that was an amazing battle you Ash you're really good" Bonnie said.
"Ha ha well... it was close." Ash was with one hand behind his head trying to sound modest.
"Don't be so modest Ash you did great against Bunnelby, you really are a strong trainer" Clemont said.
"Thanks, if only I could have been able to challenge the Lumiose Gym already, I would have already got two badges." Ash said. That made both Clemont and Bonnie sweat dropped when Ash said that. They were hiding something from Ash and don't know if they should tell him or not.
"If only he knew" Clemont thought.
"By the way Ash, what was the reason again you couldn't battle the gym leader here yet?" Serena said.
"It said I needed four gym badges in order to battle him, but when I said I didn't have any it shocked me and kicked me out."
"I still can believed they shocked you what kind of gym does that?" Serena said. That made Clemont sweat dropped again and feeling a little guilty on what they did to Ash. Ash noticed that Clemont was acting a little strange.
"Clemont... are you ok, you look a little strange" Ash said.
"Who me, no I'm fine" he said a little nervous. "It's just that uh..."
"CLEMONT, BONNIE IS THAT YOU?" A voice said. Everyone look over at the end of the battle field and saw a man with an Ampharos next to him looking at the siblings.
"Dad?" Bonnie said.
"Dad!" Ash and Serena said shocked.
"There you two are I been looking all over for you two." The man said. He then look over and noticed that Ash and Serena was with them. "Oh I see you made some friends."
"Uh ya, Dad this is Ash and Serena we are.... Well... kind of traveling with them.
"Your what!!!", the man said. He then put his head down and closed his eyes thinking what else to say.
"Uh dad....." Bonnie said.
"I'm.... I'm....." he stuttered. "I'm so happy for you two" he yelled out. He then and went to hug his two children out of happiness that they get to be on a journey. He then looked over to Ash and saw that he had a Pikachu on his shoulder.
"By the way the names Meyer, that's a nice looking Pikachu you have there it looks healthy and strong" he said.
"Thanks" "Pikachu" both the trainer and Pokémon said. Meyer then looked over at Serena and looked at her Fennekin.
"Your Fennekin looks very happy with you; I see both of you like fashion".
"Thanks we really do, were actually trying to become a Pokémon performer." Serena said.
"I see...." Meyer said. He then looked backed a Clemont with a sly look. "Traveling with a Pokémon Performer I see, she is quite the lady friend you have there". That made Clemonts face turn red.
"What... no dad it's not like that" Clemont said defensively. Serena let out a slight giggle from that comment. Meyer then looked back at Ash as if he seen him from somewhere.
"By the way young man, were you by any chance the one who stopped that one Garchomp on Prism Tower last week." He asked.
"Uh... ya... how did you know that....."
"Young man, everyone in Lumiose city saw that, it was on the news you know" Meyer said.
"Wow Ash you're so popular" Bonnie giggled.
"Anyways I would like to thank you for stopping that Garchomp when you did; you saved Clemont from doing a lot of work."
"Well it was nothing, I was just.... Wait..... what do you mean save Clemont from a lot of work?" Ash asked.
"Well if Garchomp destroyed the tower, Clemont would have to rebuild it"
"Uh dad nows not the time to...."Clemont started.
"Clemont you built the tower!?!?" Serena said shocked.
"Well I...." Clemont said sweat dropping.
"If you built the tower then must know who the gym leader it then, who is he?" Ash said. All of a sudden Meyer started to laugh as Ash didn't really know who he is.
"Uh sir... what's so funny?" Serena asked.
"You mean you don't know who the gym leader is, son you're looking at him" Meyer said proudly.
"What you're the gym leader!" Ash said.
"Not me... Clemont" Meyer said staring at Clemont"
"What?!?!" Both Ash and Serena said shocked. They both then turned and stared at Clemont. Ash had a lot of things going through his mind. Why didn't he tell me, why is he not at the gym, why did he... SHOCKED ME.
"You what?!?!" Meyer said shocked on what Ash said.
"I.... I can explain....." Clemont nervously said.
"What's there to explain" Serena said siding with Ash. Serena was also mad that Clemont didn't tell them sooner. What he put Ash though and shocked him in the process. "You didn't want to battle Ash just because he didn't have four badges, so you just kicked him out by shocking him".
"OK.... First of all I wasn't the one that shock you. Second of all I also got kicked out of my own gym". Clemont said defensively. "The thing is... I... was..... uh....."
"Just tell them Clemont" Bonnie said knowing that it was pointless to keep hiding it. "They're going to find out sooner or later".
*Sighs* "I guess your right" Clemont said. "You see it all started two months ago...."
(Clemont POV)
I was busy working on some new inventions to try to improve the lives of the people here in Lumiose city. I was about done when Bonnie then came into the room.
"There you are Clemont, there's another challenger waiting for you, come on!!!" Bonnie said.
"Can't you give me a minute I am almost done, I just have to put in the power source and...."
"No Clement remember what dad said, never keep the challenger waiting, now that you're the gym leader you need to spend more time in the gym, now come on" Bonnie said.
*Sigh* "I guess you're right." I then started to think. Ever since I became gym leader I had less time to work on my inventions. I liked being a gym leader but I also like inventing. So I came up with something that would let me continue inventing and won't have to worry about challengers. I invented a robot gym leader; I call it 'Clembot'. After I invented him I thought to make the gym more exclusive so..... I came up with the 4 badge minimum rule.
"Ok here we go; the future is now thanks to science". I then powered it up as its eyes opened. Then stood up and began to speak.
"Welcome to the Lumiose gym, I will be your opponent." Clembot said.
"It worked!" just them Bonnie walked into the room and saw me with Clembot.
"Wow.... What is that thing?" she asked.
"Bonnie you're just in time, I have created a robotic gym leader to battle the challengers in place of myself."
"A robot?... Cool, show me how it works" she said.
"Yes, a demonstration is in order" I then turned and faced Clembot "Clembot I Challenge you to a gym battle".
"Very well" it said. "But first how many badges have you collected?"
"Oh right I forgot about that feature, I uh... don't have any badges" I said to the robot. "In order to challenge the Lumiose gym you must have at least collected four badges".
"Uh... Clemont what is it talking about?" Bonnie asked a little worried. "Don't worry Bonnie I put a failsafe program in case of an event like this, activate program override". It then started to beep and change the color of its eyes.
"Override acknowledge, password required" it said. "Good the password is the easy part, PASSWORD : SANDWICH" I said.
"Password denied" it said.
"What?!?! that is the password what are you...." Suddenly he then revealed two metal poles coming out of his arms as static came from them "Please leave immediately" it said as he tried to zap me and Bonnie.
"Ah... brother what is happening" Bonnie screamed. "Rune now, talk later" I said to her as we ran out of the gym
(END of Flash back)
(Still Clemont POV)
"And that was the last time I was at the gym".
"You still can't get into your own gym" Ash asked.
"No" I said reluctantly. "How come you haven't told me son, I would have helped you out" my dad said.
"I was too embarrassed to ask" I said. "I tried to get back in but every time I tried I kept getting attacked by Magnemite and kept getting kicked out."
"What! How come you got attacked by your own Pokémon?" Serena asked.
"I don't know, but I think it is mad at me because it thinks I abandon him." I said reluctantly. "But I didn't and I still can't get into my gym".
"So what are you going to do?" Ash asked.
"What can I do? I've tried everything but nothing works, I guess I will never get the gym back" I said with my head facing down.
"DON'T TALK LIKE THAT" my dad yelled. "You can't give up on the gym, I appointed you gym leader because I know how much you love your Pokémon and the strong bond you have with them. You can't just leave them in the hands of a dysfunctioning robot."
"But I've tried everything".
"You did, but we haven't" Serena said confidently. "We'll help you get your gym and Pokémon back".
"How?" I asked curiously.
"Simple you just need to battle Clembot and win". Ash said.
"Me? Battle him? I uh.... Why don't you battle him? You're more experienced trainer then I am. I'm sure you could beat him and....."
"Clemont this is your gym" Ash said. "If you want to get it back you have to be the one to battle him".
"I uh...." I hesitated. "Clemont you can do it, you were the gym leader for a reason I know you can beat him" Ash said. After hearing Ash's encouraging words I got all the confidence I need. From what I have witness from Ash he accomplice anything if he put his mind to it. If he believes I can win then I can, all I need to do is believe like him.
"Thanks Ash, I needed that" I smiled at him. "But how are we going to get to him?"
"You get us into the gym, we'll take care of the rest" my dad said.
We are now standing outside of prism tower were the gym is located on the next floor. I hacked the door open and entered followed by my dad, Ash, Serena, and Bonnie. We were walking down the hall when we hear a sound far that was very familiar to me. Coming down the other side of the hall was Magnemite and Magneton. They were coming straight at us.
"Magnemite and Magneton" Bonnie said. Just then the two magnet Pokémon fired at us with thunderbolt and mirror shot.
"Look out!" My dad said. We got out of the way just in time to avoid the attack.
"Go Fennekin" Serena said as she threw Fennekin's pokeball and released the fox Pokémon. "Use Ember." Fennekin then tried to hit Magnemite with its small fire attack, but it easily dodged the attack and then shot another mirror shot at Fennekin.
"Fennekin dodge it" Serena yelled. Fennekin jumped into the air and avoided the mirror shot, but then Magneton unleashed another thunderbolt and hit Fennekin dead on.
"Fennekin!" Serena screamed. The fox Pokémon fell to the ground weak from the attack. Since it was not use to battling it was unable to get up as both the magnet Pokémon unleashed another thunderbolt and mirror shot and was coming straight at her.
"No Fennekin" Serena yelled in horror.
"Pikachu protect Fennekin with your Thunderbolt" Ash yelled. Pikachu then jumped in front of Fennekin and unleashed his thunderbolt at the two attacks. Pikachu's thunderbolt was stronger than there attacks and was easily able block the incoming attacks.
"Great now use Volt Tackle" Ash yelled. Pikachu cover itself with electricity and tackled both Pokémon, first the Magnemite then the Magneton, and both pokemon fell to the ground defeated.
"Great job Pikachu" Ash said. "Pikachu" the mouse pokemon said happily. Unknown to me that Fennekin was just standing there shocked and amazed on how strong Pikachu is and how it protected her from the attack. Fennekin was blushing a bit but quickly look away so no one saw her blushing.
"Alright now that that's over with let's find clembot."
Serena then returned Fennekin and we continued down the hall to the battle field. We continued walking for about 7 minutes and we finally reached the battle filed. Once we entered the suddenly turned on and standing on the other side was a tall 6 feet robot looking down at the ground.
"Is that.....?" My dad started.
"Clembot" I finished. It then looked up and saw all five of us standing on the other side of the field.
"Welcome to the Lumiose gym" it said. It was still functioning the way I originally designed it. "In order to challenge the gym you must have collected at least for badges".
"Clemont I hope you have a plan" Bonnie said nervously still remembering what happened the last time we saw Clembot. I then looked at her and said...
"Don't worry Bonnie, I do" I said reassuring her. I then looked back and gave the opening command "Activate program override." It then started to beep and change colors like last time.
"Override acknowledge, password required" it said. I then froze and looked down when it said that.
"Oh shoot... I forgot about needing a password. Ok Clemont think, what did you do or say when creating Clembot". I stood there thinking for a bit about when I created it. I began thinking about the blue prints, getting the parts, creating a power source, constructing it, turning it on....
"Wait, that's it!." I then looked back at Clembot and said. "PASSWORD: THE FUTURE IS NOW THANKS TO SCIANCE". All of a sudden it started to beep and it then looked like it was processing what I just said.
"PASSWORD ACCAPTED" it said. To my relief it the password worked and then it recognized me. "Welcome back Clemont the gym leader. The battle will commence soon clear the field for the challenger".
Everyone but me then went to the side lines and watch as Clemot and I stood on opposite sides of the Battle field.
"Ok, here we go. My chance to get my gym back"
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