Quest for the Stone. Part 2
(Normal POV)
The five of them continued walking on the path in the cave as Aubrey was still leading the way. Serena was still holing Ash's hand as she was following Aubrey with Ash by her side while Clemont and Bonnie followed close behind.
Serena was still a little scared being in such a dark cave. If it was not for Ash she would probably still be at the entrance of the cave refusing to go in. They have been walking for about 7 minutes and so one said a thing. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie where a bit uneasy following Aubrey and her Flaaffy, while Aubrey and Ash were completely calm.
"How is it that you two are completely fine walking in this cave without being a bit nervous or scared?" Clemont asked.
"This isn't the first cave I had to go through Clemont" Ash said. "And I am pretty sure this will not be the last."
"I've been through this cave many times before, I know my way around" Aubrey said.
"But what about the Pinsir that guards this cave? Aren't you worried about him?" Bonnie said.
"No..... I wouldn't worry about him. As long as you are with me he will not attack." Aubrey said.
"Why's that?" Serena asked. "Is it because you have a Pokémon that can mega evolve to match him?"
"Well that....... But there is something else" she said.
"What do you mean?" Ash asked.
"Well........... The Pinsir works for the agency"
"What?!?!" everyone said in union.
"Yah...... you see.... An agent from HQ found this cave a long time ago and discovered the mega stones in this cave."
"Really!?!?" Bonnie said.
"Yes, so the agents from HQ get their mega stone here so they can mega evolve their Pokémon" she explained. "It really helps to have a Pokémon that can mega evolve when you're on a mission."
"But that does not explain the Pinsir" Clemont said.
"There is a trainer, named Kal ,along with his Pinsir that works for the agency and is on guard here in the cave to keep out anyone that discovers this cave"
"What?!?! You have someone that just attacks people when people get close to the cave!" Clemont yelled.
"He doesn't attack them, he just scares them away with Pinsir to make it look like the cave is a dangerous place" she said. "That is the only way to keep this place a secret."
"I see....." Serena said. "Still.... I don't want to run into that Pinsir"
"Don't worry, I know Kal and Pinsir. As long as you guys are with me you will be OK"
"That's good to hear" Ash said. They continued down the cave until they saw op ahead that there were tunnels that split into 3 different direstions.
"Which way now?" Clemont asked.
"It doesn't really matter, all three of them leads to the same place" Aubrey said. "I think the shortest way there down.........." Suddenly they heard a lot screech.
They all cover their ears. "Ahh...... my ears. What is that!" Serena yelled.
"Up there" Ash said pointing at the ceiling of a cave. They saw a bunch of Zubat and Golbat flying the opposite direction. Some of them were flying low and was heading towards them
"Ahhhh....... Zubats....... Golbats........." Serena yelled. "I HATE BATS!!!"
They then started to fire air cutter and gust at the group like they were trying to get rid of them.
"Ahhhh....... Why are they attacking us?" Bonnie yelled running in circles.
"I don't know, but I don't want to say and find out. RUN" Ash said.
With that, the group went into a frenzy trying to avoid the attacks and tried to get away from the bat like Pokémon.
They been running for nearly 10 minutes until they were sure they were away from the Zubats and Golbats.
It is pitch black were they were. For some reason the light on Flaaffy's tail went out.
*Heavy breathing* "Is........ *breath* everyone.....*breath* ...... OK" Aubrey said.
*Heavy breathing* "Yah...... I think so" Clemont said.
"Ok good..... Flaaffy, could you put the light back on?" she asked. She waited for 10 seconds but no answer. "Flaaffy?"
It been a minutes and again no answer. "Flaabby where are you?"
"Hold on, I have a flash light" Clemont said. He reached into his backpack and was feeling around for his flash light. After 12 seconds he found it and turned it on, he flashed it around him only to find that Flaabby was not there. "Flaaffy's not here" he said.
"She's not the only one, look" Aubrey said. Clemont flashed the light again to find that Ash, Serena, and Bonnie were also gone.
"What!!! Everyone else is missing too."
"When the Pokémon attacked we must of gotten separated. They probably went down one of the other tunnels" she said.
"What!" Clemont exclaimed. "We need to go back and find them!"
"Don't woot Clemont. Like I said, the tunnels lead to the same place let's just continue down the one were on and meet up with them at the end" Aubrey suggested.
"But what about the Kal and his Pinser? They could still be in danger!"
"Well...... Flaaffy must still be with them. When Kal see's Flaaffy with them, he will ask about Flaaffyand hopefully they will be fine." She said.
"I hope so....."
(Serena POV)
"Did.....*Breath*...... we *breath*...... lose them?" Bonnie said breathing heavily.
"Yah....... *Breath* ....... I think so" I said also breathing heavily. "You ok Ash?"
I looked over to my left, but when I did I didn't see Ash.
"ASH? ASH!?!?" I started to panic. Where is he...... wait...... Clemont and Aubrey are missing too. Where are they!?!?
"Oh no.... we got separated!!!" I yelled. *Sigh* "Ok ok...... just stay calm, everything will be alright."
I am trying to calm Bonnie and myself down. I looked down and saw that Flaabby was still with us so that means........
"Wait.... If Flaaffy is here then....... Ash and the others don't have any light" I realized.
"What are we going to do now?" Bonnie asked.
"I think we should just keep moving. Aubrey did say that the tunnels lead to the same place so we should just continue and meet up with everyone else."
"But how are they going to find their way through the tunnel without any light?" Bonnie asked.
"I'm sure Aubrey will think of something. She is trained for this kind of stuff after all" I said to Bonnie.
"I guess...." Bonnie said. "So.... I guess we just continue down the path, Flaabby lead the way"
We continued walking down for 15 minutes or so with Flaabby walking ahead of us and Bonnie and I were having small talk.
"Do you think we will run into that Pinsir?" Bonnie asked frightened.
"I hope not" I said fearfully. "I don't know what I would if we ran into that Pinsir"
"I do" she said. "If Ash was here, you would hide behind him and have him take care if Pinsir" she giggled a bit. "You know I'm right."
"I..... Uh........" face turned red when she said that. Man she is almost as annoying as Meitte about my crush on Ash......almost. "Yah.... Your right" I said scratching the back of my next a bit embarrassed.
"And seriously Bonnie, would you stop teasing me about my crush on Ash."
"I could........." she started. "But tell me, I know you met Ash when you were little but you never told me why you like him."
Huh..... I guess I never did tell Bonnie why l like him. This is going to be a long story.
"Well..... Yes you know I like Ash, but there is more to it."
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Well..... I remember when I said I met Ash at summer camp?"
"At first I really hated the camp. I was very shy when I was little and I didn't like to talk to the other kids. I had no friends and I was always alone. The only reason I went to that camp was because my mom made me go."
"Wow.... That sounds so sad" Bonnie said.
"Yah..... I was so sad and alone I just.......... I ran away into the forest, but what I didn't know was I went too far in the woods and got lost." I started to cry a bit remembering the bad times I had at that point.
"Serena, if it is too hard for you to tell me, you don't need to........."
"No its fine" I said. "You need to know what happened after that. After I got lost, I fell down and hurt my leg and I just started to cry and shouted for my mom. But......... it didn't last long."
"Ash?" she asked.
"Ash." I nodded. "He found me in the woods when no one else did. He helped my leg that got hurt and lead me back to the camp. Not only that he saved me, but he became my first real friend."
"Awwwwww, that's so sweat." Bonnie said.
"Yah..... after that day I wasn't alone anymore. Even when we were just kids he always explored to find new places and watch the wild Pokémon that lived there. He brought me to some of his favorite spots he found and we played with the Pokémon there when we had any free time during camp. But one day when we played there, that was when I came to a realization"
"Which is!!!!" she asked excitedly.
"We were playing with a Pidgey and Pichu when I accidently trip over an Ekans. That Ekans got really mad and was about to bit me. Luckily, Ash got a stick in his hand defended me from the Ekans and scared it off. I thanked him for saving me and he helped me up. I reached for his hand and he pulled me up but it was a bit too hard and I ended up leading on him. My face turned really red from that point and I then looked at him in the eyes. I knew I liked Ash, but it was at that point I realized......"
"Realized what?!?!"
"That..... That I love him...." I said with my cheeks turning a dark shade of pink.
"What!!!...... You love him...... woe." She said shocked.
"Yah......" I said scratching the back of my neck. "But I still like to think of it as a crush."
"Wow......That was a really sweat story. I knew Ash was great but know I really see why you like him" Bonnie said.
"Yah.... After I found him again in Lumiose City my heart skipped a beat. I didn't think I would see him again after summer camp. But know he's back in my life and I'm traveling with him. I couldn't ask for anything better"
But I then look down at Bonnie. "Well..... maybe for a certain someone to stop bothering me about my crush on Ash"
She then sweat dropped. "I uh....... *sigh* yah...... I guess I could stop" She said. "Now that I know I will try not to bring it up again"
"Thank you"
"Keep in mind I said 'tried' to stop." she said stick her tongue at me.
I just rolled my "Yah yah, I should have figured let's just get to the end of the tunnel."
We walked for another 5 minutes or so and neither Bonnie or I said anything since our conversation. Even Fennekin, that was in my arms, and Flaabby didn't say anything while we were walking. It was quit......... too quit.
But then we heard footsteps that wasn't mine or Bonnie's. "Did you hear that?!?!"
We both stopped and looked around. "Yah.... It is the Pinsir" she fearfully asked.
"I don't know, quick let's get to the side" we both get to the edge of the wall and hid behind a rock. We waited for a bit to see if someone would come, but no one did. Not a person or a Pokémon.
"I guess it was nothing, let's keep moving" we both got out from behind the rock and started to walk again.
"GOT YOU NOW TWERPS" I heard a voice said. Suddenly something dropped from the ceiling of the tunnel and unleashed some kind of smoke. We were started to get light headed and really groggy.
"Huh!!!! What *cough* is happening" Bonnie said tiredly.
"Remember me" I heard again.
Bonnie and I looked over to see some find of figure standing in the smoke. He walked towards us and my eyes widen when I saw who it was.
"Meo..... Meowth?!?!" I said weakly.
"Didn't expect to see you twerps here" he said. He was wearing a gas mask so he was unaffected by the smoke. "Can't have you two or your pokemon hear ruining our plans. So when the knockout gas is done with its job, you two coming with me"
At that point both Bonnie and I were on the ground of exhaustion and I could tell that we were going to pass out.
"Ah.... I see that you brought Fennekin. Thanks for that" he said as he walked over towards me.
I tried to return Fennekin to its Pokéball but I was too tired to move my arm. After a couple of seconds it all went black.
(Ash POV)
"SERENA......... BONNIE.......... CLEMONT........... AUBREY.........." I yelled. But again no one answered.
It had been 20 minutes since I the Zubat and Golbats attack and realized that we got separated. I released Charizard a while ago so I use the light from his tail flame to see where I was going.
"Man..... Where are they?"
"Pika....." Pikachu said from my shoulders.
Aside from Pikachu and Charizard, I was all alone. I figured that Serena, Aubrey, and the others were still together and I just need to find them. Aubrey did say the tunnels lead to the same place so I'll just meet up with them when I reached the end.
We continue down the path for a bit longer until I heard something ahead.
"Piii.... Pin" it sounded like
"What it that?" I asked myself. I walked toward the sound to see what it was but I couldn't find it.
"Pinn.... Pin" it said again.
"What is tha........" before I could finish something dropped on Charizard and was using vice grip on his right wing.
"Gruee" it yelled in pain.
"Charizard!!!" I yelled. "Whatever it is, shake it off!!!"
Charizard started swing whatever had a grip on him and was trying to get it off. After a minute, Charizard finally got whatever it was off and tossed towards the ground. It quickly got up and stared at me and Charizard.
"What is that thing?" I then took out my Pokédex.
Pinsir, the pinching pokemon. Pinsir has a pair of massive horns. Protruding from the surface of these horns are thorns. These thorns are driven deeply into the foe's body when the pincer closes, making it tough for the foe to escape.
"Wait..... that doesn't look like a normal Pinsir so......." I came to a realization. "That must be the mega Pinsir."
"Pin sir sir!!!!" it yelled at us.
"Pinsir we don't want to fight, we are just looking for our friends and we got lost."
The Pinsir however didn't even acknowledge what I just said and started to use brick break on Charizard.
"Dodge it" I yelled. Charizard quickly dodged the attack, but Pinsir was not done yet. He then took ahold of Charizards neck and started to use bind.
"Quick hit it off with Slash, then use Flamethrower." Despite the pain, with is right claw, he slashed across of Pinsir's back as he released his grip on Charizard and landed on the ground. Charizard then unleashed flamethrower and engulfed Pinser in flames.
"Way to go Charizard." But after the flames died down, it is revealed that Pinser was still standing as the flame thrower did little to it. "What but how...... grr.... That's right. Mega evolution increases the Pokémon's attacks and defense. "
Pinser then came at Charizard again with X-Scissor as Charizard stood ready.
"Counter with Mega Punch" Both attacks collided in midair as it caused an explosion. I thought it was a draw but I was wrong. Pinsir broke through the mega punch and slashed across Charizard's chest with X-scissor.
"Charizard!!!" I yelled.
"Gruee!!!!" he yelled in pain as he fell on his knees.
It looked like Pinsir was about to finish Charizard off with submission as he came towards him.
"Charizard you got to get up."
Pinsir got closer and closer while Charizard was still on the ground. He was in too much pain to move.
"He doesn't have time to move out of the way. What am I going to do?"
Pinsir was coming closer and closer leading with his giant claws on his head. Wait...... Claws.....
"That's it"
"Charizard grab his claws!" Before Pinsir could attack, Charizard grab the claws on his head and was holding him in place. Pinsir tried to break free but Charizard kelp a tight grip.
"Perfect, now use Overheat!" From that distance, Charizard let out a powerful Jetstream of fire that was even more powerful then flamethrower.
Pinsir was too close to dodge and was engulfed in flames and was paralyzed from the pain.
Charizard then let go as Pinsir fell forwards and crashed on the ground. Pinsir then reverted back to his original form as he was lying on the ground defeated.
"Good job Charizard" I then reached into by backpack and got out some medicine and gave some to Charizard. After all he just battled a pokemon in its mega form.
I looked down at Pinsir and I felt a little bad. He was only doing his job so he didn't deserve any of this. I then took out some more medicine and walked over to Pinsir.
"Hold still Pinsir, this will heal some of the pain" I said I started treating some of his wounds.
"Pin... Pii? It said. He seemed confused why I was helping him after he just attacked us.
"Like I said I didn't come to fight, I'm just looking for my friends"
"Pika Pi" Pikachu said trying to explain the situation to Pinsir.
"As I was saying, we came her looking for a girl named Korrina and got separated from the rest of my friends. Once of them was a girl named Aubrey and her Flaabby, I take it you know her?"
His eyes widen "Pinsir!" he said nodding.
"So....... Do you believe me?" he stood up and nodded.
"Good, Aubrey did say you have a trainer named Kal. Do you know where he is?"
He then looked down, it looked like he was worried. "What's wrong? Did something bad happen?"
"Pin... sir" he said nodding. He then walked towards the direction I was heading and motioned me to follow.
"Alright I'll follow"
I hope it's nothing serious. You never know what can happen in this cave.
So that is it for part 2. I am going to make it three parts. I planned on 2 but was taking longer than I thought.
So until then. Like, Comment, Question, and so on. (mostly comment).
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