Ninja Showdown
(Normal POV)
The group are only four hours until they reach Coumarine City and they decided to take a lunch break. Bonnie is currently blushing Fennekin for Serena while she and Clemont are busy breaking up a fight between Pancham and Chespin because of a ....... food incident.
"Chespin I told you to stop taking other people's food" Clemont said.
"Pancham you don't need to always resort to fighting" Serena said.
"Pancham cham" he argued.
"Chespin Chespin ches" he argued back. Bonnie and Fennekin are watching from where they were and both sweat dropped.
" Why can't those two learn to get along" Bonnie said.
"Fenn kin kin...." Fennekin said agreeing. While that was going on Ash was currently training with Froakie and Pikachu in a practice match of their upcoming battle in Coumarnie city.
"Pikachu use Iron tail, Froakie use cut" he said.
Both Pokémon went at each other with their respective attack. With Cut and Iron Tail making contact midair caused a strong gust of wind that got to both Bonnie and Fennekin that they both felt intently.
"Wow, those two are really going at it" Bonnie said.
Fennekin said nothing as they watched the two of them train. She is impressed on the power they are displaying as they kelp going back in forth trying to land a hit. Fennekin did always like watching Pikachu train with Ash's other Pokémon but now it's even better because it is now with Froakie.
Ever since the triple battle at summer camp Fennekin started seeing Froakie in a whole different way. Don't get her wrong she still likes Pikachu, but now she is starting to like Froakie too.
Man...... how is that going to complicate her relationship with Pikachu and Froakie.
"Hey Fennekin, whattcha thinking about?" Bonnie asked.
"FEN?!?!" Fennekin said snapping out of her thoughts.
"Fen kin kin" she replied saying that is was nothing important.
"Just asking" she said. "Anyways all done."
Bonnie finished brushing all of Fennekin's fur as Fennekin jumped out of Bonnie's lap and took a good look at herself. Once she did she gave a bark of approval showing that she loved how she looked with her fur all brushed nice and straight.
"Glad you like it" Bonnie said.
"Hey Bonnie, did I miss anything?" Serena said walking back from the fight she and Clemont resolved.
"Oh hey Serena, nothing much" Bonnie said. "I was just watching Ash training with Froakie and Pikachu; and I just finished brushing Fennekin's fur."
Fennekin then went up and brushed her fur against Serena's leg showing the result of Bonnie's work.
"Aww you look so adorable with your fur all brushed" Serena said. "Thanks Bonnie for doing that for me."
"I'm happy to help" she said.
"Ok that's enough for now" Ash said as Pikachu and Froakie was getting really exhausted from the back and forth training. "You guys take a break."
While Clemont was making lunch Froakie and Pikachu was taking a break .In the meantime, Ash start training with Hawlucha and Fletchinder. He was going over some aerial exercise having dodge attacks mid-air as Ash's Charizard was out and shooting flamethrower from the ground.
While that was happening Serena started brushing Pancham since Bonnie already did Fennekin. Fennekin in the meantime saw Pikachu, Dedenne, and Bunnelby playing with a red ball that Clemont brought, she walked over and ask if she could possibly join which they happily accepted. Fennekin then turned to Froakie if he wanted to join as well, Froakie however, was sitting in lotus position and was meditating and was not even paying attention to Fennekin's question.
While that was happening Froakie in deep meditation in order to sharpen his other senses by taking deep and slow breaths and was listening to surrounding area, other than the sounds of Ash's training and the ball game currently happening, listening to the sounds of nature and the while Pokémon in the area.
However, there was something out of the ordinary. He has the feeling that there was something close by but not close enough to be noticeable was watching them.
Sure enough there was someone, more specifically a boy and his Pokémon, watching them and was debating if they were a threat or not.
The boy was wearing what looked like a blue jumpsuit like Clemont but a darker blue and had a hood. He also had a yellow scarf that went around his neck and onto his back. He had a ponytail that went out of his hood. And he had on a black belt and boots that looks like the whole suit was made out of some kind of leather.
"What do you think Frogadier? They just look like travelers to me" the boy asked.
"Froga frog" the pokemon said looking at the Froakie in the distance.
"What about that Froakie?" he asked.
"Dier.... Frogadier" it said.
"Are you sure? It looks like just another ordinary Froakie to me". The Pokémon just nodded as he kelp observing. "Ok I just we could take a closer look, remember, stay in the shadows."
And like that they disappeared into thin air in order to get closer.
Back with the group, Clemont has just finished preparing lunch.
"Alright guys, lunch is ready" he called. When Clemont called everyone for lunch Ash called off this training and everyone else gathered around Clemont waiting to be served.
However, Froakie remained in lotus position and was still meditating on his surroundings.
"Hey Froakie, Are you coming?" Ash yelled.
"Fro......" Froakie said as he kelp meditating
"What? You sense something?" he asked. As soon as he said that there was movement in the bush.
Froakie's eyes shot wide open as he took some frubbles from around his neck and threw them straight at the bush. Then it made contact there was a loud.........
"OWWW" it said. "That hurt"
"Huh?" Ash said.
"Did that bush just talked?" Bonnie asked. As she said that the two figures fell out of the bush on to the ground revealing themselves.
"Froga......." They moaned.
"AHHHH CREEPERS!!!" Bonnie screamed.
"Wait.... What?!?!" Serena gasped
"HEY..... I AM NOT A CREEPER" the boy yelled.
"You were hiding in the bush watching us, that's what a creeper does" Bonnie yelled.
"It's not like that" he said. "I was just........ Uh........ You know....... getting a closer look."
Everyone else sweat dropped while his Frogadier just faced palmed.
"Wait...... that came out wrong" he said.
"Ok......" Clemont said. "If you not a creeper then explain yourself."
"Ok, to start my name is Sanpei and this is my Frogadier, we are both members of the ninja clan"
"Ninja Clan?" Ash asked.
"That explains the cloths" Bonnie said. "So you're a ninja?"
"Sort of" Sanpei said. "I am currently a ninja in training trying to get to the rank of ninja like my brothers."
"Ok..... so what does that have to do with us?" Clemont asked.
"I have been getting some reports about some strange activity by some shady looking people that are happening in this area and I been sent by my clan to see what it is and resolve it if possible" he explained. "I was scouting the area until I come across you guys and we decided to take a closer look, and some what I can tell so far.......... Your probably not the people I'm looking for."
"So your trying to find some people in the area" Clemont said.
"Yes, hopefully when I do and resolve the problem I will gain a rank and became a full-fledged ninja" Sanpei said. "Like I said, I thought it was your guys but now I know I need to continue looking."
As he was saying that his Frogadier was looking intensely at Froakie, Froakie noticed this and looked back at Frogadier intensely showing that there was something between the two that needed to be addressed. Bonnie noticed this and decided to bring it up.
"Uh... Sanpei, what is up with your Pokémon?" Bonnie asked.
"Frogadier? I don't know why but he was taken an interest in that Froakie of your."
"So that is a Frogadier" Ash said as he got out his pokedex.
Frogadier, the Bubble Frog Pokémon, and the evolved form of Froakie. Frogadier's speed is unmatched. It can climb a tower over 2,000 feettall in one minute.
"So that is the evolved form of Froakie" Ash said. "So why is your Frogadier interested in my Froakie?"
"Well for one, it seems it is not like other Froakies we have encountered. It has a certain look in its eyes that not many Pokémon possess. Do you mind me asking where you found that Froakie."
"The thing is it found me" Ash said. "Long story short; I was in trouble, it showed up and helped, it got hurt so I took care of it, and it chose to come with me."
"Ok....... I guess that is one way to sum it up" Sanpei said. Both Pokémon was still glaring at each other neither of them blinking.
"Uh..... Ash, they're still staring" Bonnie said.
"Sorry about that" Sanpei said. "Hey Ash I know we just met and all but would it be ok if your Froakie has a battle with my Frogadier."
"You want do battle Ash, What for?" Clemont asked.
"I think the only way for Frogadier to find out what makes your Froakie so special is to test its strength in a battle, I mean......... if that's ok with you."
Ash then put on a confident look. "Alright you're on, I'm always up for a battle."
"Great let's get started" Sanpei said as he was getting into his battle stance.
"Actually......" Ash said. "We were about to eat lunch before you showed up, could you wait on our battle until after lunch."
Sanpei fell backwards anime style while everyone else just sweat dropped and looked at Ash.
"What?...... I'm hungry."
The group just finished lunch and where eager to get the battle started. Both Ash and Sanpei stood opposing each other on the battle field while everyone else and the pokemon sat on the side to watch. Clemont stood in the middle of the two posing as the ref.
"This will be a one on one battle between Ash and Froakie against Sanpei and Frogadier" Clemont said. "There is no time limit and neither side and substitute any Pokémon, the battle is over when........"
"COME ON CLEMONT, we all know how it works" Bonnie yelled. "Just say go already."
"BONNIE!!! I'm trying to sound official" Clemont yelled back.
"Is she always like that?" Sanpei thought.
*Sigh* "You know what, just go." Clemont said.
"Alright Froakie start off with Water Pulse" Ash yelled. Froakie started to charge his sphere of water in his hands and aimed it at Frogadier.
"Get ready Frogadier" Sanpei said. Frogadier nodded as kelp his position and waited for the right moment.
"What is he up to?" Ash thought. Froakie finished charging his attack and threw the sphere of water straight towards Frogadier. It kelp getting closer and closer until......
"Smoke Screen" he yelled. Frogadier quickly covered himself in a layer of smoke. When the Water Pulse cleared the smoke it revealed that Frogadier had completely vanished.
"What?!?!" Ash said.
"Where did he go?" Serena wondered.
"Fraokie keep alert, he could be anywhere" Ash said. Froakie nodded as he closed his eyes and listened to its surroundings. For almost 30 seconds there was no sound or movement until......
"Quick Attack" Sanpei yelled. Frogadier appeared out of now where and was about to smash into Froakie.
"Use Cut to intercept" Ash said. Froakie opened his eyes and created a white blade with his arms and blocked the quick attack.
"How is he that fast?" Sanpei thought. "Get back and use Bubbles."
Frogadier pushed himself away from Froakie and unleashed a barrage of bubbles heading towards Froakie.
"Use Cut again" Ash said. Froakie recreated the white blade and used it to slash through the bubbles that were heading his way.
"Enough is enough, use Quick Attack again" Sanpei yelled. Frogadier stopped with bubbles and started sprinting towards Froakie once again.
"Get ready Froakie" Ash said. Froakie stand its ground as he prepared for the right moment to counter. Frogadier was getting closer and closer as it was about to collide with Froakie until.........
Out of nowhere a net was fired and was heading towards the two. Before the net could reach them both Froakie and Frogadier saw the incoming net and jumped out of the way just in time canceling out what they were about to do.
"What the..."
Both trainers looked over to where they saw the net was coming from. To their surprise they saw a Meowth shaped hot air balloon. Under the basket was a net filled with Litleos, Scatterbugs, s, and a bunch of other wild Pokémon struggling to get out. In the basket itself was none other than team rocket themselves with their sinister grins and Meowth with a net launcher in its paws.
"Team Rocket!!!" Ash shouted. "Not you guys again."
"Long time no see twerp." Jessie said. "We were actually done with this area and were just about to leave until we spotted you battle and thought a pair of water types would be a good gift for the boss. Fortunately for you, someone can't fire a net launcher properly."
"Not my fault they got out of the way" Meowth said.
"Ash, Who are they?" Sanpei asked.
"They are a group of bad guys who steal other peoples" Ash said.
"Not only that, they cause trouble just about everywhere they go." Serena said.
Sanpei then got an angry look in his eyes as he faced the balloon.
"So you're the people who are causing the trouble around here. I don't know how I was not able to find you before, but now that I have your going to pay."
"Hah.... I would like to see you try" James taunted.
"Enough talk, fire it again Meowth" Jessie said as Meowth took aim and fired again.
"Frogadier use Water Pulse" Sanpei said.
"You too Froakie" Ash said. Both frog Pokémon released their own version of Water Pulse and fired it at the oncoming net. They collided and caused a big explosion and created a big dust cloud.
"Well........ that wasn't so........" before Sanpei could finish his sentence another net came firing through the dust cloud and covered Frogadier. "What the...."
"Frodai?" he said getting covered in the net.
"Got one "Meowth said as he reeled in the net.
"HEY!!!! Give me back Frogadier" Sanpie yelled.
"How about I give you this instead, use Shadow Ball" Jessie said as she released .
"Help out Inkay, Psybeam" James said as he released his Pokémon. They released their respective attacks at the same time and shot them towards the group.
"Fennekin use Flame Thrower" Serena said.
"Chespin use Pin Missile" Clemont said. Both of them released their respective attacks at the oncoming attacks. Then they collided it caused a big explosion cancelling out the attacks.
"Well if it isn't the lovely Fennekin, your next" Meowth said as he took aim. Fennekin froze in fear upon hearing that sentences. Meowth fired the net launcher straight towards Fennekin until....
"Use Iron Tail"
Pikachu quickly jumped right in front of Fennekin and slashed the oncoming net, with his tail, in halve and away from Fennekin.
"Grrrrrr......... You're not getting in my way again, I'll just get you both" Meowth said as he took aim yet again at the two.
"I had enough of this, Froakie get on Fletchinder, Fletchinder go towards the balloon" Ash said. Froakie quickly got onto Fretchinder's back as they both went flying towards the team rocket balloon and in the way of Pikachu and Fennekin.
"I can't get a clear shot, I guess I have to get them first" Meowth said as he fired the net at Froakie and Fletchinder.
"Pancham use Dark Pulse and stop the net" Serena said. Pancham then fired his attack straight towards the net, they both collided and caused an explosion as Fletchinder and Froakie flew through the dust and continued towards the balloon.
"Pumpkaboo stop them with Dark Pulse" Jessie said.
"Inkay Psybeam" James said. Both of the unleashed their respective attacks straight towards the two as they got closer.
"Chespin use Pin Missile, Bunnelby use Mud Shot" Clemont said. Both Chespin and Bunnelby shot their respective attacks towards the dark and psychic attacks and cancelled it out as both Froakie and Fletchinder where still free to continue on their way.
"Time to cut the net; Froakie use Cut, Fletchinder use Steel Wing" Ash said. Froakie jumped off of Fletchinder and onto the net as he made it's white blade in its hands as Fletchinders wings glowed white.
They both slashed through the net as Frogadier and the other Pokémon trapped inside got freed but started to free falling from the air.
"Oh no!!!! the Pokémon" Bonnie yelled.
"Frogaidier use your frubbles and throw them to the ground" Sanpei said.
"You too Froakie" Ash said. Both the frog Pokémon started throwing the frubbles around their necks and threw them right below themselves and the other wild Pokémon. After that all of them landed safely on the ground due to the soft landing provided and then looked angrily at team rocket.
"Uhhh....... Guys. They don't look so happy" Meowth said in fear.
"Grrrrrrr........ it's all that Frog's fault. Time for the big net" Jessie said.
"On it" James said as he and Meowth reached into their basket and loaded up into the net launcher.
"They don't know when to quit do they?" Sanpei said. "Hey Ash, do you think you can get my Frogadier back up there?"
"No problem, Charizard your turn" Ash said turning to the fire lizard. "Ready?"
"Gruuaaaaa" it roared as Frogadier jumped onto his back. Just before he took off Froakie also jumped on last minute to join Frogadier.
"Ok.... I guess Froakie is joining too" Ash said as Charizard took off at the balloon.
"Guys..... They're coming back" Meowth said.
"Looks like they're volunteering for the big net then" Jessie said. "James fire"
"Take this you over size lizard" James said as he fired a net that was twice the size of the other nets and looked as it was made of different materials.
"Burn it with Flame Thrower" Ash said. Charizard opened his mouth shooting a jet stream of fire at the net.
However when it made contact the net was unaffected and was still coming towards them.
"WHAT?!?!" Ash said shocked.
"That's not going to work on this type of net" James said. "Now you're..........."
Before he could finish, Froakie jumped off of Charizard and over the net as he reached and caught on to the bottom of the basket of the team rocket balloon.
"What the......." The team rocket trio said.
As that was happening, Charizard narrowly dodged the net with Frogadier still on his back.
"Froakie....." Froakie yelled as he climbed on the outside of the basket and got onto the edge basket with a mean glare in his eyes.
Charizard and Frogadier was about to come in and support Froakie but saw an intense look in Froakie's eyes and though to say back and watch to see what Froakie does next.
"Uhhh...... he looks mad" Meowth said.
"Grrrrr....... I'll make you pay for getting in our way. Pumpkaboo use........" before Jessie could even finish her sentence, Froakie jumped up and went wild.
"FROAKIE!!!!!!!" is said as he started slashing everything and everyone with Cut and blasting everything with Water Pules.
"Come on Pumpkaboo fight back" Jessie said.
"You too Inkay" James said. Both Pokémon struggled to get up as they both charged up a shadow ball and phybeam and fired it towards Froakie.
"Froakie look out" Ash said.
"FROAKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" it yelled as it started to glow white while blocking the two attacks at the same time.
"Is he......... evolving?" Clemont asked.
"No way" Bonnie said in awe.
Froakie continued to block the attack as he glowed and his form started to change. When he stopped glowing he completely knocked the two oncoming attacks aside and stared back at team rocked. However, Froakie was no longer standing there. It was now Frogadier.
"Froga....." it said with an intense look in his eyes.
" evolved. Awesome" Ash said.
"This isn't good" Meowth said.
"Grrr.... This changes nothing, use Shadow Ball again" Jessie said angrily.
"Frogadier let them have it" Ash said as he let Frogadier do this own thing. He then jumped from the edge and slashed through Inkay and Wobbuffet with Cut. He then turned to Pumpkaboo as this hands and feet started to glow. He sprinted over to them and slashed through Pumpkaboo acrobatically with first his hands and then his feet. This caused Pumpkaboo to get pushed back and crashed into Jessie and James as he and everyone else was lying them dazed.
"What was that?" Bonnie asked.
"That was Arial ace" Clemont said. "Frogadier learned Arial Ace."
"Alright time to finish this" Ash said. "Pikachu Thunderbolt, Charizard use Flame Thrower"
"Frogadier use Water Pulse" Sanpei said. The Pokémon then released their respected attacks at the balloon just as Ash's Frogadier jumped off just in time to avoid the impact.
The three attacks made contacted it caused the balloon to explode and caused the team rocked members and their Pokémon to be sent flying into the sky.
"If one ninja Pokémon was not enough already, why did another have to evolve into another ninja" James said.
"I just had enough of ninjas for one day" Jessie said. "Whose idea was it to try to capture them in the first place?"
"Yours I believe" Meowth murmured.
"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN" the trio yelled before they were out of site.
As that was happening, Ash's Frogadier was still free falling from jumping off the balloon as Charizard swooped pass him as he landed safely on his back. Moments later he landed back on the ground as Pikachu and the two Frogadiers got off his back and back to their trainers.
"That was amazing guys" Ash said. "Frogadier, I'm amazed that you evolved and learned a new move while fighting off team rocket."
"Froga..." it nodded.
"Now I know what my Frogadier see's in your Froakie..... I mean Frogadier" Sanpei said. "It has spirit and I can tell you have a strong connection with it."
"Thanks" Ash said. "So..... What about battle? I kind of got interrupted."
"As much I would like to finish our battle I need to head back to my clan and report what happened. But rest ashore, next time we meet we will continue and finish out battle without any interruptions." Sanpei said.
"Can't wait" Ash said as the two shook hands.
"Until then" Sanpei and his Frogadier then vanished as though as if they disappeared.
"How do they do that?" Bonnie asked.
"Don't know, frankly I rather not think about it too much" Clement said.
"Well, now that is out of the way I say we continue to Coumarine City for my showcase and your battle" Serena said.
"Yeah, and I know we will do great right guys" Ash said.
"Ready" Ash was taken back from the Frogaiders response. It sound like it actually said something.
"Did.... Did you hear that?" Ash asked shocked.
"Hear what?"Bonnie asked.
"It sounded like Frogadier said something."
"Yeah..... And so did everyone else" Clemont said.
"No I mean that I understood what he said" Ash said.
"Ash don't be ridiculous, no one can understand Pokémon like that" Clemont said.
"Frogadier did you say 'ready'?" Ash asked.
"Dier?....." he asked in a certain way.
"Ash I think you're just a little tired. Let's just get to Coumarine City before it gets to dark." Serena said.
The group returned their Pokémon and continued their way to Coumarine City with excitement on what's to come.
"I sware I thought I heard Frogadier say something" Ash thought.
The group was still three hours away from Coumarine City but a lot was still going on it the city itself. Many people were either shopping, working, or getting some stuff ready for the event that are about to happen in a couple of days.
Off the coast of Coumarine City there was a ferry coming from the Hoenn region carrying over two hundred people and was about to dock. There where all kinds of people aboard the ferry, two of which are girls that happens to be coordinators.
"Thanks again for letting me come with you to Kalos May" the girl with blue hair said to the girl with brown hair.
"It's my pleasure Dawn" the girl with brown hair said. "It's nice to have someone I can talk to other than my brother."
"Why did you bring him again?" Dawn asked.
"My dad thought it would be good again to travel again, he spends way too much time in the gym." May said.
"I see, well I'm sure he won't be too much of a nuisance." Dawn said. "I can't wait to see the first showcase of the season, I heard that they put on an amazing show."
"I heard that too, I wonder if I could adapt some of what I will see in a showcase into my coordinating" May said.
15 minutes later the ship finally docked and everyone onboard started to depart from the ship.
"Come on Max, you don't want to be left behind now do you?" May asked.
"Coming" a little boy with dark hair and glasses said as he got off the ship with his sister and Dawn.
"This is going to be so great, I wonder what kinds of stuff we will see here in Kalos that we don't have back home" Dawn said.
"Well.... Let's get going" May said as she, Dawn, and Max walked down the pier and into the city."
Yes I know it has been wayyyyyyyyyyy too long since I last updated. Like what 5 mouths? Well I was busy with all kinds of personal stuff like school, finding a job, working on project for my house, and all kinds of other stuff. But enough about me.
So Froakie evovled and learned a new move. And if your wondering Ash was hallucinating about Frogadier talking the answer is no, you do recall that Ash greninja has a strong bond and are 'link'. more of that will devolope over time but for now you may hear Frogadier say some things now and then.
And finally, May, Dawn, and Max are back but will now be a major part of the story. they will just be a cameo appearance like Brook was earlier in the book. They may make another appearance later on but until then.....
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