(Normal POV)
It was now mourning and the group was on their way to see professor Sycamore before heading to the next town. Clemont was really excited to see him again because he might have new information about mega evolution and he was dying to find out. Of course the rest of the group notice Clemont excitement and one of them broke the silence.
"Someone's excited" Bonnie said looking up at his brother.
"Of course I am" Clemont said. "He might have some new information about Mega Evolution and as a gym leader it is my job to learn all there need to know about Pokémon."
"That reminds me, are you sure Clembot is capable of watching the gym while you're gone?" Serena asked.
"I'm sure. I found what I did wrong the first time I created him so I fix it and made sure it will not happen again."
"I hope so" Ash said. "Do you think professor Sycamore found any new stuff since the last time he saw him? It has only been a week."
"I hope so" Clemont said as they continued down the side walk to the lab. After 15 minutes the group finally made it to the lab as they were greeted by Sophie.
"Ah... you back, Welcome" She said.
"Thanks we came to see professor Sycamore before we head to Cyllage City" Ash said. "There is where I'm going to get my next gym badge."
"I see, well you're in luck the professor is taking a break in the lounge right now you can see them now if you like."
"YES!.... uh I mean sure" Clemont said a bit loud as everyone else sweat dropped. We followed Sophie to the lounge were we see the professor sitting down with some tea and smiled when he saw us enter the room."
"Ash, Guys it's great to see you again" Sycamore said. "How have you been doing?"
"Great I battled Viola and got my first badge 4 days ago" Ash said as he showed the bug badge to the professor as he was taking a sip of his tea.
"Impressive it's only been a week since you got to Kalos and you already got your first badge" Sycamore said.
"Thanks, so anyways we have been wondering if you found out anything new about Mega Evolution" Ash said. Sycamore sighed.
"Sadly no" he said with regret. "Everything I know I already told you."
"Oh...." Clemont said. "I see..." He was really excited to see anything new about mega evolution so he can be a better trainer. But since the professor doesn't know anything new he will have to wait longer if he wants to be a better trainer.
"However" Sycamore said. That got Clemont attention, maybe there is still hope. "I did recently discover someone who may have the ability to Mega Evolve there Pokémon."
"Really who?" Clemont said. But Serena quickly interrupted.
"Before you tell us about the person why don't we have some Macarons I just baked" Serena said getting out a basket she had in her bag. "I made them yesterday and I thought I would share them when we came here."
"Wow.... I didn't know you bake" Bonnie said. Serena giggled.
"Ya well.... There are some things you don't know about me" She said smiling.
"Oh I know more than you think" Bonnie thought when she looked at Ash. He took a macaron and took a bit. He was amazed on how good they were from after one bit.
"Wow Serena these are really good" Ash said turning to her. "You're really good at baking.
"Thanks" Serena said blushing. Of course Ash didn't notice her blushing but Bonnie did.
"Like I said, know more than you think" She thought.
"So who's the person?" Clemont asked taking a bit of a macaron.
"Well I don't know him personally, in fact no one knows who he really is" Sycamore said.
"Why's that" Ash asked.
"Tell me have you ever heard of the Masked Blaziken?" Sycamore asked.
"The Masked Blaziken?" Serena said confused.
"I heard of him" Bonnie said. "He is like a super hero right?"
I guess you can say that. He and his Blaziken goes around Lmiose city helping them if in danger" He said. "In fact he helped a lot of people out of some collapse buildings during the Garcomp incident."
"Really?" Ash said.
"Yes, also people have reported that his Blaziken was in a different then a regular one."
"Do you think..." Clemont started.
"Maybe..." Sycamore said. "Just maybe." Clemont then to reach for another macaron when all of a sudden they were snatched before he could reach it.
"Huh?" he said. Everyone looked over and saw a little green porcupine like Pokémon running to a corner trying to hide behind a potted plant.
"What's that?" Ash said.
"Chespin not again" Sycamore said a little annoyed. "I'm sorry about that, Chespin has been causing trouble lately." He then got up and headed over to the plant where Chespin was. "I thought I was clear with you not to cause any more trouble while you're here."Chespin then sweat dropped as his mouth was full of macarons.
"Ches Pin pin" it said with its mouth still full.
"A Chespin Huh" Ash said as he got out his Pokédex.
Chespin, the Spiny Nut Pokémon. Such a thick shell of wood covers its head and back that even a direct hit from a truck wouldn't faze it.
"I don't know why Chespin acts like this, but he always takes others people's food for himself" Sycamore said.
"Ches pin pin" it said looking down. Clemont and Ash then went over to the plant where Chespin was hiding. They both got down to eye level as they studied the porcupine pokemon.
"I guess Chespin was just hungry" Ash said.
"Here Chespin you can have a macaron I can tell you like them" Clemont said holding out a macaron for Chespin.
"You're not mad?" Sycamore asked.
"Not at all, Chespin just wanted something to eat and no one got hurt. I'm sure it friendly, he is just a little...... prankster." Clemont said.
"Ches?" it said in confusion. He did not except Clement to be calm with this. He thought he would at least yell of something like sycamore did. That made Chespin get a little curious about him.
"Hey professor?" Bonnie ask drawing the attention away from Chespin. "Can I see the Pokémon you have here at the lab? I didn't get a good look the last time we were here."
"Oh... of course I would be happy too" Sycamore said. "I understand since team rocket showed up and kind of ruined everything."
"Hmmmm" Ash thought. "I haven't seen them in a while. I wounder....."
"Ash are you ok?" Serena asked. That shook Ash out of his thoughts. "Oh ya I'm fine." He said reassuring her. The group was about to head to the other room were sycamore kelp the other pokemon. But then Chespin started to follow and was right next to Clemont.
"What is it Chespin?" Clemont asked Chespin. Chespin just look up at him with a smile. He didn't say anything for a bit, he just stared at him.
"I think Chespin has taken a liking to you" Ash said.
"I guess so" Clemont said. "You guys go ahead I think I will stay with Chespin for a bit he seems like an interesting pokemon."
"I think I will stay too" Ash said. "I still don't know much about the Pokémon in this region and I would like to learn what I can from Chespin."
"I see" Sycamore said. "Ok Bonnie Serena I believe you know the way but just in case just follow me." And with that Sycamore, Serena, and Bonnie we heading to the room with all the Pokémon as Ash and Clemont stayed behind.
"Awww look at them all" Bonnie said admiring all the pokemon. "I think they got cuter since the last time we were here." Just then Dedenne popped out of her bag when she heard something about a Pokémon being cute. "Of course not at cute at you Dedenne."
"Dedd ned" it said with a smile.
"So as you can see we have Pokémon from different regions here that are left behind by some of my students and some Pokémon that were found as strays on the street." Just then Garchomp entered the room and notice that Bonnie and Serena were in the room. He went over to Bonnie and got down to eye lever with her so she can say hi.
"Ok again Garchomp nice to see you again"
"Garr" It said calmly.
"Hey Serena why don't you say hi" Bonnie asked.
Serena was still a good distance from Garchomp she still remembers her last experience with that Pokémon and it was not a good one. Even though she knew it was not it's fault she was still a little scared of it.
"Uhhh.... I don't know" Serena said a little worried.
"Come on Serena, are you still afraid from last time you were with Garchomp."
"I uhh...." She started.
"I understand the last time you were with Garchomp was not a happy memory but realize it was not his fault and he would never hurt anyone on purpose you know that". Sycamore said. Serena was still standing there about 17 feet from him. She knows that Garchomp is friendly but was still afraid of it.
"Can you at least say hi" Bonnie asked. That was something Serena thought she can at least do.
"Uhhh.... Hi... Garchomp...." Serena said. That was all she could say. She was still a little afraid but not terrified. Garchomp got a sad expression on its face because Serena was still scared of him. He understand why but he was still sad about it.
"I see you are still a little afraid, I under that. But don't worry over time you will be able to open up to him" Sycamore said. "At least team rocket wound come back and try............" He started to say but then something crashed into the room they were in. In the other room Ash and Clemont heard the noise and started to run towards the room they heard it from.
"What the..." Sycamore said. The three looked at what just crashed into the wall, it was a truck.
"What is a truck going here?" Serena asked. Then then three figures came out from the front of the truck with two of them wearing a shirt with a red R on it.
"Remember us?" the Jessie said.
"Team Rocket!" Sycamore said shocked. "Not you again."
"Ahh good you do remember us" the James said.
"You're here for Garchomp aren't you" Bonnie said.
"We could get Garchomp if we wanted but we want something else first" Meowth said.
"Whatever it is you're not getting it" Sycamore said.
"That's the thing what we want is you professor" James said as he and Jessie released their Pokémon. "Now come along nicely or else we will use force."
"Never" He said.
"Have it your way, Use Shadow Ball" Jessie said. Her Pumpkaboo then unleashed a dark energy ball from its mouth and shot it at the professor. Before it reached him Serena stepped in.
"Come on out Fennekin, use Ember" Serena said releasing her Pokémon.
"You help to Dedenne use thunder shock" Bonnie said. Both the Pokémon unleashed their respective attacks at the shadow ball and canceled it out.
"Grrrr those Pokémon are annoying" Jessie said.
"Ya... but that Fennekin is kind of cute don't you think." Meowth said.
"What?!?!" Both Jessie and James said at the same time. That made Fennekin's face turn red all of a sudden. Did that Meowth just said that she was cute. Sure it was a complement but she couldn't be with a Pokémon like Meowth especially when he is a criminal. It was an insult more than anything. Not to mention that she is interested in someone else.
"Wait did I just say that out loud" Meowth said. "Never mind that take my furry swipes"
"Use Dark Pules" "Psybeam" the pokemon then Charged at Fennekin and Dedenne. Meowth swiped Dedenne with its claws while the Inkay and Pumpkaboo hit Fennekin with their attacks knocking them both out.
"Dedenne!" Both Bonnie and Serena yelled.
"Well while we're at it we'll take your Pokémon as well" James said.
"Never" both girls said running towards their Pokémon trying to protect them.
"Then I guess we have no choice" Jessie said as she threw a smoke bomb. The room then was filled with smoke as the girls and the professor chocked team rocket started to grab the professor and the Pokémon tying them up. When Meowth went towards Fennekin Serena got a hold of her trying to protect her from Meowth.
"You're not getting Fennekin" Serena said.
"Grrr, I guess we have to take you too" Meowth said. As Jessie and James finished tying the professor Jessie got a hold of Serena and knocked her on the back of her head knocking her out. She was then tied up and put in the back of the truck along with her Fennekin, the professor and the other Pokémon in the lab and drove off leaving Bonnie still chocking on the smoke.
As the smoke cleared Bonnie was left in the room still clearing her throat from the smoke as Ash and Clemont entered the room.
"What happened here?" Clemont asked.
"Team Rocket" Bonnie said still Choking.
"What?!?!" Ash yelled. "He then looked around and found that all the Pokémon were gone.
"They took the Pokémon" Clemont said.
"Not only them, they got the professor and Serena with them."
"Serena!" Ash said shocked. "Why would they take Serena?"
"She refused to let her Fennekin get captured so she got in their way and got captured herself."
"We got to find them" Ash said as he got out Fletchling's pokeball and released it. "Fletchling I need you to search from the sky and look for team rockets truck."
"Flech" it said nodding as he flew to the sky and started looking. Just then Chespin came into the room because it was looking for Clemont. When he saw him he ran up to him and hugged his leg.
"Not now Chespin we are in the middle of something, I don't have time to play" Clemont said.
"Ches" it said giving a Serious look.
"You want to help?" Clemont ask. Chespin then nodded as he started to run out and look for the truck.
"Ok you can come, Bonnie I want you to say here with Sophie, it's too dangerous for you and you still need to get the smoke out of your lungs.
"Ok *Cough* I'll stay here *Cough"
"Ok then" Ash said. "Let's find that truck."
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