Childhood Memories
(Normal POV)
As the four friends are on their way to Santalune city for Ash's first gym battle they are decided to take a break in the forest between Santalune city and Lumiose City. Clemont was busy inventing something, Bonnie was taking care of Ash's Pikachu, Serena is busy brushing her Fenniken, and Ash is busy training his new Froakie.
"Froakie use Water Pules", Ash said.
The Froakie then unleashed a water pules on a nearby boulder and shattered it into pieces.
"Great now use Bubbles".
The Froakie then unleashed a barrage of bubble hitting another boulder near the first one.
"Great now use....."
"Den ne", a voice said.
"Huh", everyone said as they look around.
"What was that"?, Bonnie said.
"It could be a Pokémon, but what", Ash said.
"Look over there", Clemont said pointing at a bush that was shacking. Suddenly a small mouse like Pokémon can out of the bushes and looked at everyone.
"Ne ne", it said looking at Bonnie.
"What's that", Serena said as she pulled out her Pokédex.
Dedenne, the small mouse Pokémon. It uses its tail to absorb electricity from power plants or from outlets in houses, and then it fires the electricity from its whiskers.
"Awwwwww it's so cute", Bonnie said looking at the small Pokémon. "Hey Clemont, will you please catch it for me, I'll take good care of it".
"Uhhhhh I don't know", Clemont said.
"Come on Clemont, you know Bonnie will take good care of it just look how she is doing with Pikachu", Ash said.
"Pika", Pikachu said happily as Bonnie was petting its tail.
"I guess you're right, all right Bonnie I'll catch it for you", Clemont said as he threw out one of its pokeball. "Go bunnelby".
"Bunnel", the Bunnelby said as it just got released from its pokeball.
"Ok Bunnelby use Double Slap".
The Bunnelby rushed towards the Dedenne with its ears glowing white getting ready to attack. Just then a small bird pokemon came out of nowhere and attacked Bunnelby from the side knocking Bunnelby off balance and crash into the ground.
"Uh what the...", Clemont said.
"Fletchling", the bird pokemon said as it flew over to Dedenne and landed in front of it as he was protecting it.
"It's a Fletchling", Serena said. "What is one doing here".
"I don't know but I don't think it like us", Clemont said. "It just attacked Bunnelby for no reason"
"Hmmmm ...It kinds of reminds me of the Fletchling my mom has, both of them are really annoying", Serena said.
"Fletch!!!", the Fletchling said angrily looking at Serena.
"Uh Serena I don't think you should have said that", Ash said. "I think all Fletchling was trying to do was protect his friend".
"Fletch", the Fletchling said nodding to what Ash said, but still looking at Serena angrily.
"Oh I'm sorry Fletchling I didn't mean that in a......", Serena started to say.
"Dene Ne", "Fletch Fletchling", The two Pokémon said to each other, just then the Dedenne was making a run for it as Fletching flew into the air and went straight for Serena.
"Serena look out", Ash warned. But it was too late, the Flechling started pecking at Serena like the one her mom's Flechling use to do and Serena was screaming trying to get it off.
"Ahhhh not again", Serena said trying to get away from it. But no matter how hard she tried the Fletchling was still attacking Serena with its peck attack.
"Ash Help Me", she screamed.
"I'm on it, Pikachu use Thunder Bolt", Ash yell. The Pikachu then leaped into action and unleashed a powerful thunder bolt at the bird Pokémon. However the bird easily dodged the attack by flying back high into the air. The Fletchling then used double team and made then all the copies then went in and started attacking everyone.
"Ahhh everyone run for it", Ash yelled.
Everyone and there Pokémon started running away from all the Fletching copies. They all have been running for at least 20 minutes not looking where they were going and who was following them until they didn't hear the Fletchling behind them.
"Phew I think we lost them", Bonnie said. He then looked over at Clemont who was lying flat on his back from exhaustion. Clemont was not that much of a runner and Bonnie knew that perfectly well.
"Clemont are you all right"?, Bonnie asked.
"Ya I'll be alright", Clemont said in between breaths.
"What are you Serena are you...." Bonnie said, but she then realized that Serena was not with her. "Huh.... Serena is not here".
The two looked around and saw that Serena was no were in sight. Then they also realized that Ash was not with them either.
"Ash is not here too", Clemont said. "I think we got separated from them when we were running".
"Awww man wow what are we going to do"?, Bonnie said.
"Don't worry Bonnie we'll find them, come on let's start looking". As soon a Clemont said that, the bushes near them started shacking again. Then the same Dedenne came out of it and looked at Bonnie and Clemont.
"Ne ne", it said.
"Look Clemont it's the Dedenne from before", Bonnie said.
"What.... If he's here than that mean......", Clemont said. He thought that the same Fletching would come out of nowhere again and start attacking them again. But to his surprise Fletchling was nowhere to be found. That gave Clemont a sign of relief.
"Clemont try to catch Dedenne now, Fletchling is not here do stop you now", Bonnie said.
"But what about Ash and Serena"?, Clemont said.
"We can look for them later, come on catch it while you have the chance", Bonnie said.
"All right then ready Bunnelby"?,
"Bunnelby", is said nodding to Clemont,
"Ok Bunnelby lets do go".
(Serena POV)
"I think we lost them", Ash said.
I was on the ground lying on my back from the exhaustion from running and getting attacked from that Fletchling. I was pretty beat up but other than that I was ok.
"Serena are you ok", Ash asked. I got up, but still sitting on the ground, and said to him.
"Ya I'm ok".
"That's good, here let me help you up", he said as he extended his hand for me to reach. I took his hand and he pulled me up. But he pulled me up harder then I though and ended up leaning up against him. Just then, I got a flash back from when I was a kid. I got help up from Ash when we kids years ago when I went to summer camp. I remembered when he pulled me up I was in a hugging position with Ash and I was blushing really hard. He then look into his dark brown eyes and......
"Serena? Are you ok", he said.
"Huh"?, I then realized I was still leaning against Ash when he helped me up.
"Oh.... Uh.... Ya I'm good", I said with my face completely red.
"Alright good, we should go try and find Clemont and Bonnie now", he said. I then looked around and realized that they were not here. I then realized that, besides Pikachu, I was alone with Ash. I started blushing again, thinking me and Ash alone in the wood. It was like back when we were in summer camp when Ash let me out of the woods and...
"Serena are you coming"?, Ash asked as we was already walking. I then snapped out of my thoughts and said.
"Oh ya I'm coming".
We were walking for about 15 minutes and either of us said anything the entire time. I really wanted to ask Ash if he remembered me back when we were kids. So to break the silence I looked at Ash and said.
"Ash, Can I ask you something".
He then looked at me and said. "Sure what's one your mind"?
"Well it's something I was meaning to ask you for a while now, but after every that happened I never got the chance to. Like when I got kidnapped by Garchomp, and you going back to save him, and you stopping team rocket, and when you........"
"Serena, what are you trying to ask me", he said. I took a deep breath as I was getting ready to ask him the big question.
"Ash do you......... Remember me"?
"Huh". He stopped and looked at me. He was looking at me as though he did not quite understand the question. "What do you mean"?
I then took out the handkerchief that was in my pocket and showed me this.
"See this, this was your handkerchief, remember"? I then told him the story about how I got the handkerchief.
I was walking in the woods alone trying to find the other kids I got separated from.
"Where is everybody, where did everyone go"? I was really scared and was not looking were I was going, I then tripped on something and landed on ground. "Oww"
I then heard something shacking in the bush and got really scared. A Poliwag then jumped out and looked at me. It frightened me as it look at me and then hopped away.
"I knew I didn't want to do to this camp, I knew it". I then looked into the sky and yelled.
I then heard some more shaking in the bush near me. I started to tear up and closed my eyes not wanting to see what it was. I was so frightened I couldn't stand being here again.
"Poliwag"?, the voice said, it sounded like a boy.
The boy then came out of the bushes and then look at me. "Are you ok"?, he asked.
I then opened my eyes and then looked at him. He didn't seem to be scared being out here and was very kind to me. "Hi I'm Ash, what happened to you".
"I..... I hurt my leg", I said to him.
"Let me look", he said as he then kneeled down and look at my leg. "I got just the thing". He then pulled out a handkerchief and then wrapped it around my leg.
"Now watch this", he said as he started waving his arms. "Feel better feel better right away".
I then tried to get up by my leg still hurt. "It's no use, my leg still hurts", I said to him.
"Don't give up till the very end", he said smiling as he reached out his hand. I looked at the boy for a moment. His raven black hair, his dark brown eyes, and his small but warm smile. I could help but to feel safe with the boy. So I put up my hand and grabbed his, he then pulled me up and before I knew it I was standing on both of my legs leaning against him.
"See you stood", he said to me. "Come on let's get back to the camp". I was still holding his hand as I followed the boy back to the camp ground. From that point on I had a crush on Ash ever since. (I didn't tell Ash that part).
Ash just stood there for a moment before taking the handkerchief and looked at it. He then looked in to my eyes and stared for moment. He did with out of doubt remembered going to summer camp when he was little. It then looked like he came to a realization.
"Serena.... was....was that was you"?, he said. "You're the girl with the straw hat?.
"Yes I am", I said. I was so happy, he remembered me after all this time he remembered me after all this time I thought I would never see him again. But he's here in Kalos with me; I must be the luckiest girl in the world.
"Wow, it has been a long time", he said. "Who would have known I would get to see you again", he said.
I smiled as my cheeks turn a bit pink.
"Oh uh... about the handkerchief I would like to give it back to you", I said trying to change the subject. "I mean after all it is yours". He then looked at me and smiled. He then looked at it and then handed it back to me.
"Actually Serena why don't you keep it", he said.
"Ya I mean you kept it all this time and took care of it I think you should keep it so.... You know you have something to remember me by".
I held the handkerchief towards my heart blushing a bit as I put it back it my pocket. He was still the kind, sweet, and caring boy he was back at summer camp. That was one of the many things I like about him.
"Thank you Ash, I will always treasure it".
"Great, now let's continue looking for Clemont and Bonnie", He said as we continued down the path. We been walking for about 8 minutes ever since our conversation, out of no were the Fletchling from earlier came out from some trees and landed in front of us with the same angary look as before.
"Fletch", it said while still staring at me.
"Uh... Serena I think Fletchling is still mad at you from what you said before", Ash said.
"Uh.... Ya", I said stepping behind Ash worried it might attack again. "Uh....... Ash"
"Don't worry Serena I'll protect you", Ash said which made me blush a bit, luckily he didn't notice since he was in front of me
"Ok Froakie time to battle".
"Froakie", it said as he stepped forward getting ready to battle.
"Ok Froakie use Water Pules", Ash yelled. Froakie then jumped into the air and unleashed a powerful water pules at the Fletchling. The Fletchling easily dodged it and flew straight at Froakie as it was ready to use peck.
"Use Bubbles straight at it". The Froakie unleashed a stream of bubble at the Fletchling hitting it dead on since it was too close to dodge. The Fletchling quickly recovered from the attack and flew straight up into the air and coming back down again. The then use double team as it came straight at Froakie with all of its copies.
"Two can play at that game, use double team as well and then use Bubbles", Ash commanded. Froakie then made multiples copies like the Fletchling. Then a barrage of bubbles came out of Froakies mouth and hit all the Fletchling copies as they collide and then ended up hitting the real Fletchling.
The Fletchling then got really mad as he got up and stared at Froakie. It then flew up again and started to fly straight down. But something seemed different, instead of coming towards Froakie it was coming straight at.... At... M.. m.... Me!
"ASH", I scream.
"Don't worry Serena I got this, Froakie intercepted with cut". The Froakie then jumped in front of the Fletchlings path and Intercept the peck attack with cut. The two attacks seemed to be evenly matched in power, but Froakies cut was a bit more powerful and knocked Fletchling back and down at the ground.
"Good job Ash now let's get out of here before......", I started to say, but then I noticed him pulling out an empty pokeball. "Ash... what are you.....".
"Go pokeball", he yelled as he threw the pokeball at the Fletchling laying on the ground. The pokeball made contact and the Fletchling went inside as the pokeball started shacking. After 20 seconds the pokeball gave a slight ding as it stopped shacking.
"You.... You caught it"?, I said a bit confused on why it caught a Pokémon that kelp trying to attack me.
"Why not"?, He said. "It's fast and strong and could come in handy in the future, besides it might try to come after us again if we just left it there, with a little training it can get it to stop trying to attack you.
"Guess you right", I said now understanding why he caught it. "By the way Ash thanks for saving me when Fletchling came after me".
"No problem", he said and then came to a realization. "Now that I think of it I saved you twice already, first from Garchomp and now from Fletchling, your always in danger", he laughed.
My face turned red when he said that, but then I thought for a moment and realized he's right, I am always being attack by Pokémon. Like my mom's Fletchling at home, the Rhyhorn that keeps throwing me off every time I ride it, the Garchomp back in Lumiose city that kidnapped me when it gone berserk, and the Fletchling Ash just caught. Where would I be without Ash?
"Uhh.... I guess your right", I said sheepishly with my hand behind my head.
"Don't worry Serena I will always protect you", he said with a thumbs up. "And that's a promise". I blushed a bit when he said that, I feel so safe and comfortable around him. Should I tell him? Should I tell Ash how I feel? Is now the time? As I was about to open my mouth I heard a voice from a distance.
"Hey guys", it said.
We both turned around and see Clemont and Bonnie running up the path. I guess they found us instead of us finding them.
"Clemont, Bonnie", Ash said as we both ran up to them. "You're ok".
"Ya after we got separated Clemont and I been looking all over for you guys", Bonnie said and we then saw something moving in her yellow back. "Den Ne", the voice said as a Dedenne toped its head out and looked at us. "And guess what we caught", Bonnie said.
"You caught Dedenne, get job",I said to Bonnie.
"You're not only one", Ash said as he released his newly caught Fletchling to show Clemont and Bonnie.
"You caught Fletchling, good job Ash", Clemont said but then got worried as he realized something. "Uhhh... it's not going to attack us again right"?
"Don't worry, I think we will be fine", Ash said but then he looked at me. "As long as a certain someone apologies to it".
"I uh... guess your right". I then kneeled down and looked straight at Fletchling, to my surprise it didn't try to attack me, I was relieved. "Fletchling I'm sorry for calling you annoying, I was judging you based on another Fletchling I know and I was wrong to do so, can you forgive me"?
"Fletchling", it said as he nodded as it flew and landed on my head.
"That great Serena now let's get going", Ash said as we continued down the path. After about 12 minutes of walking none of us said anything in till Bonnie broke the silence.
"So.... Beside catching Flethling what else happened to you guys", she asked.
"Well........", I said trailing off and looked at Ash. "I found out that Ash and I met before a long time ago."
"Really how"!!!, Bonnie asked excitedly.
"Uh... I'll tell you later", I said not wanting to retell the whole story after the day I just had. "Look I can see Santalune city from here", I said as Santalune city came into view.
"Oh Ya Santalune City here I come", Ash said as he started running down the path. We all then started running as soon as Ash did as we were doing down the path to Santalune city.
"Guys..... wait up" Clemont said trying to catch up.
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