A date?
(Normal POV)
It is the evening on the same day since the incident with Calem and the group wanted to forget about that event. After Calem left on unfriendly terms Ash has been contemplating about what he is going to do the next time they run into each other. Knowing his luck he knows it is not a matter of if it's a matter of when.
While everyone else was elsewhere in the Pokémon center Ash is currently in his room laying on the bed staring at the ceiling with his arms behind his head still thinking about today while his Pikachu was at the foot of the bed curled up into a ball sleeping. How could anyone neglect the condition of their Pokémon during the battle? It was clear to everyone that Quilladin had no energy left to continue but Calem refused to stop the battle until he won by some kind of miracle or if Quilladin is 'technically knocked out'.
Sure he met trainers like that before, Paul comes to mind but at least he was straight about it and changed for the better. Calem however, showed his true colors during the battle and claimed he did what he did just to prove a point. Whatever his point may have been Ash knew it was for the wrong reasons.
As Ash was laying on the bed he hears a knock on the door that shocked him back to his senses.
"Who is it?" Ash yelled stilling laying on the bed.
"It's Serena, can I come in?" she said through the door.
"Oh sure," Ash said as Serena opened the door and walked in. She noticed that Ash was on his back facing the ceiling as he has been like that for a while.
"Are you still thinking about what happened between you and Calem?" Serena asked as she sat on the bed near him.
"Yeah... I know I shouldn't bother troubling myself about him but what he did and said just got me thinking about some stuff." Ash said.
"Is it something you want to talk about?" Serena said. "If you don't I understand I just came to see if you were ok."
Ash then leaned up slowly from the bad making sure not to wake up Pikachu. "I don't mind telling you, it might do me some good," he said facing Serena.
"I know I talked about some of my past experiences with you, Clemont, and Bonnie. Did I ever tell you about a trainer named Paul?" he asked.
"Paul?..... I don't think so. But now that you mentioned it I think Dawn said that name a little after your battle with Calem. Something about her thinking that this Paul was bad but Calem is even worse."
"Pretty much," Ash said. "Calem reminded me of him, he was a trainer I ran into during my time in Sinnoh. He trained his Pokémon in a ruthless way by working them to the point of exhaustion and any Pokémon that could measure up to his training was either punish or just abandoned."
"WHAT!!!" Serena said shocked. "How could anyone do that?"
"My thoughts exactly," Ash said. "We did butted heads a couple of times when we ran into each other. However, I think he lighten up on his Pokémon ever since we battled last in the Sinnoh league. Once he saw there was another and better way to become stronger he changed for the better."
"Well.... That's good to hear." Serena said.
"It is," Ash said. "But even though he used to be harsh on his Pokémon he did it not because he was just a cruel person but because he honestly thought it was the best way to get stronger as a trainer."
"So.... Like tough love?" Serena asked.
"I guess you could say that." Ash said. "Anyways the point I am getting at is that Calem is being cruel to his Pokémon and I don't think it is because of tough love. I think it's because he just wanted to be stronger."
"I get why you would think that." Serena said. "But you should let a guy like Calem bother you."
"It's not that I am bothered by him, its more I have sympathy for his Pokémon," Ash said. "But what I really not understand is his motive when I battle him. Even though I don't fully understand it I can tell it was for a selfish reason."
"You have no idea." Serena thought. "Ash, don't think too much about him. He is just a jerk and he doesn't deserve a second thought. We both know you are the better trainer when it comes to both training and treating Pokémon. Don't you forget it"
Ash thought about what Serena said for a moment before he finally showed a smile. "Thanks Serena I needed to hear that."
"Sure thing Ash, that why I'm here," Serena said. "So..... Care to join everyone else in the lobby?"
"Sure I'll be there in a minute," Ash said smiling. Serena smiled back as she got up from the bed and walked out of the room. Ash stood there thinking about what Serena said and he felt immediately better about himself.
"Hmm.... What would I do without you Serena to make me feel better?" Ash thought. "Huh.....? Where did that come from?"
It was the next morning in the Pokémon center in Coumarine City and Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, May, Dawn, and Max were eating breakfast in the cafeteria. As they were eating they were discussing what they should all do today since the next day will be Serena's first performance. Serena was thinking about getting some last-minute practice in when May had another idea.
"Hey..... I was thinking" May said. "Have any of you heard about the festival that was happening tonight?"
"Festival?" Serena questioned. "No I haven't."
"Oh..... That's right. May and I have heard of a festival that was taking place the night before the showcase from the boat ride here." Dawn said. "I wonder what is about?"
"I think I know which one you are talking about," Clemont said. "You must be referring to the annual Pledging Festival that happens here in Coumarine City every year. I completely forgot about that until now."
The group was now intrigued after hearing about this festival and wanted to know more. So, of course, Ash asked the obvious question.
"So..... What's the Pledging festival about?" He asked.
"If I remember right it was a trainer and his Pokémon first discovered the area that is now Coumarine City. After discovering this beautiful area with the help of his Pokémon the trainer wanted to give his Pokémon a gift as thanks for all the hard work they have given them. Since all of his Pokémon where grass types the trainer decided to give them a seed to plant."
"A seed?" Max asked. "I get the Pokémon were all grass types but why a seed?"
"That's the thing, no one really knows the reasons why a seed," Clemont explained. "But according to history the seed that they planted and taken care of grew to the biggest and most beautiful tree in all of Kalos. In fact, they say that the tree in the story is the same tree that is located at the Coumarine gym where Ash battled."
"Really!!!.... The tree at the gym is the same tree in the story" Ash said amazed.
"According to legend, it is," Clemont said. "But I can believe it, it just goes to show how strong a bond between people and Pokémon can be when they nurturer a tree to grow as big as the tree we know at the gym today."
"So let me get this straight. The festival is a celebration of when Coumarine City was discovered by the trainer and his Pokémon?" Max asked.
"Essentially yes," Clemont said. "And if I also remember correctly the festival is celebrated today by trainers giving there Pokémon a gift to show their appreciation for all they have done for them and to strengthen their bond. Later tonight all the trainers and the citizen of the city will gather by the Pledging tree and they give their Pokémon as a sign of showing gratitude"
"Really.... That sounds like a great idea." Serena said. "Hey guys if it's ok with you I think we should all participate and got out shopping to get a gift for our Pokémon."
"I'm down for it," Dawn said.
"Me too, this is going to be fun," May said.
"Yeah.... Clemont can we... can we....." Bonnie asked Clemont exited.
"Actually I think I will do something a bit different," Clemont said.
"Huh.... You don't want to get you Pokémon something?" Max asked.
"Oh I plan to give them a gift, but instead of going out to buy one I plan on making inventing something to give them. I am an inventor after all."
"Hmmm..... That makes sense." Bonnie asked.
"So Ash, what about you?" Serena asked. Ash smiled as Serena could already guess what his answer would be.
"You bet, I think it's about time I get something for my Pokémon to show my thanks," Ash said. "Right Pikachu?"
"Pika pi..." he nodded as Ash took Pikachu from his shoulder and put him on the ground.
"Pikachu I would like you to stay here as I go out to get your gift, I want you to be surprised when you when get it."
"Chu..." he said nodding.
"That sounds like a good idea Ash, hey Clemont could you watch my Pokémon too as I get my gift?" Serena asked.
"Mine too," Dawn said.
"Me too," May said.
"Uh.... I don't mind but uh......." He started.
"I'll help. I would love to take care of your Pokémon." Bonnie said.
"Me too, this would be some great experience for me as a trainer," Max said.
"Ok, so it settled. Clemont will stay here with Max and Bonnie to watch the Pokémon and work on his gift while the rest of us go out shopping." May said.
"Sounds good to me," Dawn said. "Any objections?" No one shook their head so everyone is on board for today. "Ok let's get started."
Ash, Serena, May, and Dawn handed Bonnie and Max their Pokéballs and made their way outside. Before Dawn forgets she stopped and went to bonnie to warn her about something.
"F.Y.I. Bonnie you might want to keep an eye on Buneary." She said.
"How come?"
"Well....... you see" she then leaned in and whispered something to Bonnie. She told her about Buneary having a crush on Pikachu and how that could cause a fight between Buneary and Fennekin since she knows about Fennekin having a thing for Pikachu as well.
"Oh.... A love triangle. Don't worry I am on it." Bonnie said.
"Good we will see you tonight at the Pledging tree," Dawn said. And with that, the group made it out of the Pokémon center leaving Clemont, Bonnie, Max, and all of their Pokémon in the lobby.
It has been ten minutes since the four have left the Pokémon center and were walking down the upper streets of Coumarine City. There where all kinds of venders on the streets for the festival selling of kinds of goods that range from Pokémon treats to accessories. While Ash and Serena were looking at one of the kiosk May and Dawn was looking at another one next to theirs. While they were looking May looked up and saw both Ash and Serena was distracted with the accessories while standing really close to each other. She then looked over and saw a cute Pokémon clothing store with all kinds of accessories and really wanted to check it out. She thought for a bit and looking between them and the store and came up with a sly idea.
"Hey Dawn..." Whispered May.
"Yeah?..... Why are you whispering?" Dawn whispered back, playing along.
"I just thought of a way to help that I think will help Serena further her relationship with Ash." May said. After hearing that Dawn made a sly smile as she was now intrigued.
"I'm listening....." Dawn said. May leaned over and started whispering in her ear to explain her plan. After a couple of minutes, Dawn smiled as she nodded in approval.
"It's a bit of a stretch but I think it could work," Dawn said. "Shall we..."
"Lets," May said. They both walked over to the pair and as they were still looking. "Hey..... So Ash, Serena. I think Dawn and I are going to check out some of the Pokémon clothing stores. I think we could find some cute clothes and accessories that would match us with our Pokémon."
"Oh.....that sounds amazing," Serena said. "Come on Ash lets........"
"Actually" Dawn interrupted. "The store we have in mind might not be the kind of place that Ash would enjoy."
"Well..... If that's the case the three of you could go and I'll just wait by the......" Ash started.
"No Ash.... we don't want you to be by yourself." May interrupted. "We would feel bad if we made you wait all by yourself while we shop. After all, we don't know how long it would take and we don't want you to wait for us while we go there."
"So..... What do you suggest?" Serena asked.
"Well..... I think May and I could go check it. In the meantime, you and Ash could check out the shops on the lower streets and we could just meet up later tonight at the Pledging tree. That way we aren't slowing you down and we can cover more ground if we go in pairs."
"Are you sure?" Ash asked. "I don't mind waiting if we....."
"IT'S FINE ASH," Both May and Dawn said in union with a determined tone. Both Ash and Serena sweat dropped after hearing their answer. After a bit of thought, Ash spoke up.
"Well.... I guess we could, are you ok with that Serena?" he said.
Serena thought for a bit, while May and Dawn goes their own way she would be all alone and spending time with Ash, a bit of pink appeared on her cheeks from the thought of it and thought this was a good chance to get close to Ash without anyone they know or their Pokémon getting in the way.
"Yes... I think it is a good idea." Serena said. "Besides I am sure I can find a similar store on the lower levers of the city."
"Great then it's settled," May said. "We will meet you two later tonight at the Pledging tree."
"Ok sure..." Ash said not thinking much of it.
"Oh.... And Serena," Dawn said as she went up and whispered in her ear. "Have fun on your date."
Serena blushed as soon as she heard that before she could react both May and Dawn quickly rushed over the store leaving the two of them at the kiosk. After thinking for a bit Serena quickly figured out that they planned on purpose.
"I don't know if I should be thanking them or killing them for this" Serena thought. Ash then turned to Serena with a simple smile and said.
"Well Serena, it looks like it's just you and me for today."
Serena blushed again when he said that. It quickly went away as she formed a big smile on her face as she was eager to spend the day with Ash.
"OK let's go." She said boldly as she took his hand and started running down the streets of Coumarine City pulling Ash from behind.
"Hey Serena slow down," Ash said. Not that he was really complaining.
The two made their way to the lower levels of the city and they were in awe of what they saw. There were a lot more shops and vendors on the lower level than the upper as they saw places that were selling food, clothes, accessories, battle items, and versus Pokémon knickknacks. The streets were decorated with all kinds of colored streamers that stretched across the street and colored balloons tied to the street lights and some of the carts on the street.
Serena was as happiest as she could be as she was dashing through street seeing all of the decorations for the festival while she was still dragging Ash from behind.
Ash was also amazed by what he saw on the lower level but was not able to appreciate it as much Serena as he was mostly focusing on trying to keep up with Serena. Ash was going to say something to get Serena to slow down but when he saw the biggest smile on her face he couldn't help but smile himself as he felt happy himself. So he decided to let Serena have her moment as he would just wait it out for Serena to slow down from fatigue, luckily for him that only took about five minutes for Serena to slow down and stop as she let go of Ash and turned to him.
"So Ash where do you want to go first?" Serena said with a smile. Ash still didn't know what exactly got Serena in a good mood but he didn't think about it too much as he liked seeing this side of Serena.
"Well.... We did pass some stores while we running through the streets. Want to backtrack a bit and check those places out?" he asked.
"Sure, anywhere is fine." Serena smiled. They both went back to the shops they passed and went into a Pokémon themed knickknack shop.
They saw some bobblehead of different Pokémon; fire, water, and grass themed sunglasses; wallpaper of the starter Pokémon from different regions, headbands with ears from fox and bunny based Pokémon, and so on.
"Aww, that is so cute," Serena said as she grabbed something off the self. Ash looks over to see what Serena was holding at and saw it was a blue ribbon that looked like it was water-themed. The ribbon was about the size of her hand and looked as though it could be worn in many different ways.
"That's a neat ribbon, I'm guessing it would be for Pancham," Ash said.
"Well.... I don't know. I don't think Pancham is into that type of thing and I don't think it's for Pokémon to wear."
"Hmm... Well, in that case, why don't you get it for yourself? It certainly caught your eye and I'm sure you can make good use out of it." Ash said.
"Well...... You may be right." Serena admitted. "But we came here to get something for our Pokémon. It wouldn't feel right to get something for ourselves without getting something for them first."
"Are you sure? We still have plenty of time before the festival starts." Ash asked
"Is ok, it's not too much of a big deal" Serena said. "For now, my Pokémon are first."
Serena put the ribbon back on the self and walked away and looked at another part of the store. Ash was about to follow but then stopped and looked back at the self the ribbon was on.
"Hmm........ Maybe......" he thought.
Two hours have passed and the two were walking down the street again. Serena had bought something for Pancham from the knickknack shop and was now looking for something for her Fennekin. Ash also got something from the same shop but when Serena asked what he got all he said that it was a secret and it was for Frogadier. She didn't too much about it and the two of them continued walking down the street.
As they were looking around they noticed it was noon and there were plenty of stands selling all kinds of festival foods. Since they thought it was the middle of the day they should get something to eat. They looked for a bit to see what there was to get.
"Hey Serena I think I will get a hotdog, you want me to get you one?" Ash asked.
"Sure that would be great. Just one with mustard." Serena answered. Ash went to get in line at the vender and Serena went over to a bench to wait for Ash. About four minutes later Ash arrived with two hotdogs in his hand. One with mustard for Serena and one for ketchup for himself.
As they were eating Ash thought of something as he took a bite from his hotdog, he looks at it and then he chuckled a bit.
"Something funny?" Serena asked.
"I just thought of something, my Pikachu really like ketchup. He once ate a whole bottle of it by himself. Perhaps I should get him a bottle for my gift to him." Ash said.
"Uh..... I don't think that would be healthy." Serena said.
"Yeah I know, it was just a joke," Ash said laughing a bit. Serena smiled as she laughed along with Ash. If she wasn't mistaken this would be the first time she heard Ash tell a joke. "You know, this is nice."
"What is?" Serena asked.
"You know, just being able to let loose. We are always busy with either traveling or training so it's nice to be able to unwind and have some fun." Ash said. "But the really weird thing is I can't remember the last time I was without any of my Pokémon, especially Pikachu. Even though it's nice to have time to yourself it's weird being without them"
"You know, you have a point," Serena said. "Other than the Pokémon camp, I can't remember the last time we were able to relax. Times like this is nice, I wish moments could happen for often."
"Yeah..... That would be nice," Ash said taking the last bite of his hotdog. "It's too bad that we don't get the chance to do it often with us traveling all the time."
"Yeah........." she sighed in disappointment
She nodded disappointedly in agreement as she looked down. Ash saw the sad look in her eyes when he said that intently felt bad. He didn't know why seeing Serena like that made him feel that way, was it something he said? Ash wanted to do something to make Serena feel better so he put his hand in his chin as he tried to think of something back her feel better. He then looked over and saw something that might do the trick, he got up and started walking.
"Ash? What are you......"
"Wait here, I'll be right back," Ash said. He left Serena alone on the bench and went over to a vender with a Swirlix. After a minute, he walked back to Serena with what he bought from the vendor.
"Cotton Candy?" Serena asked as Ash presented some to her. "What's that for?"
"I was thinking, even though we don't get time to ourselves so often we might as well make the most out of it when we do," Ash said ripping off a piece and eating it. "Wants some? I got it for us."
Serena sat there mildly shock about what Ash said, what he said was actually a very good point. On top of that, he got something for both of them just to make her feel better. She smiled at the jester and gladly accepted.
"Thanks, Ash, I would love some." She said. She then ripped off a piece of cotton candy and ate it savoring how sweet it was. "You know Ash your right, let's make the most out of today."
They finished eating the rest of cotton candy and they both decided to enjoy the festivities happening on the lower level. Of course, they still are looking for gifts for their Pokémon but who said that they can't have fun while doing it.
It is now about seven o'clock at night and they were heading towards the Pledging Tree to meet up with everyone. Both trainers were able to find a gift for their Pokémon after their little break and got them all wrapped up ready to be given. It only took them a little under two hours for them to get what they need and once they did the two of them decided to spend the rest of the day site seeing.
The first thing they did was going to the central square of the city since it was the most popular place to be for the festival. There way many street performances with two guys playing an interment, one playing the guitar and the other was playing the drums. In front of them where two Bellossoms and a Ludicolo dancing to the music. The whole crowd, including Ash and Serena, has gathered around the performers clapping along with the Pokémon as they danced.
The next thing they did was going back to the upper levels of the city to check out the shops they didn't get to see earlier. While they were up there they saw a dessert shop close by and decide to get something for themselves. Serena suggested that they should get a cheesecake to split, though Ash didn't know why they couldn't get one for each of them since Ash offered to pay he didn't argue and only got one. They sat at a table outside to eat the cheesecake, Ash was about to grade a fork but Serena grabbed it first and offered to feed him. Ash asked why and she said it was her way to thank him for paying. Ash said it was fine and he didn't want to trouble her but Serena was very insistent. In the end, Ash just let her feed him since he didn't want to argue, surprisingly though, for some reason Ash was enjoying it. As for Serena, she was enjoying it more.
The last thing they did was going to the pier on the coast and looked out over the sea. They were able to see all kinds of water-type Pokémon. There were so many kinds of Pokémon swimming around they saw a whole school of Mantyke and Mantine passing by jumping out and over some rocks that were sticking out of the water as they did some tricks while air born. The two of them awed in amazement as they saw the show in front of them.
The two trainers made it up to the Pledging Tree and saw a huge crowd of people, even more then what they saw at the central square. They were looking over all over to see if they could fine everyone but with all the people it was quite hard to find them. However, it didn't last long as Ash felt something, or someone, jump on and up his back and onto his shoulders. Ash didn't freak out as he knew exactly who it was as he smiles to his partner.
"Hey, Pikachu, were you ok without me today?" Ash said to Pikachu.
"Chu pika" he nodded given him the thumbs up.
However, there was a little dispute between Fennekin and Buneary that he had to break up. Thanks to Frogadier they were able to end it quickly. Pikachu didn't want to trouble Ash about it so he left it out. As for why the two were fighting, that is a story for another time.
"That good, can you show us where everyone else is?" Ash asked. Pikachu nodded as he jumped off his shoulder and started walking in one direction. Ash and Serena soon followed the yellow mouse Pokémon and soon found what who they were looking for.
"HEY GUYS" Clemont yelled waving his hand in the air. Ash and Serena soon found Clemont in the crowd along with May, Dawn, Max, Bonnie, and the rest of their Pokémon waiting for them. They two soon met up with everyone as they put their gifts on the pile with everyone else and shortly caught up with everyone.
"So everyone find something for their Pokémon?" Serena asked.
"Yep... and they are going to love it," Dawn said.
"Same here, though I admit Dawn did help me choose something," May said.
"As you know, I made something for my Pokémon," Clemont said. "And don't worry, I am confident it won't blow up."
"That reassuring" Bonnie thought sarcastically. "I made something too since I couldn't go anywhere on my own."
"That great Bonnie, I hope the Pokémon wasn't too much trouble," Serena said.
"Not at all they were great. Plus I had Max with me so to help so it was easy." Bonnie said.
"Yeah... I learned a lot too taking care of your guys' Pokémon" Max said. However, just like Pikachu, Max and Bonnie left out the little dispute between Fennekin and Buneary. They didn't really want to explain what happened, but again, that is a story for another time. "So.... When do we give our gifts?"
"There should be a master of ceremonies to let us know when we can start. There is also supposed to be a lighting display and fireworks show shortly after." Clemont said. "It should start any moment now."
After about seven or minutes later the master of ceremonies walked onto the stage in front of the tree and tapped the microphone on stage to get everyone's attention. As for who the M.C is, it is none other than the Coumarine City Gym leader Ramos. Next to him was his trusted Gogoat as he was petted by Ramos before he started speaking into the microphone.
"People of Coumarine City and visitors from all over, it is my great pleasure to welcome everyone gathered here tonight for our annual Pokémon Pledging Festival. As you know, the Pledging festival was first established here centuries ago by a founder, whose name is unfortunately unknown to us, and his Pokémon who first came to this land which is now Coumarine City. As thanks for all his Pokémon did for him he has gifted them a seed which grew to the big and beautiful tree that stands behind me for everyone to appreciate. Ever since that that, trainers from all over gather here as celebration the establishment of our fair city and its citizens. Tonight we continue the tradition that has took place here for centuries now as we are about showing our Pokémon our appreciation for everything they do for us. Now, without further ado let the annual Pledging Festival begin."
As soon as he said that the tree behind him started to light up like a Christmas tree from the trunk all the way to the very top branches. The crowd awed in amazing on the amazing sight in front of them as the tree lighted the whole area around it.
The group decided to find a wide enough area on the ground for them to give their Pokémon their gifts. Once they did they laid out a picnic blanket that is still in sight of the tree but far enough away from the crowd so they wouldn't be bothered.
"Alright, guys I say it's time to give everyone their gifts," Ash said. "Everyone ready?"
"OH... OH.... Me first" Bonnie said exited. And with that, they went one by one for the group giving their Pokémon their presents.
Bonnie and Max went first since they did more or less the same thing. They both drew a group picture of the Pokémon for their specific trainer. Max drew a group picture for May and Dawn's Pokémon while Bonnie did Ash, Serena, and Clermont's' Pokémon.
May and Dawn where next as they both gave a mixer of cloth and accessories at they got at the shop from the upper level right after they parted from Ash and Serena.
Clemont gave his Pokémon a handmade music box that features both Bunnelby and Chespin in the box. The two Pokémon were in awe as the music played and the figures of themselves dancing in the box.
Serena was next as she gave her Fennekin a mini hat that closely resembles her own but with a color scheme that matches Fennekin. Pancham got a pair of sunglasses with rhinestones around the frame. Both Pokémon enjoyed their gifts as Serena put them on them.
Last but not least was Ash. He decided to do something simple but knows that there Pokémon would very much enjoy them. He did a mix of his own idea and what Serena suggested. He got a mixer of berries for all of this Pokémon for his idea. As for Serena's suggestion, he got them a scarf that color match them on their type and personality. Ash put the scarfs around each of their Pokémon's neck as they were munching down on the barriers, especially his Charizard.
"Looks like your Pokémon are enjoying what you got," Max said.
"Yeah.... Charizard loves the food more while Frogadier and Hawlucha like the scarfs more." Ash said as Charizard is continuing eating the barriers while Frogadier and Hawlucha are posing with the scarfs on.
"Hey guys, who's that gift for?" May said as she pointed to what looks like a package.
"Oh right. That is actually a package that came in for Serena." Clemont said.
"For me?" Serena said.
"Yeah... while you were out. Nurse Joy came looking for you saying she had a package for you. I told her that you were out and I could deliver it to you later. She said it was fine and gave me it to give to you." Clemont said as he got the package and gave it to Serena.
Serena took the package and read the note attached to it and it read:
Dear Serena,
I really wish I could watch your fist showcase in person but unfortunately I will not be able to make it. But I want to you know I will be watching on T.V. and will be rooting for you. In this package was little something I found while shopping one day. I hope you like it and will wear it for your showcase. I picked the one that I wouldn't usually pick and thought it would be the one you would like. Best of luck in your showcase, make me proud.
Sincerely your mother, Grace.
Serena opened the package and was in shocked on what's inside. Contended in the package was a beautiful performance dress. It was red and pink with a black trim on the skirt of the dress, a pink mid waist that went all around the dress, white shoulder support, and a red bow on the upper part of the dress holding the whole thing together.
"It's...... its beautiful" Serena said in amazement. "Thanks mom"
"Ohh...... its so pretty" Bonnie said. "You're going to wear it tomorrow, right Serena?"
"You bet, my mom really outdone herself," Serena said.
"Hey guys..... There is still one more gift left" May said pointing to the box.
"Oh right, that one is from me," Ash said as he got the box.
"Oh.... That's the one you got for Frogadier, right?" Serena said.
"Yeah.......... about that" Ash said as he walked up to Serena. "I didn't get this for Frogadier, I actually got this for you."
"ME?!?!" Serena said shocked blushing a bit. The fact that Ash got a gift for her and it was not a special occasion retaining to her. "But.... Why?"
"Open it and I'll explain," Ash said handing it to her.
Serena took the box and starts to open it. May and Dawn were playing very close attention as they leered over just by the fact that Ash got a gift for someone that is not his Pokémon. When Serena opened the box she was stunned on what's in the box. She reached inside and pulled out the object that she saw earlier today.
"Is this...... the same blue ribbon from the knickknack shop?" Serena said as she held the ribbon.
"Yeah.... I saw that you were very interested in it and you really wanted to get it. But when you told me you wanted to put your Pokémon first and put it back something told me that you deserved it. So when you went looking I got the ribbon and bought it in secret because..... I just wanted you to have it. Does that make sense?" Ash asked.
"It's........" Serena trailed. She was lost for words as she didn't know what to say or how to express it.
"Uhh... Serena? Are you......." Before Ash could even finish. Serena quickly put her arms around Ash in a quick hug. "Serena?!?!"
"Thanks.........." Serena said. "I...... I love it, It was very thoughtful of you. I will always treasure it."
Ash just stood there in shock from the quick action Serena did. After a minute of processing Ash finally returned the hug as they both stood in that position for about fifteen seconds before they parted. May, Dawn, and Bonnie screamed in their minds like fangirls from the display those two where showing while Clemont and Max just stood mildly shocked. Before anything else happened a loud explosion went off in the sky.
"Hey guys are fireworks are starting," Max said pointing to the sky. The group looked up and saw many different colored fireworks going off in the sky. They decided to lay on the picnic blanket and watch the display. Serena was lying next to Ash as they were looking at the sky. She decided to do something daring and scooch closer to Ash, when she was close enough she rested her head on his shoulder as she looked up at the sky.
"Serena?" Ash asked.
"Please Ash..... Just let me have this." Serena said. Ash didn't know what to think, but when Serena was that close to him will a smile on her face Ash wouldn't dare take that away from her. So the two trainers, along with everyone else, laid on the picnic blanket as close as they were and watched the firework show in the night sky over the Pledging Tree.
So another chapter is done, I know it has been a while since I updated but I had a lot I needed to do. Also, I have other interests I like to do in my free time, we all do.
Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as this chapter was based on one of the most anticipated episodes from X&Y when it first came out so I hope I did it justice.
Let me know in the comments since I love hearing back from you guys.
Until next time, comment, like, review, and what not.
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