Chapter 8:Fly little Fletchling Fly
Zachary's POV
Next day,I went out of the tent and I stretch my muscles and I brushed my teeth and washing my body with my swim trunks.
Ari woke up and saw me and I saw her too,and we both blushes like a Cheri Berry.
Ari's POV
Zachy's body is so muscular,when we were younger,his body is like a 5 year old kid,but now,he looks like a Athlete swimmer.
"Uhh...Nice body...Zachy,DAMMIT ARI,WHY YOU SAID THAT!!!"I blew it.
"Heh,you still the funny Ari I met"He said and giggles.
I pout a little and Fennekin woke up and Fletchling too.I take off Fletchling's bandage on its wing and its feathers are better,and is all thanks to my special cream.
Fletchling tries to flap its wings,but Fletchling falls and i caught,Fletchling feel sad,and i think an idea.
I teach Fletchling how to fly,when the wind comes.
"Are you ready Fletchling?"I ask Fletchling and it nods "Let's start the training,Fiara,use Ember"I commanded Fiara and fires several embers and Fletchling start to dodge and flying,but it got hit and caught just in time.
"Is not working,I gave up"I felt upset,vut Zachary came to me with his clothes on "Ari,don't give up just now,remember you told me not to give up in teaching Poliwag how to swim?".
I remember when Zachary helps the injured Poliwag how to swim with its tail all better and i said please don't give up and he said the same words to Poliwag and the Poliwag did it and evolce into Poliwhirl.
It brings great memories,he's right,I'm not gonna give up yet and I ask Zachary to help me and he nodded.He sent his Froakie out.
Zachary's POV
I sent Froakie out,I read Froakie's information in the Pokedex and said his frebbles are sticky like gum,and is not a move that will use in a battle.
But is very good for training,and his moves are pound,Growl and Bubble.But,Froakie never listen to it's trainer,and he listen to me,I ask Froakie to use his frebbles to teach Fletchling how to fly and he accept.
Froakie throw some frebbles and Fletchling fly and dodge it and Fletchling surpass the training.
Ari's POV
Now,we teach Fletchling how to fly and never give up,is very sad to said goodbye to Fletchling,but Fletchling fly to my head,he chirp abd cuddles me.
"Fletchling,wanna join with me?"I ask,and Fletchling nods and I threw the pokeball and Fletchling touch it and enter the pokeball and clicks 4 times and is capture.
"Yes,I got Fletchling!"I joy myself and i nickname him Robin,because is the Tiny Robin Pokémon.
"Zachary,which city I'll find the Gym?"I ask him.
"Good question,let me check"He send his device and open a map "What about Santalune City?"He ask me.
"This Gym leader use Bug type Pokémon,at least you have Robin and Fiara with you,we pass to Santalune forrest,then the Preeschool and we arrive here"He explain to me.
"Okay,to Santalune City!!"I shout and we start our journey.
???'s POV
"Hmm,they went to Santalune Forrest,now is my turn to act"
Ohhhhhh,What will happen next,find out
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