Chapter 17:Lost,Found and broken
Ari's POV
We walked on Route 5 that leads to Camphrier town to learn about Mega Evolution,and we stop for a moment.
Neero is cooking,Zachary is giving some poke puffs to his Pokémon that i made for them and I was reading a magazine and I saw some Accesories for Pokémon to craft it and I saw one for Blastoise,which looks like an earring,maybe I'll make it for Squirtle when he evolves.
And I pass the next page and I saw a beautiful lady known as Aria and she has an Braixen and a Spritzee,so checked the Pokedex about Spritzee.
"Spritzee,the Perfume Pokémon,In the past,rather than using perfume,royal ladies carried a Spritzee that would waft a frangrance they liked.This frangrance changes depending on what is has eaten."The Pokedex said.
I read the whole page about the Pokémon Performance,it says that Female trainers participate with a test,and the Free Performance and the audience votes the Princess and wins a Princess key,and they will collect three Princess keys and enter the Gran Performance and become the Kalos Queen.
My mission is not about winning for badges or learn,is about going on adventure,become friends and traveling with friends.
I tried the Holocaster thingy that Lysandre made it and call Shauna.
"Hey Shauna,look at this"I show her the Performance page and she got excited.
"I want to participate,look what I bought in Lumiose City boutique"She show me a peachy pink with white line with a black bow and trim,a white jacket with black trim,white gloves and peachy pink boots.
"It fits perfect on you Shauna,maybe some bow earring will fit perfectly"I said.
"Your right Ari,some earring will come a handy,thanks and hope find an outfit for the performance"Shauna said.
"I will,see ya"I said and the call ended.I'm so worry about Zachary,because he wants the old me since we met,so I practice for the Performance secretly,I told him a lie that I'm going to train for the Gym and I went far away.
Zachary's POV
I let Ari train for the Gym Battle and I want to train with her too,but that's Ari to me,since Neero and Ari has three Pokémon,so I want to capture too and I saw a Pokémon,and is not a Tediursa or a Cubchoo.
I check in my Pokedex and is a Pancham:
"Pancham,the Playful Pokémon,it does its best to be taken seriously by its enemies,but its glare is not sufficiently intimidating.Chewing on a leaf is its trademark."The Pokedex said.
So Pancham is a Fighting type,I send Shinobi and battle with the Wild Pancham,until Pancham is weak,I throw the Pokeball and it was capture and I nickname it Oscura and Shinobi is evolving and it turns out that Shinobi is a Frogadier now.
"Frogadier,the Bubble Frog Pokémon,and it evolve form of Froakie,it can throw bubble-covered pebbles with precise control,hitting empry cans up to a hundred feet away and it can scale a tower of more than 2,000 feet in a minute's time,its move are:Water Pulse,Lick,Quick attack and Bubble"The Pokedex explained.
Now,I'll show my new Pokémon and Frogadier to Ari and went to Neero and show Frogadier and Pancham.
"Nice going Zachary,your Froakie evolved and you capture Pancham"Neero said and I thanked him.
"Where's Ari?"I asked him.
"Well,the truth is,Ari is going to participate in a Performance and she went really far"Neero explained and I was very angry at the same time,I have to stop her,when I heared Ari's scream,me and Neero went far away abd we saw a Swarm of Beedrills and we sent our Pokémon out and we beat the Swarm of Beedrills.
Ari's POV
I was relieved that the boys save me "Ari,are you Okay?"Neero ask and I nodded.
Zachary walk towars me with a serious face.
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ARI,WHY YOU LIE TO ME?!"Zachary yelled at my face.
"You see...I-"But Zachary Interrupted me.
"THIS IS HARD WORK ARI,YOU ALMOST GOT HURT BY THE SWARM OF BEEDRILLS"He yelled at me and I folded my fists and I angered myself.
"Zachary,We're not Kids anymore,I want to Participate and THAT'S ALL?!"I shout him back and he got more angry.
"Guess what,we're gonna split out for our Adventure"Zachary said those harsh word.
"Very well,We're not FRIENDS ANYMORE??!!"I return my Pokémon to their Pokeballs and I walked away.
"Fine then,see ya at Camphrier Town"Zachary said and he leaves in his way.
Neero's POV
I can't believed that Ari and Zachary got split,I don't want to loose my friends and complete my mission,before is too late.
Characters and Pokémon:
Princess Keys:0
Fiara the Braixen Lv.18
Flame Charge(Fire)
Robin the Fletchling Lv.13
Quick Attack(Normal)
Kaine The Squirtle Lv.5
Tail Whip(Normal)
Shinobi the Frogadier Lv.17
Water Pulse(Water)
Quick Attack(Normal)
Fuego the Torchic Lv.10
Focus Energy(Normal)
Oscura the Pancham Lv.10
Arm Thrust(Fighting)
Work Up(Normal)
Odette the Ducklett Lv.16
Water Pulse(Water)
Aerial Ace(Flying)
Water Gun(Water)
Fang the Magikarp Lv.10
Water Pulse(Water)
Blanc the Flabébé Lv.11
Vine Whip(Grass)
Fairy Wind(Fairy)
Lucky Chant(Normal)
A/N:This Chapter made me sad,you guys need Neero's help to consolate with Ari and Zachary to be friends againg,he needs someone to reunite and tells Zachary and Ari to have a Tag Team battle.
Who wants your Trainer to participate in the Ari's Adventure story,tell his/her name,their Pokémon team and their appearence and their Personality.
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