Waking up and Facing Off
I dont exactly have the time to finish this all in one setting, and I'm doing this on my phone. This chapter was 2450 words.
Disclaimer, I own nothing and everything belongs to there respective owners, if I did own pokemon, Ash would be a true pokemon master like he already is.
POV No one
We open up to the alola region. A grand spectacle of what man and pokemon can do when they live together in harmony. An amazing place full of rare and amazing pokemon that you'll never find anywhere else. But I'm getting ahead of myself, it's time to start our story, with our hero who happens to still be asleep.
We zoom in on one of the islands and onto route one where a house rests boxes on the porch and still closed as the sun begins to rise. On the porch to the side of the house, stands a young woman, the mother of our protagonist, Beth Lancer. She stands there and looks out towards the sun rise completely captured by the beauty one could only experience in the alola region. She turns and looks down towards a small pink dog pokemon standing next to her, this is Snubbull, the house pet of the family, and a trusted pokemon.
Beth: " Snubbull, could you go and wake up Shaw, he wanted to wake up early to get a balanced sleeping schedule started here". You see, Shaw and his mother had moved away from the Kanto region, which was on the near other side of the world, which meant a different time zone. Snubbull nodded with a gruff and waddled off to Shaw's room.
Shaw's room was not as empty as you'd expect from a 10 year old who just moved in. His room was already decorated with pokemon merchandise. To the right side of the room sat a bed which held Shaw as he slept, however a large reptile like pokemon with white back armor slept next to the bed, this was Steelite, Shaw's Lairon, a pokemon he caught on vacation to Hoenn.
Snubbull then began making it's way to the bed and let out a gruff bark of its name.
Snubbull:" Snub snu bull". No reply or shift occurred in the bed or to the sleeping reptile. Snubbull tried once again, to no form of success still. It jumped onto the bed and pulled the covers off to reveal a dark brown haired boy sprawled out with drool running out his mouth. The sudden removal of the blankets triggered movement from Shaw as he began reaching out around himself in search of the comforter. Once he found it, he gave it a powerful pull while rolling over, trapping inside by surprise. However a sudden noise was heard from Snubbull followed by a loud scream.
Shaw:"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH". Shaw then leapt out of bed throwing the blanket away revealing Snubbull had bitten into his butt. His sudden scream startled Steelite awake which triggered both Shaw and Steelite running around the room in panic. This continued for ten seconds before Shaw Tripped over Steelite and landing face first into the ground. Snubbull released it jaw seeing that had woken Shaw up. Shaw quickly got up with a throbbing face and turned to Snubbull revealing his hazel eyes while glaring at the fairy type pokemon.
Shaw: " WHAT THE HECK SNUBBULL, WHY WOULD YOU BITE ME IN THE BUTT, I THOUGHT WE GOT THROUGH THAT ALREADY". As Sean yelled, his mother could hear him and sighed before walking inside to her son's room. When she walked in Shaw looked towards his mother. It was then that Shaw realized.
Shaw:" I wouldn't wake up, right". In response His mother nodded with a chuckle in her throat. Shaw turned to Snubbull and petted it.
Shaw:" sorry about that Snubbull". Snubbull then smiled before hopping over to mom, who had caught the fairy type in her arms happily.
Beth:" now that your awake, get dressed, you should go out and explore the neighborhood". With that Shaw smile widened as he got up and pushed his mother out of his room before closing the door with a loud slam.
Beth:" well he is certainly excited". Snubbull added to this with a gruff and a nod.
Once Shaw had put on his clothes, he walked out of his room with Steelite in tow. He was wearing a blue water themed T-shirt and a pair a shorts, he was also wearing a pair of glasses and a fisherman's hat.
Shaw:" See ya later Mom". Once he said that he ran to the door with Steelite behind him. Once he opened the door there was a girl standing there, who he ignored and ran around and off the porch. Steelite, however was not as graceful as he pushed the girl to the side do to his size.
Steelite:" Lair Ron ron". He apologized before following his trainer as he took a right.
???:" yep, I was right, the outsiders are gonna be a problem, grr". The girl then followed the boy who had just ignored her and the Lairon that had just tackled her, growling in anger. This did not go unnoticed by Beth as she stood at the door worried about what her son had just unleashed upon himself.
POV Shaw
This is great, finally something new and amazing. New Pokemon, new region, new chances for human friends. As I continued to run, Steelite had finally caught up to me, it was amazing how fast He is for a Lairon. I saw some Wingull in the air above us.
Shaw:" look Steelite, Wingull, up there". I pointed up not even bothering to stop running, Steelite replied to this happily. As we continue to run I noticed a few other pokemon I've seen before. I looked right and saw something I've never seen. I stared with pure wonder as I watched a pair of puppy like pokemon roughhousing with each other while rubbing each others necks against each other.
Shaw:" Oh My Goodness, Steelite, NEW POKEMON". I came screeching to a stop while pointing at the pair of bushy tailed puppy pokemon. Steelite also tried to stop, but flipped over and landed stylishly and stared at the duo of pups. It was then that they noticed us and came running over.
??? Pokemon 1: "ruff rof". I quickly crouched down and awed at the cute pokemon, only for it and it partner to leap at me and tackle me to the ground, where they began rubbing there rock covered necks against my face, somehow tickling me as they. The began laughing out of control. In the process, releasing a pokeball on his belt, which let out a large tortoise like pokemon known as Torkoal.
Shaw:" OH MAN, PL-PLEASE ST-STOP, IT TICKLES HAHA". They continued to do so until Torkoal walked over in concern of the pokemon it's never seen before, they stopped and stared at Torkoal blinking twice. They then suddenly leap at Torkoal. One rubbing against his head, the other against his shell. While this happened Steelite walked away a bit so he wouldn't get caught in this.
Torkoal:" TOR TOR KOAL TOR KOAL KOAL KOAL". He was laughing out of control. The puppy pokemon on his shell moved close to his shell hole, only to be blasted to a eruption of smoke, which blew the pokemon off and covered in soot. It whined as it wiped at its eyes. The other one stopped and went over to it in worry. I quickly went over as well and checked its eyes, it kept rubbing as it whined.
Shaw:" Oh no, I'm so sorry little guy, here let me help you, Torkoal return". I grabbed Torkoal's pokeball and returned him to it. I then took my shirt and wiped it against it eyes in attempt to clean the soot off. It began to slightly open its eyes as it continued to cry. I need to get it to a pokemon center quick. Only one problem, ok maybe two.
Shaw:" oh man, where is the pokemon center. AND WHAT IS THAT?!". A bipedal red wolf pokemon suddenly popped out of the bushes, it noticed the pup in my arms and growls. The pup still on the ground looked terrified as it jumped on me. I knew exactly what I had to do.
Shaw:"RUN FOR IT". I screamed terrified of the lycan like pokemon that followed behind me, as both Steelite and I ran for our lives while protecting the pups, who were also whining in fear of being caught.
As we ran I kept looking behind me to check how close the pokemon was, and it was very close. I caught a glimpse of it using stone edge. And was heading right towards us.
Sean:"STEELITE, USE PROTECT NOW". I then hopped onto Steelite as it use protect, covering all four of us in a transparent blue bubble that 2as quickly thrown into the sky when The Stone edge hit from underneath. Steelite disabled protect as we went flying through the air, screaming in terror. All I wanted was excitement, not near death experiences.
I was walking down a trail as I waited for the next hour to be over. Moon was sent to get the new kid on the island so we could choose our starters. But I think it was more so to scare the guy off and keep him from getting a pokemon. Suddenly I heard a loud scream.
???:"LOOK OUT". I looked up and saw a boy, Lairon, and a pair of Rockruffs falling towards me.
Hau:" AAAHH". they then crashed into me. As the dust cloud cleared up, I looked at the kid as he looked towards the pokemon checking if they were okay, one of the Rockruff had a soot all over its face and could barely open its eyes.
Hau:" Hey, who are you and why the heck did you fall from the sky like a Bagon jumping off a cliff". The kid and the three pokemon turned towards me realizing I was still here.
Sean:" Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Sean, And the thing is we're currently running from a very angry wolf like pokemon and we were sent flying by its Stone Edge. I'm very sorry we crashed into you". The now named Sean bowed his head in apology along with the Lairon, and shortly after the two rockruff. Wait, did he say Wolf like pokemon.
Hau:"wait, you said wolf like pokemon, that might b-". I was suddenly cut off from a loud howl coming from the direction Sean and the pokemon came from, they instantly gained looks of terror as they quickly stood up and ran for it, not however, before grabbing me and pulling me with them.
POV Moon
Where the heck did that kid and his Lairon go, they couldn't have gone 'that' far, I mean it's a Lairon. My train of thought was cut off when I saw my Dad's Midnight Lycanroc run out of the forest and across the street with a very angry look on its face. And one thought came to mind.
Moon:" that outsider must be behind this". I then followed Lycanroc through the forest, determined to make this Outsider pay for what he did.
POV Sean
OMG OMG I'm so gonna die. After I grabbed the tanned kid so he wouldn't be ripped apart by the wolf pokemon we kept running through the forest as well as we could to not be ripped to shreds by that most likely dark type pokemon.
Sean:" HEY I FORGOT TO ASK, WHATS YOUR NAME". I asked trying to be as polite as possible while yelling at the top of my lunges.
Sean:"ARE YOU CRAZY, THATS A DEATH JUST WAITING TO HAPPEN". I was about to continue when a sandy tan wolf like pokemon emerged from the brush in front of us growling. We all came to a stop as we huddled to together in fear. Suddenly the other one that had been chasing us appeared behind us.
Sean:" I'm sorry I got you to this mess Hau". I noticed he was only slightly scared but nodded to say it was okay. The wolf pokemon were about to pounce when suddenly the two puppy pokemon leapt out of my arms and stood between the wolves and us. They began growling at the bigger pokemon, which surprised the wolf like pokemon as they saw them defending us. They started barking back and forth before the wolves went wide eyed and gain sheepish looks of embarrassment.
Hau:" so the lycanroc chasing us was the Rockruffs parent. That other one must as well". Lycanroc, Rockruff, is that what these pokemon are called. And the Lycanroc has two different forms.
Sean:" uh, I'm sorry, but I'm not fully sure what's going on". Hau looked like he was about to explain but was cut off when a girl walked out of the underbrush with an angry look.
???:" I'll tell you what's going on, you were kidnapping my Dad's Lycanroc's children, and now your gonna pay for that, and attempting get Hau to join you, Outsider". I was shocked by how she just assumed all that and how she said that last word,'Outsider' with such venom.
Sean:" okay wait, hold up, I was not Kidnapping anyone, I just saw to puppy pokemon I've never seen before, they tackled me and my Torkoal, who is back in his pokeball, and started rubbing us until we laughed, and one of them was hit by Torkoal's Smokescreen when he was laughing, blinding it with soot, then this, uh I think you said Lycanroc, appears out of nowhere with feral look on its face, and the pups were absolutely terrified, and to avoid being attacked we ran for our lives, crashed into Hau, who I dragged along so he would be attacked, and got stopped here. And what the heck do you mean by Outsider, that's kinda confusing". She gained a stumped confused look before stuttering.
Moon:" uh um yeah, r-right, I wouldn't believe that at all". She was clearly a bad liar.
Hau:"Moon, hes telling the truth, and your still bad at being convincing". She looked shocked that Hau pointed that and slumped over in defeat and sighed in defeat. She quickly looked back up and glared at me.
Moon:" Fine, He's telling the truth, BUT I STILL DONT TRUST OUTSIDERS!!!".
And ends our heroes first adventure, what journeys lie ahead, what pokemon will they encounter, As the Journey continues.
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