Chapter 9
Kevin: Welcome back everyone, sorry I've been gone for a while.
May: Where were you anyway?
Kevin: Well I was out celebrating THE CUBS WINNING THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!
Ash: *smiles* Wow congratulations to the Cubs and I'm happy for you Kevin.
Kevin: *smiles* Thanks Ash and they finally ended the curse of the billygoat and a 108 year championship drought. Also I think it's time for you Ash to finally win a league.
Ash: *nods and smiles* Right and I will someday.
Serena: *smiles* I know that you can do it someday Ash.
Ash: *smiles and blushes* Thanks Serena
Serena: *smiles and blushes*
Gary: *thinks* Is there something going on with those two? I might have to think about this some other time.
Kevin: Ok guys lets get this show started.
Everyone but Paul: *gulps*
Kevin: Ok so the first dare is for Ash and Paul.
Ash: Oh boy
Paul: Oh great a dare with pathetic.
Kevin: So you guys have been dared by my best friend randomnessblob and her dare is for you two to go on a date to the carnival and especially ride the merry-go-round with the horses.
Paul: *face palms* Oh my god why me.
Ash: *sighs* Lets just get this over with *thinks and smiles* maybe after this I can take Serena on a date to the carnival.
Kevin: Ok guys you two better get going.
Ash: Right, you ready Paul.
Paul: Whatever
Time Skip
Ash: We're back
Kevin: So how'd it go?
Ash: It was alright, except for the fact that Gary was spying on us and took a picture of Paul and I riding the merry-go-round.
Kevin: Oh, wait where's Paul?
Ash: He's chasing Gary.
Kevin: Well that explains it, also he needs to hurry up and get back because he's apart of the next dare.
Time Skip and Paul comes through the door
Kevin: Finally you're back.
Paul: Whatever is it over or what?
Kevin: Well there's one more dare and it's between you and Dawn.
Paul: Oh come on first pathetic and now troublesome.
Dawn: Hey it's Dawn not troublesome plump head.
Kevin: Ok guys you two have been dared by @YourOnlyLovedOne and the dare is for two to read a lemon about you two.
Paul and Dawn: *blushes and shocked*
Kevin: Yup, so I'll leave you two so guys can read.
Time Skip
Kevin: Ok guys how did it go?
Paul and Dawn: *still blushing and shocked*
Misty: I guess they're recovering from reading the lemon about themselves.
Kevin: I guess so, also that's all I have so all of you can take a break.
Everyone but Paul and Dawn: *nods*
With Ash and Serena
Ash: *smiles* Hey Serena want to go to the carnival, as our first official date as a couple?
Serena: *smiles and blushes* Sure sweet heart.
Serena kisses Ash on the cheek
Ash: *smiles and blushes* Then lets go.
Serena nods her head, holds Ash's hand, and leans her head on his shoulder as they walk to the carnival.
So that's it for the ninth chapter so comment a truth or a dare to the cast and they'll do it😉 see you guys next time.
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