Chapter 4
Kevin: Hey everyone and welcome back to truth or dare.
Everyone: *sarcasm* yayyyy.
Kevin: Oh come on guys can't you be happy.
Paul: Not really
Kevin: *eyes look up* Fine then
May: So should we get started.
Kevin: Right, so this dare is from tfreitag and it's for Ash and Alain.
Ash and Alain: Oh boy
Kevin: So her dare is for you two to dance in princess dresses and tiaras.
Everyone but Ash, Alain, Serena, and Mairin: *laughs*
Alain: WHAT I just did a dare where Mairin had to put makeup on me!
Ash: *fake cries* Why does this happen to me.
Kevin: I'm sorry Ash, you're my boy but you have to do this dare.
Ash: I know lets just get this over with.
Alain: I can't believe I have to humiliate myself again.
Mairin: Come on Alain it can't be that bad, *blushes* I think it would look cute on you.
Alain: *blushes* Thanks Mairin
Serena: *smiles* Good luck Ash.
Ash: *smiles back* Thanks Serena I'm going to need it.
Kevin: Ok lets get started you two.
Time Skip
Kevin: Ok guys come on out.
Ash and Alain come out in their dresses and tiaras
Everyone but Serena and Mairin: *laughs*
Alain: *mad and embarrassed* I hate all of you but Mairin and Serena.
Ash: *embarrassed* I can't believe I'm doing this.
Serena: *blushes and thinks* Wow Ash looks cute in that dress.
Ash: Serena are you ok your face is red.
Serena: Huh *shakes her head to remove her blush* yeah I'm fine hehe.
Ash: Oh ok then just checking *smiles*.
Kevin: Ok guys time to dance.
Alain: Yeah just get it over with.
Ash: *thinks* I'm going to humiliate myself since I don't know how to dance.
Time Skip
Kevin: Ok guys you're done.
Ash: Ugh finally I couldn't handle it anymore.
Alain: Me neither
Gary: Yeah I couldn't stop laughing at Ashy Boy stupid dancing skills.
Kevin: You what Gary shut up and I wouldn't be surprised if someone dares you to do something stupid. Ok guys that's it dares so take a break.
Ash and Alain: Thank Arceus
Kevin: Yeah and you two should get those dresses and tiaras off.
Ash and Alain: Right
So that's it for the fourth chapter so comment a truth or a dare to the cast and they'll do it see you guys next time.
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