Trolls, Torture, and a Whole Lot of Awkwardness (+Secret Ending)
Co-Hosts: Welcome back!
Switchy: To Pokemon Truth or Dare!
*Ding Dong*
Martlet: How does he keep on ordering so many-
Switchy: *snatches all 3 boxes*
Switchy: Everyone we have 3 new co-hosts! Ricky Raichu, Plusle and Minun!
Ricky Raichu: Sup.
Sparkshipping: HI!
Bonnie: I have an idea. SHIP!
Sparkshipping: 0///0
Minun: You know what? Eat this. *hands her a cookie*
Bonnie: *eats it and dies*
Minun: Deserved.
T. Boy: Wow, you're really suffering writing this all down, aren't you?
*4th wall breaks*
Switchy: Je-
T. Boy: I got this. *gets a walkie talkie* Roger, fix the 4th wall.
*4th wall gets fixed*
Roger: Done!
Switchy: I'm jealous. And yes, I am.
Switchy: Anyways, let's get onto the dares! First, we join the TEOU and rescue an Azurill from a child predator.
*So, they do that, and Serena had her arm and half of her face bitten off, so Switchy used magic and fixed it*
Serena: Neat!
Switchy: Next, me, Troy, March and Serena have to rate Troy's T.o.D and PMD books.
Switchy: It's... good, but there's way too many spelling mistakes. 7/10.
Serena: I like it. Minus the times that I die. 9/10
Troy and March: 10/10.
Troy: Again, 10/10.
March: It would be a 10/10, but due to Woo, it's a 9/10.
Switchy: 10/10.
Serena: I agree. A 10/10.
Brock: ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT! I'M TIRED OF BEING SINGLE AND NOT HAVING MUCH SCREENTIME! *flirts with every girl, including co-hosts*
Switchy: NO! *kills him, revives him and places him in a torture room*
Brock: NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo...
Switchy: Next, Horizonsshipping has to kiss.
Everyone but Bonnie: What?
Kai: Bonnie, elaborate.
Bonnie: Well, Horizonshipping is actually a shipping in the fandom between Liko and Roy.
Liko and Roy: 0///0
Liko: Oh forget it. *kisses Roy*
Roy: 0///0
Bonnie and Switchy: Lovebirds.
T. Boy: Anyways, Slyspeon is weird. He's also... a Vaporeon.
Slyspeon: I'm sorry, but did you just call me a boy?
T. Boy: Yup. *troll face*
Slyspeon: *turns into her super form* You're dead.
T. Boy: *gets OP armor* I'd like to see you try.
Plusle and Minun: *force feed them cookies and strawberries to make them go asleep*
Switchy: Damn. Anyways, Greninja has to check Braixen (A/N IT IS CALLED BRAIXEN, NOT BRAXIEN) search history.
Braixen: *sweats*
Greninja: Sure. It can't be that bad-
*5 minutes later*
Greninja: *ded*
Ash: *also ded due to Battle Bond*
Serena and Braixen: *sad face*
Switchy: *whispers to Chloe and Dawn's ears*
T. Boy: What are- *gets kissed and blushes like a tomato*
Troy: Next, Switchy rebuilds Serena's Minecraft house.
Switchy: *sighs, loads up Minecraft, and rebuilds her home* Better?
Serena: Yup!
Switchy: Alright, a few left. You got this Switchy. Next- Wait, where have Troy and March been for most of this chapter?
Everyone: *finds them chatting with their PMD equivalents*
Them: Busted.
Iris: Damn. Are you two flirting?
Troy (ToD): *teleports Iris back into his Distortion World*
Switchy: Alright, next-
OhMyDerpy: Switchy, there are no more dares.
Switchy: Wait what?
OhMyDerpy: Yup. You can take a break now.
Switchy: YIPPEE!
OhMyDerpy: Well, that's it for this episode of Truth or Dare. Stay tuned for the next episode. Bye!
Somewhere in a distant universe's lab.
"Sir. We finally found him," said a voice. He was a scientist working for VOID Labs and a high ranked member at that.
"Perfect. Now I can finally get revenge on what he and a few other friends of his did," said the second voice. "Speaking of which, have you found the other two?"
"Well, we're still trying to find Beaker's coordinates, but Hatty... she's dead, and for a while too," said the scientist, with a bit of sorrow in their voice.
"That's good to hear," said the second voice. "After all, her angelic powers would have been terrible for our plan."
At this rate, the scientist started to tremble due to how homicidal his boss is.
"But Mr. Void-"
"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" said Mr. Void. "I guess he's making a show to at least cure his depression. Soon, we'll be giving him one terrible day that he will never forget. He, the two humans, and that god f**king chicken have messed with my dead boss's plan long enough. We still need to find the chicken, since we have caught the two humans already."
He soon pressed a button that raised a cage containing two humans. The first one was Bronze, a human whose power was bad luck. It was different as he spread it to other people with his axe.
The second person was named Lux, another human who has a special chip that allows him to open portals and generate weapons out of thin air.
The cage that they were in, however, nullified their powers. Bronze's weapon was out of reach to break open the cage.
"Let us out! We're not telling you information on where Chicken Claw is, Void Vanisher," said Lux.
"Oh, I won't need to, Lux. After all, I already found some one who knows where he is," said Void Vanisher, referring to Switchy.
"Switchy. LET US OUT! WE'RE NOT GOING TO-" said Bronze, before Void Vanisher interrupted.
"SHUT UP! You two, along with the other two have had this coming for a long time. It's time to give Switchy a lesson for ruining my life and my plans..."
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