Many Dares and One-Punch Misty
Switchy: Welcome back to Truth or Dare, where you guys and gals request dares to tortu- I mean entertain the guests.
Switchy: *gets a microphone* So far, everyone's asleep, but they'll wake up pretty soon. Watch this.
(note that the final part is played 1000x louder)
*screams and moans are heard from each room*
Switchy: Yup. It still works.
*a mallet is thrown at Switchy, but they barely dodge it*
Switchy: MISTY!
Misty: *is still taped up*
Switchy: Oh yeah I forgot about that. *snaps fingers*
*tape disappears*
Switchy: I'll do it again if you swear.
Misty: Fine.
Switchy: Anyways, let's get to the-
Switchy: Oh, my mail's here. *opens door*
Martlet: I'm here for someone named... Switchy?
Switchy: That would be me madam.
Martlet: You made my job a lot easier. *hands him two packages*
Switchy: Thanks! *slams door shut*
Martlet: Welp, now that that's done... How do I get back to Snowdin?
Goh: What's in the package?
Switchy: You all remember the person who made the first dare, right?
Everyone: Yeah?
Switchy: Well, lookie here! *pulls theboy986 out of the package* It's him. I call him T. Boy ever since the interview to be the co-host.
T. Boy: Hey everyone!
Everyone: *give T. Boy a death glare*
T. Boy: Yeesh. It was a dare, okay.
Switchy: Anyways, let's head to the first dare by theboy986! *unboxes the second package*
Chloe: What's that?
Switchy: The Truth or Dare Machine!
(let's just pretend there's letters in there instead of gumballs)
Switchy: Now, time to flick the lever.
*lever gets flicked, and a letter comes out*
T. Boy: I dare every pokegirl to say "aria aria."
Pokegirls: ???
Serena: Welp, it can't be that bad.
Pokegirls: Aria aria.
Switchy: So, T. Boy, why did you make them say that?
T. Boy: Reasons that I won't disclose.
Switchy: Anyways, time for the next batch of dares, which I'll showcase right now.
*lever gets flicked*
Switchy: Here they are!
Switchy: Let's start off with the first dare up top. Misty!
Misty: With pleasure.
Gary: Welp, this is gonna end ba-
*Misty punches Gary so hard that he disintegrated*
Switchy: *recovers Gary*
Switchy: Now for dare two. Sadly I can't do this one entirely for 3 reasons. 1. It'll reduce my power, allowing them to escape. 2. We need the pervert for reasons. 3. It won't be as funny. I can do it for 7 chapters minimum. *snaps fingers, and Ash is undensified, and Gary is densified*
Ash: Oof. What happened?
Serena: Ash! Are you o-
Ash: *kisses Serena in the lips*
Serena: 0/////0
*they stop kissing*
Goh: *is heartbroken*
Serena: *faints*
Switchy: I knew this would happen. Breloom. Use Wake-Up-Slap.
Breloom: *uses Wake-Up-Slap*
Serena: *wakes up in pain*
Switchy: Finally! You were asleep for five hours.
Serena: What!?
Switchy: JK. We need you for the next dare.
Goh, Ash and Serena: WHAT!?!?!?
Switchy: You heard him all, folks. *snaps his fingers and Ash is now a Pikachu-Eevee fusion*
(This is a fusion trust me)
Goh: And we have to take care of him?
T. Boy: Yup!
Serena: *sighs* This day can't get any worse, can it.
Goh: No, it can't.
Switchy: NEXT DARE!
Max: I- Uh- Wha- *blushes*
Bonnie: Oh, that's easy! *kisses him on the cheek*
Switchy's mind: phew.
T. Boy's mind: dammit.
Max: Th-th-thanks B-b-bonnie!
Bonnie: You're welcome Ma-
Max: *kisses Bonnie on the lips*
Bonnie: *faints*
Clemont and May: *flabbergasted*
Ash: Pika-vee! :D
T. Boy: I ship it.
Switchy: Really?!
Gary: So what just happened.
Misty: Boy am I glad that he's dense now.
Switchy: NEXT DARE!
*snaps fingers and Paul and Trip are now bronies*
Dawn: ...
T. Boy: I think that may have ticked Dawn off too much.
Switchy: Yep, I agree
Switchy: OKAY I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! *snaps fingers and they're back to normal*
*tape magically appears on his mouth*
Dawn's mind: I wanna die.
Switchy: Here, have a gun.
Dawn: Thank you.
Serena: I am still so confused on how someone caught me wearing nothing.
Everyone: *starts laughing*
T. Boy: That was the funniest thing I've seen in my life.
Switchy: Welp, that's it for this chapter.
T. Boy: Make sure to place the dares in the comments!
Switchy: And stay tuned for!
Switchy and T. Boy: POKEMON TRUTH OR DARE!
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