Chaos Ensues... and Quickly as Well!
Rosa: Welcome back!
T. Boy: Ladies and Gentlemen!
Cinderace: To Pokemon Truth or Dare!
Switchy: Where we torture the entire cast of Pokemon!
T. Boy: Now-
Switchy: WE HAVE A NEW CO-HOST! Well, actually six for that matter.
T. Boy: Hey! You cut me off!
Switchy: Sorry, chump. Better luck next time!
*Ding Dong*
Martlet: I swear, if I have to do this so many more times, I'm gonna have to-
Switchy: You're aware I'm right here, right?
Martlet: Just take these. *hands him 6 boxes*
Ash: What's in the box?
Switchy: Well, the- *realization* WHAT THE! ASH?! HOW ARE YOU BACK TO NORMAL?!
Misty: Wait a minute.
Gary: Yes, my darling? Wanna have- *gets smashed by mallet*
Serena: Wait. Does that mean-
Ash: What? I'm forever undense.
Switchy: Wait, what?
Ash: For some reason, that one dare where I become undense, and Gary becomes dense? Well, I'm now forever undense.
*fourth wall breaks*
Switchy: JERALD!
Jerald: *fixes 4th wall* Cash up, buddy.
Switchy: *gives him 100 dollars*
Switchy: ANYWAYS, here are the 6 new hosts: Slyspeon, Kai Loud, Kelvin, Seether, Shift, and Indigo!
All 6 of them: HELLO EVERYONE!
Slyspeon: Oh, hi Troy!
Everyone except Switchy, Troy, Rosa, and Slyspeon: YOUR REAL NAME IS TROY?!
The other 4: Yup!
Switchy: *flicks the lever*
Misty: *sigh* Well, what are the dares?
Switchy: Funny you asked. One dare is turning you into a Caterpie. *snaps his fingers and Misty becomes a Caterpie*
Misty: CATER?!
Gary: Lmao.
Switchy: Here, Misty. Have your mallet, since another dare is that Misty gets to whack Gary for the entire chapter.
Gary: Oh, shi- *magically gets duck tape on his mouth*
Switchy: No swearing.
Serena: You sweared a few times when we were in that room, remember?
Switchy: OH COME ON! *sigh* What's the next- CINDERACE!
Cinderace: What?
Switchy: WHY?
Cinderace: Serena? Read this.
Serena: *reads it* With pleasure.
Co-hosts: *grab Switchy*
Serena: This is what you get for simping me. I really didn't wanna do this, however. Sorry. *stabs Switchy through the head*
Cinderace: *recovers Switchy*
Switchy: CINDERACE! WHAT THE FU- *gets bonked by Serena from Misty's mallet*
Switchy: Fine. Now let's- *reads next dare* Serena, Cinderace, Dawn, T. Boy, and Chloe. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
All 6 of them: Aw, shoot. *run*
Cinderace: Thank Arceus, that it finally stopped.
Arceus: I wish it continued.
Switchy: Next! *out of breath*
Slyspeon: I'm up. *teleports a Get-Rid-of-Gary-Germs machine* Everyone who has Gary Germs, get in.
Everyone who has Gary Germs: *go into the machine and get their germs deleted* YEAH!
Cinderace: Oh, come on!
Slyspeon: Hehe. Now, what's next?
T. Boy: These are the first truths of the book!
Everyone: *pog*
T. Boy: Ash. What did you feel when you were replaced.
Ash: I felt glad, now that someone's in the main character's shoes. They get to go on a new adventure, and you also know how chaotic those get too.
T. Boy: True that. Switchy, why did you read Admire to Kill?
Switchy: I was intrigued. Thankfully, that Serena doesn't exist.
A.t.K Serena: *magically appears behind him with a knife* Are you sure about that?
Switchy: Fu- *gets bonked again by Serena* SERIOUSLY!?
Kelvin: Now that that's finished, Bonnie? Get your pencil up, cuz it's time to write down two more ships!
Bonnie: *gasps and gets her pencil and list ready*
Switchy: Which I'm not saying, cuz-
Slyspeon: They're TrioShipping and PerformanceShipping.
Switchy: Oh come on!
Slyspeon: *troll face*
Cinderace: Now, every dare (except for Performance, City, and Trio) will do 7 minutes in heaven.
(At first, nothing chaotic happened, until Amour went in)
Kai: You two ready?
Amour: Yep!
Indigo: *pushes them in and starts timing*
(3 minutes in)
Switchy: All of a sudden, a piano-
*screams are heard from inside*
Everyone: WHAT THE-
Switchy: *checks the cameras and immediately shuts them down*
Everyone: What was on there?
Switchy: Open the doors. OPEN THE DOORS!
Everyone: *open the doors*
Amour: *drops out and screaming, while looking traumatized*
Switchy: *grabs the closet and throws it away*
Cinderace and Rosa: WHAT IS GOING ON?
Bonnie: *smirks*
Cinderace: What?
Bonnie: You love her, don't you?
Cinderace and Rosa: *blush*
Bonnie: Cityshipping, check!
Cinderace: Aight, now what's the next dare?
Co-hosts and Switchy: This is the dare, Troy?
Everyone: TROY?!
Cindera- erm, Troy: Yup. That's my irl name.
Kai: Next!
Shift: *brings in a girl* Brock?
Brock: *gasp and runs up to her* How would you lovely young lady like to get together with me sometime?
Misty: *gets her Caterpie sized mallet*
Indigo: Hollup. Let him cook.
Girl: *giggles* Of course!
Misty: *shocked*
Everyone else: FINALLY!
Switchy: Now, next dare is- *reads it and has his heart shatter UT style*
T. Boy: It's the gayness dare, isn't it.
Switchy: Yes. NOW GET OVER HERE YOU MOTHERFU- *gets bonked*
T. Boy: Thanks Serena.
Serena: You're welcome.
T. Boy: Anyways, you and Chloe gotta be gay.
The duo: WHAT?!
Troy: *snaps his fingers and they're both gay. Both of them then start to kiss*
Switchy: *cries while in pain and heartbreak*
T. Boy: Well, uh. Next? Girls gotta watch the "Bianca has a Farting Problem" video.
The Girls: Bet.
The Girls: *laughing*
Cinderace: Next, Pikachu has to convince his love to Sylveon.
Sylveon and Pikachu: 0///0
Pikachu: *sigh* Fine. *kisses Sylveon in the lips*
Sylveon: 0////0
Pikachu: *blushing* I love you Sylveon.
Sylveon: I-I love y-y-you too, P-Pikachu! 0////0
IconShipping: *kissing again*
Everyone: Aww.
Slyspeon: Now, for the final dare, everyone has to read the Unusual Everyday Eveelutions book!
Everyone: *reads the book in 3 hours* Wow. That was actually good.
Switchy: I'm back from therapy!
Co-Hosts: Wait, what?
Switchy: Anyways, that wraps up this chapter. Place your dares and truths in the comments section. And remember to stay tuned for...
(I have back problems in real life from a fall btw)
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