Blackmailing a Plus and Minus! (Part 1)
Switchy: Welcome back everyone,
Switchy: Today, we- *coughs violently*
T. Boy: Switchy, you good?
Switchy: Yeah, I'm fi- *coughs* Arceus, I think all this ash gave me pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
Troy: *cures him*
Switchy: Thanks. Anyways, now to clean all of this up. *snaps fingers and everything is back to normal*
Switchy: First, we got 21 dares and 3 truths from Troy! I'm gonna need a vacation soon.
Troy: My first dare is for everyone to play PMD: Explorers of Darkness.
Everyone: *plays it*
Switchy: That was actually very good.
Everyone: I agree.
Troy: My second dare is for everyone to read my PMD story!
Everyone: *reads it*
Switchy: *blushes*
Serena: Aw, that's actually pretty nice of Switchy.
Troy: My next dare is for Riggy to kill Datchia!
Riggy: I get my revenge after so long!
*10 minutes later*
Riggy: *comes back with blood on his face* Done!
Troy: Next, Switchy has to reveal more of his and Fury's lore.
Everyone but co-hosts: Wait, who's Fury?
Switchy: Oh right, everyone from Troy's T.o.D knows Fury.
Fury: Oh yeah. Anyways, sup.
Switchy: Now, *reads everyone their lore*
Troy: Next, Go-
*A Space-Time rift forms*
Jerald: Sir, I don't think I can fix this one.
Switchy: Shoot.
*5 screams are heard, and a Petilil, Fennekin, Pikachu, Scorbunny, and Alolan Vulpix fall from the rift*
Petilil: Oof. You've gotta be kidding me. Wait. Where are we?
Everyone: What?
Switchy: Wait, is that me? That voice sounds so similar.
Petilil: Wait, why does that robot have my voice.
Petilil and Switchy: *realization* YOU'RE ME!
Switchy (PMD): Wow. Never expected this.
Switchy (ToD): Me neither.
*3 Minutes Later*
Switchy (ToD) Well, guess it's time for you all to go. Cya!
PMD Squad: Bye! *get teleported back*
Troy: Next, we have to blackmail SparkShipping!
*In MinunAmour's ToD*
Minun: Ahh, nothing like a relaxing day from dares, right Plusle?
Plusle: Yup! Nothing like a good old-
Minun: Oh, one second. *sees it and blushes*
Plusle: What's wrong Min- *sees the notification and blushes too*
*Back in Switchy's ToD*
Everyone: *laughing so hard*
Troy: Next, Goh has to throw Chloe into a volcano for no reason!
Switchy: *snaps and they are at a volcano*
Goh: I'm sorry Chloe. *pushes her off*
Chloe: It's okay Gohhhhhhhh! *gets burned to a crisp*
Switchy: *recovers her*
Troy: *snaps and they're back at the studio*
Troy: My next dare is for me to make a Rom Hack.
*6 Hours Later*
Switchy: Dang it. *draws a card*
Serena: *places down her last card* I win!
Switchy: GGs.
Switchy: Bet.
Everyone: *play the rom hack and beat it cuz of a glitch*
Troy: *shocked expression*
Tobias: You're really gonna have to patch-
Troy: *snaps and Tobias is in the Distortion World*
T. Boy: Next, Serena has to be a giant Meowth!
Serena: WHAT?!
T. Boy: *snaps and she's a big Meowth*
Ash: ...
T. Boy: Well, Ash? What do you-
Ash: Oh my god, it's hideous.
Serena: :(
Slyspeon: My first dare is for her to be turned back into a human! *snaps and she's a human again*
T. Boy: I hate you so much.
Slyspeon: *troll face*
Troy: Next, everyone tries Honkai Star Rail! *grins*
Everyone: Uh, okay? *play it*
Switchy: Wow. I thought that was gonna be like Genshin, but it's a lot better?
Everyone: I KNOW, RIGHT?!
Troy: Now, everyone does SMIH and for real this time!
Icon: *sweating*
*One Hour Later*
Iconshipping: (With another egg)...We couldn't resist.
Everyone else: WHY?!
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