Episode 5
Me: "Hey guys."
Ash: "Hello."
Bonnie: "I WANNA DO DARES!!"
Me&Rhino: "Holy cow bonnie."
Me: "Well I know Ash won't like any of these dares."
MC: "Hehehe anyways dare is Dare. 1 is All shippings have to reacte to BlueAngelShipping(AshxLana)
AloaShipping (AshxMallow)
Auereliashipping (AshxLillie)
InsectriveShipping (GrenninjaxBraxien)
All the ships.
(Note all the ships right now are:Dawn&Paul, Drew&May.)
All the ships: "Wait why??"
Me: "Cuz MC told me to make the dare happen." *Turns on the TV* "but I am changing it a little everyone does."
Everyone else beside me: "Darn it."
AshxLana is first
Ash: "Emm."
Me: "Hehehe I know something." *Teleports Lana here.*
Lana: "Hello everyon-"
Lana: *see's the video that just played on the TV and started to blush.*
Me: "Next is AshxMallow."
Me: "Oops wrong image."
Sernea&Ash: *Blushing*
Ash: "Tell the truth i liked it when Sernea kissed me."
Me: "Okay anyways on to the right image but first. *Teleports Mallow here.*
Mallow: 0/////////0
MC: "we are almost done."
Me&Rhino: *Laughing are butts off.* "Hahahahhhahahahahahahhahahhhahahahhhaahshha how hahhaa many people hahaha yet to get hahaha ash to hahahaha with hahaha them??? Hahahahhaahahahaha"
Me: "Haha first *Teleports Lillie here."
(Note: Sorry I can't find one so use your imation.)
Lillie: 0/////////0
Me: "Last but not least Ash's grenninja and Sernea's Breakin."
Grenninja&Brekains: 0/////////0
Me: "Yay grenninja isn't dense."
Grenninja: Gren gren (What does dense mean.)
Me: *shows him what it means* "Now for the image."
Me: "Wells that all."
Everyone after: "Hahahhahahahahahhahahaha Ash&Sernea&Lana&Mallow&Lillie&Grenninja&Braixen: 0//////////////0
Me: "Well umm bye bye."
To be contiued..........
Author note: Guys i hope you enjoyed cuz I enjoyed wrighting it. Anyways leave a truth or dare. Thanks :). Have a good day bye bye.
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