He did it.
Havoc won....he got his ultimate wish an achieved his goal. To rain terror on the world an claim it as a king! He built up his underground army and while nobody noticed. He unleashed a tidal wave of destruction wiping out half of the planet. Most fought and died...his allies sacrificed themselves so he could live and he still does. A quarter of the world ran away to hide and stay safe. Now....the world is in a peaceful death....streets are no longer walked, trees wither away from the suffocating smoke and resources.....are extremely rare. If you find some or see another digging for some, your in for a fight of life and death for the loot! Supply drops are weekly which are sent out by the military to help others who are still alive. There are at least 100'000 dropped a week since there are many countries, cities, and towns who still have people, living in them all over the world. Steal, or befriend....it will put everyone on the edge of survival all the while planning how to take down Havoc. He rules in a place called Gozirus Shine. A grassy, yet rocky textured burning castle full of his useful and loyal allies and servants who architected this grand home for him. It has a beautiful shine through it and you'll know when you get there. To get to him the first test is named nature's last picture.
If you see any other humans or Pokemon traveling alone try to team up with them whether it may be sharing resources and assisting in other dreadful events while the brave hero's take on Havoc. If a group is travelling together, try your best to not pose a threat. If you have your own group and encounter another they will most likely think it's gonna be a rough fight. Still, announce you come in peace. If you say you're looking for resources they will most likely still fight you for it. If they do you should run away with your friends. If you do fight there may be some casualties as in apocalyptic times. Some people have some crazy experimental weapons that may harm you in effective ways such as a Burning, poisonous, or dark influenced crafted sword or dagger, incinanary bullets, or possibly posionus for guns, and cluster grenades that spit out spikes and shurikens on detonation. Weapons here will be crazy scary so best not to use it's durability and save it for hungry Pokemon who want to eat you instead. You need to gather as many as possible and team up with as many lone survivalist's as you can as so your chances of taking back your world or just living is always greater. If they keep on traveling by themselves don't pressure them. If someone is in trouble help them even if it means sacrificing your own life. One last thing. You may get taken as a hostage if your by yourself while making sure the area is not infested with other hostile wanderers. If you are they will try to check up to what you have been up to or who are your friends you need to stay calm and just be honest. They might even take your weapons because who can you really trust in this time? They may seem hostile at first but they always have a leader and he/she will speak with you. They are just trying to make sure your safe or get a new recruit. There are crews and I would say survivalists who have their own headquarters or hideout for planning and assisting the weak and hurt. Many who are alive call them dust kickers meaning they will not sit around while the world rots away under a dictators control! They save the weak, sacrifice themselves so stronger ones can take the fight to them. Being a dust kicker isn't as fun as it seems. Sure it get cool weapons, gear, well fed and hydrated, a cool team of people, bed and headquarters to call home and stuff. But you need and must give up your life when it's time....that's what being a hero is Because the dust kickers are. The give themselves up when others need to stay alive not throw in someone else.
This doomsday scene.....has been going on for 5 months. He took over the world recently but the war lasted just 3 weeks as he easily one. This is what is seen daily.
Ursz is the one and only main character in this one since Havoc is his nemesis. He will be the only one you guys adventure with.
Ursz has a team of 5 young rebels he is training with. Each a different species but all males since they're all rowdy and energetic but with a different personality to each other. Ursz picked and raised them in they're first evolution and hope to watch this war end together. They view him as a teacher and father but that doesn't mean they'll cause mischief when they get the chance.
Lyle the Lycanroc: 16
Lane the Lefoen: 12
Miles the Mimikyu: 15
Benny the Banette: 17
Carter the Cubone: 10
It is march 21st 2051. Technology has not advanced all too much but Unfortunately has been ditched due to being considered useless. They only things you see now are.
Jeeps and trucks, stolen tanks traveling and that would possibly be a crew of dust kickers. If it's a regular old dusty car or vehicle you could ask for a ride but you can't trust everyone. Sometimes you might see joyriding fools around, possibly in vehicles you've never seen before. You still can have a little fun in the Apocolypse...just makeing sure you got something fun to do rather than being filled with a doom and gloom mentality.
A group of 1-10 armed wanderers who may likely be humans with their Pokemon companions looking for food, water, or items for crafting. If they carry guns don't threaten them. If they see something running away they will leave you alone but they might point it at you and shout out in suspicion.
If you enter the city, most of everything is ravaged, burned, broken or destroyed all together. Mainly because of the war and struggle for life. But...this world isn't all that unpleasant. At least the world is silent and peaceful at least.
Alone survivalists scavenging.
Night time is still just as dangerous but less humans carrying guns are around as hungry Pokemon come out looking for something. They usually mind their own business but if they are starved they may pick on and stalk smaller ones.
If a supply drop comes and you beat a crew to it they might try to fight you off for it but don't kill you as they view that as brutal and savage and bad form. They may ask for you to share it but it's technically your stash.
The dust kickers crews around are.
Medical salvation: these people have a HQ in a city which they took over a hospital and painted a large white shield on it. These guys are friendly and you can come here if your wounded or infected. Although don't ask for medicine a lot as it is now considered rude Because everyone has very little and can be viewed as a more Serious and quicker in-and-out pokecenter.
This is what you'll probably see when you find their base
Crew leader: Their leader is a man who carries an AR, three grenades, and a dagger. His name is Eskin and he is 30 but can fight. He is Serious and self sacrificial and he waits for the command to take the fight to Havoc when the others are ready. He doesn't have any Pokemon. They are a team of 30 (15 if you count out the pokemon.)with a mixture of Pokemon who can heal and other humans who have specialized doctor knowledge.
Savage strike: This crew is the ultimate brawn. With the most deadly weapons and Pokemon! All the members in this squad were bullet proof vest and helmets and have an armory which for if a thief enters it's like a candy store. Their armory stocks ammunition for guns, rockets launchers, some grenades, armor, and spare pokeballs and at least 5 ultra balls. This is more like a special force and this team is most likely to take down Havoc and his kingdom. They have a base in a desert plain which is unreachable if you don't have a flying pokemon or aircraft. takes 3 days of constant travel to reach them but they are not friendly to outsiders.
Crew leader: Their leader is a 17 year old girl named Jara who wears light mobility armor which makes her look like a S.W.A.T officer and a shotgun. She owns a Yveltal but that's it. She's a very serious person and is determined to conquer the toughest of challenges. She will use up every chance, every life, every assist she has to succeed at her ultimate goal. That's how she was able to catch her Yveltal..harsh...unforgiving sacrifice of failed attempts but she got it. She will do the same to defeat Havoc too. Even if it means disposing her hard earned legendary's life. This is a team of 50 members who are brutal in all sorts of combat.
Bleeding life: This team is there to treat any hurt ones back on their feet. Although they may not be good in healing they will keep you well safe from outside dangers. They have a fortified bunker and underground you could live in with a well stock of surviving resources. If you waste it you will be thrown out immediately. You could live there but they can only take care of 7 guests for 1 year before resources get concerningly low. 4 Is ok and steady. When your ready to leave they will give you a army knife, a walkie talkie to stay in touch with other dust kickers, and a handgun.
Crew leader: Young 15 year old male who wield dual deagles. His name is Kevin and he owns one smoke bomb and tear gas which he uses to save injured ones. His parents were killed in the war by Havoc's army. He wants to personally get to him face to face and put a bullet in his head but he won't be able to send such a message because there are others who would like to do the same. this is a team of 20. This kid owns a Torchic, frogadier, and Delphox.
Jeopardizing code: These dust kickers crew are good at keeping in touch with people who carry devices such as phones, gaming devices, car radios. They can hack into these things and talk to anyone who can hear it which is good for emergencies. They are smart hackers and their pokemon keep them safe from danger while they handle their business. They don't have a good place for resting as it is in a trailer park and is very dangerous but it doesn't look suspicious to other humans and pokemon. They like to stay away from people and would rather stay private although they develop some wicked fighting formulas for weapons and all the more so for them to connect to the outside world and share their crazy weapons with the world.
Crew leader: Not a master hacker but is more efficient than his allies. He is a 23 year old young man who has a strength with tech. Joey Sometimes he unexpectedly calls into random objects just to see who he is talking too or to see if can still do it. He has an Litten and a chandelure which lights his way. They both watch out for intruders at all times as well as his teams pokemon while they're busy. This is a team of 17. Small but effective.
Seeking insight: This is gotta be the most intimidating team yet. Dangerous anthropomorphic pokemon who not only use their powers but the AR's they are supplied with. They are more of a scout team and do the most travelling around the city in their jeeps or trucks. There will be sometimes 5-10 walking together with just pokemon or humans or bit of both. There most effective member is a lucario which is a female. Since they have the aura sense she can detect other nearby beings who may be preparing an ambush or ones hiding. If they are being stalked they are usually ready but when she is not around they get hurt badly but live. She acts like the leader but she has more a beta or second-in-command personality and sometimes takes on certain leaderships she is not approved of especially since she can't talk to human beings although she tries.
Crew leader: 35 female who owns this Lucario. The leader's name is Mazahn and she grew up roughly which has made her hard boiled and stern. She is the most responsible member on the team and cares for all her friends deeply. They would rather keep their resources to themselves and use it on their own rather than strangers unless they absolutely needed it.
This war isn't over yet. Those who still live by themselves in their homes, take care of their family and friends have hope. Brave hero's will stand and take down this evil ruler and the world will be restored. Survival is all that matters and there is no rule book to how it goes either. The world all over shares this motto.
Be patient
stay strong
Run far
think smart.
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