Chapter Twenty.... On The Run Again
I was napping peacefully in Leon's room today when I was gently shaken awake by Hop, saying, "Lele? Lele!" "Hmmnnnn? What is it, Hop?" I asked, sluggishly turning over on my side to enjoy the warmth that danced through Leon's window before drifting back to sleep. "I'm sorry to wake you, but Mum's in a flutter. She called Sonia to bring me back home, then instructed us both to stay here while Sonia contacted Lee! I've never seen her this worried before-not since Leon decided he was going to aim for champion. Lele, you MUST get up!" Hop replied, continuing to shake me until I sat up. "Okay, I'm up! Let's go see what's bothering your folks." I yawned, a little bit cranky that I had to remove myself from the comfort that was Leon's mattress. Coming downstairs in my pajamas, I was greeted by a baffled looking Sonia trying to dial Leon's phone while their mother paced around. "Ma'am, I'm truly sorry, but I'm not getting through to Leon at the moment. Are you POSITIVE he needs to be here? I can pass a message." "No! No, Leon MUST be here with all of you. Try ringing again, and if he won't pick up for you I'll have Hop contact him. Please, Sonia, do this for me?" Sonia looked up at Hop and I, slightly frustrated and very confused as she sighed, "Very well, I'll call him again." Hop's mom spotted the two of us on the steps, and she waved us on over towards the kitchen. Confused, I looked up at Hop, who only gave an equally bewildered gaze as his mother ordered sternly, "Well come along! We haven't time." Hop and I ran to the kitchen to meet up with her, and upon seeing her glance out the window I grew concerned. What in Tapu Koko's name was going on? She turned her gaze to us, and commanded quickly, "Hop, dear, pull Lele out a chair and sit beside her. I need to discuss something, and it won't be easy for Lele to hear alone!" As his mother asked, Hop quickly pulled a kitchen chair out for me, and sat in his own. Thoroughly frightened, I took the seat beside him as his mother checked the window once more, and she went to the hall to grab something before sitting down in front of us. I was trembling, and very much half asleep which is the worst combo for anything living! Noticing how shaken my breath was, Hop consolingly took one of my hands in his- giving it a gentle squeeze as I looked into his worried eyes. "Lele, sweetheart," his mother began in a serious tone, "I'm going to start off by telling you that you aren't in any kind of trouble with me- just that I ask for complete honesty with what I wish to talk with you about. Clear?" I nodded in response as I looked away from Hop, and she laid an envelope before us, bearing an insignia..... And an insignia I was all too familiar with as my blood ran cold, and my eyes widened. "Wh-What? What is it, Lele?" Hop asked, taking the envelope in hand to observe the frightening mark, but I remained fearful and in disbelief as I watched him pull out the paper inside for a read. The color in Hop's face drained the more he read-almost as of he grasped how serious the situation just became as his mother asked, "You know that symbol, Lele?" "Th-This is a joke.... It's just a sick joke, it MUST be!" "Lele-" "Professor Magnolia assured, no, PROMISED Kukui that Galar would be the LAST place they'd find me! How!? How did they-" "LELE!" Hop shouted, snapping me out of my frightened, confused gossip as I looked quickly between him and his mother. "Do you know that symbol?" His mother asked again, and with glistening eyes, I gulped before nodding. "Can you tell us what it is?" "It's..... I-It's...." I began, my voice getting caught every time when Sonia appeared in the threshold, and exasperatedly sighed, "Leon just won't pick up, ma'am, and I don't know what more you wish for me to do! Could I PLEASE have an explanation?!" Looking to her son, Hop immediately leapt from his chair to grab his phone, and she beckoned Sonia to take his place. I felt slightly better having Sonia beside me, and I quickly latched onto her as Hop's mother motioned towards the paper Hop just read. Skimming through it, Sonia's eyes bugged from her head, and her breathing became more labored as she panicked, "Wh-What kind of joke is this? This isn't funny!" "Because it's really NOT a joke..." I replied, looking up at her as my tears streamed down my cheeks. Terrified, Sonia took my face in her hands and asked firmly, "Lele? Who wrote this letter? What "Drastic Measures" are they talking about?!" I couldn't find a suitable explanation to give the young professor without frightening them further, so I babbled between sobs, "See that insignia on the envelope? THAT is the symbol of a very powerful, government run science agency- aka, the people looking to study my organs and prod me with needles! And now I've gone and roped you all into their devious deeds.. It's all my fault!" "Lele-" Sonia began, shaking her head while she searched for something to say that would comfort me, but could ultimately come up with nothing to give. "What drastic measures are they known to come up with?" Hop's mother asked, leaning over the table with a look of fear in her eyes. "Remember how I told you that mommy went missing?" "Lele, no-!" "Kukui theorized that the agency looking for me took her because she wouldn't give me up.... They seem to be REALLY good at that!" The two women gasped, with Hop's mom averting her gaze from me to clamp a hand over her mouth, and I had nothing but sympathy to the poor woman as I apologized. Hanging my head low, I assumed Hop had heard the whole thing as he left Leon voicemail after voicemail, sounding more distressed and desperate with each call as Sonia asked, "Could Leon be in danger?" Standing up abruptly, I clenched my fists tightly as I cried angrily, "Sonia, you don't get it! If you've crossed paths with ME you're ALL in danger- even your Grandparents! Oh my Tapu.... I've gone and endangered some of the most influential people in Galar!" I sobbed, thinking about what could happen to everyone: Bede, Marnie, Nessa- ALL of Galar would be wringing my neck if they KNEW! "YES, HOP!? WHY DO YOU AND SONIA KEEP BLOWING UP MY PHONE?!" Leon finally answered frustratedly, making Hop sigh in relief before sobbing, "ANSWER NEXT TIME AND YOU'LL KNOW! I thought you were hurt, Lee..." hearing Hop like this, Leon asked in confusion, "How could I get HURT? I'm at Wyndon inside Battle Tower!" "Listen, Lee, Mum wants you to close down the battle tower. Please, PLEASE listen to her!" Hop begged, still sobbing as he worried about his brother's safety. Hop's mom motioned for her youngest to hand her the phone while Leon asked, "Is everything alright? What's gotten into you, Hop!?" "Leon, it's your mother.... There's an incident at the house, and I need you to return STAT!" "I-Is everything alright? Why is Hop in a panic?" "Leon we JUST recieved a letter, and if it's the people that Lele confirmed they are then we're ALL in serious danger, EVEN Magnolia!" Leon remained quiet on the other end for a long time, presumably unsure of what to say when his mother began again, "WAIT! NO! Scratch that plan.... Call up Raihan, and make sure he spreads the word to anyone that's gotten close and personal to Lele- tell him his, yours, and everyone else's lives depends on it! I'll have Sonia stay with the children, thataway no suspicion is raised while we transport you lot to safety. Understood?" "Y-Yeah! I-I-I'll see to it that gets done RIGHT away, and be sure to collect Victor and Gloria from across the way as well! Sonia.... Please be careful...." "I should say that about you! Don't worry, the kids will be safe. You have my word!" Sonia assured, and after Leon hung up, Hop and I packed enough clothes for us to stay in Hammerlocke for as long as we needed to until a plan was made, not forgetting to grab Gloria and her brother along the way. That train ride had to be the most tedious one of them all during my stay- talking to no one, and keeping our heads low for the time being until we reached Hammerlocke stadium, where Raihan was awaiting us in a nervous pace. "You lot! With me!" He commanded, his voice sounding serious and callous as he beckoned for us to follow his lead. It wasn't long until we reached a very nice looking house- different from the rest as Raihan quickly unlocked the door to usher us inside! "Did anyone else make it, Raihan?" Sonia asked, rubbing her hands in fright. "Not yet...." He replied, shaking his head before outstretched his hand to Sonia, "Letter, please?" Reaching into her pocket, Sonia produced the paper that was sent to Hop's household. Raihan's chocolatey brown skin brightened to a very light, and sickly beige as his eyes widened, and he covered his mouth in terror. "Raihan, what shall we DO!? My gran... The CHILDREN!" "Calm yourself for a bit, and meet up in the lounge. I'll keep an eye out for the others and what not, alright?" He instructed, pushing Sonia gently to the other room as we flocked behind her like freshly hatched Pikipeck, and there we sat awaiting for the arrival of Leon and the other Gym Leaders.... One hour.... Two hours..... Milo was the first one to arrive, with Bea being second shortly after.... after about ten hours passed, all the Gym Leaders were present and accounted for while Leon still remained missing; making us all worry as we pondered amongst ourselves if he's alright. "Pah, the bloke probably done lost 'is way." Piers scoffed while Marnie whined, "It's sun down already, an' I didn't even get to nap! I got plans tomorrow, an' I don't like for my day off to be interrupted unless I got friends comin'." "Well what's more valuable- a NAP or your LIFE?" Sonia asked, catching the two Dark Trainers off gaurd as she handed them the letter to read themselves. "W-Who sent it?" Piers stammered, going from pale to a ghostly white all together as he glanced upward at Sonia. "The researchers after Lele! And they've made it clear that they'll stop at NOTHING until they have her; using all means they feel necessary until they've either have HER, or NOTHING left." Sonia replied, making almost the entire room gasp- even Bede had pulled me in close to him as he gasped in fear. "I'm sorry.... I'm so, SO sorry everyone!" I began, feeling guilty as I clung onto Bede, and started to cry. "Lele... You needn't be the one to apologize!" Hop began, setting a comforting hand on my shoulder while the other two joined Bede in his embrace to me. "Y-Yeah! If anything, it's those rotten scientists that need to apologize." Victor stammered, looking to the side awkwardly as his sister comforted, "We're ALL on your side here, Lele, wether you like it or no!" I never felt so blessed in all my life to have such protective friends, and I roped them all in for a hug as I sniffled, "I hope you guys are right.... Oooooooohhhhh....." I may have known them a short while, but in my heart they may as well have been the only things I had left until I could return. They were all very priceless to me, and I'd throw my life away if it meant to protect them from those beasts that call themselves scholars of science! Finally, a knock at the door came, and we all waited in anticipation as Raihan briskly walked to the entrance of his house, and cracked open the door enough to see who it was. "Good news, everyone! Leon FINALLY made it!" He announced as Leon rushed around the corner, and scanned the room. "LEE!" Hop called, breaking from the circle and greeting him. Relieved, he swept Hop off the ground, and held him tightly as he asked, "Is everyone alright? Are we still waiting for anyone?" "Not that I can see- all the Gym Leaders are accounted for; the children and good professor as well!" Raihan replied, doing a quick look over of the room full of people. "Leon.... Your family.... Sonia's grandparents...!" I began, parting from Bede but still remaining hold of his hand. He set Hop back on the floor, and approached the two of us before placing a gentle hand on my shoulder as he said, "All of them are safe. It's us that they worried about, so don't worry your pretty head about them, okay? They're tough as nails- the whole lot of them!" Somehow, I only felt half convinced that they were TRULY safe, but to avoid any further stress on the ex-champ I simply nodded my head in agreement with him. Leon smiled weakly, but I could smell the fear on him like a strong perfume that hurts other people's noses, so he can't POSSIBLY fool me with his strong act. Now all of us younger folk was sent away to Raihan's Bedroom while the adults talked, and nervously debated amongst themselves while we waited anxiously. "Guys... I'm SO sorry about all this- I thought when I left Alola I'd be somewhat free of the mess! But instead I just pawned off my mess onto others that were just trying to lead their lives peacefully..." I sulked guiltily. "Lele, you deserve a normal life too. More than ANYONE here in fact!" Bede consoled, stroking my hair before planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Yeah! So don't you worry 'bout them blokes, because they'll 'ave to face a tidal wave to reach ya." Marnie added, swinging her legs off Raihan's bed as she leaned back. "But how?" Victor asked, scratching his head when his sister suggested, "We could tell the authorities?" "Won't be that simple... They're a multi billion dollar branch in the science field! They can simply pay off anyone who "Didn't witness anything"." I sighed, burying my face into Bede's chest. "Th-They can't POSSIBLY be THAT corrupt!" "But they ARE, Hop. Remember what I said? What the LETTER stated?! They'll play every dirty card they can until I can't be used anymore, or they have their grimy mitts on me! I thought I was going to be through with running..... I suppose as long as I'm still breathing I have no choice but to do so...." "Lele, darling, PLEASE don't speak that way. We'll all think of something to keep you from harm, so for now let's have the time we've together to clear our heads." Bede took my hands gently, and a frown formed on his face as he stated, "Your hands are froze... Is it too cold in here?" "It's not the room.... I get that way when I'm afraid...." I replied, trying to soak up the warmth his hands gave. I felt a blanket being draped over my shoulders- finding myself surrounded with faces I trusted and loved as they all worked to keep me warm.... It was decided.... I HAD to protect them in every way I could muster! But how...?
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