"LELE! IT'S TODAAAAAAYYYYYY!" I heard Hop yell, running into Leon's room, and flopping backwards on his bed, causing me to jolt awake from my nap. "Hop, WHAT'S today?" I asked, yawning as I stretched. "The concert in Spikemuth! This is gonna be a BLAST." Hop replied, bolting up himself to look over at me, his goofy, toothy grin at it's widest. I looked up at the clock on Leon's room, which read three fifteen, and I sighed as I reminded him, "Piers's concert doesn't start until six thirty. Did you forget we're leaving at four twenty for dinner in Motostoke, then taking a Taxi to the outskirts of Spikemuth?" "Naw, I didn't forget. It's just- I'm REALLY excited that I get to see Piers perform live. Not only that, but it's your first ever concert! I just hope it doesn't go to pot...." Hop sighed nervously. "Oh, ye of little faith. With that attitude, I wouldn't doubt one bit! You need to see the positive outcomes, Hop, because not EVERYTHING is against you." I said, patting his arm lightly to comfort him. He smiled a little, and gave a quick nod of understanding before getting up from the bed. "Still, there's no better time to get ready than the present. See you downstairs!" He said, rushing back out of the room, and leaving me in silence once again. I sighed as I laid back down on Leon's bed, absorbing the warm sun filtering through his window as I stared up at the blue sky. It had been a couple weeks, and I catalogued a few more locations around Galar, like Wedgehurst and Postwick of course, to Turrfield and Hulbury! I also catalogued the Gym Leaders as well, making sure to leave no details out about each town and city's esteemed Leader, and today I was hoping to get a snap of Piers performing on stage! I forced myself from the comfort of the mattress to wash up, and choose some suitable clothes for dinner, but not too gussied up that I stand out at the concert. Gloria had given me a short, open shoulder sleeved shirt yesterday that I thought would pair nicely with the leather jacket Marnie gave me, and I could wear my black, frilly skirt and white stockings with my short heeled, gleaming, silver shoes that Sonia gave to me three days ago. I put my hair up in a single ponytail, mainly because I couldn't braid my hair, and the twin tails didn't quite go with the outfit; I looked back up at the clock again to see what time it was now. "Four ten.... Better not keep Hop waiting!" I told myself, grabbing my phone, and placing it safely into my pocket before heading downstairs to the living room. "You look like you're ready to have fun." Hop remarked playfully, and I only giggled as his mother walked into the room. "You look wonderful, dear! You must forgive me about my son's choice of dress. I tried to get him in something more presentable, and less relaxed!" his mother said, glancing over at him as he rebuttaled, "It's a concert in SPIKEMUTH, mum. It's not some fancy, five star orchestra or something!" "You can at LEAST dress to impress, since you're taking her to dinner and all." "You act like it's a date, mum." "You don't know what will happen." "Mum, REALLY!?" "You might fall head over heels for her, Hop!" "M-MUM!" He covered his face with his hands in embarrassment as I stood awkwardly to the side, and his mom simply shrugged as she said "It's true, but I digress. Lele, you are to stay within Hop's line of sight at ALL times, and He's going to be looking after you to make sure nothing happens, understood you two?" "Yes ma'am." I replied, placing my hands behind my back. "Y-Yes mum..." Hop sighed, still embarrassed by the words his mother said. Nodding in satisfaction, his mother wish us a good time, and many warnings with it before we left for Wedgehurst station. "S-Sorry about mum..... She was raised to be old fashioned like such!" He apologized as we took our seats on the train. "It's fine, really! Most parents are old fashioned, but I think it's only to preserve a slowly dying behavior in young men these days. Most of them are just rude and condescending towards a girl; shocks me that men like them find wives that'll actually take care of them!" "But there's a very fine line between a date, and a casual outing with a friend! I'll still be kind and well behaved, but just because I'm going somewhere with a girl doesn't make them my girlfriend, you know?" He explained, rubbing the back of his head. "Most would probably think the same if they saw one boy, and one girl together in a restaurant or Café. That's why you usually don't find yourself bombarded with people surrounding you! They keep their distance out of respect for a young couple-at least in MY region anyway." I answered, looking down at the floor beneath us as we both went quiet. "You don't think there's anything wrong with my outfit....... Do you?" He asked, a little self conscious. "Hop, if I had a problem I'd have told you to put something else on while we were at your house still!" I giggled in reassurance, placing my hand gently onto his shoulder. He smiled in response, and nodded to show that he understood before looking at something on his phone. It was five o'clock when we finally arrived in Motostoke, and I took out my camera to take some shots of the industrial looking city as we made our way down the sidewalk. "Do you suppose we can stop by the Gym and say Alola to Kabu?" I asked, running to keep up with him after snapping a picture of a Pokémon that I'd never seen before. "Don't see why we can't, but we ought to be quick about it if we want to eat, and arrive in Spikemuth on time. Race you!" Hop exclaimed, and took off like a shot down the sidewalk as I laughed, "Hey! You had a head start!" And ran to keep up with him. Once at the front of the Gym, I slowed to a stop, leaning against the wall to catch my breath as I looked around for my friend. As I scanned the area, anxiety began to creep it's way into me, making the sweat already forming on my forehead produce rivers. I went from looking around, to darting about; a constant, stabbing feeling of being watched taking over the calm I felt and making my breathing heavy! "Lele, c'mon! If you lark about too much, you'll miss out on the visit." Hop said, breaking me from my panic as he grabbed my hand; pulling back to wipe his hand on his jacket as he said, "Lele, you're all sweaty. Are you okay?" "D-Do you feel like we're being watched?" I asked, looking around the street where we stood. Hop looked around with me, his face holding a stern countenance that switched quickly to confusion as he met his eyes back up with mine. "There's someone here, Hop! I KNOW so!" I said, certain that what I was feeling was fact. "Well in any case, let's get into the Gym. Kabu's waiting for us to return, and you're safer in there than out here." He ushered, grabbing my arm and pulling me along into the Gym. Once we were inside, we spotted Kabu conversing with a couple fans before turning his gaze onto us, and he chirped cheerfully, "Why, if it isn't young Hop and Lele! You don't happen to be here to take on an old geezer like me, are you?" "You're not old Mr. Kabu. As they say in Alola, "An elder doesn't mean they're elderly, but well rehearsed in life"." I said as we stopped before him. He laughed as he boomed heartily, "Words to live by young ones! But I must ask what the two of you are up to this fine evening?" "We're off to Spikemuth to see Piers on stage live. This would be the first concert Lele's ever been to, and we're chuffed!" Hop replied placing his hands behind his head in a cool manner. Kabu nodded his head in understanding, and sighed, "I remember when Piers was about your age; full of life and pep. Of course, he's still got that touch of spunk in him, even when he's doing something that captures his passions! It took little time for his Pokémon to overpower my own, even in the sense of a traditional battle without Gigantamax or Dynamax. I could feel it running through his very being from the way his eyes burned with desire to be the best!" "Really? He must've been amazing in battle! Course he's not as brilliant as Lee in my opinion, but I can see him having the guts to take his stand against anyone who dares to face him." "You're quite attentive, Kabu sir, to be able to read someone like Piers so easily!" I commended, trying to picture how he described the mysterious Dark Type trainer. "When you've been battling as long as I have, Lele, you tend to meet many trainers of different levels. Young Leon was, for example, a prime specimen of a trainer; a hunger to prove himself worthy for the champion rank, and a desire to inspire those who question their abilities to do so, while Sonia exhibited the aptitude to strategize, and do what will get her further in her goals." "Wow! Even I hadn't an idea of THAT." Hop breathed in awe. "And me, Kabu?" I asked in curiosity, "What did you see in me when I battled with you?" Kabu stayed silent in thought as he closed his eyes, and a slight timidness came to me as I wondered what he may say. Finally he opened his mouth to speak, and began to speak in a slow voice, "The spirit you showed during our battle was, to say the least, interesting. You showed your strong desire to prove yourself, and definitely proved a willing candidate to learn from those more skilled than you. However, there's a part of you that was left.... uncertain.... Like you were holding back your potential out of a desire to not fully lose yourself as you embraced new forms, and questioning if the methods of your choosing remained favorable! You had been through high water in your time; some rising so high that you can't claw your way back to the surface... Like something is hidden that you don't want coming to light, and it plays through you like a broken record." My blood turned to ice, and my face heated up in embarrassment as I quickly glanced away from the side. Was I THAT easy to read?! Even Hop exchanged a concerned glance between the two of us as he raised a confused eyebrow, and Kabu placed a hand on my shoulder as he comforted, "Do not let your fears weigh you from what you love most in this world, Lele, no matter how great the feeling becomes. There've been events in your life that has changed, but it's you who must take the reigns on wether they come out the best times you've ever had, or the most regrettable." I looked back up at him nervously as he smiled, and he turned to walk away when I called out, "W-Wait! May I have a picture with you for my journal, please?" Kabu turned back to me, and nodded his head in confirmation. I handed the camera to Hop, and ran to his side as he struck a thumbs up pose; leaving after we waved him farewell. Hop and I remained silent as we traversed main street, and we decided on a small curry shop near the entrance. After our meal we arrived via taxi to the outskirts of Spikemuth, to which Hop checked the time on his phone quickly. "Six-Ninteen. We have only ten minutes to get to the Gym in time for the concert. Come! Let's get a move on!" He ushered, and we began our journey down the twisting, tiled ground when we ran into Marnie. "Hey you lot! Don't you look cute together!" She teased, making Hop a little uncomfortable as I replied, "Marnie, we can't really stop to chat right now. Piers's show starts any minute now!" "No need to worry! I'll show you a shortcut to the Gym, if you fancy." Marnie offered, shrugging her shoulders. "Please? We've been walking around an awful lot, and I don't mind a shorter passage to our destination." I replied sheepishly, swaying back and forth. "Certainly! This way, an' let's 'ave ourselves a chinwag along the trip." Marnie replied with a nod. We followed her down a backstreet looking area, making me cling tight to Hop's arm in hopes of feeling protected. He wasn't quite as built as Bede, but at least it was something! "So, Lele," Marnie began as she walked a foot ahead of us, "I noticed you brought your camera. You gonna take some snaps o' my bro in action?" "I-Is that okay?" I asked, clutching the device to my chest nervously. "SURE it is! In fact, if my bro notices a camera he tends to be a bit more show offish to the audience. Habit, I guess." Marnie shrugged, leading us out of an entrance and to the main gate. " 'Ere we are! I presume you got your tickets?" "I got them here." I replied, taking the two slips of paper from my pocket to show her. "Now what kind o' date you are? Makin' a lady 'old on to the concert tickets; thought you were better than that." Marnie teased, slapping Hop across the arm playfully. "We're not on a date, Marnie. We're just here to watch Piers as friends!" Hop whined in embarrassment. Marnie looked at the ticket master, and the two roared in laughter as Hop blushed. "I-It's alright, really! Here's our tickets." I said, handing them to the ticket master as he snorted, "Right this way sweet'eart." And I quickly brought Hop through the gates and onto the stadium floor nearest to Piers's stage. "S-Sorry about that. I didn't think they'd make a fuss of it!" I stammered, settling myself beside him. "It's alright, to be fair she's right." Hop sighed. "Nonsense! Why any girl would be lucky to have "Hop, the hero of the Galar region"!" I stated nobly, making his eyes expand in shock. "Piers told me that you and Gloria saved Galar from Eternatus." I explained, rubbing my arm. "With Zacian and Zamazenta.... Hmph! It was more Zacian and Zamazenta what saved Galar the most. And Gloria was just..... She was....." Hop trailed off, clutching his chest lightly as a sad look filled his eyes. "Is..... Something on your mind, Hop?" I asked, feeling concerned about his sudden shift in mood. "Well, how do I put this...." he began, thinking to himself, "Gloria and Victor have been my closest friends since forever! After Gloria became champion, I was thrilled for her. I grew more respect for the trainer that she'd become! I'd hear the telly talk about her successes, and her exploits, and I'd smile every time, but she was always..... Busier.... I feel like we've grown apart since she became champion, and, well.... I never got the chance to express how I felt about it to her...." Hop looked back up at the stage before us, still no Piers in sight as he went on, "Victor feels it too; never comes home, and when she does she's always tired! It weighs me down the most because I love her dearly. Why would a champion be interested in a silly Lab assistant, right?" "Hop, I had no idea.... If I'd have known it was that straining on you two, I'd have given up my tickets to you and her instead!" I replied, feeling a bit bad for him. Hop shook his head as he sighed, "No, it wouldn't be fair to do! Piers gave those tickets to YOU, to do as YOU wish with the other. It wouldn't be my place to accept such an offer. Besides, she'd probably be busy anyway!" "Have you tried telling her this for yourself?" I asked. Hop sighed again, and placed his hand back to his side as he said, "She's so popular, y'know? I'm just a boring regular compared to her, and there'll be someone newer and more interesting that she'll prefer, as is the way of the current I guess." "Don't be like that! You're WAY more interesting than some puffed up, silver spoon raised jerk. Believe me when I say your MUCH more of an improvement than a few people I knew from Alola." I comforted, thinking back to how Lillie used to be to me before coming to Galar. I never liked wealthy people; too snobby, and egotistical in my opinion! Not to mention the disgusting notion of being in a higher position of power over the little people, and their egregious habit of flaunting what others don't have. I remember the professor having to break up our disputes, like he was worried I would change and injure her; I was tempted to if I was being honest, the way she went on about my "Strange Behavior", or how I live off of Kukui because my mother is too lazy to provide for me. She didn't understand what it was like! Not only did I say a few words back to her, she got her elder brother involved the day after. She was so weak that she had to have her BROTHER fight her battles! That was ONE thing I envied about Lillie above all else... Her brother, Gladion if I'm correct, stopped by the school one day and demanded the professor let him speak to me in person! I couldn't let him be so disrespectful to the very man that sought to keep my identity hidden; the one man in Alola besides all others that I trusted, so to relieve him the trouble, I brought myself to face Gladion like the brave being I was. He continued to berate me, and verbally assault me for ten minutes straight, and I fought to keep my composure through that entire time! I was frightened, mainly because he wasn't just from wealth, but was a very powerful and well known trainer as well! When he felt he had said enough, he tried to leave when I grabbed him, and threw him to the floor harshly as I remembered my venomous words to him. "You think you can come up here, and insult a man more respected and loved than YOU?!" I had seethed, his eyes growing wide in shock by my physical strength, and horrified by my stand as Kukui pleaded with me from behind. "You're not as tough as people say you are, you silver spooned fraud you. The only reason you can get away with scaring someone out of their wits is because your mommy has to bail you out of your trouble. Seems like NOBODY in your family can fight their own battles! You just pay your problems away while you get let off scott free, and the rest of us who aren't as fortunate has to suffer. If you think I'm terrified, I'll be honest-I am, but I REFUSE to give you the satisfaction of winning; cry to your precious mommy like your sister cried to you without telling you what she's done to me all you'd like, but just know how I'm being now is EXACTLY what you're gonna expect, Gladion." I threatened, smashing a glass jar at his feet as he cowered against the wall. The professor decided that my point to him had been made, and tried to dismiss me.... I, however, felt that more was to be said, and said it I did! I came closer toward him, engulfing him in my shadow as he snivled and cried like the spoiled brat he was, and the power I felt seeing him in such a pathetic state pulsed through my body, making me feel three times larger than the four islands combined! He slunk toward the door shakily after he managed to pick himself up, but I quickly had him pinned to the wall as I hissed, "You think I'm finished yet? That was just the peak of what I had to say!" He begged me to let him by, and leave him be, but I wasn't going to send him off until I had proven just how weak he was to everyone who stood witness in that room that day. "I pity you; pompous, and loathed by everyone who knows so! You abuser of Pokémon, AND people. How very "Alolan" of you to carry on saying that you love Pokémon, and appreciate the life here on Alola when the only thing you love is watching others grovel at your feet as you line your filthy, velvet pocket with their hard earned cash! I bet you're mommy is proud of you, AND your wretched sister Gladion." Finally the island Kahuna had to step in to prevent further possibilities of harm on either side, but I distinctly remember the look of terror on the young man's face as he cried "What ARE you?!" Before being dismissed from the office. I hadn't realized it happened, but the Kahuna later revealed to me after Gladion and Lillie left the school, one in concern and the other quaking, that my eyes had changed into that of an Incineroar, and that was what promptly began to make the boy feel that I wasn't normal! Nobody would believe him, thankfully, but Kukui received an earful from my mom for letting the incident take place, and Gladion grew pale at the very mention of my name. The only one who believed him was Lillie, who then told the rest of the class what he saw. How do I know? Mallow and I were outside talking the day after she left with Gladion, and out of curiosity and discomfort, she had asked me to look at her. After studying my eyes, she eased up, and laughed nervously as she told me everything! I called her a liar to their faces..... I lied to them to protect myself..... And over time, they began to suspect my little facade to them, what with the constant eyes at my back and whispering. Make them stop whispering! My face fell as I hugged myself, regretting what I had done back then as the flashback faded. Could the professor had been right about my guilty conscience? Was it the regret of lying to so many? Of hurting Gladion that day? Why did I feel guilty? Hop finally managed to get my attention as the packed floor grew dim, and brightly lit neon lights blinded me as Piers took the stage. His pale skin and eyes seemed luminescent in the glow of the brightly colored lights, and he produced a tall microphone stand as he boomed heartily, "GOOD EVENING SPIKEMUTH!" "YEAAAAAAHHHHH!" "WOOOHOOO!" "PIIIIEEEERRRRS!" The crowd cheered loudly, forcing me to cover my poor ears to protect them from the ricocheting reverb of voices. Piers scanned the crowd around him until his eyes fell upon Hop and I, making him grin happily. He spotted the camera around my neck, and I noticed his grin turn into a full on smile as a certain glint filled his eyes, causing them to glitter brighter than a displayed diamond as he continued, "ARE YOU READY!?" "Yeeeaaaahhh!" "I can't 'ear you! I said, "ARE YOU READY TO ROOOOOOCCCCKKKK"!" "AHHHHHHHH!" The crowd yelled back out in response, and a heavy beat began to drum throughout the small Gym; shaking the floor and my soul as I laughed at the growing energy in the room! Kabu hadn't fibbed when he said Piers became full of spunk doing the things he loved, and Marnie wasn't joking about the energy he put into every harmony, melody; sonnet and stanza as he did kick flips, somersaults, and other tricks that I'd never thought an adult could pull off in all my life. The chords he sung had entranced everyone in the room, even I was found watching on in awe as he continued to hop about the stage, and gracefully land on his feet! "LELE!" Hop called over the noise, and the jostling, and the singing of the crowd as they sung Piers's song. I turned to him, and yelled back, "YEAH?" "YOUR CAMERA! USE IT!" "OH YEAH!" I was too caught up in his performance that I totally forgot I had my camera, so I pushed myself towards a clear spot where I can take a snap without being thrown around. I ended up taking five: one with him doing a kick flip, the second one of a somersault, third being a pose with his microphone, the fourth of him leaning way back with his arm outstretched and his eyes closed, and finally, a picture of him and a tall, strange Pokémon beside him! The show went on for three hours, and Hop and I were having the best time EVER! After the show was over and everyone shuffled toward the gate, Hop and I lingered beside a fence, observing the shots I took. "Wow Lele, those are wicked! Piers is gonna be happy about these." Hop breathed in admiration as he sifted through the pictures. Once everyone was cleared off the Court, I noticed the design of the floor: a fade of magenta, black, and white inside a slate gray exterior, and I made sure to take a picture of the whole Gym when a voice chirped, "There you lot are!" I looked to the side to find Marnie racing up to us, her brother straggling close behind as he kept a gentle, rhythmic glide in his step. "Hey! I was wondering where you've gotten off to." Hop replied, smiling his widest. "I saw you takin' photos, Lele. May I?" Piers asked, extending his hand out to me. I placed the six photos into his hand, and as he observed each one, a pleased expression grew across his face and proud glimmer in his eyes as he nodded. "Say, you're good with photography! I'm impressed you managed to capture such lightin' in this ol' place. Let me know if you take up the trade in the future, yeah? I'd 'ire you in a heartbeat!" He praised, handing the pictures to his sister to look at. "So," I began, adjusting the strap to the camera, "any of them suit your liking Marnie?" "I REALLY like the one with 'im an' 'is Obstagoon together. The light of the stage captures 'em perfectly!" Marnie fawned, taking the picture in question into her hands. "So THAT'S what that Pokémon is!?" I breathed in awe. Marnie nodded her head as she replied, "Vicious fighters they are, but VERY loyal, and protective." "An' he's as good as they come." Piers commented proudly, boasting a loving grin as he held Obstagoon's ball to his chest. "Well if you like the photo it's yours." I giggled, making Marnie do a happy jig before throwing her arms around me. After she pulled away, Piers asked, "Do I get one too? Not every day a singer gets to see what he does durin' 'is show." "Sure! Which one do you like? I asked, holding up the four remaining pictures of him for Piers to choose. Studying each one carefully, he placed his pointer finger on one of the middle ones: the one where he was posing with his mic to be specific. I handed the photo to him, but before he took it, he handed me a thin, silver colored marker as he said, "Every picture needs an autograph to remember it by, if you'd be so kind." I took the marker from him, and wrote my name in Galarian on the corner before putting the Alolan symbol for good health and long life beside it. "Here you go! Blessed with the spirit of Akala Island, just for you, Piers." I finalized, handing the photo back to him. "What 'bout you? I know you're not gonna put 'em ALL in your journal without keepin' one for yourself." Piers teased, turning the remaining three to me to pick out. I considered carefully which one I was drawn to, and sure enough, the second mic pose with his arm outstretched, and his back leaned way back really captured his confidence and grandeur! I selected that one for myself, and Piers quickly took the cap of the marker between his teeth before signing the picture in turn, and placing three, odd looking runes on the back. He handed the photos back to me, and I observed the three runes for myself as he explained, "Ancient Galarian for strength, fortune, and luck! A lil' partin' gift for a first timer from yours truly." He winked his eye at me, and I felt an overflowing feeling of joy that I've never really felt before as I replied gratefully, "Th-Thank you, Piers!" I drew him and his sister into my embrace, happy to know such awesome, wholesome people. Hop stretched as he yawned, "Well, I suppose we should be getting a move on." "Thanks SO much for having us come, Piers." I said, releasing the two. "Nah, thank YOU for comin', and 'avin' yourselves a proper ball!" He countered, giving a musician's bow to the both of us. "Are you sure you two don't wish to stay the night?" Marnie offered, to which Hop sighed, "If we could, we would. Since that incident in Circhester, mum's only been letting Lele go as far as Motostoke on her own, and nowhere else! I promised we'd book a room at the Inn to put her at ease as well." "Man, that's a bummer." Marnie groaned. I thought back to the eerie feeling I had back at Motostoke, and an idea came to me as I offered, "Why don't you come with US? I've had a bad feeling in Motostoke today, and I really don't want to be by myself one door away from Hop." "Oh, could we Piers? Please?" Marnie begged childishly, causing him to chuckle slightly before saying, "Meh, why not? Gettin' tired o' just hangin' 'round 'ere all day and night." Her brother shrugged, and you wouldn't begin to imagine the relief I felt when he agreed that he and his sister would keep us company. Once back in Motostoke, and in our rooms, I dug into the tote I brought for pajamas. Marnie thought it pretty humorous that I had brought my packed clothes with me to the concert, but to be honest I felt more secure bringing it, rather than leaving it for nosy lobby staff and cleaning ladies to find. Marnie and I were directly across from the boys, so it was easy access if we needed them for anything, and I flopped onto the bed tiredly as she had begun to lightly snore! It took a while for me to find sleep myself, mainly due to the excitement of tonight, and the anxiety of today. I sighed, and closed my eyes as I slipped tiredly off into the world of dreams; the feeling of worry and restlessness being shaken like a bucket of Miltank feed being leveled just to the right amount.
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