Well Pokemon has a new generation game coming out which means a new anime series. I'm hoping that Ash goes back to generation 6 type of style or a new style like the Pokemon 21 Movie. I didn't like the Sun and Moon style that much compared to others and didn't like that there wasn't any gym.
The new generation will be set in the UK as we have seen, being from the UK myself I am expecting lots of things. Here is the map:
What I'm hoping for the anime series and the game:
1) Well I've mentioned it already but the style change for Ash.
2) As it set in the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.) I am expecting some animals, Flower type style Pokemon and Mythology creatures eg;
+ Hedgehog - We have one hedgehog Pokemon in Shaymin but having another one that isn't a legendary will be cool. Hedgehog are very popular in the UK.
+ Red squirrel and grey squirrel - We have Pachirisu and Emolga but in UK especially England the red squirrel population has decreased over time due to the grey squirrel migrating from North America. However over in Scotland the population has been stabilizing.
+ Red Deer another animal native to the UK - We have Sawbuck and Stantler but I feel like having another one being more fierce.
+ Badgers - A cool animal that I think game freak and Pokemon should really consider.
+ Lion, Dragon and Unicorn are national animals for respective countries. Lion for England, Dragon for Wales and Unicorn for Scotland while the national flower for Northern Ireland is Shamrock.
+ British Bulldog has to be a common animal known to be from Britain.
+ Red Fox for the representation of Robin Hood.
+ Scottish Wildcat
+ Beast of Bevendean - The English legendary mythology is known as a black panther like cat.
3) In the UK we have famous known people such as Conor McGregor and Anthony Joshua etc and bands such as the Beatles. We can always have a Pokemon represent them.
+ Have a new forms of fighting pokemon what I mean is you see that Jackie Chan has Hitmonchan and Bruce Lee has Hitmonlee maybe they can recreate that for today's fighters.
+The Beatles can have Beatles like pokemon all have musical instruments for example;
- One Beatle has drum sticks to represent Ringo Starr
- One Beatle has Guitar on its back to represent George Harrison
4) New Eeveeloution - Steel or Dragon.
5) Galar Region forms:
+ Rapidash - Change to a duel type of Fire/Steel, making it a war horse .
+ Seel/ Dewgong - giving it a colour change
+ Lapras - Change from Water/Ice to Water/Dragon to represent the loch ness monster.
+ Noctowl - Change it to white to represent the famous Harry Potter owl Hedwig.
+ Wingull
+ Wailord
+ Whiscash
+ Pachirisu represent grey squirrel
6) New Mega evolution
+ Flygon
+ Crawdaunt
+ Torterra
+ Infernape
+ Empoleon
+ Gastrodon
+ Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit.
7) The last gym to be a tough female
8) Elite 4 and Champion to be based on famous people from the UK.
If you have an opinion please do comment and lets have a discussion about gen 8 REMEBER THIS IS MY OWN OPINION.
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