2: Lake Verity
"Ah! It's good to be back!" Dawn said. "I remember this place." I said. "Hm... Seems unfamiliar." Volkner said. "Same here!" Flint said. "Well, this is my hometown, Twinleaf Town!" Dawn said. "It must be pretty peaceful... When you aren't there." Volkner laughed. "WELL IM SORRY FOR BEING MYSELF!" She growled. "Haha!" Me and Flint laughed. "Tch... Aaaanyways... The lake isn't there, it's over here." Dawn said, pouting. "Why didn't we go to Lake Valor first? It's closer to Sunyshore." Volkner said. "Because!" Dawn smiled. "Here we are!" Dawn said, as we walked through the small forest trail to end up at a huge lake. "This is lake Verity! And that Cavern over there has the legendary Pokemon of the lake in I--", "Kyyaaaauuun!" We were interrupted by a Pokemon cry. "And... I'm assuming that that's the legendary Pokemon you're looking for?" Flint said. "I think so!" Dawn said. "Wait here guys! I'll be back in a few!" Dawn said, surfing across the water on her Pokemon. "Well then..." I said. I sat down, my Garchomp did the same. "Houndoom!" Flint let his Houndoom out of its Poke ball. "Electivire." Volkner let his Electivire out of its Poke ball. "Alright, so we just chill here until she's done?" Flint asked. "Not anymore." Volkner said, walking away. "Volkner, that isn't good. At all." I said. "So? I have to go to the gym." He said. "Today's your day off..." I glared. "Uh... Either way, I'm going back to Sunyshore." He said. "NOPE!" Me and Flint said, blocking the exit. "Yep." He said, pushing us out of the way. "Sigh..." We sighed. "If today's his day off, then... What will he do? Doesn't he usually just stare at the Pokemon league from the lighthouse?" Flint asked. "Hm... He battles people too." I said. "He goes on walks or whatever and he gets challenged to battle." I said. "Ooooh..." Flint said. "HEY GUYS!" Dawn came back from the cavern. "So? How'd it go?" I asked, putting on my sweatshirt. It was pretty chilly in Sinnoh around this time of year... But Sunyshore city is actually pretty warm most of the time. "I got Mesprit!" She said. "Nice!" I said, giving her a thumbs up. "Let me guess... Blondie went home?" She asked. "Volkner? Yeah." I said. "Well, he made an excuse to go to his gym. Which we knew was a lie, because he has the day off." Flint said. "How about tomorrow we go to Lake Valor?" Dawn asked. "Sounds like a plan! Bye!" Me and Flint waved. "Bye!" Dawn said, walking towards Twinleaf Town.
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