Chapter 4: Double Battle Against The Newb
Here's the 4th chapter.
Now, for this battle I'll be giving Nemona a Mon she never uses.
She does say the team she uses in-game was made up of Mons to train up alongside you and that she has a different team Mons.
So of course since she's fighting you and you both promised not to hold back, she'll be using one of those mons here.
Her other team are gonna be made up of mons I think she'd have, so yeah.
Now, this chapter may not be too good, cause I have trouble writing double battles.
Things are probably gonna be all over the place, but I still hope you like it.
It was you and this guy from Team Star who you have decided to call Mike against Nemona and this newbie Juliana.
You and Mike tossed your Pokeballs along with Juliana and Nemona while Penny stood behind them.
Your Pokeball opened and from it emerged a group of similar looking small Friend-shaped creatures.
These 6 Pokemon were collectively known as Falinks.
From the Pokeball Mike threw emerged a long mammalian creature with sharp teeth known as Yungoos.
From the one Nemona threw emerged a floating figure that looked to be wearing a white Kimono.
This was Froslass.
From the one Juliana threw emerged a small pokemon that was also friend-shaped with leaves atop it's head.
"Shit, a Ghost type...well fighting type moves are off the table." You thought with a sigh.
Falinks as a fighting type was at a severe disadvantage against Froslass as Ghost types are immune to fighting and normal type moves.
So against Froslass your Falinks was severely limited in it's moveset.
It didn't matter though, you were not gonna back down.
"Falinks, use First Impression!" You ordered immediately.
All 6 Falinks in the blink of an eye seemingly vanished into thin air.
Before Nemona or the Froslass could even react, her Froslass was suddenly surrounded on all sides by each individual Falinks who reappeared all around her.
And with speed comparable to lightning, each Falinks delivered a powerful headbutt to the Froslass from each side into her.
The Froslass winced in a bit of pain before each Falinks jumped back and landed on either side of her.
The move didn't do too much damage as that was a bug type move which ghost resisted.
But First Impression could only be used once per switch in, so why not use it?
"Nice, but let's see if you both can handle this!?" Nemona dared. "Froslass use Ice Beam!"
Nemona's Froslass charged up an orb of ice energy in her mouth, preparing to unleash the attack.
You were ready though.
"Falinks, quick use Protect followed by No Retreat!" You stated quickly.
Each Falinks quickly retreated once again forming a straight line behind the Falinks with the horn.
Just as Froslass unleashed a powerful blue beam of ice energy from the orb she was charging a green energy shield formed around each of the Falinks which nullified the ice beam.
With the attack nullified, all 6 Falinks got into a formation with the lead at the front and performed No Retreat.
With that move completed Falinks was now stronger and faster.
"Now use Rock Slide!" You ordered once more.
"Froslass use Astonish!" Nemona ordered quickly.
Just as Falinks was about to start the move, Froslass quickly flew at the 6 and came to a quick stop inches from right in front of them.
This sudden move made all 6 individual Falinks flinch preventing them from performing the move you ordered.
"Now use Icy Wind!" Nemona ordered immediately.
Quickly Froslass inhaled and unleashed a breath of frosty cold air from her mouth.
The force of the icy wind was strong enough to blow all 6 Falinks back sending them tumbling through the air.
"Falinks, Smart Strik!" You ordered quickly.
Each Falinks corrected themselves in the air and landed.
The Lead Falinks having landed on one of the others and quickly the lead Falinks propelled itself off the one it landed on.
The Lead Falinks' horn glowed a bright white and became coated in hard metal as it flew at Froslass.
The attack was a direct hit on Froslass' chest causing massive damage which launched the ice/ghost type back a few feet.
The attack hit hard with super affective damage as Froslass hit the ground with her back to the floor.
"Ooh nice one, just what I'd expect from you." Nemona said happily while you looked annoyed.
Oh just once you wished to actually piss her off in a fight.
"Yungoos, use Bite on that Bounsweet!" Mike ordered knowing it was best to take on Juliana rather than Nemona and risk pissing you off for getting in your way.
The Yungoos snarled before baring it's sharp teeth and lunging at the round berry pokemon.
"Bounsweet, quick rapid spin!" Juliana ordered quickly.
The moment the Yungoos got close, Bounsweet proceeded spin in place.
She spun so fast that when Yungoos attempted to chomp down on her, the leaves atop her head struck it smacking it away.
The weasel creature flew back and skid across the ground before correcting it's position and landing on it's feet.
"Use Super Fang, Quick!" Mike ordered immediately.
Once again the Yungoos lunged at the berry pokemon, it's teeth glowing white with power.
Juliana simply smirked and ordered her Bounsweet to use "Teeter Dance."
Thanks to Rapid spin, boosting Bounsweet's speed, she managed to get off the Teeter Dance.
Bounsweet quickly performed Teeter dance by putting her legs together making her look like an odd top and began leaning side to side rapidly.
The dance sent out odd pink waves and the moment they reached Yungoos it became confused.
It's eyes became swirly and it stopped in it's tracks stumbling around.
Unfortunately for you, in a Double Battle, Teeter Dance affected both opposing pokemon, so the waves reached your Falinks as well.
All 6 of your little guys while fending off Nemona's Froslass began stumbling around and took an Ice Shard to their faces.
"Damn it!" You yelled as Mike began panicking.
"Yungoos snap out of it!" The Team Star grunt yelled, but his Yungoos just stood there swaying from side to side.
Juliana decided to seize her chance now and maybe do a little overkill.
She took out the Tera orb Nemona had given her and activated it.
"Oh no!" Mike said now in full panic mode as a massive amount of power gathered in Julian's Tera orb.
She tossed it at her Bounsweet and the moment it made contact with the berry pokemon, she became encased in bright white crystals.
After a few moments, the crystals suddenly broke revealing Bounsweet with a new accessory atop her head.
Bounsweet had Terastalized into her original type.
"You did it Juliana!" Nemona cheered. "You Terastalized your Bounsweet into a Grass type, now your grass type attacks are gonna pack an extra punch."
Mike immediately began freaking out trying to snap his Bounsweet out of his confusion while Julian gained a Sadistic grin.
"Okay, Bounsweet use Magical Leaf!" Juliana ordered and in response Bounsweet let out a cry as the Tera Crown atop her head released a surge of energy.
As it did this, glowing leaves of pure grass type energy formed and began swirling around Bounsweet.
"Yungoos snap out of it and dodge!" Mike pleaded, but it was no use as his Yungoos kept stumbling around.
Bounsweet let out another cry as it launched the floating leaves at the confused Yungoos.
"Falinks use Protect and block that!" You yelled almost immediately.
All your Falinks for a brief moment managed to push through the confusion and fast as they could jumped in front of the defenseless Yungoos in a V formation and put up a shield.
The Magical Leaf attack bounced harmlessly off the shield and once Bounsweet stopped the shield dissapated.
Mike turned to you a look of surprise on his face.
"Th-thanks (Y/N)..." He stuttered only for you to yell.
You didn't respond, simply focused on the battle.
You don't know why he was thanking you.
You didn't care if he was taken out of the battle.
The only reason you saved him was because you simply did not want to give Juliana any kind of victory in this battle.
You were going to make sure she didn't knock out your Falinks or this guy's Yungoos.
Juliana was now extremely annoyed with you for that.
"Bounsweet, Magical Leaf one more time!" Juliana ordered and Bounsweet once again let out a cry as the Tera Crown released an energy surge.
"Not so fast!" You stated holding up your own Tera orb which gathered a mass amount of energy and you quickly tossed it at the lead Falinks.
Like with Bounsweet, all 6 Falinks became encased in white crystals as Bounsweet unleashed it's Magical Leaf attack.
The leaves harmlessly bounced off the crystal much to Julian's annoyance.
You gained a malicious grin as the crystals broke off revealing the lead Falinks now had a Tera Crown of it's own.
All 6 Falinks despite the confusion let out a loud cry upon the Terastalization completion.
"Ooh, that's bad news for us Juliana." Nemona said turning to her new rival. "He Terastalized his Falinks into a Steel Type."
"Wait, you can do that!?" Juliana asked sounding confused and Nemona nodded in response.
"Yeah, changing a Pokemon's type to one that isn't their original is just good strategy in a battle." Nemona stated matter of factly. "He Terastalized his Falinks into a Steel Type."
"Well, that's just great." Juliana muttered now unsure of what to do as you kept your grin.
Since your Falinks was now a Steel Type, her Bounsweet really couldn't do much.
All it knew was Normal and Grass type moves, she had just caught it recently after all.
"Can't even do neutral damage like with Fuecoco." She thought biting her thumb.
"Well, this was fun but I'm tired of looking at you ya Bland Broad, so Falinks end that fruit with Mega Horn!" You ordered and much to your delight, your Falinks managed to completely shake off the confusion and perform the attack with no issue.
The horn on the lead Falinks head extended and radiated a green glow and the same thing happened with the rest of the Falinks.
Bounsweet gained a look of fear as all 6 Falinks began charging at it.
"Bounsweet, dodge now!" Juliana ordered in a panic as the approaching Falinks closed in on the practically defenseless fruit.
It managed to jump to the side to avoid the first Falinks, and managed to jump over the second.
"Keep up the pressure boys, don't give that fruit any room to breathe, it can't dodge forever!" You ordered and the Falinks did just that.
Each one kept charging at the Bounsweet forcing it to keep dodging, it only barely dodged each time though.
"Froslass, use Shadow Ball and protect Bounsweet!" Nemona ordered and her Froslass immediately sprung into action.
Just as the lead Falinks was about to ram into the Bounsweet, Nemona's Froslass flew between the two of you and began charging up an orb of black and purple energy in it's hands.
"Yungoos use bite on that Froslass!" Mike suddenly yelled and his Yungoos managed to push through the confusion and lunged at Froslass.
It was fast enough to move past your Falinks and quickly deliver a hard bite to onto Froslass' arm.
This in turn caused the shadow ball the Froslass was charging to dissipate as she flinched back.
This gave your Lead Falinks the chance to land a brutal Mega Horn attack on the Bounsweet.
The impact from the glowing horn was so powerful it knocked out the Bounsweet.
This in turn caused it's Terastalized state to dissipate returning it to normal.
In addition to being knocked out, the Bounsweet was launched forward directly at Juliana who had no time to dodge.
So the Bounsweet collided with her stomach knocking her onto the ground right on her ass as well as knocking the wind out of her.
Her Bounsweet rolled off her while Juliana fell onto her back with a painful sigh.
She raised Bounsweet's Pokeball and returned the little berry Pokemon before letting her hand plop down leaving her flat on the ground.
"Damn it." She muttered in a dejected tone.
"Oh you have no idea how satisfying that was for me!" She heard you yell making her look up to see your absolutely smug shit-eating grin while your Falinks all let out a screech of victory.
Your smug grin faltered when you heard Mike let out a scream and turned to see Mike's Yungoos was down and out.
It's entire upper body was also frozen solid leaving only it's head with the swirly eyes indicating it was knocked out.
"Dang, sorry (Y/N)..." Mike apologized feeling ashamed as he returned Yungoos to it's Pokeball making you look at him.
"Whatever." You stated before turning back to face Nemona who was worried for Juliana who simply laid there on the floor with a flat look.
"Juliana are you okay!?" Nemona asked worry in her voice as Juliana simply kept silent.
"Dont worry Rival, I WILL AVENGE YOU!" Nemona declared dramatically.
In response Juliana simply gave the student council president a thumbs up before once again letting her arm fall.
Nemona turned to you and gave you an extremely excited and eager smile and you swore you could actually see stars forming in her eyes.
This face was one you only saw when she battled you and likewise, you gave her an excited smile of your own.
You won't lie, battling Nemona gave you a rush as well and while getting your revenge on Juliana was extremely satisfying.
And now that the Bland Broad and this punk was out of the picture, there was nothing stopping you both from having your fun.
Nothing would give you greater pleasure than finally getting a win over on Nemona.
Now with your 2 partners out of the way you could focus fully on each other.
Mike, Juliana, the female Team Star Grunt and Penny all looked extremely uncomfortable by the faces you two were making.
"Is it too late to leave and try to make more normal friends?" She thought.
"Alright (Y/N), time to end this battle!" Nemona declared holding out her own Tera Orb.
It began gathering energy which seemed to cause Nemona a small bit of discomfort.
Regardless, the orb charged fully and Nemona tossed the Tera Orb at her Froslass who appeared to giggle at your Falinks.
A hand was placed over her mouth as she smirked and made a sound reminiscent of giggling as the crystals completely enveloped her form.
The Crystals dissipated and as expected, Froslass let out a cry as her Tera Crown sat atop her head.
Nemona Terastalized her Froslass into a fighting type.
Now this was both good and bad.
Good because now Falinks fighting type moves could hit the Froslass, but now Iron Head wouldn't be as a affective.
It didn't matter though, so long as you could hit this thing with your Falinks' best moves now.
"Falinks, use Zen Headbutt!" You ordered.
Immediately one Falinks' horn emiited a pink glow and it sprung off the ace Tera Crown of the lead Falinks jumping towards Froslass.
"Froslass, use Protect!" Nemona ordered and immediately her Froslass raised her hand and put up a shield.
Like a bouncy ball ricocheting off a wall, the Falinks was launched back to your side.
"Now use Will-O-Wisp!" Nemona ordered.
Upon hearing that your eyes went wide, you would not allow that attack to land.
6 wisps of purple flames appeared around Froslass and she sent them at your Falinks.
"Counter that with Rick Tomb!" You ordered and your Falinks reacted fast.
Multiple large boulders appeared, hovering above the battlefield and they came crashing directly in front of your Falinks.
The 6 wisps dissipated harmlessly against the boulders.
Both Nemona and Froslass looked up and saw 3 more boulders about to crash down on the ice/ghost type.
"Dodge, now!" Nemona ordered not missing a beat and her Froslass immediately swirved around the crashing boulders, dodging elegantly.
One Falinks in almost an instant came crashing through one of the boulders, it's horn and head glowing pink.
The attack hit hard and both Froslass and the Falinks were sent flying.
"Quick, use Thunderwave!" Nemona ordered and in response Froslass while flying back grabbed onto the Falinks and released a powerful electric surge into it's body.
Despite the immense pain Froslass was in thanks to that super affective Zen Headbutt it mustered up enough strength to toss the now Paralyzed Falinks directly at the other 5 with electricity still surging through it.
It hit and due to the other 5 Falinks being so close together the paralysis of thunderwave spread to them as well.
"DAMN IT!" You exclaimed as all your Falinks struggled to get up, yellow electricity sparking off them.
Not only would your 6 little guys struggle to move now, they'd also be slower now.
"Sorry (Y/N), you put up a good fight like always, but I'm ending this right now, FOR JULIANA!" Nemona declared dramatically.
Juliana who still hasn't gotten back up in response let out a half-hearted: "Ya-hoo."
"A-are you okay?" Penny asked leaning down to look at Juliana.
"Yeah." She replied simply.
"D-do you wanna get up?" Penny asked again.
"No, not really." Juliana replied once again.
"Okay then." Penny said backing up a bit.
"Come on (Y/N) you can do it!" The Female Team Star Grunt yelled.
"Yeah, beat this crazy Student Council down into the dirt!" Mike yelled.
Hearing those words of encouragement boosted your ego a boy giving your a confidence boost.
Despite how bad the situation was you refused to just roll over and let her win.
"Okay, Froslass use Tera Blast!" Nemona commanded.
Froslass let out a cry as the fist-shaped Tera Crown atop her head released a surge of energy and glowed intensely.
Froslass held her hands out in front of her and charged up an orb of white energy.
Your Falinks still paralyzed prepared themselves as best they could for the oncoming attack.
"Tera Blast, that's not good for me." You thought sweating nervously.
Tera Blast was a powerful move that changed to the same type a Pokemon Terastalized into.
That would mean your Falinks would take a super affective attack that would most likely knock them all out.
The white orb Froslass was charging then turned a dark orange-red and immediately unleashed the attack.
She launched thousands of orange-red energy fists in the direction of Falinks.
"Falinks use Protect now!" You ordered and despite the paralysis, your Falinks managed to bring up a shield completely deflecting the Tera Blast.
Now you were pretty much cornered, you knew what would happen if you tried any attack.
If you attempted to use a close range attack, Nemona would have Froslass use protect and thanks to Paralysis reducing Falinks' speed they most likely would not be able to dodge or take a close range Tera Blast.
And Falinks didn't have too many ranged attacks, and they wouldn't be much help either.
Focus Blast requited time to charge and during that time, Nemona would order Froslass to attack and it would be over.
She'd also use protect to block Hyper Beam and since Hyper Beam required time to recharge after use, it'd just once again make Falinks a sitting duck.
Even with a Tera Blast, protect would just nullify it and once again, Nemona would seize the chance and attack.
However, it seems Nemona was getting impatient and ordered an attack.
"Okay, Froslass, let's win this match with one more Tera Blast!" Nemona ordered and Froslass immediately began charging up another Tera Blast.
You had no choice now but for one last all out attack, and that's what you'd do.
"Falinks counter that with Hyper Beam!" You ordered and your panting Falinks while struggling managed to start charging up the Hyper Beam.
Froslass unleashed a flurry of energy fists while Falinks unleashed a powerful red sparkling beam of pure energy.
Both attacks collided creating a massive explosion forcing, you, Nemona, Penny and the Team Star Grunt to cover your eyes.
Meanwhile Juliana simply sighed as she stayed flat on her back.
Both you and Nemona let out coughs since you were both closer to the explosion.
The dust finally settled revealing who had won.
Nemona's Froslass remained standing, a bit scuffed up and bruised, but still conscious.
Your 6 Falinks though, were on the ground, the Tera Crown gone and their eyes swirled showing they were knocked out.
You had lost.
Stop the music:
And you still hated the feeling, but it was to Nemona this time instead of that Bland Broad, so it wasn't so bad.
But you still hated it.
You let out a disappointed sigh as you returned Falinks.
"Yes! We did it Juliana!" Nemona cheered bouncing over to Juliana.
"No, we didn't do it." Juliana said raising her hand before pointing at Nemona. "YOU did it, I couldn't even knock out that guy's Yungoos."
"Oh don't be like that." Nemona chuckled gripping Julian's wrist and pulling her up onto her feet. "You did great, especially since (Y/N) wasn't using a new Pokemon like last time."
"Thanks, but I still lost." Juliana sighed with a shrug. "But if you think I'm gonna let that jerk have the last laugh, you're wrong."
"Is that right?" You asked crossing your arms and Juliana in response glared at you.
"Yeah, I know you're stronger than me, but that's gonna change." Juliana assured with determination in her voice.
The look in her eyes when she said that, you could tell she meant it.
There was a fire in her eyes, a bit similar to the fire you see in Nemona's eyes whenever she battles you, just less...crazy.
You couldn't help but feel a little excited yourself and gave her a smirk.
It would be fun constantly crushing her as she tries to get to your level.
"Alright then ya Bland Broad, it's gonna be fun watching you try and fail as a rival!" You mocked making her angry.
"Well she won't fail." Nemona suddenly assured patting Juliana on the back. "Cause she'll have me as her coach."
"Oh I feel bad for her." You said simply crossing her arms making both Nemona and Juliana glare at you.
"And what exactly does that mean?" Nemona asked.
"Nothing." You said sarcastically while raising your hands defensively. "It's just she's not gonna get anywhere with a mentor who has a Hyperactive Skowvet-brain."
"pft, I'm not like that, am I Juliana?" Nemona asked turning to her friend/rival who in response simply went silent and began shifting her eyes around trying to think of something to say.
It was really entertaining watching her struggle to come up with something while the Orange kept staring.
You turned and noticed the 2 Team Star Grunts were still there watching all this awkwardly.
"Hey Mike." You said suddenly making both of them turn to you.
"Who me?" Mike asked confused. "M-my name is John."
"And I'm Sam." The female Grunt stated.
"I couldn't care less." You replied simply making them keep quiet. "But anyway Mike...thanks."
You were thanking him for intercepting Nemona's Froslass' shadow ball of course.
It took a while for what John heard to sink in, but when it did he turned into a stuttering mess.
"I-it's J-John, b-but it's cool." John stated rubbing the back of his head.
It was very rare to get a thanks out of you as one could imagine so John was a bit flustered even if you did get his name.
"Yeah yeah, now get outta here, you got no reason to be here anymore." You ordered and they both nodded.
"Alright, see ya later, Hasta-la-vistar!" John said before doing the Team Star pose followed by Sam doing the same before they both ran off.
You will never not cringe internally every time you see that.
You were glad Juliana and Nemona were preoccupied to see you being nice.
Unfortunately it seemed Penny took note of your interaction with those two as you noticed she was staring at you.
You weren't too concerned about her seeing you being nice though.
She barley showed up in classes and gave of an aura that screamed: "I have no friends."
So you decided to leave the 3 and be on your way.
You stopped in your tracks and froze in place however, when a loud yell reached your ears.
"What happened here!?" Came an elderly female voice.
This caused Juliana and Penny to stiffen up as well.
Approaching all of you was none other than your Maths Teacher Tyme.
Ms Tyme:
And the normally kind woman did not look happy as the area you all battled in was rather Wrecked and still had the boulders from your Falinks' Rock Tomb everywhere.
"Oh hey Ms Tyme." Nemona greeted happily. "We just had a battle to have the new kid try out Terastalizing."
Ms Tyme pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"Is that so?" She asked with a heavy sigh and Nemona nodded happily. "Then tell me, why didn't you use the court near here for this instead of causing all this destruction?"
"Oh sorry...guess we all just got too excited." Nemona said rubbing the back of her head as you, Juliana and Penny all were sweating nervously.
Juliana was currently mentally kicking herself for getting in trouble on her first day.
Meanwhile you were screaming internally because there was a high chance they'd call the one person on this planet you feared.
A walking nightmare that strikes fear into the hearts of those who heard her voice.
Your Mother.
There we go, this isn't my best chapter.
Double battles are hard to write for me, but hopefully I'll improve as we go.
But I still hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all later.
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