Chapter 3: Shiny Stars
Here's the next chapter guys, hope you like it.
Also, concerning the uniforms that students have to wear at Naranja Academy.
I'm sure us as the Reader wouldn't want to put on those dorky things.
So we won't.
I don't see a reason not to, since Penny doesn't wear her uniform at school.
It could be a modified school uniform, but it doesn't look one bit like those uniforms so I don't know, but I'm sure you guys don't mind us not wearing those things.
You stood outside the gates of Mesagoza City, a hub of Trainers and common people and directly in the middle of the city was Naranja Academy.
You looked around to make sure no one was around and took out a Pokeball and opened it.
From it popped Quaxly, a look of shame on it's face as you glared down at it while crossing your arms.
The Little Duckling Pokemon braced itself for anything that may come, a beating or a scolding.
It closed it's eyes and stiffened up in fear as you kept gazing down at it and uncrossed your arms letting them rest by your side.
"We lost." You said lowly clenching both your hands into fists. "I hate losing."
The scared Quaxly shrunk down at your voice fully expecting you to blame it and even abandon it for the loss.
"And to make it worse, it was against a newbie and a Pokemon you had a type advantage against, that should have been an easy win!" You said now clenching your teeth.
Poor Quaxly was shivering by this point and it looked like it was on the verge of crying.
"But we did lose..." You sighed loosening your fists. "And all we can do now is train you up and get stronger for next time."
The Quaxly looked up at you in surprise and confusion.
You kneeled down and sighed once more.
"Don't blame yourself, I'm your Trainer, the loss is on me." You said softly before wiping away the tears that were beginning to leak from it's eyes. "I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at myself...and at those bitches."
"Quack?" Quaxly asked tilting it's head.
"All we can do now is make sure next time we fight that Bland Broad we're stronger and win." You said getting back up and standing proud.
Quaxly stood proud as well and gave you a salute.
"QUACK QUAXLY!" It yelled determined.
"Good." You said taking out Quaxly's Pokeball. "Get ready Duck, cause I'm gonna make sure you shine brighter than a supernova."
With that you returned Quaxly to it's Pokeball.
Stop music:
You placed the Pokeball on your belt and entered the large doors.
On the other side you finally entered Mesagoza City, a bustling hub of Trainers and common people and directly in the middle of it was the famous Naranja Academy.
Mesagoza City:
You placed your hands in your pocket and stood up straight looking as confident as ever before making your way to the large building with the pokeball on it.
While most people just ignored you as you kept walking, but a few Trainers either ran away or got nervous as you passed by.
It was the Trainers you had beaten before and seeing them react like this boosted your ego greatly.
Oh you needed this after that humiliating battle with that bitch Juliana.
She wasn't going to get away with humiliating you like that, next time you were going to win.
You were suddenly brought out of your thoughts when you suddenly bumped into someone who like you probably wasn't paying attention.
Thankfully you were steady enough not to fall upon impact, something that couldn't be said for the other person who fell flat in their ass.
You glared down at whoever had the nerve to bump into you.
Glaring down you saw that whoever crashed into was a girl, a girl with red and blue hair and a pair of round glasses.
"Watch where you're goi..." You took a moment stare at her as she got up and adjusted her glasses. "Hey I know you."
You couldn't recall her name, nor did you really care to, but you've seen this girl around school a few times though she almost never came to class.
With how rarely you saw her actually in class it was a wonder she hasn't gotten expelled yet.
"S-sorry." The girl stuttered before turning and walking away as you watched her leave.
That girl...she was a suspicious one, something was certainly off about her.
At least that's the way you felt every time you saw her.
As you watched her leave, suddenly everything went black as your vision got obscured.
"Huh?" You asked.
"Guess who." Came a sing-song voice from behind you, an all too familiar one.
"Hello Crus." You said after letting out a sigh.
The girl behind you let out a giggle as she removed her hands from over your eyes allowing you to see again.
You turned around and came face to face wrih the girl named Crus.
"Heya (Y/N), how's my buddy doing?" This girl asked with a bright smile.
"Crus, we're not friends." You said flatly making Crus frown.
"That's mean (Y/N), you're hurting mine and Doofy's feelings." She said with a fake pout.
"Doof." Came a high pitched voice making you look down and standing there by Crus' ankles was the Pokemon she named "Doofy."
Doofy the Shiny Bidoof:
You glared down at the bucktoothed Pokemon and groaned.
"Okay Crus what do you want from me?" You asked with a flat look.
"Wh-what do you mean?" She asked sweating a bit.
"You only put on a cute act when you want something." You said annoyed making both Crus and Doofy sweat more.
"(Y-Y/N)...I'm appalled you'd think..." Crus tried to say only to go silent when she saw your unamused expression.
The girl finally let out a sigh and gave up.
"Okay fine, can I borrow some money?" She asked shamefully clasping her hands together.
"No." You replied almost instantly making both Crus and Doofy fall down anime style.
"Oh come on!" Crus yelled getting up. "Didn't even think it over."
"What do you even need money for?" You asked pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Um...just a few...sandwich ingredients." Crus said ashamed.
A moment of silence passed before you sighed.
"Why do you need money from me?" You asked placing your hands in your pockets. "Sandwich ingredients are pretty cheap."
"Yeah...but, I kinda...spent all the money I had yesterday." She said sweardropping along with Doofy.
You raised a brow.
"On what?" You asked.
"This." Crus said shamefully revealing she was wearing a bracelet with a star-shaped charm.
"Crus...what is that?" You asked once more.
"It's a Shiny Charm." She replied with an embarrassed blush. "It cost 1,000,000 Pokedollars and 1,000,000 League the same time."
Your eyes went wide with shock upon hearing that price and all you could say in response was:
1,000,000 Pokedollars AND LEAGUE POINTS, that was the exact same price as a bike in other regions.
"Okay...first of all, where did you get that kind of cash?" You asked after calming down. "Second of all...WHY!?"
"Well, I was saving up money and points for a long time just to buy it actually." Crus admitted rubbing the back of her head. "Since I was a kid actually, apparently this thing makes it a tiny bit easier to find Shiny Pokemon."
"And you believe that!?" You asked angrily. "How do you know it's not a scam!?"
" had all 5-star reviews online and still does." Crus said with a pout making you face-palm while Doofy simply shrugged.
"You're an idiot." You groaned.
"Doof." Doofy agreed with a nod.
"Who's side are you on?" She asked the little Bidoof.
"Bidoof." Bidoof replied with a shrug.
"On the side of the one that makes the most sense?" Crus asked before scoffing and taking out her Pokeball and returning Doofy. "You've earned a Pokeball time out mister."
"A Pokemon smarter than it's Trainer?" You asked with a chuckle. "That's just sad."
"You shut your mouth!" Crus yelled before sighing deeply. "(Y/N) just please give me some cash so I can make a sandwich."
"No." You replied once more making Crus sulk. "You should have saved up some more and put it aside for the sandwich ingredients."
"I realize that now." Crus said depressed.
"What do you want to use the sandwich for anyway?" You asked once again.
"I wanna make a sandwich that attracts Psychic Types cause I want a Shiny Flittle." Crus admitted. "Figured I'd test this shiny charm out too trying to get it."
"Well too bad, you're either gonna have to wait until you can get more cash or something else." You replied and Crus in response began to cry.
"Come on dude, they're not expensive and I promise I'll make it up to you...somehow." Crus pleaded making you groan.
You really didn't want to give Crus any of your hard-earned Pokedollars, but it really didn't cost that much to get a few sandwich ingredients.
You let out a sigh and said:
"Fine...but you better not tell anyone ya hear me?" You asked threateningly while looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to you both.
Thankfully people walking by you weren't students or simply just ignored you both.
"(Y/N)...I'm a Shiny Hunter and you're my only friend." She chuckled. "I can't tell anyone even if I wanted to."
"We're not friends." You insisted as your Rotom Phone floated up out of your pocket as did Crus'.
"Then why are you helping me out like one?" Crus asked rather smugly, and you did not like that.
"Shut up or you get nothing." You threatened and immediately Crus shut herself up, showing it by doing a zipping motion over her lips.
With that dealt with you transfered a few League Points to her phone.
League Points being a type of digital currency that only official Trainers can have.
"Yay, thank you so much." Crus cheered after the transfer was complete. "I swear I'll make it up to you."
"You can do that by leaving me alone." You groaned as your and her's phones floated back into your respective pockets.
"Ha, no way I like you too much." Crus chuckled. "Don't worry, I already have the perfect way to repay you, I just need time."
Honestly you would have just preferred she leave you alone.
"Whatever, I'm going before someone from school sees me with you." You replied turning and walking away.
"Alright, see ya later." Crus said sounding excited. "That Shiny Lady Gaga Ostrich will be mine!"
You shook your head as you watched her run off.
You see, Crus was a Shiny hunter, a type of Pokemon Trainer that dedicated themselves to hunting Shiny Pokemon.
Shiny Pokemon being a rare kind of Pokemon that's a different color than their normal species.
Sometimes the color change was major and noticeable, sometimes you really had to squint to see the color change.
And when I mean rare, I mean RARE, Shiny Pokemon are so hard to find you'd think they were a myth someone made up.
Some methods have been invented to make finding Shinies easier, but you'd still spend hours looking with a high chance of coming up short.
You never really understood the appeal, sure a different colored pokemon was cool, but you wouldn't hunt relentlessly for one.
But if other people wanted to shiny hunt it was cool.
You just wondered why Crus kept coming to you to show off new Shinies she caught or tried to hang out with you.
She said she liked you, but why?
"Questions for later." You thought placing your hands back in your jacket pockets and continued to walk to your destination.
You finally made it to the center of Mesagoza and immediately your mood that was once getting better immediately sunk back down.
Standing there in the center of the Plaza was the current object of your hatred.
Juliana, and she was busy eating an ice cream cone, most likely from one of the many vendors in Mesagoza.
Juliana turned finally noticed you and for a good while you both just stared at each other.
Juliana's face then turned into one of disdain and she dropped her ice cream cone onto the ground.
"Seeing you made me lose my appetite." Juliana said grumpily before beginning to walking away to the long staircase leading to Naranja Academy.
You ground your teeth in anger before chasing after her.
"Hey, ya Bland Broad, where's the Orange!?" You yelled out making Juliana scoff.
"Why do you wanna know?" Juliana asked annoyed as she increased her pace. "Do you wanna get stepped on by her?"
"What!?" You asked outraged following faster.
"Oh, it's just that she told me she's beaten you so many times and you keep rematching her." Juliana stated turning to face you with a smirk. "Makes me think you like losing and being her sub."
And just like that, your mood that was already going down upon seeing her had hit rock bottom.
"I mean you even lost to me, a so-called newbie." Juliana kept on mocking. "Did you lose on purpose because you like being dominated by women?"
"How about we have rematch and find out!?" You yelled pulling out a Pokeball.
After that, you were not gonna be lenient on her, you were gonna use your stronger pokemon in your next match and crush her under your feet.
The two of you made it to the middle section of the academy stares which was more than big enough to have a battle on.
Just as Juliana was about to turn around to accept your challenge her attention was caught by 3 individuals to the side.
Your attention turned to where she was looking and you saw Penny and she was being confronted by 2 other people.
These two people were wearing the normal Naranja Academy uniforms which were modified.
And those were modifications you knew well.
"Don't you get it?" The girl asked Penny. "If you join Team Star you can shine as bright as anybody."
"Team Star?" Juliana asked curiously.
Penny gave no response to their question which seemed to irritate the two.
"Seriously, what's with you?" The guy asked. "Don't you wanna burn bright with awesome friends like us?"
"...Not really." Penny replied softly looking away.
They both did not like this response.
"Look, we got a quota we're supposed to fill for new members, so just sign up already." The girl demanded making you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, demand people join, that won't scare them." You thought shaking your head.
You turned back to Juliana and saw her walking towards the 3, most likely to help Penny out.
"Hey, get back here and fight me you Bland Broad!" You yelled only to get no response. "Damn it, I will not be ignored!"
Your outburst caused the 3 to turn and see you both approaching.
"(Y/N)!" The guy and girl from Team Star both exclaimed.
Juliana ran up to Penny while you ran up to the Team Star members.
"It's great you're here, maybe you can help us convince this girl to join up." The girl said hopefully.
"Forget that nerd!" You yelled at the Team Star Members who flinched back a bit. "All I wanna do right now is have a battle with that Brat over there."
You pointed at Juliana who stood protectively in front of Penny who shyly looked down.
"You want her to join us?" The guy asked confused.
"Hell no!" You yelled your eyes showing nothing but fury. "I want her down and on the ground in defeat!"
The 2 members of Team Star once again flinch back with the guy even jumping into the girl's arms.
"Wh-what did she do to you?" The guy stuttered out.
"You don't need to know!" You yelled almost immediately.
"Oh I beat him in a battle and he's still Salty about it." Juliana stated and hearing that made the Team Star Members gain faces of shock and you to gain and even more enraged look.
"Sh-she beat you?" They both asked and you turned to glare at Juliana.
"You just got lucky, don't think you're better than me just because you got lucky!" You snarled making Juliana chuckle.
"I don't, I just like seeing your reactions whenever I bring up the fact I beat you." She explained further angering you.
"Oh yeah?" You asked pulling out a Pokeball. "Well then..."
Before you could reply a voice suddenly rung out from the upper staircase.
"Pero Bueno! What do you think you're doing?"
Everyone turned and saw Nemona descending the staircase and glaring down at you all.
"Oh no, it's that student council dweeb." The Team Star girl yelped dropping the guy.
"She's gonna report us if we don't book it." The guy responded getting up.
"I can't believe you Juliana." Nemona said sternly walking up to the new student who stood there confused.
"You don't have to find any randos to Battle." She continued. "You'll have all the battles you'll ever need with me."
The face Nemona made and her tone disturbed you, Juliana and Penny quite a bit.
The Team Star Members were just more afraid than they were already.
"Um...that's not what's happening." Juliana said nervously. "It was those Team Star punks."
"Rando!?" You asked offended.
"Oh they picked a fight with you?" Nemona asked before turning to look at you and the Team Star members."Oh sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean you, you're way above these randos."
"Thank you." You stated Crossing your arms.
"Hey!" Both Team Star members yelled offended.
"But you're still a member of Team Star and you're probably pressuring people into signing up again right?" She asked making you scoff.
"No, that's what these two were doing." You responded pointing at the 2 Team Star members who freaked out even more at being ratted out. "I just want a rematch with that Bland Broad."
"Really?" Nemona asked before her face brightened into smile. "Perfect!"
"Huh?" Everyone including you asked.
"As student council president, it would normally be my job to stop this, but this is a great chance to have a double battle and test out my gift to you." Nemona explained squealing like a giddy schoolgirl.
Well...she is a giddy schoolgirl now that you think about it.
Nemona handed Juliana a Pokeball sized known as a Tera Orb.
Tera Orb:
"We can have a double battle with (Y/N) and one of those Team Star punks for you to test out Terastalization." Nemona explained clapping happily.
Hearing that made the 2 Team Star members fear for their lives while you simply scoffed and pulled out your own Tera orb.
"Why?" You asked confused. "I can take you both on on my own. These guys are so weak they're more of a hindrance to me if we teamed up."
"Hey!" The guy yelled.
"Shut up, it's true." The girl admitted.
"That may be (Y/N), but I think it's fair." Nemona stated. "Since you'll be battling me, I don't expect you to hold back so why not have Juliana fight someone who isn't as skilled as you?"
"We're right here." The Guy stated once more.
"And I don't care." You growled glaring at him making him flinch back once more.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Fine, so long as they stay out of my way." You groaned.
"So it's settled then, it's me and Juliana against you and one of them." Nemona said practically vibrating with excitement as Juliana nodded confidently.
You turned to the Team Star grunts who nervously sweated under your gaze.
"Which one of you is higher up in the rankings?" You asked and the guy shakily raised his hand.
You then demanded they get up, get their Pokeball and fight with you.
Despite his fear of Nemona, he feared you more and so he shakily got into position beside you.
Both Nemona and Juliana stood in front of Penny.
"So we'll all just use one Pokemon each since I'm sure your partner only has one right?" Nemona asked and you turned to glare at the guy who shakily nodded.
"Fine, but like you said, I definetly won't be holding back." You said holding out a Pokeball.
"I'd be disappointed if you did." Nemona responded holding up a Pokeball of her own.
Both Juliana and your partner did the same thing.
All 4 of you got ready and tossed your Pokeballs to let out your mons for this double battle.
There we have it boys, this took a while but it's here.
Hope you like it.
After this, I'll try and include at least one battle in each chapter.
I won't always be able to fit one in like here, but I'm hoping at least most chapters will have at least one battle.
Anyway, have a good one and I will see ya'll later.
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