9New eevee evolvions
Name: Cricket
Age: " I know im not so post to be a trainer at my age thats why i dont have a starter pokemon but i grew up with my pokemon" he turned 8 yesterday
(Or he can be your age if you want)
Gender: male
Looks: hes short
Personality: (if hes younger then 11 hes tough but gets scared kind of eassly, protective of his pokemon n there protective of him, hes brave
(If hes older then 12 Thiks its funny to scare people, he loves attention, jokes a lot, caring, loves his pokemon)
Pokemon team:
Ghost type eevee
Move list
1.Moongeist Wind
2.Shadow claw
3. Phantom Force
4.Thunder Bolt
Poision type eevee
Move list
1: Acid downpour
2. Poision tail
3.Baneful Bunker (Moves has no effect for this turn on posion eevee except for weather conditions)
4. Quick attack
(Speshal ability during battle if touched it poisens the attacker)
Fighting type evee
Move list
1.Focus blast
2.Close combat
3.Take down
4.sacred sword
Bug type evee
Move list
1.Bug Buzz
2.Air slash
3.Aireal ace
4.Pin missile
Steel type Evee
Move list
1. Metal Claw
2. Iron tail
3. Metal ball (He throws the metal spears on his body with high speed at the target, if the target has any kind of metal on it the spears will follow the target until impack and give a small explosion, it has a 80% chance of hitting a non metal having target, and has a 1 move dela until you can use it again )
4. Smart strike (the spikes on its body grows an hardens before it hits the target, in some cases he can use it as a sheld)
Ground type evee
Move list
1. Dig
2. Earthquick
3. Screech
4. Sand storm
(He can suck up dirt with the thing around its neck and cover its self with the dirt dust comes out of it to be nearly completly invissable in sand storms and confuses people an pokemon when it does it not in a sand storm)
Dragon type evee
Move list
1.Dragon rush
2.Dragon tail
3.Dragan pules
4. Draco meteor
Rock type evee
Move list
1.Stone edge
2.Rock tumb
3.Rock climb
Flying type evee
Move list
1. Sing
2. Ice beam
4. Mirror move
(The puffs on its body can multiply being used as a sheald and can throw at aponits makeing them unable to move that part of them until its gone, this is not a move so it cant be coppied)
Backstory: his parents ran an eevee farm trying difrent wayd on how to grow, teach, and evolve evees. The figuered out a way to evolve eevees into a bug, fighting, dragon, flying, ground, rock, steel, poision and ghost type pokemon, under secret resurch of courses. So the public has no idea about theses new discoveries, sadly never will again because during the exsperements some of the evee an eveeions when perzerk and distroyed the far and put his parents in the hospital so he was all alone. Except for the 9 evees that stayed hiddened with the boy, when the cops left the area he quickly snuch out with a back pack with little food,9 pokeballs and 4 healing potions. That was all the time he had to grab stuff because thats when he saw the cols coming back the boy ran off barly making it a way the cops still looking for him. (If hes older then 10 then the cops arnt after him)
Other: scenes the pokemon arnt his and hes not really a traner he has more then 6 pokemon
Scene1: you make it
Scene2: You saw a poision type and a Ghost type eevee walking with no trainers around along a path to town which is not far off. They havent noticed you you...
Scene 3: on the way to town you where walking past the battle fild and saw what looked like a pile of rocks in the center. That was until the pile of rocks stood it streching, it rezembled an eevee in a way. It glances around seeing you an smiled the pokemon started talking in its languge looking as if it was calling you into a battle. You saw no trainers here so may be it was wild? You....
Scene4: There tranier got hurt after a battle with some pokemon. The trainer made it to a cave and collaped inside, the human was poisioned an couldnt move any more. There were some pokemon that tryed to get into the cave so his pokemon protects him all 9 out of there pokeballs most in side with him 2 out in the woods trying to find food for him. And 2 at the entrences of the cave. The dragon type and steel type evee was at the entrwnce casing and fighting off the last of the sworm that followed them. One of your (or more of) our pokemon were gone as you were just wakeing for the morning. You got worried where did they go? Your pokemon was heading towards the cave not to far from you. And a steel lip eevee screeches with a loud echoing damaging voice, which can push others out of the way. It did it as a warning and slamed its metal tail agenst the ground fearcely thinking your pokemon wanted to attack hurt them/there trainer inside. The dragon type eevee was in a tree and growls it as well screeches but it wasnt a move. Both gos towards them to attack and you heard the comotion and runs over to see your pokemon douging a simpal tackle move, they werent moving very quickly scenes they didnt reallg want to hurt them but it didnt seem that way. Your pokemon an you........
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