Transforming Miracle
Ditto's POV
So this happened, I was battling these Team Rocket people when my trainer, Red, called me back as I had no more energy to battle.
I was tired and tried my best to sleep, but an earthquake woke me up. I realised it wasn't an earthquake.
I watched what was happening outside through the small screen. Team Rocket was taking Red, Lyra and the Donkey looking boy with them, tied in ropes.
And then I knew, this was a rescue operation, Ditto's rescue mission, Red rescue team, whatever.
I came out of the Pokeball, the helicopter flew opposite to where we were going. I had to do something, but what could I ?
I was just a small jelly like Pokemon with only one move. Think Ditto think, that one move is Transform, you can do anything. Yeah, but not until I see something cool.
'Hello ? Any Pokemon here ?', I shouted, hoping I might see a flying type. 'Any flying type ? I need help'.
But nothing showed up. I looked at the sky and could still see the helicopter they were taken in.
I slimed after them, with no hope of matching their speed. I was looking up and sliming when suddenly I bumped into something.
'Hey, little guy', I said. It was some bear Pokemon with a crescent moon like structure in it's head. 'Have you seen, any flying types around ?'.
'No', he said, in his baby voice. 'But you shouldn't be here. Mother will...'.
Suddenly, a roar was heard and a big bear Pokemon who was obviously this one's mother, advanced towards me.
I quickly slimed away, but was now in a chase, still confused that I was chasing someone or being chased.
I looked at the bear Pokemon and transformed into that. My speed increased and outrun the Pokemon.
Continuing chasing the helicopter, it was far, and I still didn't have enough speed to catch them.
Then a Pidgey was seen, flying and I transformed again and flew off.
It was easier to fly than to run and could see them conveniently.
I wish I saw Mew again, that speed cannot be compared with any other.
The helicopter went downwards, trying to land next to a small two storey building with an R on it's roof.
The helicopter landed on the ground, so did I. I hid behind a tree, still as a Pidgey.
'Butch take them inside, I'll get more people, these kids can't get away this time', said Cassidy. She walked towards the two storey building.
Before she could go inside, I transformed into her.
Butch took Red, Lyra and the third trainer to another building, one storey, next to the two storey one.
I wanted to fool Butch and free the three but I couldn't, not untill my beady little satanic eyes could be seen, yes, those two dots were the main problem.
I went inside the one storey building to take my chances.
Aurora's POV
The video was successfully copied to the pen drive. 'What was that about ?'.
'I don't know, but we need to consult a scientist who may be able to help us'.
'I think we should talk later, we have to leave this place first', said Kevin
Kevin opened the door and went outside, I put the pen drive in my pocket and followed.
'Hey, you there', said a Security Guard with a rash voice. I looked around, he was standing across the corridor, walking towards us. 'Stop, you two'.
'Run !', I shouted. Kevin brisked towards the staircase and ran downstairs, I did the same.
The guard ran after us. 'Security building everyone, fast'.
Ditto's POV
Butch was tying the ropes to a metal handle, so they they could not escape the one storey building.
'Butch, I'll take care of them', I said.
'Okay, just let me tie them properly'. Butch tightened the ropes.
'Uh, boss is calling you', I said.
'Oh, okay. I'll come back in a few minutes'. Butch walked out.
'Come on, let's get you outta here', I said, untying their ropes.
'Wait, what ?'. Ethan sounded confused.
'I am not Cassidy. I am Ditto', I said.
'Whoa, Ditto can turn into a human', said Lyra. 'That's dope'.
'I can still not believe this is you'. Red was set free, he rubbed his wrists, they must be paining.
Red untied Ethan and Lyra.
'Wait, Charles is in Kanto', said Butch, entering the building. 'You're not Cassidy, are you ?'.
'Nope', I said, transforming into Butch. 'I am you'.
Aurora's POV
The guards were very close to us. We we're so close to the fence we break.
'Aurora, go, I'll distract them', said Kevin, stopping.
'No, Kevin !', I shouted, but the guards caught him, which slowed them down, and were in a distance from me.
I ran towards the broken fence, but my luck wasn't so good. More guards stood in front of the broken fence.
I changed my direction, now I was running towards a truck, to hide.
The guards still followed me. I went behind the truck, to block their view.
'Go Murkrow'. I sent out my flying Pokemon. 'Take this pen drive and don't let anyone take it, I'll see you at home. Go !'.
Murkrow held the pendrive in his beak and flew away.
The guards stopped in front of me.
'You have to come with us, miss', said a guard, holding my hand and putting handcuffs on them.
Ditto's POV
Cassidy entered the building along with three more Team Rocket Members. They looked at me and then at Butch, as if they've seen a ghost.
'Which one is Butch ?', asked Cassidy.
'I am', I said, followed by Butch.
'No, the real Butch', asked Cassidy.
'As I said, I'm the real one', I said.
'Cassidy, he's a fake, an imposter', said Butch, pointing at me.
'Go Charizard'. Red threw a Pokeball.
'Okay, Butch...Butchs', said Cassidy. 'Carry on. Sird, Carr and Orm, fight them'.
'Go Sentret', said Lyra, sending out Sentret.
'Hoothoot, I choose you', said Ethan.
'Go Rattata'. Sird sent a typical Team Rocket Pokemon.
'Go Koffing', said Orm.
'Go Ekans', said Carr.
I looked at Butch. 'You can't fight me'.
'I can, go Houndour', said Butch. 'You don't have Houndour, do you ?'.
'No, I don't. I am Houndour', I said, transforming into Houndour.
'What the...', said Butch. I used Bite.
Aurora's POV
Kevin and I sat on a chair, with handcuffs on our hands.
'So, what did you steal ?', ask a Security Guard who looked senior than the others.
'Nothing', said Kevin. 'We we're here to see how this place looks like'.
'Dennis !', said a voice. 'You can leave, I'll deal with them'.
Ditto's POV
Houndour used Ember. Why ? Any one who has a fire type always ask them to use fire attacks, why ? Tackle deals a good amount of damage.
Moreover, it's difficult to breathe out fire continuously.
'Why are you even listening to him ?', I asked Houndour.
'Cause he is my trainer', said Houndour', in his rash voice.
'Is he though ? I bet you, you're either stolen or kidnapped', I said.
Houndour was sad. 'You're so insensitive'.
'Okay, I take that back, but, I know he didn't catch you on his own', I said.
'Charles, gave me to him', said Houndour.
'I don't know who Charles is. But I do know, Team Rocket is upto no good', I said. 'You wanna help us ?'.
'Butch will abandon me if I betray him', said Houndour, crying.
'He will do so either way, why not now ?', I asked. 'It's better to be with a Pokemon Trainer, at least they don't use you as your weapon. Gym Battles are fun'.
'I think you're right. I don't know, I'm confused what to do', said Houndour.
'Come with us, I'll talk to my trainer, we'll figure out a way. But the place you're in now, Team Rocket, it's also know as hell'.
'Houndour ! Flamethrower !', shouted Butch, angry.
I was eye to eye with Houndour and nodded. 'Please'.
'Did he say flamethrower ?', asked Houndour.
'What ? Oh crap', I said.
Aurora's POV
'Kevin and Aurora, nice to meet you two', said a man. 'So, I figure you have the video'.
'Who are you again ?', I asked.
'Oh God, I thought you'll recognize my voice. I'm Greg. Gregory Silverman. Ring a bell ?', said the man.
'And you work for NASA ?', asked Kevin.
'Why do you inform us about NASA stuff ?', I asked.
'Well, someone has to. Then why not the Senior Manager ?', said Greg.
'Wait. You're the Senior Manager of NASA ?', I asked.
Greg smiled. 'We will escort you back home, your car will be safely returned to you after the security is satisfied that you did not take anything. I hope Murkrow has reached home'.
I stared at Greg. 'Yes, I keep track of everything'.
Ditto's POV
Houndour walked towards me.
'Houndour, don't', I said, thinking he was about to flamethrower at me.
He opened his mouth and I saw the fire in his throat. Then he quickly turned around and used flamethrower on Butch.
'Whoaa', I cheered. 'Thanks'.
'No, thank you', said Houndour.
Ekans, Rattata and Koffing fainted, thanks to Charizard, Hoothoot and Sentret.
'Ready ?', asked Ethan.
'I know why to do now', shouted Butch, breaking Houndour's Pokeball.
'What ?', asked all the other grunts.
'Run !', shouted Butch, running out of the building.
Cassidy followed him. Orm, Carr and Sird looked at us in anger and went away.
'That was close', said Lyra. 'And awesome'.
I transformed into Ethan. 'Butch abandoned Houndour. Can anyone of you take him in ?'.
'I will', said Ethan, taking out a Pokeball.
'That is very kind of you', I said.
Ethan take the Pokeball closer to Houndour. Houndour tapped his head to the Pokeball and went inside.
The Pokeball shook, shook and then flashed. Houndour was caught.
Aurora's POV
As Greg said, we were escorted back home. I walked upstairs to the first floor, where we house was. Kevin tagged along.
'I hope Murkrow is at home', I said, opening the door.
'Promotion is final', said Kevin, excited.
Murkrow was sitting behind the door. I looked at Murkrow, he didn't have the pen drive in his beak.
'Where is the pendrive ?', I asked.
Flashback for Murkrow...
Murkrow had the pendrive in his beak as he flew towards the city. Suddenly, the pendrive just vanish in thin air.
...Flashback Over
'It's okay, promotion can wait', said Kevin.
Red's POV
Lyra, Ethan and I continued walking. I was a bit frustrated at Ethan.
'You said Ruins was an hour away, now we're waiting our time', I said.
'Hey, those Team Rocket Grunts took us somewhere in a helicopter, so technically, it will take time', said Ethan.
'I think we should rest, right now', said Lyra. 'I have three cans of Pitt Cola left'.
Professor Oak's POV
The room was dark. I walked to my desk and turned on my computer.
I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed out a pendrive. I plugged it in and selected a video file.
The video was recorded from a satellite. An asteroid was heading towards the Earth. Suddenly, a bomb appeared and boom !
The asteroid broke into pieces and fell to the Earth. One of the pieces was still floating on space.
It was a metallic piece, a black colored triangle which had a purple outline.
The triangle moved here and there in a pattern and shoot itself to the Earth.
The video ended. I rubbed my eyes, then placed my fingers on them.
Then I said ,'What have you done ?'.
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