Pikachu's POV
I was unconscious and my eyes started to open. I saw my friends; Charizard, Bulbasaur, Wartortle, and the Eevee. And other Pokemon belonging to Bugsy, Ethan and Lyra were also there.
But I couldn't see them clearly, my vision was blurry, the sound I was hearing was distorted.
'Peeeeeekaaaaachoooooo', I heard. 'Pikachu !'.
My hearing turned back to normal after my eyes opened properly. I came back to my senses, but I couldn't remember what had happened to me. Why was I there ?
I was in a cave, surrounded by 15 Pokemon, it was weird, anyone would find it weird.
'What happened ? What happened, where are we ?', I asked, requesting for the information.
'Team Rocket, again tried to act clever and stole us. Unlike you all, I don't sleep inside my Pokeball, I watch what is happening outside', said Ditto, in its high pitched voice.
'That's because you're not really a Pokemon', said Sentret.
'No, that's completely absurd. He is a Pokemon', countered Wartortle.
'Wait, don't call him he, Ditto is genderless', said Chikorita.
'Okay, calm down', I said.
I looked around to see what everyone else were doing. Bugsy's Scyther and Heracross sat together in a corner, silently. Lyra's Chikorita and Sentret were standing with each other, while Marill slept behind them.
Ethan's Quilava was breathing loudly, trying to show off the flames from his back. Houndour was looking at me seriously. Hoothoot was running after Zubat.
And Zubat, oh God, he flew here and there shouting ,'Cave ! Cave ! Cave !'.
Red's Bulbasaur, Wartortle and Eevee were standing together, looking at me. Charizard was standing alone, with his eyes closed and arms folded. Ditto, being Ditto, was transforming into everyone present there.
'Charizard, can you help us, buddy ?', I asked.
'Pikachu, the thing that you are not understanding is, I can't fly in a cave', said Charizard. 'So, it's completely pointless to be the strongest Pokemon here who couldn't do anything'.
Scyther and Heracross glared at Charizard.
'How did you save us ?', I asked Ditto.
'I saw our Pokeballs were in a pickup truck that belonged to Team Rocket, so I came out, put all the Pokeballs in my body and jumped off, and yes we were in the cave at that time. Team Rocket went away, not even knowing we weren't there', said Ditto. 'Then, when I jumped, one of the Pokeball contacted the button of your Pokeball and you came out'.
'Oh', I said. 'Well then, thanks for saving us'.
'Don't mention it', said Ditto.
'Hey, about getting back to Lyra ?', asked Chikorita. 'Am I the only girl here ?'.
'Not exactly', said Bulbasaur. 'Marill is there but she's sleeping like always'.
'Bulby, sometimes I feel bad for you', said Wartortle. 'When will you grow ?'.
'And I feel bad for you, Warty', said Charizard. 'You know if you evolve, you will be stronger than me'.
Wartortle made a sad face. 'This is pointless, you are arguing within yourselves', said Houndour.
Charizard looked at Houndour, as if to argue.
'What Houndour means is - we don't want any of us to argue and find a solution to find our trainers', explained Quilava.
Red's POV
My brain couldn't process the fact that all my Pokemon were stolen. Ethan, Lyra and Bugsy looked sad too.
'Red ? Should we carry these eggs in our bags ? Won't they break ?', asked Ethan in despair.
'Keeping it in the bag will keep it warm, but keeping it outside maybe a better thing as they can break inside the bag', I explained.
Ethan quickly opened his bag and held the egg in his hands, he walked carefully, holding the yellow-black egg.
'I'm worried sick. Would anyone try to find them ?', asked Lyra, sad.
'I know Scyther and Heracross must be trying to find us by now. They are pretty smart, it's not like they'll be sitting somewhere waiting for us', said Bugsy, who had a little bit of hope.
'I think you're right', said Ethan. 'I believe in Zubat too, bot like he'll be flying here and there'.
'Where are we ?'. Lyra opened her Pokegear to check the directions. 'Okay. Union Cave is 500 meters from here, south'.
'Okay, then. Just keep walking, and try not to get distracted', said Ethan, trying to joke which isn't funny at all.
Pikachu's POV
All of them were annoying, each and every Pokemon. Nobody bothered to get up and try to find their trainers. They were just sitting, hand on hand or paw on paw or whatever; trying not to do anything.
The most annoying thing was, I was the oldest. If only there was someone mature, someone responsible in there, it was me.
Suddenly, a Pokemon was seen. The Pokemon was fat, white and wooly.
'Oh my gaaaaaa-god', said the Pokemon. The voice was irritating but maybe it could help us.
'Hello, my name is Pikachu. We belong to Pokemon Trainers and we need to find them. Do you know any way out of this place ?', I asked, trying not to be rude.
'I knaaaaaa-know the way out. But only the way to Azalea Town. Do you want to go to Azaleaaaaaaaa ?'.
'Yes, yes', I said, quickly.
'Pikachu ? Are you crazy ?', asked Chikorita. 'Lyra won't be able to find us if we go that far'.
'Chikorita is right, we need to go to the other entrance, the Ruins of Alph one', said Houndour.
'I agree with Pikachu. If our only way out is the one leading to Azalea Town, maybe I can find our trainers by just flying', said Charizard.
'That's an excellent idea', said Wartortle.
'Yes, th-that's an excellent idea', agreed Bulbasaur. 'S-so we shouldn't wait that long. L-lets's go'.
'Everybody, let's just follow this-', I said, interrupted.
'Maaaaa-reep', said the Pokemon.
'Mareep', I said. 'Okay, so let's just follow him'.
Charizard walked forward. He scratched his big belly and gestured Bugsy's Pokemon to join.
Heracross walked forward but Scyther showed no interest in getting out.
'I can do this on mah own'. Scyther smiled. 'I don't need any of you to try. I've got this'.
'And how is that ?', asked Chikorita.
'Come on, you're a grass type and should know what I'm saying', said Scyther.
Chikorita looked confused. 'I don't understand'.
'You know, a powerful razor leaf can break a wall, I'm saying I drill our way out using my sword hands'.
'You can't break a cave, it's not like your hands are made up of Iron'. Eevee argued.
'Okay, no breaking of caves, we just follow Mareep here who'll lead us out', I said, like a leader.
'So, I'll call some of you back inside, only the small ones stay out in case any rogue Pokemon showed up', said Ditto.
Charizard volunteered to go back inside. Marill was called back because she was just sleeping. Zubat, Hoothoot and Quilava went back. Heracross went inside while Scyther stayed out. Wartortle and Bulbasaur too went inside their Pokeball.
'I'll keep the Pokeballs safe', said Ditto, putting the Pokeballs inside its jelly body.
'But like this, I won't be able to transform'.
'That will be fine, silly putty', said Scyther, in his heavy voice.
'Chikorita, Sentret, Houndour, Eevee and Scyther', I said, trying to get attention. 'We need to move'.
'Azaleaaaa, this waaaa-y'. It was the time I felt like kicking Mareep's head off, but we needed to get out first.
'As you say'. Ditto followed.
'What's the hurry ?', asked a familiar voice. I looked around along with all the other Pokemon, it was Cassidy. 'Hey, Butch, I found them'.
Red's POV
We stood outside the Union Cave, thinking if we must enter it or not. Caves were my archenemies, I hated them, and probably wanted every cave to just vanish some day.
'What are we waiting for ?', asked Ethan, steeping forward to enter the cave.
'You kids won't make it through', said a voice. The voice belonged to a man of about 30 years.
'What ?', asked Bugsy.
'Ah, Bugsy', said the man. 'I'm saying you won't make it to the other side. It's a labyrinth'.
'So how are we supposed to-', asked Lyra, interrupted.
'If you want I can drop to the other side. I'm heading towards Cianwood City for fishing in my boat', said the man.
'So you are a fisherman', asked Ethan.
'Yeah', said the man. 'Come on, my boat isn't that far away'.
It looked like a perfect day for me. I hated caves and didn't have to enter any to go to other towns. I hoped that more caves don't pop up Everytime we go somewhere, that'd be the best thing.
Soon, we were sitting in a small white fishing boat that was making its way around Union Cave.
Pikachu's POV
Mareep knew directions, what could be more convenient. But unluckily those Team Rocket freaks found us.
'You can't get away now', said Butch. 'Go Sneasel'.
'What is that ?', I asked, surprised to see a new Pokemon.
'I am battling Sneasel', said Chikorita. 'Take care of Cassidy's Misdreavus'.
I was confused, I never ever heard the names Chikorita was saying. I didn't even knew the type of the Pokemon.
'Go Misdreavus and Drowsee', said Cassidy.
'Leave the Drowsee to me', I shouted and used Thunderbolt.
'Drowsee, use Psychic'.
Sneasel was too powerful, Chikorita fainted.
Ditto pressed the button on Chikorita's Pokeball and called her back.
'Sneasel is very powerful', said Butch. 'Come at me'.
Suddenly, Houndour came running from the back and used Ember on Sneasel. Sneasel fainted.
'Houndour ?', said Butch, angry. 'You should be ashamed of yourself'.
'Houndour, don't, he's just trying to mock you', said Sentret.
Suddenly, a Psychic attack hit Sentret and she fainted. Ditto called her back.
I looked at Drowsee who attacked Sentret, Drowsee smirked.
'Team Rocket sucks', I said, using a Thunderbolt attack.
Drowsee fainted.
'How is that possible ?', asked Butch.
'Butch, see this. Misdreavus, use Confuse Ray'.
The ray hit me, and many others too. Suddenly, I saw a fireball coming towards me and it hit me hard. I fell to the ground and my eyes closed.
Eevee's POV
Pikachu fainted. But I had no confirmation as the confuse ray was messing with my mind. I could see a ghost-like thing where my friends should've been.
I knew they were my friends, but the confuse ray made me think as if they were ghosts. And trust me, they were scary. I felt like attacking but I knew I shouldn't.
I fell on a rock next to me and lied down. Everything looked distorted. 'Help'.
Suddenly, I saw lighting, and I was happy that Pikachu did not faint. But no, it was the Mareep.
Misdreavus fainted and my vision cleared. Cassidy and Butch tried to run, when Scyther came running quickly.
For a second I thought he would drive his hands through the two. But instead he just chased them until the two ran away.
I got up and looked at Mareep.
'That was great what you did', I said.
'Thaaaaa-nks', said they Mareep. I felt like Iron Tailing her, but then I thought, she helped us.
Mareep led us outside the cave. Scyther was happy that we finally were out. Houndour lied down under a tree and Ditto was wobbling around with so many Pokeballs in its body.
Then, after a few minutes I saw Red running towards us. Followed by Ethan, Lyra and Bugsy.
Ditto, returned the Pokeballs and everyone of us went inside but me.
Lyra looked at me. I looked at her then the Mareep. 'Hey, would you like to join us ?', I asked Mareep.
'On a journey ?', asked Mareep.
'Yes', I said.
'That would be gre-aaaaaaa-t', she said and I laughed.
I looked at Lyra and nodded. Lyra grabbed a Pokeball. I wanted to see Lyra a thing the Mareep, but then, I was called back inside.
But inside the Pokeball was a screen through which I could see what was happening outside.
Lyra threw the Pokeball. The Pokeball shook and flashed blue. Mareep was caught.
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