Okay, so this is the list of all the Undertale/Deltarune stories I want/will be doing and what I want to explore in them. Obviously spoilers in advance for Deltarune chapter two and everything else. Lol.
Deltarune/ Pokémon crossover: The Idea of Strings. What kind of strings? Puppet strings obviously since that seems to be something major within Deltarune chapter two regarding our friends Kris and Spamton. For whatever reason they're both controlled by strings and I want it to be a sort of mystery dungeon story. Where Kris is naturally in control of himself outside mystery dungeons, but once he's inside he's being controlled by the player, Gaster, Mike, ect. I just feel like it would make sense to do this. I don't know if this is a good idea, but I like playing around with the ideas that seem like they are in Deltarune. I mean obviously you're controlling Kris—and someone is controlling Spamton, so there must be a link....
Undertale/Pokémon Crossover: also the idea of strings. I just feel like the fact that frisk is also controlled by the player as something interesting as well, but it's probably something not that noticeable since people either blame frisk themselves or Chara themselves when in reality Chara was woken by the destruction around them and frisk was just a pawn in your game. I really would like to see that more instead of Chara being a bloodthirsty murderer while the one behind the strings laughs it off. I want to see stuff like Frisk fighting themselves/the Player as they journey through stuff. Therefore why This comes to play. The strings I tell you...don't trust Mike. Lol.
Alright now that's pretty muchly the ones that are obviously crossovers, but in advanced some of these will probably be on my main...Keep in mind it might mostly be the xreaders that make their way here excluding some of my favorites since I want my main to have things like (I know I'm a weeb, you don't need to remind me) SpamtonxReader and BerdlyxReader.
Anyways here's the list...I won't have the things I want to play around with in these because I don't even know what I could want for these...these stories might also explain why i want to delete a lot of stories.
BerdlyxReader (you're a protozoan)
Spamtonxreader (Be A BiG ShOT!)
RalseixReader (He's sus)
SwatchxReader (this dude reminds me of Grillby)
QueenxReader (KriS Get tHe baNaNA!!)
LancerxReader (I swore I just came up with this...bruh)
RouxlsxReader (it's Rules guys. Also I hate this guy, but I also love him. The fuck?)
SeamxReader (Jevil isn't the focus this time. Cute af cat)
(Be warned there's cringe ahead)
KrisxLancer (told you)
KrisxBerdly(I swear I love shipping half the population with Kris)
KrisxSpamton(Why am I obsessed with you Spamton? Lol)
SpamtonxJevil (I swear I started this in my mind as a joke)
SpamtonxTasques Manager(idk why...)
SpamtonxQueen (I told you they're weird)
KrisxRalsei (finally something people will recognize)
SusiexNoelle (literally the most canon ship so far)
I think that's all, but idk. Lol.
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