Chapter Twenty-Six: "Igniting a Spark"
Mark nodded to Pryce. He needed to call Spark. Glancing at Sean, he saw him waiting to pick up his order. Patting Pryce's shoulder, he told him seriously. "Stay with him. I'm going to make that call now." Pryce lightly pushed him as a hint to go. Rushing to a small hallway between the elevators and the Pokemart, he tried not to run into anyone opening travel lockers. At the far back were the bathrooms, but on the opposite wall from the lockers were three little sitting cubicles with video phones. No one was using them currently. Dropping quickly onto a plush square stool, he clicked the power button on the keyboard to wake it from its sleep mode. On the bulky square monitor, a light robotic voice asked him. "Local or long distance?" Mark used the wired mouse to click on local. The screen changed to a typing bar, asking politely. "Please enter the number you wish to call." Mark rolled his eyes. He didn't just memorize something like that. Lifting his arm, he checked the information logged into his Trainer bracelet. He couldn't call from his bracelet, but all his important information was on it.
It was a lifesaver in moments like this. Typing out the number, he waited for it to process. Once the number was verified, it brought up a mini screen with a price on it as it said. "Thank you. This call with cost you... this much. Is that ok? If so, scan your bracelet now. If not-" Mark didn't wait, he just scanned his bracelet across the little scanner pad built into the top of the keyboard. Instantly, the payment went through, putting a little check by the price. Then the voice asked him sweetly. "How would you like this video chat to be received? Through the phone. Through messaging. Or through the speaker? If through the speaker, please be mindful of those around you." Mark glanced around before clicking for the phone option. He was in Mystic territory. It would be stupid to practically broadcast his chat with Spark. The screen changed to a purple waiting screen as the voice told him. "Please pick up the receiver now. You're call is being placed." Mark picked up the bulky wired phone and put it to his ear.
The waiting screen began to show a ringing phone, while the voice cheerily uttered repeatedly over the speaker of the phone. "Ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring. Phone call. Phone call." Mark pulled the phone away from his ear, grumbling out gruffly to himself. "Spark, pick up... Don't make me listen to this..." Mark was beginning to wonder if Spark would ever pick up. He'd never taken so long to answer something before. The guy was practically addicted to his phone. Finally, the call was picked up, causing the video screen to reveal Spark. Spark's short blonde hair was messier than usual, and he seemed completely distressed. His normal smile was gone. Replaced by a show of him biting his lower lip with furrowed brows. Upon seeing Mark's face, he cheered up a little bit as he blunted out. "Mark! There you are! I've been trying to reach you! What happened?! Are you ok?" Mark nodded, huddling a bit closer to the screen and phone as he told him. "I'm good. My phone got wet. Spark, listen-" Spark was so distracted that he cut him off to ask hopefully. "Mark, have you seen Lewis?"
Mark's heart sank a bit, replying curiously. "Not since I left him at the daycare center. Why? What's going on?" Spark took a seat on what looked like a garden rock, telling him a bit shakily as he ran a hand through his golden hair. "He never made it back here. The woman I sent to get him. We found her unconscious in the woods. All her pokemon were gone. I suspected Team Rocket, but after the fight to rescue that Milotic from Mystic. I think it was revenge. I just don't get why they'd take him. There has been no ransom and Blanche... She denies it. But I know she's hiding something. She looked worried too and I'm sure it is because someone from her team is behind this!" Mark shook his head, trying to slip in as calmly as he could. "No. Spark, it's not Mystic. Get someone to the shrine now!" Spark dropped his hand from his hair, asking a little caught off guard. "What? Why?" Mark glanced around again, before trying to whisper to him. "Spark, Team Rocket is going after the jewel."
Spark tilted his head a little, uttering out confused. "Why would they do that? While it's true that the jewel will summon Zapdos. He doesn't answer to just anyone. They'll just piss him off and send him into a rage. Even our strongest electric types are no match for him. He's already injured a dozen of them that have tried to talk to him..." Spark's eyes drifted up to the sky, before adding very softly. "We've been trying to calm him. But it's not working. The jewel glowed and... Zapdos has become so territorial of the island. It's like he's expecting a fight... He's been sapping power from all over the island. I don't know what is going on. I've never seen him like this." Mark heard thunder rumble loudly on Spark's end. Mark realized where Spark was after seeing baby pokemon rush up to cling to his long legs. Spark was in the green house garden on Lightning Island. Mark swallowed, quickly informing him. "There is too much to explain. But you have to trust me, Spark. They are coming for that jewel! You can't let them have it! Lugia is-" Mark didn't get a chance to finish because a flash of lightning blacked out the screen before the call was cut short.
The video phone voice came back to tell him promptly. "We're sorry. You're call has been disconnected. Possibly due to storm warnings in your area. Would you like to try again?" Mark put the phone back on the holder, ending the call altogether. Rising from his seat, he uttered out uneasily. "Oh, shit..." Seconds later, thunder boomed loudly and crackled across the sky. The sound was so loud that the windows shook in their frames and the power flickered. Kids screamed and adults jumped in fright. Mark rushed back across the place to the Pokemon Café. Sean and Pryce were staring out the large windows. A thick mist was rolling out over the water from Ice Island. While the sky was filling with black storm clouds. People were gawking and gasping at the sight. Grabbing Sean's arm, Mark told him seriously. "We need to get going. Now." Sean nodded, but Pryce interjected in casually. "Sean should call his Team Leader too. They might beat us there." Giving him a shrug, Mark said coolly. "I don't think we have the time. We have to cross the water while it is still calm enough."
Sean agreed, adding lightly. "We're going there anyway. Let's just go." Sean gestured for Mark to go toward the doors. So, he did. Mark held the door open for them, telling Pryce over the heavy falling rain. "Are you sure that Lapras can handle this?!" Pryce flipped up the hood of his robe, answering loudly. "Yes!" Mark began to drag his feet a bit as they moved out to the wet sandy shore. The rough waves slammed against the sand, but Pryce and Sean made their way out across a wooden dock like it was nothing. Every wave that crashed over the side of the dock had Mark on edge. He hadn't been so tense in a long time. It took every bit of his will power to get him to walk to them. Pryce tossed his pokeball toward the water. From the ball, a large pokemon appeared in the restless water. All he could see of it was its long neck and large spiked grey shell on its back. Lapras was large enough that it could fit three adults comfortably. Pryce reached out to pet the Lapras's face, telling the others casually. "Climb on."
Sean moved to the edge of the dock and jumped the small gap to get on Lapras. Lapras didn't even sink under Sean's weight. Pryce waited for Sean to settle himself on one of the thick spikes of the shell, before telling Mark. "You're next." Mark hesitated. Inching to the edge of the dock, his eyes were locked on the dark ocean water. Locking his jaw, he tried to talk himself into this. Pryce moved closer, asking with concern. "Mark? You alright?" Mark shook his head, shakily asking. "Can't he get closer to the dock?" Pryce looked at the gap, then said bluntly. "It's not that far. You can make it." Mark lifted his eyes up from the gap, swallowing before reaching out to grab a spike. Once he had a spike, he then hopped over and huddled close to the shell for a minute. Panting a little, he adjusted to straddle the highest point on Lapras. Despite the fact that he could hang his legs and not touch the water, he brought up his legs to brace on spikes higher up. Just to be safe. Taking deep breaths, he tried not to think about where he was.
Sean touched his shoulder and he jumped. He was so tense that he was barely able to think clearly. Sean's hand rubbed his shoulder, asking over it gently. "Mark? What's wrong?" Mark licked his lips, forcing himself to look over his shoulder without the rest of his body moving an inch to say. "I a... I'm fine." Sean followed his eyes to the water, before prodding him curiously. "You're scared of water? But you've always lived on an island?" Mark took a deep breath, struggling to retort back. "I'm not scared of water... I'm scared of the ocean. There is a difference. And you can live on an island and hate the ocean, you know. Land is land!" Sean chuckled softly, leaning closer to ask him sweetly. "What about the ocean scares you?" Mark turned slightly to bluntly say aloud. "The things in it. You ever seen a Sharpedo attack? Have you ever seen people get stung by a Tentacruel? What about people drowning because a Dhelmise was trying to eat a pod of Wailmer and Wailords and got them instead! That's not even counting Gyarados, who has a reputation for destroying ships! So, forgive me if the ocean is fucking terrifying."
Pryce climbed onto Lapras, sitting right in the front with a small chuckle that he failed to hide. Mark glared a Pryce's back, growling out in a tense tone. "Sure. Laugh it up. When we get attacked by some large sea creature, I'm going to drown you myself!" Pryce patted Lapras, steering him out to open water as he stated out. "We will be fine." Mark gripped a spike in a death grip, closing his eyes as Lapras began to move. He was concentrating so hard that he forgot Sean's hand was still on him, until it moved lower off his shoulder to sit over his heart. Mark's hand moved to grab Sean's, pressing it harder to his chest. He felt his hand shake but didn't care. He needed the contact. Sean's fingers stroked his chest, before whispering into his ear. "Thank you for breakfast." Mark exhaled with a smile. It was such a little thing, but normal conversation was helping. Over the crackling of thunder, Mark replied back sweetly. "You're welcome." Sean glanced around, before gently pressing his lips to Mark's neck.
Mark's moan was hidden beneath the almost endless rumbling thunder. The kiss was so light and innocent. It was so brief... Yet, it made Mark's heart skip a beat and slow down for a minute to cherish it. After the brief kiss, Sean leaned on his shoulder and began to sing and hum something softly in another language. The way he sung and hummed seemed to match the storm around them. Giving the rumble a soft feeling and made the heavy rain seem to dance across the ocean waves. Mark closed his eyes, asking aloud in a calmer voice. "What language is that? It's so nice..." Sean smiled over his shoulder, his cheeks turning a bit pink as he said sweetly. "Gaelic. Comes from a northern island off the coast of the Galar region. It's a lullaby my ma used to sing during a storm. Always seemed to calm me down." Without thinking, Mark turned his head and kissed Sean's cheek. He kept the kiss brief enough, telling him right after it. "It's beautiful." Sean blushed a deeper red, backing away from him slowly.
Mark refused to give him his hand back though. For a moment, they all listened to the thunder and rain. As rough as the waves were, Lapras glided through them gracefully. Mark found it interesting that the islands seemed so close to Shamouti, but they really weren't. A good distance of deep ocean laid between them. In calm weather, the trip was gorgeous at sunrise or sunset. Although, this weather held its own beauty as they sailed along. They were just starting to see the three islands more clearly, when Pryce pointed and stated aloud. "That ship there! That is Giovanni!" Mark straightened up more, staring off at the ship in the far distance as he retorted. "How can you tell?!" Pryce glanced over his shoulder to answer with a huff. "Because the St. Anne was how Giovanni transported stolen pokemon from Vermilion City to Viridian City! It was all over the news... Lt. Surge was never caught or arrested for the crime. He later became a gym Leader..."
Pryce suddenly dropped his arm and bowed his head as he stated out with a deep concern. "In fact... Professor Oak's grandson, Blue, actually helped uncover the act with his hometown rival, Red... God, I hope I didn't fuck time up so badly that never happens..." Mark didn't understand what he was so worried about, but Pryce was confident and that was all he needed to know. Turning slightly, he told Sean over the rain. "Nate has to be on there. They'll reach the island before us, but we might be able to get him before they leave." Sean nodded in agreement, then his eyes went wide as he stared off into the distance. Pryce was the first to vocalize distress by saying allowed. "OH SHIT!" Mark whirled to look, and his heart sank. Some of the water around Ice island was starting to swirl and rise up into the air! Articuno was soaring around and causing cyclones of water to form. Mark swallowed, then yelled out in a panic. "WHIRLPOOL!" Across the ocean whirlpools were starting to form.
One formed right in front of them! Lapras let out a surprised wail as he was pulled back into it. Mark clung to the spikes, yelling out. "Get us out!" Pryce tried to coax Lapras out, but the whirlpool was only getting bigger by the second, making poor Lapras work harder to even stay at the sides of it. Huddling closer to Lapras's shell in the hopes of NOT going into the water, Mark heard an out of place splash. Jerking his head to look in the direction, Mark stopped breathing. Something was swimming toward them and casting a familiar shadow beneath the surface. Mark's heart dived out of his chest as it dawned on him. Was Shadow Lugia coming to the surface?! To Be Continued...
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