Chapter Twenty-Four: "The Fear Of Falling Apart"
Nate walked up to the counter to receive his pokemon. The man scanned his bracelet, then began to type on his computer. Nate felt so torn. His mind and heart were not on the same side. He glanced back at Mark to see him approach Pryce. He was a little surprised to see the old man himself. Part of him actually wanted to see where he had been... but he found himself turning away. He was getting too attached to them. He had what he wanted. If he stayed, they'd only try to talk him out of this more. They were already making him doubt himself. He couldn't risk turning against the life that had taken him in. Turning against the man he loved. They didn't know Giovanni. They only knew his reputation. Struggling to take a deep breath, he took his pokemon when the tray was set in front of him. Attaching them to his belt, he turned to see if they were still there. They weren't. Nodding to himself, he walked to a hallway where they kept lockers for tourists. Allowing them to store souvenirs and whatever they didn't want to carry while exploring for the hours they were here.
Pressing his bracelet to the scanner, his rented locker unlocked, and he removed his black bag. Stuffing his Team Rocket uniform inside it, he hefted it over his shoulder. Adjusting his black baseball hat with the pixel trainer and Pikachu on it, he made his way out into the rain. Every step through the heavy rain was agony as his heart told him to go back. The farther he walked though, the more the weight on his heart lessened. He was used to leaving. In a few hours, he'd forget their names. He kept his head low and walked briskly through the crowds of wondering Mystics. He didn't care to know why they were flocking to the harbor or the town center. It wasn't his business. He didn't care. He had a prize that Giovanni would treasure above all others. The rain soaked through his clothes as he made his way to the outskirts of Ice town. Crossing through the light woods that divided the town from the local village, Nate tried not to make eye contact with them. The brief moment that he looked up; he saw them dressed in straw outfits that looked like the legendary birds.
They were collecting instruments and coaxing their kids to follow them. Now it made sense to him why Mystics and tourists had been gathering up. He'd heard about the locals preforming in the town squares to calm the storms that plagued the island from time to time. It was all superstitious nonsense. He tried to pick up his pace to get past the village quicker, when a hand grabbed his arm from an open leather tent. Nate jerked, his hand going to his belt for Zoey, until he saw the person. It was a man about his age, dressed like Lugia but without his mask. His face was painted like Lugia though. He recognized this man. Tobias. The Shaman's son. He'd be the next Elder of the local tribes after his Mother. The man's eyes clouded over to white as he stared at him. Nate tried to pull his arm back, but Tobias had a firm grip on him as he said in a voice that was a distorted mix of many others. "Give him what he wants. Help bridge the gap between pokemon and man. But save Lugia. If Lugia falls... the Orange Islands will die. Heal the heart of the ocean, Nate. I choose you. Seek the fire crystal. Fill it with your Determination."
Nate blinked blankly, asking Tobias perplexed. "What? How do you know my name?" Tobias moved closer, telling him in a rushed voice full of fear. "Determination. Wisdom. Empathy. Three give life to the one. Three emotions. Three heroes. Harmony. Lugia needs you. So, I choose you to be Determination, Nate." Nate grabbed Tobias's arm, asking a bit defensively. "What are you talking about?" From the center of the village, the Elder woman called out. "Tobias? Let's go! We need to hurry." Nate's heart dropped to the pit of his stomach when Tobias left another tent across the way. Holding up an instrument, Tobias told his mother coolly. "I'm coming. Just had to remember where I put this." Nate's hand on the arm of the person touching him tightened. If Tobias was over there... Who the fuck was he talking too?! Turning back to the person, he jumped. They just seemed to vanish before his eyes. Where the man had been was a ghostly ripple in the air that flew off toward the treetops. He thought he was seeing things... but he swore he saw a small pink body reappear before vanishing into the dripping green leaves.
Shaking his head, he began to jog to get away from the area. Was that pokemon playing a prank on him? He only knew of one pokemon that could take human form like that... his Gengar. However, Shamouti wasn't known for having ghost pokemon. Besides, what is said made no sense. It creeped him out enough though. Staggering out across the private beach, Nate glanced around in the heavy rain. Giovanni said that he'd meet him here. It didn't take him long to notice the sleek gorgeous cruise ship sitting just offshore. Standing with an umbrella was a butler and an older sailor with a small metal dingy boat. Quickly approaching, he climbed inside as the butler told him curtly. "Giovanni is waiting for you on the St. Anne." The second they were seated the sailor began to row them out. The waves were wild for the little dingy, but the St. Anne was holding up pretty well to the waves. She barely rocked on them, unlike most of the boats he'd seen. The closer he got though, the more he noticed a set of large pokemon beneath the water beside the ship.
Beside him, the butler leaned over to boast with pride. "Have you never seen Wailords? Not easy to catch, but they are very helpful at sea. They keep the boat from tossing around as much. And they even help with getting to places quickly. When Giovanni desires it." Nate leaned over the boat to try and see them better through the rustling waves, upon dryly answering. "I'm sure they cost him a lot too." The butler chuckled snobbishly, then gestured to the ladder as they pulled up alongside, telling him. "You first, Sir. Shall I take your bag?" Nate huffed back just as snobbishly, answering coldly. "No, thank you." Climbing up the wet ladder, Nate hopped onboard the fancy wooden deck. Nate adjusted his soaked hat better, looking around the large open deck. He didn't believe Giovanni would be out in the rain, but it was hard to say. Giovanni always surprised him. Seeing the deck was clear, he made his way to the central cabin to go inside, when he heard the sound of drums.
Nate paused for a minute to listen to it, while the butler asked aloud. "What is that?" Nate looked out at the island, answering to himself. "The storm festival. The locals do it from time to time. It's nothing." Nate opened the door, stepping inside the warm compartment. The central cabin was huge. There was a blood red carpet and spaced all around were round tables covered with flowing tablecloths. Each table was laid out with all kinds of fancy food and drinks. At the far end was a small platform that looked to be made of platinum for dancing or speeches. The matching stairs lead up the sides to a top floor that was gated off with beautiful iron detailing. While the ceiling was a bright blue with lights that looked like little stars and massive diamond chandeliers that glittered in the light. Compared to the well-dressed people here, Nate felt out of place. He stuck out in his clothes and it wasn't just because he was dripping wet. All eyes began to turn on him, looking down at him over their champagne glasses. As Nate moved in more, they parted like he was contagious.
Rolling his eyes, he started to make his way toward the back, when a man stated out in awe. "What is that?" Nate rolled his eyes but turned to look. Outside the large windows, the islands had a strange glow to them. Nate rushed back to the door. He wasn't going to fight them for a spot by a watered-down window. Yanking the door open, he rushed back out into the rain and jogged to the railing. Grabbing the metal bar, he marveled at the sight of something on the islands glowing brightly in the team colors. Rising above the islands were the three legendary birds. In all his years on the islands, he had never seen anything like this. Below the water, he could hear the Wailords singing in deep docile tones. All over Shamouti Island, he could hear the tribes singing and playing their Ocarina's and drums. The sound was making the jewels glow... but why? He'd never seen that happen to them before. As the song faded out, Nate felt like crying. Something about the song had spoken to him. It was beautiful and calming.
Nate took a minute to gather his feelings with deep breaths when a familiar voice asked him curiously. "Beautiful, aren't they?" Nate stiffened, his eyes slowly drifting to look at the man. Giovanni stood with an umbrella, staring at him with gentle eyes. Nate shrugged, mumbling out. "I've seen them. They are nothing special." Giovanni walked closer to him, leaning on the rail beside him. Nate couldn't look away from Giovanni. His heart and mind didn't know what to think about this man anymore. The burning question in his heart was... was he really engaged? Had he meant nothing to him? After all these years. Giovanni stared out at the islands, telling him in a cool voice. "Did you open the envelope I gave you?" Nate shook his head, before answering in a wispy voice. "No. I... I got busy hunting down the Prism Scale. I managed to get it and I got something else that-" Giovanni raised a hand to stop him. Turning sideways, Giovanni leaned on the railing more as he told him admittedly. "The Prism Scale is just a small part of a much bigger plan that I have."
Nate straightened up, asking curiously. "I'm listening." Giovanni smirked, telling him coolly. "I've been thinking about us. About my promise to you. I think it's time to cash it in. Now that it works out for us both." Nate stayed silent and let Giovanni tell him. "I need the lab in Mystic's possession. And we both want to see the Teams fall from grace. What do you say? Are you ready?" Nate narrowed his eyes a bit with worry, asking lightly. "I don't know... Since when do you want to bring them down?" Giovanni turned to face the islands again as the thunder boomed overheard, answering with a wicked smile. "Since getting control of Team Rocket, I've realized a lot of things. Before, I had no choice but to do as my mother and others wished. But now... I have the money to fix this world. To give it a purpose. And I'm going to start by getting rid of this useless Team divide. Hopefully, we can unite them under Team Rocket. Together, we will change the world." Giovanni straightened up, putting a hand to Nate's cheek as he told him lovingly. "I'm sorry this took so long. But capturing the pokemon that I needed for this was not easy. But combined with the information your ex gave us. We'll take everything from them and rebuild."
Nate couldn't help leaning into Giovanni's hand as he asked him in a soft tone of voice. "You want to take all this back to Kanto?" Giovanni chuckled, sliding his hand to trace a finger over the mew on Nate's shirt as he purred out. "No. I recently bought an Island just north of here. New Island. I plan to set everything up there. And you Nate... You are going to help me. Aren't you?" Nate swallowed hard. His head was screaming no... but his heart was wanted to say yes. When he didn't answer, Giovanni stepped closer to hug him. Hugging him tightly, Giovanni whispered against his ear. "It's a lot to take in. I know. Come on. Let me show you." Giovanni led Nate across the deck to a covered stairway, leading him down below deck. Down below were hallways of fancy guest rooms. Giovanni walked him past them all, leading him to a more open and private section of the ship. Opening the door, he gestured Nate inside. Cautiously, Nate stepped inside the darkened room. The room was designed like a large office with a massive TV monitor behind Giovanni's leather chair and magnificently carved wooden deck.
Before the desk were two people with black hoods over their heads. Their hands were tied behind their backs and Nate could hear their muffled crying. Standing by the kneeling people, were two members that Nate didn't know and one that he did. Ariana. Ariana tossed a pokeball in her hand to distract herself, her nails curling around it as they entered. The members bowed to Giovanni, before a man with short blue hair told Giovanni politely. "Sir. We got them as you ordered... but one is missing. We've looked everywhere for the Mystic. We couldn't find him, and no one has seen him." Nate turned to face Giovanni asking confused. "What's going on?" Giovanni locked the door behind him, before moving toward his desk as he stated aloud and pointed in turn. "Nate, this is Archer and Lance. Ariana you already know." As he reached the gagged people, Giovanni tugged at their jackets to show him their Team crests. An Instinct and a Valor member. Then Giovanni told him coolly. "These are the Shrine Keepers. It was easy to get Valor. They think we're friends with them right now. The Instinct was harder... but we found Lewis here coming back from their little Daycare Center."
Nate stood very still, taking in everything and everyone that he could. Giovanni looked at him, grinning out. "They will get the jewels for us. And they are going to make sure that they are seen taking it. Team Rocket will take the jewel... they'll take the fall. And the best part... They won't remember a thing." Giovanni gestured to Archer, who sidestepped to reveal a yellow pokemon with long facial features that stood on two legs. The pokemon held up a string with strange ring at the end of it. Nate recognized it as a pokemon from Kanto. A Hypno. Prying his eyes off Hypno to look back at Giovanni, he said softly. "What about Mystic?" Giovanni scowled at Archer, before saying casually. "It's a setback, but a minor one. Since we can't find him, it just means that he is either at Ice Island or he's missing. We'll go and make quick work of him." Archer tensed a bit, stating out grimly. "Giovanni it wasn't my fault. I've had people combing the island since we arrived. No one has seen this... Sean McLoughlin." Nate tensed uncontrollably, drawing Giovanni's attention.
Giovanni moved closer to Nate, waving for the others to get to work. The others moved in to remove the hoods and walked Hypno over to them. While Giovanni stopped before Nate and asked very softly. "You know where he is?" Nate locked his jaw, but told him a small lie. "Yes. He's the one I beat up for the scale. Left him in a ditch somewhere. Had I known you wanted him..." Giovanni smirked, leaning in to brush his lips over his as he purred out. "Oh, Nate... You are by far my favorite. Thank you for getting him out of the way. We don't need him. I have someone better. You." Nate took a slow deep breath, before looking Giovanni in the eyes and answering coolly. "I'll do whatever you want." Even as the words left his mouth, Nate felt they tasted sour. He could hear how those words sounded, but he was so confused. Was Giovanni using him? Or genuinely trying to uphold their deal? His emotions must have shown through his eyes because Giovanni touched his cheek again. Nate forced himself to look him in the eyes as Giovanni told him. "Poor thing. You must be cold. Let's get you out of those wet clothes."
Giovanni stepped around him, unlocking the door again as he said over his shoulder. "Ariana. You know what to do with them. Make sure they find their way home." From across the room, Ariana answered wickedly. "Yes, Sir." Giovanni took Nate's hand, pulling him out the door and down another hallway past his bodyguards. Taking him to a large bedroom, Giovanni pulled him inside and said sweetly. "Do you have your uniform? Or shall I send for another?" Nate set down his bag, answering a bit strained. "I have it." Giovanni moved up behind him, grabbing the hem of his shirt as he purred over his shoulder. "We'll arrive at Ice Island within an hour or two. Plenty of time for us to play a little. I know it has been awhile." Nate unconsciously found his hands stopping Giovanni's, before he looked over his shoulder and blurted out in a hurt voice. "Are you engaged to Ariana?" Giovanni exhaled sharply, stepping away from him as he asked in return in an icy voice. "Who told you?" Nate stared back at him, his heart aching as he said. "You're not even going to deny it?"
Giovanni walked around to stand in front of him. Cupping his face, he told him in a sweet serious voice. "Listen, Sweetheart. Getting engaged wasn't my idea. It was in the terms of my mother stepping down. She wants an heir to carry on our legacy... If you could give me kids, I'd gladly take you in her place. You know that. But because you can't... I don't have a choice. She means NOTHING to me. I feel nothing for her. She's just a rich woman. Her father's companies and his money are all I care about. I used her money to buy New Island. Everything I am doing is for US. Not her." Nate tried to pull away, but Giovanni pulled him closer, pleading into his ear as he hugged him. "Don't. Honey. Listen. The second she bares me a son, I'm done with her. I'll take her money and my kid... and I'll devote everything to you." Giovanni kissed his cheek, pushing him gently back against the door as he whispered over his lips so beautifully. "I love you. All this is for you. We don't have to sneak around anymore. With my mom gone... Name anything you want, and I'll lay it at your feet. I love you."
Nate's heart twisted up in his chest. He couldn't tell the truth from lies anymore. His body hesitated, unsure what to do or say. He couldn't trust his instincts anymore. Giovanni pressed his lips to his in a passionate kiss and Nate kissed him back. He wanted to believe Giovanni. This felt too real to be a lie... To think otherwise made his head spin. He preferred to stay still in the moment with him. To Be Continued...
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