Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Mew's Gift"
Sean helped Nate back into the cave. Nate winced and groaned in pain all the way back to the bed they had him in before. Taking off his jacket for him, Nate dropped back across the blankets with a yelp. His bruised ribs were bothering him a lot now. Zoey rushed over to lay next to him. Her motherly instincts were kicking in and causing her to lick his cheek and shoulder in the hopes of easing his pain. The Shaman approached to look over his wet bandages with disapproval. Shaking her head, she told him sternly. "You are in no condition to be moving around. Why would you leave the cave?" Nate pet Zoey's back, grumbling out through clenched teeth. "I needed some air." The Shaman rolled her eyes, gesturing to the opening of the cave as she said sarcastically. "That's all we have is air." Sean snickered without meaning too. Although, it was worth it to see Nate smile. The Shaman rubbed something on Nate's chest, telling him in a more nurturing tone. "I understand getting away from people though. Words can cut deeper than any sword... But put your health before your actions. Only then can you grow stronger."
Nate inhaled the scent of whatever she was smearing on his chest, upon asking groggily. "What is that?" The Shaman smirked, running a clean hand through his hair as she said. "Something to help you relax. Breathe deep. Rest." Nate took a pained deep breath, then slowly began to relax and passed out. When the Shaman saw Sean watching, she told him with a smile. "My own blend of scented sleeping powder gel. Helps the body relax. When the body is relaxed. It heals better. Calms the heart and mind." Sean nodded, kneeling to touch Nate's cold hand. Already the large fire was warming his wet skin. The Shaman gave Sean a smile, saying under her breath softly. "Very interesting..." Sean met her eyes, asking curiously. "What is?" The Shaman touched Sean's cheek with the back of her clean hand, before telling him sweetly. "Your aura. You're so different from the others and yet... You connect them." She lowered her hand, looking away now with sudden realization as she mumbled out to herself. "Three birds divided..." The Shaman jumped to her feet and dashed off, leaving Sean with a perplexed expression. He didn't get it.
Reluctantly leaving Nate's side, Sean made his way over to Mark. Kneeling beside Mark, Sean put his hands on his bare arm. Raichu sat by Mark, rubbing his hand like she was trying to warm it. Mark did feel so much colder than he had when he had left him. Yet, his body was covered with beads of sweat. Picking up a cloth nearby, Sean rubbed the sweat from his skin. He didn't know what had happened to him, but he hoped he was ok. Farther away, Pryce paced the cave looking anxious and worried. Sean wished he would relax because all his pacing was making him nervous. The Shaman came back with a scroll, setting it aside when she saw him with Mark. Moving closer, she told him comfortingly. "I don't know what he saw... but I do know that he can't do it alone. He needs you and Nate to share the burden. To fix the rift on this side, to fix the rift in THEM." Sean shifted a little, asking uncertain. "I don't understand any of this... How can WE help THEM? They are strong enough to do it themselves."
The Shaman collected the scroll and brought it back to a seat by the fire. Taking a deep breath, she said in a clear voice. "Let me tell you a story that should shine some light on all this. It speaks of a prophecy that throughout the ages has come true time and again." The moment she opened the scroll, her tribesmen all gathered around to listen. Mothers hugged their young children close, shushing them to listen. While warriors bowed their heads to listen with their ears over their eyes. The Shaman looked over the writing and hand painted pictures on the scroll, before telling them all. "My story starts with the creation of Mew. Among the many children of Arceus. Mew was the most special. Not because it was powerful or because it didn't seem to have a clear purpose. But simply because unlike its legendary siblings. Mew saw the world differently. Mew's heart was so pure that all it could think about was exploring and seeing the many wonders of the world its siblings made. But Mew grew lonely. Because to explore alone only carries so much joy." The Shaman pointed to Raichu, Zoey, and few other pokemon in the cave as she added with a smile. "So, Mew gave life to the many types of pokemon from isolating different strands of its own DNA. Pokemon that it wanted to explore and have fun with."
Sean shifted closer to listen better as the Shaman continued with more pride. "These pokemon took shapes and forms off all kinds. Each possessing a share of Mews desires to find friends and have fun. Their differences meant they would always have something to learn from each other. Something to share. And then a great meteor fell to earth and wiped out a lot of Mews friends. Including some of its own kind. The Mews that were left, refused to let that be the end of life. For as its siblings began to rebuild the land and plants. The Mews created new lives as well... and using the new DNA from the meteor. The Mews created the first humans. And although the humans had no powers, they had something that only the Mews themselves truly possessed." A little girl leaned forward, asking excitedly. "What was it?" The mother covered the girl's mouth as the adults chuckled. The Shaman grinned at the little girl, answering sweetly. "The ability to be at one with all elements of life. To swim in its vast oceans. To soar the high skies. To dig in its earth. To use fire to burn the dead plants to ash that could be used to grow new plants within the soil. To sing and dance. To love all forms of life from the smallest creatures to the largest! Being born without powers made us internally powerful."
The Shaman touched a young boy's shoulder, informing everyone with a wisdom to her voice. "Our souls are strong. Because we feel deeply and push ourselves to be strong of Heart, Will, and Mind. Within each of our souls. We have Determination. We have Wisdom. We have Empathy. And when we stand together... We are bond together. Our hearts beat as one with Love." The Shaman covered her heart, telling everyone. "When Arceus became injured and was dying. It was by human hands that he was restored. Our soul was so strong, that the very creator of pokemon was overwhelmed by our fearless ability to care without the need for a reason. It was something he realized his own creations were missing. His legendries had none of the traits that Mew had given us. They were alone. They had purpose but did not know what to do with their gifts when the job was over... To fix the problem. Arceus gave each legendary a jewel that represented their 'soul.' Their ability to bond and feel. To share their fears and pains with someone. To learn from us, what we naturally got from Mew."
The Shaman shook her head now, bowing her head as she told them. "But as we have such Love... We also bare its darker sides. Greed. Ignorance. Indifference. And Hatred. These traits are what lead to the first prophecy among our people." The Shaman picked up the scroll to turn it for all to see as she stated aloud. "Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning. Lest these titans reek destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the waters great guardian shall arise to quill the fighting, alone its song will fail. Lest the world shall turn to ash. Oh, Chosen One. Into thy hands bring together all three, their treasures combined tame the beast of the sea." The Shaman lowered the scroll, informing Sean now. "In the past, a single human possessed all three traits... but over the centuries... We humans have forgotten parts of ourselves. We pick the traits we value in ourselves. Sometimes without even realizing it. I believe... Just as the teams are divided. So are the legendary birds. And the only way to heal that rift. Is to bring Chosen Ones that possess those strong traits together. To fix the divide that humans brought on themselves."
Sean thought hard on it, upon saying mostly to himself. "A Slowking said that same prophecy to us when we saw it... and Mew said something to Mark and I about being chosen... I... Shite." The little kids all gawked at Sean, asking in excited voices. "You've seen a MEW?!" Sean jumped in surprise and the kids rushed over, asking him questions about what it looked like and what it said. Sean stared blankly at them, unsure what to say. The Shaman silenced the sudden chatting that began to fill the cave. Taking Sean's hand, she looked over his palm with keen interest. Sliding her hand over his, she told him with a warm smile. "That's what I've been sensing... I knew they weren't all gone. Mew is still with us. It hasn't given up." She bowed her head in relief, before lifting her head with a sudden fire behind her eyes. Standing up, she turned to her people and said proudly. "Mew hasn't given up and neither will we. Alert the Tribes on the far sides of the island. If Valor doesn't give us the jewel... We'll take it back ourselves. The Chosen Ones have been found and it's time we took our island back." The Tribesmen bowed to her, then took off into the rain.
Sean jumped to his feet, asking with blunt concern. "You're not going to fight the Teams, are you?" The Shaman inhaled deeply, answering honestly. "I do not want to fight... but I will if I have too. Otherwise, there won't be a world to fight over." Pryce shook his head, saying firmly. "You can't fight the Teams. They are too strong!" The Shaman looked at Pryce, telling him seriously. "Only because their pokemon are strong. And pokemon answer to Mew. Have a little faith. We may win this without a fight." The Shaman walked by Sean, patting his shoulder as she told him. "I'm going to work on waking up the Valor man. Get some rest." Sean watched her go, then turned his eyes on Pryce. Pryce crossed his arms, starting to pace again as he uttered out. "I don't want to be here..." Pryce moved to the entrance and sank down to wrap his arms around his legs as he stared out into the rain with scared eyes. Sean rose, shooing the kids away from him nicely as he approached Pryce. Standing before him, Sean asked him firmly. "You know something... You've been acting weird since I told you what today's date was. What's going to happen?"
Pryce tilted his head back, telling him softly. "The end of everything you know. We called it the apocalypse. Imagine a world... Where the only adults are the ones that either won the war, weren't able to fight in it, or grew up in it. A world where we send our ten-year-old children out to see what is left. Where these same kids battle in gyms because we just aren't sure the war really ended. So, we prepare them. You think you are divided now? Just imagine MY childhood. Because not too far away... My young self is about to witness the beginnings of a horror that NEVER ends! And I have to sit back and watch it happen... because if I change anything... I may not exist anymore when Celebi takes me back!" Pryce climbed to his feet, starting to yell now as he said in a shaken voice. "And to make matters worse! I don't know what happened to my best friends Grandson, Blue, or his friend Red, who got sucked into this with me when they tried to stop me! Or for that matter, Giovanni's own son, Silver! They could be lost in time! And if I go back... How am I going to explain that to Professor Oak? How am I going to look him in the eyes and explain why Blue and Red vanished after everything HE has lost?! Not to mention the fact that Giovanni is going to kill me for possibly killing his ONLY SON!"
Pryce bowed his head, panting out in defeat. "That's even if they exist at all when this is all over..." Sean narrowed his eyes on Pryce, uttering out in horror. "What?" Without warning, the ground shook violently as an explosion went off somewhere. Sean was vibrated right off his feet, falling across the ground with Pryce and many other Tribesmen. Screaming came from the somewhere in the far distance, causing Sean to look up. Outside of the cave, Sean gasped at the sight of pokemon and trainers dressed in colored armor charging after each other! It was unlike any battle Sean had ever seen. Trainers were attacking other trainers and pokemon were attacking pokemon! Gunfire peppered the air and Pokemon roared as they fought. In the air, even the Rangers of the different teams were fighting! Their rogue flamethrowers were setting the trees ablaze in the downpour and the clanging of metal was deafening. The Shaman began to yell at the children and families to hurry to the back of the cave. Outside the cave, a pokemon stomped the ground to create an Earthquake that kept Sean and Pryce from getting their footing.
Grabbing Pryce, Sean shoved him to his feet, yelling out. "GO! HELP THEM!" Pryce got to his feet, racing to herd the families and kids away from the entrance. Sean pushed himself up to his feet, trying to run back to help Mark and Nate. Until someone was knocked through the watery curtain of the entrance and into him! Sean yelped, rolling with the armored man. The Red Armored Man rolled off him and onto his feet, raising a pistol to aim at Sean's chest! Sean only had time to gasp, when the gun went off! A dark blur dashed in front of Sean as a square shield appeared in front of Zoey's crossed arms, causing the bullet to ricochet off her protective shield. Lowering her shield, Zoey dashed forward and used Fury Swipes to knock the gun from his hands before slicing the straps holding his armor together with her sharp claws. As the armor fell into the dirt, Zoey pulled a paw back and hit the guy in the chest with her palm, knocking the man clear off his feet and into the wall.
Letting out an aggressive snarl at the cave entrance, two armored pokemon that thought about coming in, decided to back off quickly. Raichu jumped into the air, hovering over on her tail to guard the entrance with Zoey. Whenever a pokemon poked its head in, Raichu zapped the curtain of water to electrocute the intruder. Sean staggered up to his feet, panting heavily as he looked around at the chaos that was breaking out. To Be Continued...
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