Chapter Thirty-One: "Winter Rangers"
Sean clung to the saddle as Suzie tilted in the air to keep blasting the cloud of snow that was rumbling down the mountain. Sean could barely see with all the heavy snowflakes slamming into his face, but trusted that Suzie understood what he had been instructing her to do. Mark screamed faintly over the noise, drawing Sean's attention to the ground. Stampeding up from the town, the herd of Aurorus headed straight toward the rapidly approaching wall snow. Siochain had to dash around their long legs to avoid them, because they were not watching her. Their eyes were on the avalanche. While some turned to let the wall of snow slam into their bodies to slow the snows decent, others began to open their mouths and blast the base with their ice beams to freeze the wall solid. Suzie continued to melt down what she could to help get rid of the bulk of it. Sean shivered but held on tight as Suzie twisted and turned in the sky. The Aurorus that had turned to block the snow with their body were practically buried by the wall, but their bodies had stopped parts of the avalanche.
The only thing that could be seen of them was their long necks. They bellowed in distress, their bodies shifting slightly against the weight pushing against them. Their bellows cued Suzie over to melt lines up the mountain to lessen the pressure off them. Sean briefly spotted the Winter Rangers riding to the scene on Mamoswine or soaring toward them on reanimated rare flying types. The Winter Rangers were what most people called island security. They were not normal trainers. None of the pokemon were their own. They befriended wild pokemon to help them in emergencies from natural disasters to calming aggressive pokemon. All three islands had their own set of Rangers, but Sean knew none of them personally. They didn't always get along with other trainers. So, they tended to stay out of the way unless needed. One of the many Rangers soared over Sean on an Aerodactyl, their white fur trimmed uniforms with blue stripes and the large blue Mystic Articuno on their back standing out. They wore goggles to protect their eyes from the snow and wore a headset that they used to talk to each other.
The Aerodactyl let out a fierce cry, then swooped down to unleash a jetstream of fire from its slender carnivore jaws. Across the way, another Aerodactyl opened its jaws and shot out a beam of ice. Sean gawked at them. He hadn't known they could do that. The Rangers were crouched on their saddles, leaning with the Aerodactyl's as they swooped and glided through the air like they had rehearsed it. Over the nearest town, a group of Rangers were flying around on birds and blaring an emergency alarm to evacuate it. Other Rangers on the ground were directing and helping people out quickly. Sean couldn't find Mark or Siochain. There was so much going on. Too many people rushing around and flying about. Sean held on tighter as Suzie growled at an Aerodactyl that had barely missed clipping her. The Ranger on the Aerodactyl hovered close, trying to yell something to him about handling things but Sean could barely hear him. The wind was muffling his voice. Sean waved a hand by his ear, yelling back. "I can't hear you!" The Ranger dropped a bit to hover lower, starting to try again, when his eyes widened in horror.
The Ranger rushed into a dive and Sean turned to look up to see what he had seen. Bursting from the white cloudy snow covered sky, a dark colored Articuno was diving straight down toward them. Letting out an aggressive and haunting echo call, Articuno blasted the Rangers from the sky with its ice beam. The Rangers scattered, trying to circle back to attack it. One shot a jetstream of fire at Articuno but Articuno attacked back with its ice beam. The beams collided, causing a burst of steam, before Articuno's beam overpowered Aerodactyl's fire and froze him solid! The Ranger screamed as its Aerodactyl fell from the sky. The attack didn't even slow Articuno down from its dive. The air around Articuno whistled at a shrill pitch as its speed grew. Suzie turned to fly away, but it wasn't enough. Articuno reached the center of their group, jerking to a sudden stop as it raised its glossy dark purple wings. As it did, a burst of snow shot out from it in all directions. Sean screamed as the wall of gusty snow slammed into them.
Suzie arched herself for a fight, snorting blue flames as her body melted the frost that rapidly collected on her and she even warmed Sean from the heat radiating off her. All around them the Rangers' pokemon were hit with the same wall, but their pokemon screamed as the frost encased them and turned them to blocks of ice that fell from the sky. Articuno had used Freeze-dry and the only one able to overcome it was Suzie. Articuno let out a shrill cry into the air and when Suzie let out a distressed whine, Articuno's head jerked to look at her with blazing red eyes. Sean's heart filled with fear. He had never seen Articuno look like this. It was practically blinded with unbridled rage. Suzie turned to run, but Articuno shot forward using its agility. Cutting Suzie off from her retreat, Articuno adjusted a wing to be lay out flat. The glossy deep purple wing hardened over with a black steel look, before striking Suzie across the chest with a single powerful cross strike! Suzie wailed in pain, falling rapidly from the sky. Sean clung to the bar of the saddle desperately, terrified to lose his grip in the free fall.
It was only when the saddle broke off, that Sean began to scream. Suzie turned over in the air to wrap her limbs around him, before crashing into the deep snow. When everything was still, Sean opened his eyes to see that they had fallen into a deep hole caused by Suzie's natural body heat. She started to stand, glancing up at the sky weakly as she laid Sean down. Sean groaned, noticing Articuno didn't pursue them. High above them, Articuno was letting out a shrill cry toward a new figure that was swooping over the treetops. Sean recognized it by its shadow the second he saw it. Moltres. Moltres lit the pine trees ablaze as it rushed toward Articuno with an angry cry of its own. Unlike Articuno, Moltres was his normal golden color with rippling flames for his wings and tail. Sean gasped, uttering out to Suzie. "He's here to challenge Articuno for the island! We have to-!" Sean was cut off as loud crackling filled the area above them. Sean only got a glimpse of a firey tree falling over before Suzie dropped over him. As the tree landed somewhere above, a rush of snow collapsed over them. Sealing them within the deep snow hole.
Sean yelped, feeling heavy snow pin his legs down. Over him, Suzie lifted her wings to try and protect them both. The weight caused her thick legs to plunge into the snow to the hip around him. Her tail quickly draped by Sean's side, giving them their only source of light. Sean couldn't help screaming. The last thing he wanted was to be trapped within snow! Suzie whined, her body shaking from both the cold and the weight she was protecting him from. Feeling blood drip over his chest, he reached up to touch Suzie's chest gently. Articuno had sliced a line along her chest and it was starting to bleed. Suzie let out a small whine, trying to keep her head off him at an awkward angle. Wrapping an arm under her jaw, he coaxed her into laying her head across his chest. Kissing the top of her nose, he tried to calm her by whispering hopefully. "It's ok. We're ok." He could feel the ice melting against his jeans, making him shiver, but he refused to think about it. He had to think about a way to get out.
Keeping Suzie calm was his biggest priority. He couldn't recall her, or he'd be crushed. He couldn't have her move, or they'd sink deeper into the snow. Her body heat was already making her sink little by little. If he tried to make her dig out, there was a chance that she'd get stuck and her flame tail would go out. Risking a little movement, he shifted his backpack off. Suzie whined against his chest, her body shaking a little more. Unzipping his bag, he panted out calmly. "Easy, girl. Hang on." Digging in his bag, he removed a potion bottle and pointed the nozzle at her chest. She shifted a little to let him see it and he sprayed it across her wound. The wound stopped bleeding and began to seal over a little. He couldn't bandage her, but it would have to do for now. Putting the potion back in his bag, he carefully removed another smaller bottle. Setting aside the Ice Heal potion, he told Suzie calmly. "Just in case." Digging farther in his bag, he removed a metal whistle and told her apologetically. "This might hurt... but if the Rangers are listening... They are bound to hear it."
Putting a hand over her ear as he held her close to his chest, he put the whistle to his mouth and began to blow as loudly as he could. After the first two blows of the whistle, he paused to check his watch. Pressing an emergency button on the side, he then went back to blowing the whistle. Most of the Trainer watches had built in emergency beacons that contacted the nearest Ranger station. He had never used it before, but he hoped it worked. Otherwise, they had about eighteen minutes tops before they'd start breathing the carbon dioxide from all their exhaling. He estimated maybe a little more if Suzie's body continued to melt the snow faster than it could refreeze. For if it were refreezing around them, it would only capture the carbon dioxide and decrease their chances of surviving faster but sealing them off from any possible oxygen. He hated being smart sometimes. Keeping his heartrate steady, he focused on just keeping Suzie relaxed. If he panicked, she would panic, and he needed her to stay as calm as possible.
Giving the whistle a rest, he began to hum and listened to Suzie's rumbling purr. Internally, he was worried the Rangers were too distracted with the fight between Moltres and Articuno. Or that too many of them had been taken down by Articuno. When the snow crunched nearby. Suzie lifted her head up a bit, letting out a soft distressed call. Sean covered her ear and blew the whistle loud. Within a few minutes, the sounds of scrapping snow filled the area above them. Sean was excited but tried to keep both himself and Suzie calm for a bit longer. Slowly, they could see light as hooves and long tusks dug at the snow. The second the snow was clear enough, Suzie jerked up off Sean and began to thrash. Her legs were still too deep in the snow, but as her wings were able to stretch out, she began to flap them to force herself out. Sean covered his face as Suzie broke out from the hole, flinging bits of snow all over him. Upon lowering his hands, he gasped as he looked at the four Mamoswines looking in on him.
They looked like Mammoths with the males having long impress tusks made of powerful flawless ice. One snorted its big pink pig nose, lowering a tusk to let him grab it. Stuffing stuff back into his bag, he grabbed the tusk and let it slowly lift him up. The females dug out his legs with their smaller ice tusks, snorting bits of snow. Laying him out across the top of the snow, the Mamoswine lifted its long furry pig ears. Sean sat up, looking for the Ranger that brought them... but it was just them. The male grunted something to the others and began to move away to another spot farther down. He knew Mamoswine were normally used by the Rangers to rescue people from avalanches because they had incredible hearing and digging skills. He'd never seen them save people on their own though. Blinking a little, he glanced around. Moltres and Articuno were gone from the sky. There were Rangers around at a distance, trying to dig out other Rangers from the fight. Scooting back under a slightly buried pine tree, he tried to catch his breath. Until a soft ball of snow dropped onto him.
Shaking it off, he looked up into the air and Suzie's eyes went wide before she pointed into the treetop he was sitting under. At the sound of soft giggling, he tilted his head back to look up into the branches better. It was hard to see with how clustered the branches were, but he saw something small and pink sitting high up above him. The little pokemon was clutching its mouth and giggling like a small playful child. Shifting to his knees, he squinted into the branches, asking in a whisper. "Mew...?" The creature scurried across the thick branches, before suddenly replying in a playful kitten sounding voice. "Mew." Sean was afraid to move but put a hand on the tree trunk to support himself. Something moved along a branch close to him in his peripheral vision. Holding his breath, he slowly turned his head to look. Hiding behind a cluster of pine needles, he could see two big bright blue eyes staring at him. The eyes held a childlike wonder that made Sean's heart swell with nothing but love for the creature.
When he exhales softly, the creature flinched a bit like it was scared of him. Although, it didn't run away. Giving it a small smile, he greeted it nicely. "Hello?" The creature's pink kitten like ears propped up over its head as it told him in a playfully psychic voice. "Hello, Sean." Sean blinked, saying uneasily. "You know my name?" The creature straightened up behind the cluster of branches, its little pink paw like hands resting gently on the limb as it answered psychically. "Yes. I've been watching you." Sean shrugged, asking gently. "Why?" Mew tilted its head a little, upon replying with a beautiful smile. "You're always on your own. Makes you easy to watch. Just as I watched Nate when he worked the shrine. And Mark when he plays in the garden with me." Sean found himself tilting his head a little as he mumbled out. "You...? But-" Mew hunched down a bit to hide its body, interrupting him to say in a worried tone. "Please help me, Sean? You need to get the Lightning jewel and fill it with your Empathy. If you don't... Necrozma will use Lugia to deal his cosmic rage on the earth... Lugia is my friend... Please don't let him suffer."
Sean turned to face Mew better, asking a little distressed. "Why me? You are stronger than any pokemon I know of. Can't you save him?" Mew hugged the branch, sniffling out. "That's not possible. The jewels were created as a gift for human hands. A promise from the Ultra Beast, Arceus, that humans and his legendary pokemon would live in harmony with each other. Arceus made this decision after having risked its life to save earth from a meteor that crashed to earth and nearly destroyed it. He was mortally wounded and lost all seventeen of his power plates. It was only because a human retrieved one of his plates that he was able to gather enough strength to go on and seek out the others." Sean thought about that and said softly to himself. "Pryce said something about Necrozma being an Ultra Beast..."
Mew pointed up at the sky, informing him coolly. "They come from beyond space and time. Here Necrozma slumbers... but the rip in time has brought a different Necrozma here. He must be removed... or he'll devour the jewels and his lost pieces too. And then he'll take his revenge on the humans that shot him from the sky. The once proud dragon of Prism Gold... Has become wounded... turned to charred blackened scales. His every moment pain... His anger blinding." Mew's big eyes turned back to his, pleading with him hopefully. "I choose you, Sean. Seek the Lightning jewel and save Lugia. Then send Necrozma home to his time. War is coming... He must not stay. He will devour Arceus's children... and in turn mine." Mew extended a small paw like hand out to him and Sean gently touched it. He barely felt Mew's touch, before it vanished from sight and the branches rustled as it retreated. Sean slowly lowered his hands. He couldn't believe it was true. Mew really did create humans. To Be Continued...
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