Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Crystal Cave"
Sean turned to look at Nate and Mark, his heart racing faster than it had ever done in his life. Running toward Nate who was the closest to him, he tried to think quickly. He wasn't strong enough to carry one of them. Least of all both. The Shaman helped people run past her, then yelled out to the men around her. "Warriors! Defend the cave!" The men nodded, removing pokeballs from under their robes and tossing them up. The pokeballs burst open to unleash a group of pokemon that were covered in colorful war paint. A Poliwrath punched his large fists together, flexing the hypnotizing circle over his broad toad like chest. Beside it, a Blastoise landed heavily on the ground with a roar, the cannons on its large turtle shell clicking as it got ready to fire. Landing between them, a Golduck landed more gracefully, the small red jewel on its blue forehead glinting in the firelight. They raced over to the cave entrance, taking defensive positions to help Raichu and Zoey. The warriors then raced after them with spears.
Sean didn't think that they'd stand a chance against guns and armor... but he was wrong. As armored soldiers wandered in, the pokemon surprised the armored soldiers enough that the warriors were able to get in quick death blows in the open sections of their armor. Just as Sean tried to move Nate, the shaman directed a group to retrieve Nate and Mark. A man rushed over to Sean, shooing him away to heft Nate over his shoulder. Nate screamed in agony as his bruised ribs pressed over the man's shoulder. Zoey heard him scream and looked back with a snarl, until she saw what was happening. Another man scooped up Mark and the Shaman yelled out to them all. "Retreat to the back! Hurry now!" The Shaman didn't retreat with them, she ran to a shelf and gasped in horror. Sean had lingered long enough to collect their things, noticing after one last look that she was searching the ground and exclaiming in fright. "The jewels! Where are they?!" The Shaman found one and scooped it up off the floor. Sean looked and saw the other rolling across the shaking ground toward the fire. Seizing the moment, he ran out to snatch it up before it rolled into the fire. Holding it close to his chest, he told her seriously. "Got it! GO!"
The Shaman staggered to her feet, running quickly toward the back. Sean followed her, watching the pokemon and warriors slowly retreat back from the entrance. The Shaman guided Sean farther into the cave, surprising him with how big the place was. He hadn't realized that the dark of the cave wasn't the end of it. The Shaman raced by what appeared to be tunneled rooms that had been built into food and herb storage areas. Down a slight slope that led into a larger cave, Sean marveled at the glittering crystals of soft colors that decorated the place. The cave was cooler compared to the one above and had a massive fossilized tree in the center with a clean trickling stream running through it. Sean stumbled to a stop to take it all in and was even more surprised to see that curled around the base of the tree was the Crystal Onix. The Crystal Onix raised its head as the Tribesmen rushed in with their families to huddle up. As unsettled by them as the Crystal Onix was, it still appeared calm enough to just observe them.
Turning around toward the slope, he saw the warriors backing in with the pokemon and working to disguise the new entrance to be a false wall. Nate's pained wailing drew the Shaman over to help him, which in turn encouraged Sean to join her. While she looked over Nate, she told the people around her in a slightly shaky voice. "Leave him here. Don't move him anymore. Is anyone else hurt?" Sean watched a man lay Mark down close to Nate, answering her seriously. "A few cuts and bruises, but nothing serious." Another man nearby touched the Shaman's shoulder, asking really worried. "What do we do now? What's happened?" The Shaman put a firmer hand on him, telling the others more confidently. "Right now, we all need to remain calm. Keep all sound below a whisper. I'll send scouts out to check the tunnels... We'll go to the mountains. Contact the other tribes. Until we know what's happening... We just have to keep ourselves together." The man nodded, drawing strength from her, before going around the cave to whisper the news to the others.
Calming Nate down, the Shaman set the jewel down and took a few deep breaths to collect herself. Kneeling next to her, Sean asked her in a soft whisper. "Are you ok?" The Shaman put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. Placing a hand on hers, he told her reluctantly. "It might not be safe here for long. You should lead your Tribesmen farther in while you can." She shook her head, upon answering firmly. "They shouldn't be moved... The journey inward is rough." Sean squeezed her hand on his shoulder, telling her seriously. "Then leave without us." She looked at him with concern, retorting curtly. "No. You are the Chosen... That makes you one of us. You are Lugia's-" Sean cut her off to butt in bluntly. "We'll be fine. You need to look after your people. Those armored men and pokemon... They were from Valor. They are starting a war. You need to go." She nodded reluctantly, then picked up the jewel to hand it to him. After he accepted it, she informed him clearly. "When you get all three jewels. Go to the cliffs that face the islands. Follow the stone stairs up to Lugia's shrine. Match the jewels to their islands. Then play Lugia's song... With any luck. We will be waiting for you there. If not... here."
She removed a cord from her neck that was attached to a strange looking shell. Draping it over his head, she told him with a heavy heart. "If we don't make it there. Use this Ocarina to summon Lugia with the song." Sean gawked at it, stammering out. "I can't use this. I don't even know Lugia's song..." The Shaman smirked, touching his cheek as she told him confidently. "When you get all three jewels together... They'll tell you." Sean nodded with more confidence than he felt. She pulled him closer to kiss his forehead, then added proudly. "I've done all I can... The rest is up to you three. Protect each other." Dropping her hand from his cheek, she got up to tell the others. Sean looked over the Ocarina, before removing it to put into his bag with the jewels for safe keeping. The Shaman helped him get Nate and Mark comfortable with the things they needed, then began to lead her people out one of the tunnels leading off beyond the fossilized tree. The Crystal Onix watched them go, then turned its glittering head to look at him with big fragile eyes. Sean sat down between Nate and Mark, looking back at the Crystal Onix with a similar expression. He didn't know what to do. All he could do was wait.
Zoey and Raichu kept their attention on the false wall now that the other pokemon had left to protect their trainers. Sean was confident that Zoey would use her illusion skills to help keep them hidden, but there was always a risk. Pryce took a seat on a smooth rock, looking over the massive fossilized tree with peaked interest. Neither of them spoke for a long time. Listening only to the dripping water within the cave and the soft trickling of the stream. When they heard loud voices echoing in the cave, they both tensed. The voices were coming from where they had come from. Zoey and Raichu braced for a fight as the scuffling of feet and the clinking of armor drew nearer. Outside the false wall, a man told someone with interest. "Whoever was here must have run off in the chaos... but they have a nice set of supplies. Should we see if there is anything of value, Commander?" Another voice that was gruffer, answered dismissively. "Take the food. Leave the useless plants. We have to press on to Lightning town. The locals are like rats. They'll stay out of our way. Taking over the towns on Shamouti should be easy... but taking the fight to the islands will be harder. We'll need the food."
The soldier told the commander a prompt. "Yes, Sir." Sean shared a look with Pryce, then covered Mark and Nate's mouths. He hoped to muffle any sound they might make in their sleep. The sounds of pots smashing, and stuff being dragged away muffled almost all the noise from the cave. Yet, Sean couldn't even trust himself to breathe. His biggest worry was the Crystal Onix. However, it hadn't tried moving from around the tree yet. It listened with as much unease as them. When the sounds of the soldiers faded away, Sean relaxed very little. He was terrified that they'd come back. As the hour passed though, Pryce whispered to him confidently. "I think they've moved on. I'm going to go check." Sean shook his head, but Pryce calmly whispered back. "We could use a small fire and some food. I'm not leaving the cave... but we need to see what's left if we're going to stay a bit longer." Pryce moved up to the false wall and Zoey gestured that she was going with him to look around. Sean hated the plan but knew why they were doing it.
Pryce and himself hadn't eaten anything yet. They were starving and the cave was cold and damp. The rain from outside was leaking in, which meant that it would only get colder as the night wore on. Moving to the stream of clear water, Sean leaned over it to scoop water into his hands to drink. The water looked clean enough and he was desperate to get something in his system. The water tasted fresh and cold, which made him think that it was ok. Seeing Raichu drink it was comforting. Glancing at the Crystal Onix, Sean whispered to it nicely. "If you're the same one we met before... I'm really sorry." The Crystal Onix snorted softly, then turned its head to bite off a chunk of crystal from the wall to eat. Smiling, Sean thought about trying to approach it, but froze when Pryce came back. Zoey dusted the tracks leading to the wall with her tail, then replaced the false wall. Pryce cradled a stick with a small flame to a dry place and set to work building a small fire to warm them with the wood he had under his arms. Sean weakly joined him, asking hopefully. "Any food?" Pryce shook his head. Zoey approached though with a bag of herbs, telling them sweetly. "Boil these with your water. It will curb your hunger."
Pryce took a leaf to smell it, before cooing out with a smirk. "Green tea. Good choice." Zoey smiled, then set the bag down for them. Pryce used a small bowl he found to boil water with the leaves. After drinking a cup, Sean did feel a bit better but was still tired. Laying down between Mark and Nate, he tried to sleep off his fatigue. The day had taken a lot out of him and he needed an excuse to huddle up and process everything. He was scared and just wanted to compose himself. Holding onto Nate's hand, Sean snuggled up on his arm and closed his eyes. Feeling Mark's warmth at his back felt good, allowing him to feel safe between them both. Long after Sean had fallen asleep though, Mark awoke and slowly sat up. As his mind took in the new cave he was in, he tensed. The Tribesmen were gone, and he didn't recognize his surroundings at all. The moment his eyes landing on the sleeping Crystal Onix, Mark jerked up to his feet. Pryce shushed him, gesturing him over to join him by the little fire. Relaxing after seeing Sean snuggled up with Nate and Raichu, Mark stiffly joined him.
Pryce filled him in on what happened over a small cup of hot green tea, then let him ask bluntly. "The prisoner? Where is he?" Pryce gestured off in a tunnel, answering softly. "They took him with them." Pryce then leaned closer to him, asking with a deep curiosity. "Mark. What did you see?" Mark licked his dry lips, honestly telling him. "It's hard to say. Everything was rushing by so fast... I mostly just felt... pain. It was like nothing I've ever felt. It was cold and then... like I was being clawed up from the inside." Mark touched a hand to his chest, subconsciously rubbing where the majority of the pain stemmed from. He tried to recall the images he saw but it was harder to remember. It just all seemed like a bad dream that was fading from his mind now. Bringing himself back to the present with a deep inhale, he asked Pryce more seriously. "I know Lewis... He's a good guy. If Valor has him, we should try to get him out of there." Pryce snorted a bit sarcastically, asking him rather doubtfully. "And how do you plan to do that? Between the storm and Valor seizing control over Shamouti. I just don't see us making much progress."
Mark glanced at Sean and Nate, trying to think things over. He was just about to suggest something, when Pryce cut in curiously. "Why didn't you tell us that you were a Ranger?" Mark shifted uncomfortably on his seat, locking eyes with Pryce now as he said in an undertone. "What makes you say that?" Pryce pointed to Zoey at the entrance of the cave, before stating out in a firm voice. "I put it together during our little argument. It's funny... I didn't see it until she pointed it out." Mark bowed his head, mumbling out. "Do the others know?" Pryce shrugged, honestly blurting out. "Probably. What does it matter?" Mark's eyes rose to meet his again, but this time they were more defensive. His voice was even a bit darker when he replied shortly. "It matters to me." Pryce narrowed his eyes on him, saying lightly. "A Ranger turned Trainer? Must have been something big. You almost got Sean and Nate killed with that little getaway plan..." Mark curled his fingers into fists but stated calmly. "If there had been another way out, I would have taken it."
Pryce tilted his head a little, whispering out more discreetly. "No one gives up being a Ranger. What did you do?" Rising to his feet, Mark avoided the question by diverting in a dark tone. "I need time to think to plan out our next move." Mark started to follow the stream down to the other end of the cave and far from Pryce, until he stopped him by stating aloud. "I'm curious. Your stalker... Is he still alive?" Mark turned lifeless eyes on Pryce in warning but refused to answer. Turning away, Mark went to sit by a cluster of crystals in the hopes that they'd help him think. To Be Continued...
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