Chapter Six: "Love & Sacrifice"
Nate kept himself very still on the back of Dash. He had been listening for a little bit now. He found that sometimes pretending to be asleep revealed a lot about people. He wasn't sure what to make of this Pryce guy... but he had a device that knew Pokemon? If he wanted to impress Giovanni and knock Ariana's smug ass down, he'd have to bring back some impressive stuff. For now, he kept pretending to be asleep, listening to Sean ask Pryce curiously. "Let's say that I believe all this. How have you been traveling through this Time Vortex to begin with? Why would Necrozma chase you through the timelines? Was it chasing you for the ring like it chased Mark and I for the Prism Scale?" Nate discreetly peeked to see Pryce stand back up. Stashing his Pokedex in the robe of his pocket, Pryce dusted himself as he told them. "I'm sure that might have been a contributing factor... but he wasn't technically after me. He was after my Pokemon. The powerful energy and light she emits attracted him from wherever he had been previously." Mark shrugged, curiously asking him. "She? What kind of Pokemon can travel through time like that?" Pryce shuffled his feet, mumbling out. "A rare one." Pryce removed his Pokedex again to flip it open as he said. "Here. I'll just show you. Dexter, tell me about Celebi."
Nate couldn't see the image that came up on the Pokedex, but he listened closely to the information it regaled to them. "Celebi, the Time Travel Pokemon. Also known as the 'Voice of The Forest.' Celebi is the Guardian Deity of beautiful forest areas. Plant life flourishes whenever this Pokemon is around since it has the power to purify flaws in organic life. It is impossible to tell Celebi's age, or how many there truly are because they can revive their own dead and are rarely seen. This is due to Celebi only showing itself during times of peace. It is believed that as long as Celebi remains in the world that it is an omen of a prosperous and bright future to come. It can sense when a temporal anomaly is in their current timeline and works to fix it. However, because of its peaceful nature, Celebi runs from all confrontation. Fleeing through time to find a more peaceful one. Making this pokemon impossible to catch since it simply time travels out of Pokeballs." Pryce flipped the Pokedex closed, telling them coolly. "I am the first person to capture one... and if Celebi falls into the wrong hands... We will be in far more trouble than you can imagine."
Mark scoffed bitterly, snapping out with disgust. "How could you do that?! To capture such a peaceful Pokemon that wishes no harm on others... What were you going to do with it after your little time travel adventure! Force it to battle!" Pryce pointed a stern finger at Mark, growling out. "HEY! I didn't capture her for myself! I was putting the needs of my baby Pokemon first! I had every intention on letting Celebi go after! And now... all this shit happened..." Sean crossed his arms, giving Pryce a doubtful look as he said softly. "It said Celebi is impossible to catch... How did you manage it?" Pryce turned guarded eyes on Sean, firmly stating. "I'll take that secret to my grave. I've already done enough damage with one. I'm not going to tell you how to capture more of them." Sean shrugged carelessly, mumbling out under his breath. "Fair enough." Mark removed his hat to brush his long bangs back, before anxiously saying with worry. "This is bad... We have to get out of here and find her before someone else does. Maybe if we release her, she can fix all this."
Pryce nodded, then interjected seriously. "I agree that we need to find her, but we can't release her. I still need her." Mark released the reins of Rapidash to instead grab the front of Pryce's blue robes. Shoving Pryce back against the wall, Mark growled out bitterly. "Look, Asshole! You've probably already traumatized her! You forced her to create an anomaly in more timelines than just her own! The poor thing is probably scared to death and you can only think about yourself!" Pryce showed no fear as he glared back into Mark's eyes and growled out. "Tell that to my baby La Glace who had the misfortune of watching his parents die in an avalanche! Whatever I'm putting Celebi through is NOTHING compared to the loneliness and heartbreak my Pokemon is suffering from. As an Instinct member, I'd think you'd understand more than anyone. Pokemon come first. And I'll do anything for mine. Wouldn't you?"
Mark released Pryce, taking a slow step back as he said defensively in a torn tone. "Do not compare me to yourself. What happened was tragic... but you are selfishly forcing another Pokemon to suffer for your own desire. Whether or not your intentions are good... you don't realize what you've done to Celebi. You've put her whole kind at risk by discovering a way to capture her... You can't keep that a secret. Someone will find out... and her peaceful kind will be at OUR mercy. Just you being here proves what her kind will be used for... but hey... she's not suffering as much as YOUR Pokemon, right?" Mark stormed away from Pryce, taking the reins of Dash and starting to walk down the tunnel. Over his shoulder though, Mark bitterly spouted back at Pryce. "You know, I wonder how Azoth felt after taking the lives of other Pokemon to revive his own? I'd assume he felt the same way YOU do! How about you ask your Pokemon how they feel about you destroying the lives of the Celebi?! Or are you afraid they'll walk out on you too! Some future we have now... Asshole!"
Mark led Dash down the tunnel a bit, then stopped to curse loudly. Nate snuck a glance, noticing the two dark tunnels ahead. Sean walked up casually to stand closer to Mark with his arms crossed loosely over his chest. Getting within close enough range to Mark, Sean coolly asked him. "Was all that really necessary?" Mark looked at Sean with a dark look, retorting bluntly. "Someone had to say it. Now let's focus on getting out of here. You know these caves. Where do we go?" Sean huffed sarcastically, curtly replying. "I don't know these caves. I barely even go in them. I'm uncomfortable in narrow spaces." Mark gestured to the two tunnels, bluntly stating out a bit demandingly. "Well, use your head and make an educated guess." Sean shifted his weight to one leg, pouting as he bitched out stubbornly. "Why? So, you can blame me when we get lost? Fuck you! You pick. Use your... Instinct. HA!" Mark stepped up in front of Sean, growling out. "Go ahead. Laugh it up, Mystic. Last time I checked, you were stuck in this cave too... and with injured Pokemon. Not very smart on your part." Sean shoved Mark back, snapping out sternly. "Ya? And who is at fault for that?! Oh, ya... YOU!" Mark cracked his knuckles, yelling out sternly. "You'd be dead if it wasn't for ME!"
Sean moved closer to Mark, growling out through his teeth. "I wouldn't be in this fucking cave if it wasn't for YOU! I didn't need your help! You and your Team just get in the way!" Mark shoved Sean back and Sean ran back at Mark. Pryce rushed in to stop Sean from slamming into Mark, snapping back at both of them like a stern parent. "STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!" Pushing them at arm's length apart, Pryce told them seriously. "How is beating each other up going to help us get out of here?! Save your energy!" Sean pointed at Mark, yelling out heatedly. "I'm not working with that useless, Mother fucker! I'd rather kiss the ass of a Slowpoke! It would be more effective!" Mark huffed loudly, but Pryce quickly rushed out. "Well, tough shit! We either work together or we'll die in here! And I for one, AM NOT DYING HERE! So, get your shit together! NOW!" Taking a deep breath, Pryce exhaled loudly before adding more rationally. "Your fighting is pointless. Your Teams don't even exist in the fucking future. Wanna know why? Because you kill each other! And for what? NOTHING! I don't care what either of you are trying to prove. Right now, it is live or die. Now do you wanna live? Or do you wanna beat the shit out of each other until you die!"
Neither Mark nor Sean answered. They just looked away from each other with scowls. Pryce lowered his hands, telling them much calmer now. "You need to stop punishing each other for being so different. It's our differences that bring us together. If you're always at each other's throats... What are you accomplishing? One snowflake can't cover the earth in snow... but its enough to bring down a storm... Whether that storm is beautiful or frightening to behold is up to you. But only one will inspire others to be better version of themselves. While the other will only spread bitterness and fear." Pryce tapped Sean's arm lightly, pointing to the tunnels ahead as he said gently. "You're a scientist. You study things. You have more experience with excavating these caves than we do. So, just give it your best knowledgeable guess. We have to try something. Time is not on our side, right now." Mark removed his phone from his pocket, flipping it open and grumbling out under his breath dryly. "No signal."
Sean rolled his eyes, walking casually over to the closest tunnel as he informed him lightly. "Of course not. These mountains are thick rock. This one was clearly dug into for its iron ore." Mark put his phone away, asking reluctantly curiously. "How can you tell? It all looks like rock to me." Sean touched the jagged rocks on the wall between the two tunnels, answering coolly. "This. See these silver-grey rocks? That's Hematite. Which means... There is Fresh water or Marine water somewhere in here." Sean kneeled down to scoop up some dirt from the entrance of one tunnel and then moved to the other to do the same thing. Mark shrugged to Pryce but said nothing. Sean suddenly stood up, wiping off his hand on his pants as he said confidently. "This way." Pryce took the reins of the Dragonites, asking Sean as he winked to Mark. "How did you come up with that decision?" Sean walked back to them to stand closer to the light as he replied openly. "The earth on that side is cold and damp. That means water. Where there is water, there has to be a way out." Mark pulled Dash along to walk down the tunnel slowly. The others followed close, when Pryce uneasily said aloud. "You know... Where there is water... there are bound to be Pokemon."
Nate saw Sean nodded, casually telling them honestly. "Yep. We'll need to be careful. I'm guessing Rock and Metal type Pokemon will be in here. Maybe a few Water types depending on the amount of water we find." Mark inhaled deeply, before reluctantly uttering out. "Possible threats besides the Zubats?" Sean swallowed, looking uneasy as he truthfully admitted. "Would this be a good time to tell you that these tunnels are not manmade?" Nate internally felt a weight crush him. That was not what he wanted to hear at all. Mark stopped Dash to turn around and face Sean with a worried look. Sean pointed to the walls of the tunnel where a strange spiral was perfectly formed straight down into the depths of the darkness. As the others took it in, Sean told them curtly. "Only one pokemon I know of digs like that and eats iron ore." Sean didn't need to say it because Mark breathlessly exhaled out. "Steelix... Fuck me..." Sean chuckled softly, telling them all bluntly. "Ya. So, I suggest we tread lightly." Pryce huffed, dryly stating out. "If he heard you two yelling... Then it is already too late for that."
Mark continued to guide Dash into the depths of the tunnel, setting a slow and quiet pace. It felt like they were going down an incline. Which caused Nate to hold onto Dash's shoulders to keep from sliding too far forward across his warm firey neck. That's when he felt something touch him from behind. It felt like a hand creeping up his spine. Lifting his head slowly, he peeked over his shoulder to get a look at it. Behind him a creepy creature that resembled a hollowed-out Pikachu was staring at him with dark shadowy lifeless eyes. The creatures ghostly long hand had come from under the disguise and was stroking him as the head slowly tilted awkwardly to the side like the Pikachu had a broken neck. Nate had never seen a more terrifying looking Pokemon in his life... and he had seen plenty of Ghost types. Unable to contain himself, he belted out a horrified scream. Dash hadn't expected the sudden noise in the silence and reared with a spooked whiny. Thrashing his front hooves wildly, Dash tried to clear a path in front of himself to bolt.
Mark yanked Dash down by his reins, wrapping his arms around Dash's nose to shush him in a panic. The Dragonites tugged against Pryce's hold on them as they shuffled around for the cause of the scream. Sean went straight to Nate, covering his mouth quickly to shut him up too. Nate couldn't look away from the creature that was still sitting so still behind him. Despite Dash rearing, the creature had managed to stay on without issue. They all fell silent, listening to Nate's high-pitched scream echo down the narrow tunnel and clear into the pit of darkness ahead of them. The scream faded out and Nate shut his eyes tightly. He couldn't believe he had just done that after hearing what was possibly in here. Sean didn't remove his hand from his mouth. All of them breathing very little as they listened to any little sound ahead of them. After a minute of utter silence, Sean finally removed his hand from Nate's mouth. They all began to relax and breathe. Mark loosened his grip on Dash, asking them in a worried whisper. "What the hell happened?" Nate sat up slowly to answer, then froze.
His eyes widening in shock at the sight of two eyes opening to reflect the light from Dash's firey hair in the darkness ahead. The Pokemon was not too far away from Mark's back. As Pryce and Sean saw it, they nervously lifted shaking hands to point. Mark blinked, a little confused for only a few seconds. Then closing his eyes, Mark asked them all in a shaky voice. "It's behind me, isn't it...? Son of bitch..." There was a soft clicking of rocks tapping each other as something moved in the darkness and everyone took a deep breath. Mark very cautiously turned around, removing his phone discreetly. Flicking the phone open, the screen lit up and shined a dim beam of light into the darkness just ahead. The light was just enough to make the body of the large Pokemon ahead of them sparkle as it flinched from the sudden bright light Mark had shined on it. Everyone stood in complete awe of it. Clearly none of them had seen its like before and it was simply a wonder to look upon. Laying before them in the tunnel was a sparkling Crystal Onix. To Be Continued...
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