Chapter Forty-Four: "Water Ride from Hell"
Mark kept the gun on the Valor man, but quickly tried to plug the CB back in. The Valor man tensed at the wheel like he might try something, causing Nate to snap out. "Don't you even think about it!" Mark plugged in the CB, going for the receiver, when the Valor man made his move. Grabbing Mark's wrist with the gun, the Valor man turned to flip Mark over himself. Yelping Mark gripped the gun tighter, until the Valor man twisted it from his grip and pointed it at Sean. Sean fell back against the door in fear, looking to Nate who froze half-way to the man. The Valor man, set his finger on the trigger, telling them all coldly. "Anyone moves! And I kill him! I don't know what you boys want, but it ends here!" Mark was going to yank his wrist down but feared that Nate might get shot if he did pull him in a new direction. He thought about trying to get Nathan's attention, until he saw Chad creeping silently across the dash. Smirking, Mark told the Valor man. "Put that gun down and you would get hurt."
The Valor man looked down at Mark, snapping back angrily. "Shut it! You are going to tie these two up. NOW! Or I'll just shoot them." Mark let his eyes move to the dash while the Valor man was looking at him. The Valor man tensed, jerking his head toward Chad who punched him with a strong ghostly fist. Chad's other ghostly hand stretched out to snatch the gun, turning the barrel up as it went off. Yanking the gun from the Valor man, the man fell unconscious across the floor beside Mark. Mark swatted the man in the gut, snapping out to him. "Did you miss the part where ghosts don't listen to their trainers? Dumbass." Nate moved to Sean, putting a hand on his chest as he asked him with concern. "You ok?" Sean nodded, but he looked spooked. Nate pulled Sean against him, telling Mark seriously. "Mark, the Harbor Master?" Groaning Mark got to his feet, saying gruffly. "Ya, I got it. Just toss this fucker overboard." Nate rolled his eyes, relaying to Sean. "Come on. Let's tie him up."
Getting to his feet, Mark grabbed the wheel to the boat and looked out at the raging waves that were starting to toss the boat around. Pulling the receiver down, Mark handed it to Chad and told him seriously. "Tell the Harbor Master that this is Harbor Hauler." Chad set the gun down, cradling the round plastic receiver in his hands with wide eyes. Chad started to talk, causing Mark to snort and reach out to press the button for him. Chad leaned close to the receiver, responding in the Valor man's voice. "This is Harbor Hauler on approach Harbor Master, come back?" Mark blinked at Chad, who just tilted his head happily. Had he screwed around on the docks of Alola before this? Over the speaker, the Harbor Master replied. "Harbor Hauler, why are you crossing? All ships are supposed to be docked until the storm calms." Mark tried to think of something to say, when Chad pressed the button and began to answer. "Harbor Master, we were ordered to return the ship to Fire Island. Giovanni's orders."
Mark's jaw dropped, while Chad's ghostly finger removed a sticky note from the dash. Snatching the sticky note, Mark read it over to himself. The order was from Giovanni requesting that the docks be closed, and all ships returned to Fire Island until a culprit was found. Setting the sticky note back, Mark heard the Harbor Master rush out. "Harbor Hauler, the waves are getting too bad! You might not make it! I don't care what Giovanni ordered. Return to Fire Town Port!" Chad spun around to face the window, replying with a sudden confident flare to his voice. "That's a negative, Harbor Master. We have reached the open sea! In trouble we be!" Mark yanked the receiver from Chad, sternly whispering back as he realized what Chad was quoting. "Alright, that's it. No more pirate movies for you!" Chad pouted, crossing his ghostly arms over his canvas chest. Over the speaker, the Harbor Master chuckled and told them. "Really, Phil? The pirate hunt for the white Wailord? I thought you hated pirate movies." Mark narrowed his eyes on Chad, who shrugged.
The Harbor Master added over the speaker though. "Fine. Look for the red lights. Hopefully you'll be able to see the lights of the reef... there is a fog rolling in." Mark reluctantly handed the receiver back to Chad. Chad snatched it happily, pressing the button to proudly state out. "Copy that, Harbor Master! Leave the lights on! We'll be coming in with the lightning at our backs." The Harbor Master could be heard laughing over the speaker with a few other men. Mark shook his head, spinning the wheel to keep the waves from knocking them completely off course. One of the waves tossed them so hard that Mark staggered into the dash. Behind him, Nathan lost his footing and stumbled to the floor in the cabin. Sitting up, Nate informed Mark coolly. "We tied up the men and for good measure... I put them in an empty crate. So, how have you been?" Mark scoffed, fighting the wheel of the ship as he said a bit distracted. "Trying to look for lights. Where is Sean?!" Nate turned to gesture behind him, then went wide eyed when no one was behind him. Gasping, he yelled out. "SEAN?!" From outside, Sean moved around a bunch of tied down crates, asking a bit salty. "WHAT?!" A rogue wave splashed over Sean, coating him in seaweed that made Sean scream, but he was under the impression that it was something else.
Nate chuckled in relief, telling Mark calmly. "There he is." Mark could barely risk looking but told Nate seriously. "Get him in here before he gets knocked overboard!" Nate tried to get up, but the deck was so wet that as he stood, the ship's front rose and sent him sliding out the door. Grabbing the doorframe, Nate yelped out to Sean. "Hang on!" Sean clung to the crate strap he was holding, yelling out sarcastically. "No! I wanna fall into the sea!" Mark leaned over the wheel, watching the ship level back out. Behind him, Nate groaned out. "Hey, Mark... Bad question. But can you sail?" Mark glanced over his shoulder, stating out emotionlessly. "You're asking me this NOW? NO! I HATE THE OCEAN!" Nate gawked at him, saying completely stunned. "But you grew up on an Island?!" Glancing back, Mark snapped out. "An island surrounded by Sharpedos and Dhelmise!" Nate cleared his throat, scrambling up to the wheel as he asked him. "How fast are we going?" Mark stared at Nate blankly, asking perplexed. "This thing has speeds?"
Nate's face paled as he said under his breath. "I really wish you hadn't asked me that. Move! Off the wheel, you lunatic!" Mark shoved Nate off, snapping out. "No! I can steer just fine! It's not rocket science!" From the doorway, Sean slipped into the cabin, flicking seaweed off himself as he shouted out. "I'm fine, thanks!" Nate gestured to Mark, asking Sean horrified. "Did you know that he can't sail?!" Sean slammed the cabin door to keep the heavy rain out, yelling back in frustration. "YES!" Nate tossed his hands up, snapping out. "Well, no one told me! How are we going to sail a ship that none of us can drive?!" Sean and Mark both turned their heads to Nate, asking in unison. "You can't drive?!" Nate looked between them, stating out in shook. "Oh boy... We're going to die..." The ship tossed hard and unexpectedly on the waves like it had grazed something, causing Mark and Nate to fall away from the wheel and back into Sean. Outside the ship, a loud deep groan came from beneath the waves but all of them ignored the sound as Sean asked Nate heatedly. "You stole a ship not knowing how to sail it!"
Nate pushed himself up off the wet floor, informing them both sternly. "HEY! I didn't knock out the driver! Last time I snuck on! I didn't just hijack a whole ship! Are you insane!" Sean was about to say something, when Mark untangled himself from them and blurted out. "GUYS?! Who's driving?!" All three of them fell silent to look at the free spinning wheel. Beside the wheel, Chad stared at them with a tilted head of curiosity. Mark pointed to the wheel, yelling out in a panic. "CHAD! STOP THE WHEEL!" The ship lurched hard to the right, causing them to slide to the right to slam into the wall. Nate yelped as both Mark and Sean squished him into the wall. Outside the window lightning struck, highlighting the rising serpent like head from the water beside the ship that rose with a deep angry groan. Trying to untangle himself without hurting the others, Mark asked perplexed by the sound. "What was that? Thunder?" Nate groaned, straining out. "From under the ship...? Not a chance... That was too close... That sounded like a-" Sean pointed toward the window, screaming out. "GYARADOS!"
Mark looked at the window, swallowing hard as the large blue scales shimmered outside the window. Looking to Chad, Mark's heart sank a little. Chad had hopped up on the wheel and was charting his own course in his childlike excitement. Chad spun the wheel, his eyes completely focused out the front window. Whether he even noticed the Gyarados was uncertain. Chad grabbed a leveler, pushing it completely forward as Nate yelled out. "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" It was too late. The ship surged forward, shoving them back against the closed door with pained yelps. Chad hopped excitedly on the wheel, glancing out the side window with wild sounds of excitement. Mark saw the Gyarados turn in the water to chase them, which prompted Mark to scolded out to Chad. "What are you doing?! Don't race him! CHAD!" Between them, Sean whined out. "This is not how I pictured my death..." Mark crawled across the floor toward the wheel, straining out. "We're not dying! Stay positive!" Nate sat up against the wall, chuckling out. "I'm positive we're going to die quickly!"
Mark reached the dash, reaching up to grab the lever and yanked it down to a stop. Chad let out a disappointed sound and Mark pointed at him like a stern father, starting to say. "Listen here, young man! You are in deep-!" Before Mark could finish, something big hit the side of the ship. The ship jerked to the side, causing Mark to hit his back against the cabinets below the dash. Holding the lever tighter, Mark saw the Gyarados start to circle the ship, causing the ship to spin in a whirlpool that it was creating. Chad smacked Mark's hand off the lever and Mark smacked Chad's canvas covered head, snapping out. "NO! You'll break the engine!" Sean rolled across the floor as the ship tilted, whining out. "He's using Whirlpool! We have to do something! He'll destroy the ship!" Nate grabbed the door handle to keep from rolling with Sean, reaching for something on his belt as he said aloud. "I got this!" Expanding his pokeball, Nate threw his ball into the window, causing it to shatter. The sound of thunder and rain rushed into the room, but outside the ball opened and with a louder roar another Gyarados appeared. Its red scales reflecting the lightning light.
The Blue Gyarados stopped circling the ship, rising from the water to face off with the red one. The two roared at each other, then as the Blue one lunged to bite the red one, it missed. Which allowed the red one to bite into the neck of the blue one. The two splashed as they thrashed around in the water. The ship rose and fell wildly over the waves they produced in their fighting. Chad waited until Mark slipped from the dash, then grabbed the lever to start driving the ship again. Over the speakers, they could barely hear the Harbor Master's voice say over the stormy weather. "Harbor Hauler?! Are you alright?!" Mark rolled into the wall with Sean, groaning out. "I'm developing a fear of boats!" Sean chuckled, looking just as unsettled. Chad snatched the receiver, yelling excitedly over the storm. "I'VE NEVER FELT MORE ALIVE!" Nate tried to brace his feet on things to keep himself still as he held onto the door handle, mumbling out. "Easy for you to say, Chad. You're already dead!" Chad looked back at them, telling them excitedly. "I see the lights! Hang on! I'm going in!" Mark's face paled now as he stammered out. "Chad?! What lights are you heading for?!"
Chad pointed, answering proudly. "The white lights!" Mark grabbed the dash behind him, screaming out. "RED LIGHTS, CHAD! WHITE IS THE REEF!" Chad lowered his hand, uttering out. "Oh... Oops. Too late we missed it." Sean covered his face, whining out. "Oh shite... If I live, I'll never swim again!" Mark grabbed onto the poles supporting the dash, leaning over Sean a bit as he called out. "I second that!" Nate's eyes widened as he looked out the front window, screaming out in a broken voice. "REEF!" Chad straightened up on the wheel, raising his hands into the air as he called out. "Brace yourself, lads! It be a good day to die!" Mark dropped over Sean to protect him and yell out. "I'm going to kill him!" The ship slammed into something so hard that the windows shattered, and the lights flickered before going off. The ships front rose up high, followed by the screeching of metal on rock. The ship shuddered violently, making it hard to hold onto anything. Mark closed his eyes, hugging Sean tightly to his chest as they all screamed.
Even when the ship stopped moving and seemed to settle, Mark couldn't bring himself to move. He had an iron grip on the pole and Sean. His body was shaking more than the ship was now from both fear and utter shock at still being alive. Unable to see anything though, Mark asked shakily. "Everyone alright? Sound off?" Beneath him, Sean whined out. "I think I pissed myself... but I can't tell... because I'm soaked." From across the way, Nate groaned out. "Still alive... But I think my soul left the ship... cause I'm afraid to move. Is the ship still moving?" From the front, Chad spoke in the fading voice of the Valor man. "That was so much fun! Let's get a bigger ship and do it again!" In perfect unison all three belted out. "NO!" Mark could tell that Chad's ability to mimic the voice was ending and he was slightly thankful for the silence again. Rising slowly to his knees, Mark asked no one in particular. "How close are we to the island?" Mark felt something tug on his shirt, helping him to his feet to look out the shattered front. The sight made him exhale with worry.
They had smashed clear through the reef and where shipwrecked on the side of Fire Island. The scariest part was that all of Fire Island was covered in black rock of pahoehoe lava. Through thin lines along the black rock, a blazing red light could be seen. Swallowing, Mark leaned on the dash a bit to see that the front of the ship had broken the crust of the black rock to the lava within... that was starting to melt the front of the ship! To Be Continued...
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